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Subject: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
Since I know that Race and I share the same birthday, I hope that he had a good birthday too!!
Happy Birthday Race!!!! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
I didn't know that, Goldie! But Happy Birthday, Race!
And here's your cake!
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
Happy Birthday, Race! 8)
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
Ah yes, much birthday fun to be had 8)
Have a fun one!
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
Happy Birthday Mr Bannon! ;D :D ;) :)
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
Race Race bo bace
Bannana nanna fo face
Me my mo mace..........
Happy B-Day my man!!
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
I hope your birthday was really happy! And may all your birthday wishes come true! :D
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
Happy Birthday Race!!!!
:D :D :D :D
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
Well, gee...had I known I would have said this yesterday.
Happy birthday, Race! :D
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
Happy Birthday, Race, even if it is a day late!
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
Happy Birthday Race!!!!
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
Happy (belated) Birthday, Race! ;D
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
You Bannons were in our thoughts during Renegade Retro. We missed ya'!
We also assumed Race was birthday-partying at the moment. ;D
I Hope You Had A Nice Birthday, Race! :D http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Delta/7560/holiday/party/pty-catncake.gif
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
I do am a day late but Happy Birthday. ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
Happy birthday, Race!
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
Hope you both had a wonderful birthday!!! :)
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
merry belated birthday, race!
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
Happy Birthday Mr. Buttdancing Nipples!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
A pisces, huh? That explains a lot ;D
Happy B-day, Race!
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
Hey Race ! Happy Birthday ! ;)
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
I always seem to be late with birthday wishes, but they are still just as sincere.
Happy Birthday, Race!!!
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
Thank you all for the great b-day wishes and greetings. :D The Mrs. and I were busy last Saturday night for the retro time with a party going on at the house. We had a good time, Mrs. Race cooked up some great fajitas with homemade tortillas and beer and alcohol were flowing. I've also had a touch of a flu bug and have been away from the board a few days, lots of catching up to do. You folks are wonderful and I thank you again for thinking of me.
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
... but... to-day is a my birthday too ;)
Et tu, Race? Okay, now I have to dust off the old Tarot cards and books on astrology and numerology 8)
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
Thank you all for the great b-day wishes and greetings. :D The Mrs. and I were busy last Saturday night for the retro time with a party going on at the house. We had a good time, Mrs. Race cooked up some great fajitas with homemade tortillas and beer and alcohol were flowing. I've also had a touch of a flu bug and have been away from the board a few days, lots of catching up to do. You folks are wonderful and I thank you again for thinking of me.
End Quote
Aaaaagggghhhhhh! I missed this thread! How did I miss it? I am sooo sorry! 50 lashes with a wet noodle for me! I just want to wish you a late Happy Birthday Race! I am glad you had a nice one! :D
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
Happy Birthday matey! I missed it!! I do hope your party was a little more civilized than your Christmas party antics!! ahem. You know.... with the xylophone and fluffy ducks etc. I hope it was a blast all the same. ;D
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
Well it's nice to see I'm not the only late entry though it seems I'm the last.............
I'm glad you had a great time Race.
Subject: Re: Happy Birthday Race!!!!
Happy Birthday Race. :D