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Subject: Where does your taste in art lay?
Art in vomit or piss are not well recieved with board members (and lurkers) What are your tastes in visual arts? This can include artists you admire and what you may have on your walls or shelves. And for fun, lets list what we can't stand as well.
I'll post mine later when I get home from work.
Subject: Re: Where does your tasted in art lay?
As for artists I admire & like enough to put on my walls, Picasso, Dali, Haring, Escher, John Lennon. (i can't think of the others)
As for artists I don't like there are not very many cause I am not very art educated by I know I don't like anything that is of a religious nature. (NOT cutting on Christians or anyone else - please no hate mail) :-/
Subject: Re: Where does your tasted in art lay?
I prefer realism. If something looks like what it is supposed to be, than I usually like it. But, I also like a bit of abstract, too. Shapes and colors can be really interesting. I remember my sister had this poster of...well, it is hard to describe. It had swirls and different colors in it. It was basically one of those posters that was made for a black light. I remember just staring at that poster and it appeared to be moving. It really was a pretty cool opitcal illusion.
Subject: Re: Where does your tasted in art lay?
??? These are artists I know I like:
Ansel Adams
Ty Wilson
Andy Warhol
Keith Haring
Subject: Re: Where does your tasted in art lay?
I like Parrish a lot, but my true favorite is Michael Parkes. Here's a link to my favorite painting by him: http://www.theworldofmichaelparkes.com/Pages/Posters/Gargoyles.html
Subject: Re: Where does your tasted in art lay?
My girlfriend and I don't have any paintings but we do have a lot of French vintage posters for things like cigarettes, travel, liquor.
I guess I don't have any opinion on what is good art because I don't really know much about it. But I find it weird that you can have an ape sling poop onto a wall, and people will call it art.
Subject: Re: Where does your tasted in art lay?
Pretty much anything that has to do with Italian Futurism (maybe some of the Russian too); be it music, writing, photography, sculpting, architecture, and painting.
Bauhaus architecture and Art Deco. A little of Gothic.
Some Cubism and Abstract like Picasso, Kandisky, and Duchamp.
Surrealism (Viva Magritte!).
I don't think I ever pass up the chance to praise French Impressionism and German Expressionism (wood etchings are the best!).
Graffitti writing.
What can I say? I'm a bona-fide dilettante who mainly sticks with late-19th and 20th century stuff.
I do dislike the Fauves and the "New York School" of Jackson Pollock. Those two are simply revolting to me.
Subject: Re: Where does your tasted in art lay?
I am really impressed with the French Impressionists, especially Monet and Manet. I got to visit Paris last year and had a fabulous time walking around The Louvre and seeing these artist's actual paintings. I am also quite fond of Rembrandt's work. :)
Subject: Re: Where does your tasted in art lay?
As for artists I don't like there are not very many cause I am not very art educated by I know I don't like anything that is of a religious nature. End Quote
My problem with vomit and piss art is that it's all concept. The product isn't all that spectacular.
PoP... some religious art is quite beautiful, and it's fun to take a topic and google it and check out the images. For instance, try "adoration magi art" and then check the images. What's fun about it is that artists have been tackling some of these subjects for a millenium, and you get an idea of how art has changed by seeing how different generations have worked it.
Subject: Re: Where does your tasted in art lay?
I have a poster of The Mona Lisa in my room. :)
Subject: Re: Where does your tasted in art lay?
I go with CeramicsFanatics tastes French Impressionists like Monet and Manet, I have a couple of Monet prints hanging.
After I got out of the beer and bikini posters stage for my walls I went with a fished themed motif. I've been working in the commercial fish industry since I was 19 and I really love salmon, crab, halibut and other sea creatures. I started looking around and there is some beautiful works. I'm not talking stuff in the sport fishing vane like Grandpa hangs in his "shop" but from some serious artists that take it more from the "romantic" notions of fishing. I also have a couple of works using an asian stye where a fish has been applied paint and pressed on to a paper, giving a print and texture. I have some old canned salmon lables (from turn of century through 50's) too that have a very retro appeal. Piss and vomit pretty keeps to the bathroom unless Vedder (the endearing lab-mix) or one of the cats has an accident. ;D
Subject: Re: Where does your taste in art lay?
What I have on my walls:
Van Gogh Night Stars
Van Gogh Sunflowers
Renoir The Swing
Degas Dancers
Van Gogh Le Jardin De La Maison De Sainte
Bouguereau- Le Livre De Contes
Monet-Sainte Lezare Railway Station
Norman Rockwell (many prints)
What I would love to have for my walls
Chagall (The Blue Period)
More Renoir
More Monet
Grant Wood
Edward Hopper (especially Nighthawks)
Waterhouse (especially Ophelia By the Pond & The Lady of Chalotte)
Robert Hughes, see Midsummer Eve
I am not formally educated in art, I just know what I like. ;D :D
Subject: Re: Where does your taste in art lay?
Interesting to note, but weren't French Impressionists criticized harshly at the Salon back in the day? Even the word "impression," if I recall correctly, came from a critic who hated the works and wrote in an art journal describing what he saw as mere impressions of still life (and not good ones at that). Manet, especially, was lambasted for "Olympia" and "Luncheon On The Grass." Or do I have my history wrong?
Subject: Re: Where does your taste in art lay?
Hmmm,I just like what I like if you know what I mean! I see a picture and if it moves me etc.I'm not really into modern art and I truely don't see the point in half a cow floating in a tank or an unmade bed or a pile of bricks. Having studied art at college I know for a fact that some of these 'concepts' come mearly from not having done anything else in time so grab the nearest thing and bullshit !
I have quirky posters and original watercolours(mine and other peoples) Movie posters and movie stills on my walls.
Subject: Re: Where does your taste in art lay?
.... Having studied art at college I know for a fact that some of these 'concepts' come mearly from not having done anything else in time so grab the nearest thing and bullshit ! End Quote
A case of art imitating life? ;)
Subject: Re: Where does your taste in art lay?
I do not like the so-called concept art or performance arts. Most (if not all) of it is designed to shock the general public, instead of reflecting a true artisic vision. And if you have an actual artistic vision couldn't you express is just as easily with some material far less disgusting than bodily fluids? :-X :-X
That being said, I know nothing about art itself. I wouldn't know French Impressionism from Silly-Putty Impressionism. :-
Subject: Re: Where does your taste in art lay?
I can't really say what I like. A little bit of everything. I have Ansel Adams in my study/office, an architectural drawing in my spare bedroom, a seascape in my living room (moving to the bathroom if hubby ever gets around to it), a print of Boulevard of Broken Dreams print in my kitchen, and a black & white outline of 2 people dancing in my bathroom. I can't think of anything I don't like. Hubby is into more modern art so I don't picture any Manet's or Monet's anywhere in my house. ::) I would love one, but don't see it happening.