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Subject: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
Thursday last week our internet access went down at work for a day,it was hysterical.I think the whole building went cold turkey ! People were running round asking if anyone else was having a problem and emailing the Systems department in a frantic state.It was kind of weird wondering what to do instead,surely not actual work??People were aimlessly wandering the corridors.
It made me realise just how used I am to having the internet there at any time I feel like having a browse etc.
Subject: Re: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
I know. Whenever our Internet is down, I get so bored. But then I remember that there are more fun things to do out there than staring at a screen all day. So in a way, I think it's good for you.
I understand how businesses and companies rely on the Internet for their everyday work though.
Subject: Re: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
I know what you mean. My CD-rom died and I have to take it in to get a new one...I have been putting it of because I won't know what to do with my free time. :-/
Subject: Re: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
i am here to tell you than internet addictions are NOT FUN AT ALL. i was addicted to the internet during seventh grade and would actually suffer from withdrawl when i hadn't been on the computer for a few hours.
i'm not addicted to it anymore, when necissary (that's spelled wrong, i know it is), i can go a few days without going online. but i still do spend huge amounts of time online. (i've been known to go online for about ten hours a day...on a dial up connection, no less!)
Subject: Re: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
Addicted to the internet in 7th Grade? I remember in college taking a COBOL programming class when the professor said that he could foresee the day when we would all have personal computers in our homes! We laughed hysterically at him. That was about 1981......... :D
This past Friday, the entire building at my work lost power altogether. It was frantic to run and evacuate the building. But yes, one of our scientists was uploading a grant proposal to the feds in the middle of the power outage, it was awful, he's lost the opportunity to funding, now due to no power, no internet. How sad...... :(
Subject: Re: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
And I remember six or seven years back when I was a fourth grade student, wondering what this Internet thing was... now I'm wondering what life was like before it... I struggle to remember sometimes
Subject: Re: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
i am here to tell you than internet addictions are NOT FUN AT ALL. i was addicted to the internet during seventh grade and would actually suffer from withdrawl when i hadn't been on the computer for a few hours.
End Quote
I am not addicted...I can go a couple of days without it. I just like that it is available to me.
Subject: Re: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
Its tough when it goes down, I work in the corporate Seattle office of a seafood company with operations in Alaska and we share much of our information and documents via e-mail. Also many of our funtions are made quicker and more easily via internet too.
Subject: Re: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
I remember when our computer was down for about a week.I went bananas not having a computer for usage.I had to go to the library for the computer.It wasn't fun! >:(
Subject: Re: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
And Y2K seemed bad in 1999... I don't even want to think about what would happen now.
Subject: Re: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
I am glad we have it........it has opened up a whole new world of things for me...plus I can stay in touch with people without running up the phone bill!! It is a great way for me and my sister to talk for free......plus I met someone thru this board that I would have never met without the net...thank GOD for the net!
Subject: Re: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
Remember watching WarGames "back then" and thinking sheesh that kid has so much technology in his bedroom.
I remember in 92 when a friend told me she was having a net affair with a guy in the UK - she even flew over to meet him etc. I could not fathom that she was using a computer to talk to people, much less have affairs. And then another friend in 97 told me all about this group of "best friends" she had who she sat up chatting to for 10 hour stretches - I thought she was insane !!!!
I got my puter when dad sent me money for my 30th in 98. I honestly find it hard to remember what I did without it.
I pay all my bills online.
Do all my banking online.
Shop for books, videos, dvds, clothes and vitamins online.
Made friends online and had had them visit me from overseas and I have flown around Aus meeting others.
Keep myself updated by reading overseas newpapers online.
Stay in contact with various friends and relatives daily via email - when we rarely sent xmas cards prior to being online !!
I run fansites for my favourite actors and because of that I am in weekly email contact with both actors - a thrill for me !!
I plan and book all my holidays on line.
I research my familys geneology on line.
I am searching for a new home online.
Book all my concert tickets online.
I research products like digital cameras and printers etc before buying them - online.
I build photo albums online (and they take up much less room on the bookshelf hehehee).
I get the answers to all my questions online.
So I look at the above list and think - man how did I do all that stuff before my puter (BC - before computer !!). By phone, lots of running around, writers cramp from so many letters etc etc etc.
I look to the future and think - man it can only get better and even more exciting.
Subject: Re: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
I have a lot of fun these days when the phone companies call me up trying to sell me their long distance calling plans. I just tell them "why should I pay for long-distance phone service, when I can chat with my overseas friends online for free?" I just love to hear them sputter. :D
Truthfully, the internet has allowed me to make friends all over the world, something that would never have happened otherwise.
It makes shopping a world easier, and unlike my local library, the internet is open when *I* have free time.
And while I don't *need* to be online every day, if I can't get connected once a week I start to feel "out of the loop".
Subject: Re: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
Yeah.I can do almost everything on the puter' now.
have friends
listen to music
play games
Subject: Re: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
I am glad we have it........it has opened up a whole new world of things for me...plus I can stay in touch with people without running up the phone bill!! It is a great way for me and my sister to talk for free......plus I met someone thru this board that I would have never met without the net...thank GOD for the net!
End Quote
Yes, it has opened up lots of windows. If I had to pay for the hours that ss and I have spent talking via yahoo, I'd be broke forever!! And I also have met someone through this board that I would have never met and I am very thankful for that!
Subject: Re: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
And I also have met someone through this board that I would have never met and I am very thankful for that!
End Quote
Ditto!! ;)
Subject: Re: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
I don't think I have read an actual newspaper in I don't know how long! I just rely on www.washingtonpost.com and www.msnbc.com
Subject: Re: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
I gotta add this,
I had a dream a year or so ago that I was back in the 70's but as my adult self, a lot of my friends (but not really, they were just my friends in the dream) were there and I was really getting into it, seemed cool to be back in the 70s with my awareness of current days. The dream quickly went bad though when I asked where the computer was so I could log on to the internet. It was panic when I realized that there was not common internet yet :o, I woke myself from this nightmare and breathed a sigh of relief knowing that I can log on again. Whew! :)
Subject: Re: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
I've had my computer for almost a year now, and I would probably die without it :D Not really, however I do have trouble remembering what I used to do with my spare time before I got connected.
Subject: Re: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
I gotta add this,
I had a dream a year or so ago that I was back in the 70's but as my adult self, a lot of my friends (but not really, they were just my friends in the dream) were there and I was really getting into it, seemed cool to be back in the 70s with my awareness of current days. The dream quickly went bad though when I asked where the computer was so I could log on to the internet. It was panic when I realized that there was not common internet yet :o, I woke myself from this nightmare and breathed a sigh of relief knowing that I can log on again. Whew! :)
End Quote
i've had an insane amount of dreams about the internet and people i've chatted with. it's quite amusing, actually...i did have a dream about this board, but i forget what happened. :-/
Subject: Re: How quickly have we got used to the internet.
I enjoy using the computer almost every day.It's gets kinda addictive but it's enjoyable.going to my music sites are the best.I can listen to 70's Disco and Funk. 8)