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Subject: when insomnia strikes...
...what do you do to fall asleep?
i honestly think i'm an insomniac. or maybe nocturnal...i just can't fall asleep before midnight! this can get quite bad during the school year, since i get up at 06:40. (i'm supposed to get up at 05:40, but i'd rather sleep an extra hour rather than eat breakfast and make sure my outfit matches...i wear primarily black, blue, and green. oh look, they match! ;D) during the summer, i wake up between 10:00 and 11:00, and then can't fall asleep until between 00:00 and 02:30. it's crazy!
anyway...all that i've tried has never worked and i'm at the end of my rope. if i don't make the bus (which comes at 07:05), my mom makes me stay home. while this is in no way a punishment, i don't like having to make up homework and tests.
any suggestions would be useful. :)
Subject: Re: when insomnia strikes...
Warm milk might help. You should probably avoid drinking soft drinks and coffee or tea a few hours before sleeping as well. Y'know...stop the intake of caffeine and also to keep from having to get up to pee and disrupt your sleep cycle.
Failing that, get really drunk and...oh wait, you're a minor, scratch that ::)
Subject: Re: when insomnia strikes...
My clock/radio is set for NPR. They usually play classical in the evening. I have the volume set on low and the sleep button for an hour. Most of the time I am usually asleep before it turns off. There are times when I have the sleep button. Of course if they play Bolaro, then I am wide awake. ;)
Subject: Re: when insomnia strikes...
Cammomille (sp?) Tea :D
Subject: Re: when insomnia strikes...
I got to stop drinking coffee.No wonder I'm up after Midnight sometimes. And I have to wake up at 5:50am every day. :P
Subject: Re: when insomnia strikes...
Start reading a book or magazine. Works for me every time!
Subject: Re: when insomnia strikes...
I have the exact same problem. If I'm lucky, I can fall asleep before 11 PM. Some nights, I am really really tired, and I will go to bed at 9:30 or so, and can't fall asleep until midnight. It's weird :-/
And then I hate getting up in the morning. I can only get up out of bed happily when I wake up on my own. I sleep however long I can until I wake up, then I'm out of bed. For example, this morning I woke up at 8:30 on my own (I didn't have school today), but if you try to wake me up on a Sunday morning for church at 8:30, I'll probably be dead tired and not want to get up.
I'm weird ;D
Subject: Re: when insomnia strikes...
I consider myself a professional insomniac. I am 34 and a half and have not had more than 3 hours of sleep in a night for 30 of those years.
On average I will fall asleep around 3am and wake between 5 and 6am.
Over the past few decades I have tried sleeping pills of all strengths, natures sedatives, camomile tea, warm milk, warm baths, lavender oil, etc etc. You name a cure you have read anywhere - I have tried it already.
I have some bizarre genetic code that causes the exact opposite reaction to all calmatives - my heart rate actually speeds up and all my pulse points race like crazy and I run around singing zipedeedoodah all night.
My problem is its the time of day when my mind chooses to do all its thinking. So there I lay dreaming up shopping lists, or designing the dream home, or planning the next holiday, anything and everything, right down to planning my next post on a forum or email or letter or phone call to a friend etc etc etc. Its madness !
In the 80's I was sent to a sleep clinic where they hooked me up to electrodes for two weeks and recorded my sleep patterns and tried various medical and non medical cures - to no avail. Back then I was averaging an hour a night.
These days I tend to avoid eating meals after 7pm, drink only water all evening and stop about an hour before going to bed so I dont then need to 'go', I eat no mid evening snacks of any description, I go to bed and read for several hours with no TV or radio on, I have a dark quiet bedroom and I burn a scented oil - usually marjoram. I take a seriously mega strong anti depressant called dothep which supposedly empties my mind of all thoughts and prevents me from writing shopping lists etc etc all night. This has managed to get my quota up to a whopping 3 hours if I am lucky.
Subject: Re: when insomnia strikes...
Start reading a book or magazine. Works for me every time!
End Quote
I just can't! I have to watch a little TV or some late night Adult Programs on HBO to keep me awake for a just a little bit longer. ;D
Subject: Re: when insomnia strikes...
Over the past few decades I have tried sleeping pills of all strengths
End Quote
Not a good idea, though. My oldest cousin use to take sleeping pills, and he became addicted to them. There were times he couldn't even try falling asleep without them, kind of like liquor is to an alcoholic. Some can be addictive. I would suggest seeing a doctor first before taking any pills.
Subject: Re: when insomnia strikes...
I have the exact same problem. If I'm lucky, I can fall asleep before 11 PM. Some nights, I am really really tired, and I will go to bed at 9:30 or so, and can't fall asleep until midnight. It's weird :-/
And then I hate getting up in the morning. I can only get up out of bed happily when I wake up on my own. I sleep however long I can until I wake up, then I'm out of bed. For example, this morning I woke up at 8:30 on my own (I didn't have school today), but if you try to wake me up on a Sunday morning for church at 8:30, I'll probably be dead tired and not want to get up.
I'm weird ;D
End Quote
i'm the exact same way! my mom once woke me up at eleven (the time i normally wake up on my own) and i was overly tired the rest of the day.
thanks to all for your suggestions! :)
Subject: Re: when insomnia strikes...
I've always been nocturnal and it's a pain in the a$$. :PI've done the whole sleeping pill thing, and all of them did nothing, well, except for one which made me hallucinate. I've even gone to the hospital for an overnight study and man, how are you supposed to sleep with 14 electrodes on your scalp and this little plastic thingymajiggy hanging under your nose and two ropes tied around you? So now all I do is try to take advantage of it, do extra homework, keep a journal.
And sleep in. ;D
Subject: Re: when insomnia strikes...
I dont know where you are Q.Aviator but over here in Aus the only place you can legally get sleeping pills is via a doctors prescription !!
So naturally the only time I have taken sleeping pills is after seeing my doctor and getting a prescription.
I consider myself extremely sensible when it comes to any kind of medication. After all I did go to a high school run by mafia drug lords and was one of only a few at the school reunion who were not dead from drug overdoses !! I was a professional at "just saying no" !!
With 30 years of chronic insomnia I have probably tried 60 or 70 brands of sleeping pills. I have never taken them two nights in a row and generally decide after a week or two that they are not working. Some I go back and try a few years later as our bodys chemistry changes and our tolerance to various medications can change. On occassion I go for 12 or more months with no medication whatsoever.
There is no fear of me ever becoming addicted !
Addictions are not caused by the product being swallowed - they are caused by addictive personalities. If you are the personalty type to become addicted to prescription drugs, illegal drugs, alcohol etc - you will indeed become addicted.
Generally a person who is becoming addicted to something has other problems/worries in their life and the addiction is what they hide behind. They are in a weakened state mentally and allow themselves to become addicted to something.
My brother has been addicted to alcohol and pot for 15 years now so I have seen it happen at close quarters.
I also saw which kinds of classmates at school were the ones who became addicted to various substances. They were the kids who already had a crap school, home or social life or mental issues and needed something else in their life.
I have utterly nothing wrong in my life - I just cant sleep !!!!
Subject: Re: when insomnia strikes...
Personally, I've always been a night owl. Most nights I get between 3 and 5 hours sleep and then every few weeks I'll take a night and sleep for about 12 hours. My body lets me know when I need to sleep. I follow it and I'm all good :) I've noticed I can sleep less now that I'm older. Which makes NO sense to me at all! LOL
Subject: Re: when insomnia strikes...
50-100mg of diphenhydramine does the trick for me ;D
Subject: Re: when insomnia strikes...
A transfusion from me. I believe melatonin runs through my veins.
Yesterday I drank three Red Bull drinks in a row and two Starbucks Frappuccino's and I went right to sleep instead of studying. I'm, like, immune to stimulants :P
Subject: Re: when insomnia strikes...
Well, I'm not the best person to ask either. If I can get to bed before 8 p.m. I can go to sleep, no problem (yeah right, with 3 kids, that happens alot ::)) Otherwise, I'm usually up until around 11. About 4-6 times a year, I go through some strange sleep pattern where, if I can get to sleep, I wake up aroun 2 a.m. and am up until around 4-5 a.m., if I can't, then I am up until around 3 a.m. This goes on for about a week or so, then I'm back to normal. I usually take that time to do some housework (quiet stuff like cleaning the grout in my kitchen floor) Reading doesn't work for me because I get so into what I'm reading that I can't put it down. One night, hubby woke at 2, I wasn't in bed so he came looking for me. I woke up so I decided to put the Christmas tree up. Once I finish whatever it is that I've started, I can go back to sleep. I've also tried all kinds of sleeping pills, and they help me sleep, but I'm also half stoned the entire next day as well so I don't do those. What used to work for me was the Chant CD, with the Benedictine Monks. Or, just sounds of the ocean, or jungle, or rainstorm. Need to get those out again, I guess.
Subject: Re: when insomnia strikes...
A transfusion from me. I believe melatonin runs through my veins.
Yesterday I drank three Red Bull drinks in a row and two Starbucks Frappuccino's and I went right to sleep instead of studying. I'm, like, immune to stimulants :P
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I bet you had a lot to pee? Huh? ;D
Subject: Re: when insomnia strikes...
There are times when I wake up in the middle of night (because I am a waterholic) and then I can't get back to sleep. After a while, I finally wake up my honey. ;) Then I can get back to sleep. ;D
Subject: Re: when insomnia strikes...
I couldn't tell ya. I haven't slept well for three days. :-[
I've tried listening to a cd while trying to fall asleep b/c I used to be able to fall asleep to music before...it helps at first. I've also been drinking one alcoholic drink at night to relax.
Once my mind settles down I think it will be easier. That or it's just going to catch up to me soon.
I've been getting up ast 6:00 am and getting my butt out the door quicker. Just trying to stay busy...
Subject: Re: when insomnia strikes...
There are times when I wake up in the middle of night (because I am a waterholic) and then I can't get back to sleep. After a while, I finally wake up my honey. ;) Then I can get back to sleep. ;D
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Hmm, that has just the opposite effect on me ???;D