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Subject: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Im sure we all have things in our lives that make us want to just say Dang this sucks! well here is a little place to filter out your SUCKY frustrations! ;D
School! hey im 17, im a senior, i wanna get it over with!
what about you guys?
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Umm, everything. Yup, I think that about sums it up. ;)
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
The fact that I have to work for a living...dang it, where is my Sugar Daddy that wants to do nothing but give me lots of money. >:( ;D
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
My income's been cut back (no bonuses), I'm getting deeper in debt, & I haven't had any in a while! >:(
Things could be worse though...
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
I haven't had any in a while! >:(
Things could be worse though...End Quote
Just tell Mrs. Midas to get with the program. ;D
For me it's the not being rich thing. I really need to hurry-up and become rich. Working sucks. :P
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Having to hurt my wifes feelings with an impending Dee-vorce :-/
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
That my whole family is dysfuntional and my older brother, who has been an alcoholic since his mid-teens, is now in jail for domestic violence and his fiancée is going to take him back and that someone I really respect and admire is angry with me right now because I doubted his judgement (and called him on it), and did I already mention my dysfunctional family?
It's a good thing what's great about my life balances out the awful.
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
It sucks that in order for me to do or plan things with my husband, he has to check his schedule & "squeeze me in".
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Just tell Mrs. Midas to get with the program. ;D
End Quote
Working on it, my friend. ;)
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Stuff that I don't care to talk about at this moment.
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Having to hurt my wifes feelings with an impending Dee-vorce :-/End Quote
Is it necessary? No way to fix it? That's too bad, man. :-/
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
The part that sucks is my work and how much I hate what I do, but I have to, no choice in the matter.
Other than that, can't say that mine sucks. I have healthy children, my husbands not in a wheelchair yet although by all accounts he should have been by now. My bills are paid, I have food in my house and even a few luxuries, like my computer and a chance to talk with all of you wonderful people at least once a day. :) Go ahead. Call me Pollyanna! ;)
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Is it necessary? No way to fix it? That's too bad, man. :-/
End Quote
No way..tried to hang on for a few more years but it's not gonna happen :(
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Considering all the crap that's been happening in the world (and even domestically) I don't think it would be appropriate for me to complain :-/
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Considering all the crap that's been happening in the world (and even domestically) I don't think it would be appropriate for me to complain :-/
End Quote
Good answer! My complaints would seem so petty compaired to any one elses. I'm at a "non~sucky" point right now.
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Considering all the crap that's been happening in the world (and even domestically) I don't think it would be appropriate for me to complain :-/End Quote
Hi. I am de pah-ty poo-pah. :P ;D
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
No, eht ehs naht a too-mah! :D
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
I have no girlfriend.
I've evaluated my life thoroughly, and I've come to the conclusion that what sucks the most about it is that, at the moment, I seek to be in a relationship and am not.
It's the good life.
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Oh, SNAP! Almost missed a golden opportunity...
"Help! I'm in a nutshell! How did I get into this nutshell? What kind of shell would have this kind of nut...?"
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Um to be honest my life doesn't suck so bad but coincidentally last night I wrote a poem on a sort of on-going suckiness right now...
At school I took a test
Given by the Board
You’d take in the results
Then lock them in a secret hoard
I do my best and pass
You scream I’m gifted and put up a show
It was supposed to be confidential
So why does the librarian know?
I’m sick of being nice, you know that?
I’ve never been nice, you only wish
You’d probably like it to be that way
But the only problem is
I want to take boxing, I love playing my bass
I think graffiti is art I hate the human race
I’m no treasure, I might be smart
But I’m not a doll, I don’t have a tender heart
I still don’t want to go to Ashbury
I want to skateboard and pierce my nose
I want to go to public protests
Swear by anarchy and make my own clothes
You say I’ll “mess up” like my sister,
That I’m “just a wannabe”
You might scowl at the pins on my jeans
But it just makes me, me!
So yeah....I guess other than that my life ROCKS!! Booyeah! ;D
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Oh, SNAP! Almost missed a golden opportunity...
"Help! I'm in a nutshell! How did I get into this nutshell? What kind of shell would have this kind of nut...?"
End Quote
And what kind of shell is it exactly? Is it a fairly thick one, or relatively thin? Aren't we all really living in nutshells, anyway? Tell me about your shell....it's ok.....let it out. ;D
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
What sucks about my life? As of right now, nothing.
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Not getting respect. (Me and Rodney Dangerfield) People think they know how to do what I am doing and very quick to tell me how I should be doing it and what I do wrong but not wanting to do the work themselves and take on the responsiblilty.
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
It sucks that in order for me to do or plan things with my husband, he has to check his schedule & "squeeze me in".
End Quote
I know where you're coming from. That's pretty much the only thing right now. Hubby is gone from 6 am (or earlier) until at least 7 p.m. every night, if he's even in town. He just found out that he will be covering 2 (or 3) more states, which means more travel, therefore, less time at home. Sometimes I feel like a single parent, he is gone so much. Oh, and my baby is sick :(
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
The only complaint I have at this time is the beautiful 5 pound roast that had been simmering in the crock pot all day yesterday was discovered and devoured by "Vedder" the 70 lb endearing Lab pup. Oh, he felt really guilty when he saw me looking for my dinner, sumb!tch slunk off with real sad puppy dog eyes. He got the roast, I got the rice I cooked with it, we both had sad puppy dog eyes. :-/
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Um to be honest my life doesn't suck so bad but coincidentally last night I wrote a poem on a sort of on-going suckiness right now...
At school I took a test
Given by the Board
You’d take in the results
Then lock them in a secret hoard
I do my best and pass
You scream I’m gifted and put up a show
It was supposed to be confidential
So why does the librarian know?
I’m sick of being nice, you know that?
I’ve never been nice, you only wish
You’d probably like it to be that way
But the only problem is
I want to take boxing, I love playing my bass
I think graffiti is art I hate the human race
I’m no treasure, I might be smart
But I’m not a doll, I don’t have a tender heart
I still don’t want to go to Ashbury
I want to skateboard and pierce my nose
I want to go to public protests
Swear by anarchy and make my own clothes
You say I’ll “mess up” like my sister,
That I’m “just a wannabe”
You might scowl at the pins on my jeans
But it just makes me, me!
So yeah....I guess other than that my life ROCKS!! Booyeah! ;D
End Quote
Good poem. You just gotta be you. ;)
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Having to attend a stupid workshop every day >:(
not enough friends. >:(
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
I can't think of anything worth complaining about right now. I try to focus on the good things in life rather than the bad things.
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
The fact that I have to work for a living...dang it, where is my Sugar Daddy that wants to do nothing but give me lots of money. >:( ;D
End Quote
I am still looking for my Sugar Daddy. Where are they hiding??? Come out, come out wherever you are.
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Relatively minor stuff, but it means a lot to me.
I still haven't found a job yet, and I've got cabin fever so bad I'm about to go buggy.
And I've had a mysterious internal pain for some time now. My doctor ran a bunch of tests, and found "absolutely nothing wrong". The pain is so bad that some days I can barely walk, but I can't go get a second opinion because I have no job and therefore no health insurance.
I think I know what is causing my pain, and I've said as much to the doc, but I keep getting told "the tests show nothing wrong with you". That and that I can't get new tests done for at least a year.
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
my arrogent brother. but i really can't solve that problem since he is the great almight popular king of basketball and baseball who never does anything wrong! ::) the good part is that he's rarely home, but when he is...well, i just stay on the computer or hide out in my room. and here's a tip for all you parents: don't favor your kids!
and the fact that i'm "the smartest freakin' person alive because i'm gifted!" i love assumptions. really, i do. granted, no one's dropped the "oh look, there's those stupid gifted kids...oh, sorry christine! not YOU!" line lately, but it still comes up. :-/ >:(
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
What sucks about my life now is not having a girlfriend at the moment. >:( My ex broke up with me October 2001.
Howard :)
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Absolutely Everything :(
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
not having a paying job. >:(
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Things right now are good for me. I can't think of anything that sucks too badly right now. My kids are healthy and I'm in a relationship, albeit a long distant one, with a wonderful man.
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Things right now are good for me. I can't think of anything that sucks too badly right now. My kids are healthy and I'm in a relationship, albeit a long distant one, with a wonderful man.
End Quote
That is so good to hear, goldie. I am so glad things are working out for you. :)
It is so easy for people sometimes to point out the things that are not going well in their life. Despite my situation, I do have a lot of things in my life that do not suck. My job itself is awesome (esp. if it gives me time to hang out here! ;D), I am in good health, I have a roof over my head (very nice one at that), food to eat, a vehicle that runs great, a loving and supportive network of family and friends, and right now enough change in my pocket to get a Coke (ONLY b/c we don't have Pepsi at work!). ;D
My previous post said things could be worse, and in a way they are worse now. I've had do deal with a lot lately, and I'm telling myself that despite all the cr@p that's going on and will continue to go on, there are many things in my life that are good, and I need to remember that. :)
Anyway, just getting stuff off my chest and trying to keep my head up...back to the topic at hand.
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Things right now are good for me. I can't think of anything that sucks too badly right now. My kids are healthy and I'm in a relationship, albeit a long distant one, with a wonderful man.
End Quote
I am glad things are finally going good for you..I hope the continue to do so. :)
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
feeling bored and inactive sometimes.I want a paying job so badly.I'm tired of coming home and taking a shower and using the computer for 6 hours a day.That is boring. >:(
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Not that I believe in the notion of "unlimited potential," but if something sucks so much, why not do something about it? I don't know, but I think most people can do something about their life situation. They are just too lazy and too afraid, that's all. Kind of like exercising and eating right: people know it's good for them, but fail miserably at keeping any discipline in their lives to actually do something about it and sticking with it (which is why the US is one of the fattest countries in the world). This reminds me of the film, Clerks. Instead of feeling any sympathy, it is almost like enjoying the spectacle of other people's troubles. Come back when absolutely nothing can be done, then I might think differently. "Me? I'm satisfied with my current station in life." I know things can be better and they can also be dramatically worse, but I try not to complain so much because there really are people much worse off, dealing with problems which I could not even fathom having nowadays, who are out of sight, but not out of mind. All I can think is, the pharmaceutical industry makes a killing in profits from people's boredom with their lives. It's almost funny when I think about it, really. In a country of so much abundance and many choices at our disposal, people feel empty and hopeless.
I guess I haven't lost the ability at being able to laugh at the irony of such a situation (another great quality about me, btw).
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Finally coming to the understanding that no matter how much I want it to happen, my husband and I will not be getting back together.
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Not that I believe in the notion of "unlimited potential," but if something sucks so much, why not do something about it? I don't know, but I think most people can do something about their life situation. They are just too lazy and too afraid, that's all. Kind of like exercising and eating right: people know it's good for them, but fail miserably at keeping any discipline in their lives to actually do something about it and sticking with it (which is why the US is one of the fattest countries in the world). This reminds me of the film, Clerks. Instead of feeling any sympathy, it is almost like enjoying the spectacle of other people's troubles. Come back when absolutely nothing can be done, then I might think differently. "Me? I'm satisfied with my current station in life." I know things can be better and they can also be dramatically worse, but I try not to complain so much because there really are people much worse off, dealing with problems which I could not even fathom having nowadays, who are out of sight, but not out of mind. All I can think is, the pharmaceutical industry makes a killing in profits from people's boredom with their lives. It's almost funny when I think about it, really. In a country of so much abundance and many choices at our disposal, people feel empty and hopeless.
I guess I haven't lost the ability at being able to laugh at the irony of such a situation (another great quality about me, btw).End Quote
It must be very nice to have the mental clarity, strength and determination to do what you must when you must.
It is easier said than done, however.
It is easy to make assumptions as to why some people are the way they are and do what they do, especially not at all considering circumstances, among other hundreds of things.
Complaining is not such a bad thing. It helps people put things in perspective, relieves some of the stress and brings about feedback.
I'm sure we all do the best we can with what we have. :)
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
The only thing that sucks in my life is the fact that my husband, or as you all affectionaly call him, Race Bannon, is still lamenting over the pot roast that the pup so cruelly snatched from our kitchen counter ........(see previous post on this thread under Race's name for further details)
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
I have no girlfriend.
I've evaluated my life thoroughly, and I've come to the conclusion that what sucks the most about it is that, at the moment, I seek to be in a relationship and am not.
End Quote
Actually, now I can scratch that one off too.
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
The only thing that sucks in my life is the fact that my husband, or as you all affectionaly call him, Race Bannon, is still lamenting over the pot roast that the pup so cruelly snatched from our kitchen counter ........(see previous post on this thread under Race's name for further details)
End Quote
Poor Mr. B. :-/
I bet the puppy doesn't think it sucks though. ;)
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Actually, now I can scratch that one off too.
End Quote
Congrats! Hope things go well!
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
It must be very nice to have the mental clarity, strength and determination to do what you must when you must.
It is easier said than done, however.End Quote
Exactly. That's why when I find myself whining about my job or school, I try to switch to pro-active mode.
Quoting:It is easy to make assumptions as to why some people are the way they are and do what they do, especially not at all considering circumstances, among other hundreds of things.End Quote
I know the whole circumstance is not known, but I know, for a fact, that strength in character comes from not dwelling on these circumstances and using them as an excuse for inactivity. When I'm in a bind and I start pointing the finger at others, I see that 3 of my own are pointing right back at me.
... and, sometimes, it is not easy to make assumptions. Especially when they concern family and friends.
Quoting:Complaining is not such a bad thing. It helps people put things in perspective, relieves some of the stress and brings about feedback.
I'm sure we all do the best we can with what we have. :)
End Quote
Yes. It does. Other people's complaints (and this is part of my day job) make me realize how I don't want to be a complainer, but a doer. It added a new way of seeing things.
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
When I'm in a bind and I start pointing the finger at others, I see that 3 of my own are pointing right back at me.
End Quote
And your thumb is pointing straight towards Hell ;)
Quoting:Yes. It does. Other people's complaints (and this is part of my day job) make me realize how I don't want to be a complainer, but a doer. It added a new way of seeing things.
End Quote
Werd 8)
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Yes. It does. Other people's complaints (and this is part of my day job) make me realize how I don't want to be a complainer, but a doer. It added a new way of seeing things.
End Quote
I can see your point if all someone does is complain, without taking action. I work in field that deals directly with very verbal tirades and complaints, and I have realized that it is best to vent your frustration, then get on with doing what you have to to fix it. It isn't good to bottle up your frustration and complaints, as those feelings will find other ways out, usually with physical drawbacks.
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
The organization that I work with, everyone is so quick to critisize but no one is willing to do any work. Most of the complaints come down on our director who does so much. I can't do all that she does. The next person who gets a lot of complaints is me. One day I am going to get so fed up with it all that I am going to tell them to kiss my http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung/aktion/action-smiley-027.gif
Subject: Re: In A Nutshell, What Sucks About Your Life!
Girls don't like me.