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This is a topic from the Playful Penguin Place forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Gggaaaaraarrggh! Annoying co-workers and others
Written By: the_OlLine_Rebel on 02/25/03 at 12:48 a.m.
Who annoys you consistently?
(Forgive me if I've posted before. I'm pretty sure I have but maybe not here.)
There is this idiot near my cubicle who fancies himself a "musician"; he's in some small local band. 1 of the grunge types to boot. He twangs some weird instrument or string on his desk or something - I think of it as a Jew's harp. Bwwong-bbwwoooonnng-bwwoooiing-bwoing for up to a half hr sometimes!!!! Can't he stifle himself? Doesn't he know it's not polite to impose your noise on others - and this is work? >:( >:( >:( :P :P
Subject: Re: Gggaaaaraarrggh! Annoying co-workers and othe
Written By: shazzaah on 02/25/03 at 01:03 p.m.
I hear your pain Rebel, I sit right next to the biggest idiot in the universe. Seriously, I think she is certified for stupidity. She has her cell phone programmed for the William Tell Overture (it goes off at least 3 times an hour), and she apparently thinks cubicle walls =privacy because I have to hear all about her problems when she gets on her phone.
The worst was when she was discussing her herpes problem with her friend.....to say the least I don't use the restroom here anymore. ::) She also has one of those thigh master thingys and she thighmasters all day. It makes a little clinking squeaky noise. She quit that for a while but is back at it again. >:( :P This is the same idiot that called our system troubleshooter to her desk because her media player wouldn't work, and it was because she was "listening" with her phone headset instead of her computer headset.....
Subject: Re: Gggaaaaraarrggh! Annoying co-workers and othe
Written By: jamminoldies on 02/25/03 at 07:40 p.m.
I have to deal with a bunch of stupid doofuses at my workshop.All they do is talk,complain,bitch,moan,aggravate the supervisor,don't stay in their seats.And most of these people are lower-functioning than I am.so, you can see what crap I go though every day. >:(
Subject: Re: Gggaaaaraarrggh! Annoying co-workers and othe
Written By: Steve_H on 02/25/03 at 08:23 p.m.
Rita, a VERY LOUD woman at work who doesn't realize that she doesn't have to SCREAM everytime she says something to someone. Add that to a hyper-inquisitiveness (Who's that? What are you doing now...? None of it's any of her business, just has her honker into everyones business) and the smarts of a shovel... target #1 if I ever decide to go postal.
Subject: Re: Gggaaaaraarrggh! Annoying co-workers and othe
Written By: princessofpop on 02/25/03 at 08:32 p.m.
A couple of years ago I worked with this woman who had super long fingernails. I mean starting to curl under long! And she was a typist & I had to sit across the hall from her & all day I would just listen to those nails hitting the keyboard! click clack click clack UGH! Drove me nuts! I thought about stabbing her many times with a letter opener, but I didn't! :-/
Subject: Re: Gggaaaaraarrggh! Annoying co-workers and othe
Written By: karen (Guest) on 02/26/03 at 02:52 a.m.
Although I have my own office the dividing walls are only panels which means I can hear most of what goes on in the other offices.
One guy in particular was v annoying. He'd put his headphones on and then sing along (or should that be drone along?) to his music. I'd rather hear the real thing than his version.
He also used to have private phone conversations with this girl at work (who he denied he was going out with). When they escalated into a row he'd slam the phone down and then shout abuse at everyone else for listening. If it's that private then b0gger off outside and call her on your mobile!
Subject: Re: Gggaaaaraarrggh! Annoying co-workers and othe
Written By: Rice Cube on 02/26/03 at 09:26 a.m.
I AM the annoying co-worker ;)
Subject: Re: Gggaaaaraarrggh! Annoying co-workers and othe
Written By: kimmers on 02/26/03 at 01:45 p.m.
Mine aren't really horrible like some of these others but...
One of my bosses has this very annoying habit of telling you to do something and then telling about 4 other people to do the same thing. It's not until you have a question or you happen to be talking to someone else, that you find out that you've all been working on the exact same thing.
Most of us have our own offices but one person has this bad habit of walking in and walking around the edge of your desk to see what's on your monitor. One of my co-workers has gone so far as to get a little push-cart and block the easy access to the other side of her desk. It just drives everyone crazy!! She just can't stand not to know what you are working on.
Subject: Re: Gggaaaaraarrggh! Annoying co-workers and othe
Written By: DJ Midas on 02/26/03 at 02:09 p.m.
I work with a few salespeople that can sell ice cubes to an eskimo, but couldn't tell them how the cubes work. :-/
(no offense meant to any eskimoes)
Subject: Re: Gggaaaaraarrggh! Annoying co-workers and othe
Written By: jamminoldies on 02/26/03 at 07:38 p.m.
I have to work with a supervisor who thinks she's Hitler. >:(
Subject: Re: Gggaaaaraarrggh! Annoying co-workers and othe
Written By: Screwball54 on 02/26/03 at 07:50 p.m.
While none of my co-workers have bothered me recently, other students do things that tick me off. Especially the students that don't care, and why should they? Uncle Sam is paying their tuition. ::)
Subject: Re: Gggaaaaraarrggh! Annoying co-workers and othe
Written By: sumafl on 02/26/03 at 11:08 p.m.
I don't work but I go to college, and somedays I feel like I am back in Jr. High the way those "adults" act! And the teachers are no better. One in particular who has his favorites because of the way the girls look (I happen to be one of his favorites, but not because of looks I am sure, I think it is because I ace his tests) anyway, that really makes me mad! Anyway, we had a test the other day which I failed (my fault) he didn't like that so he pulls me...only me out of the class to ask me what is going on in my personal life to make me fail a test. Like I would tell him anyway. Come to find out the whole class failed so we got to retake it but I was the only one in there he pulled out. >:(
Subject: Re: Gggaaaaraarrggh! Annoying co-workers and othe
Written By: Taoist on 02/27/03 at 02:36 a.m.
I have a couple of co-workers (including the CEO) who insist on smoking in the workplace. Even though this is generally frowned upon and my office is not a designated smoking area, they still don't care. >:(
Also, I must confess to occasionally doing the 'singing along with my headphones' thing, sorry :P
Subject: Re: Gggaaaaraarrggh! Annoying co-workers and othe
Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 02/27/03 at 05:46 a.m.
I have a co-worker who verbalises everything she does...
"I'll put this on the file"
"The phone is ringing"
"I before E except after C, and except when that doesn't apply...."
:( :( :( :(
Subject: Re: Gggaaaaraarrggh! Annoying co-workers and othe
Written By: oddxsocks on 02/27/03 at 04:20 p.m.
i talk to myself. contantly. ;D "click here. no, there, doxers , you moron. where? there! oh my god, YOU CLICK THE WRONG THING! I DID NOT! YES I DID! whoa, i'm talking to myself!" (repeat 23153456354 times)
there is this girl in my gym class who is just annoying. she thinks that everyone wants to know what her opinions are in everything. to even the simplest question, she has answers that make everyone want to kill her...
steve: julianne, are you going to the football game?
julianne: i don't believe in sports.
erm. ???
Subject: Re: Gggaaaaraarrggh! Annoying co-workers and othe
Written By: jamminoldies on 02/27/03 at 08:00 p.m.
My old supervisor Lisa has her favorites.A co-worker by the name of George refers to him as"My Son Or My Baby".And I say"Oh,Please,Spare Me"! "Give It A Rest Already"!
And she says our group acts like a bunch of pre-schoolers ::)
She's the one who should grow UP! >:(