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Subject: Lord of the Rings Chat
Welcome! The topic is the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Discuss the books! Discuss the movies! Compare the movies to the books. Talk about the actors. Do what you will, but make sure it involves the world that Tolkien created.
Here's my opening statement: The second movie was great, but it was not as great as the first one. There were more "little screw-ups" in this one. A couple of times, you could see that the graphics people were merely trying to show off, and it took away from the movie plot (I'm talking about the wargs).
The battle scenes were great, and I absolutely loved Gollum. I wish I could have played him. But, I wish they wouldn't have put in the part where Aragorn fake dies. They were really struggling trying to fit the square Arwen peg into the round hole of the story.
What's your opinion?
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
I thought the first one was better as well...it just had more of a storybook feel to it. The second one was all leading up to the big war...and Gollum rocked! I was saying "tricksy hobbitses" for weeks after I saw it (still am).
I read the books a while ago...but I was kind of disappointed that they didn't at least take a glance at Tom Bombadil, that guy was funny :)
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
I loved Tom Bombadil! He was the hippie pacifist of the whole book! I could just see him passing it around with some stoners, singing his nonsensical songs about nothing in particular.
I wish they would have had him in the special edition DVD. They didn't, oh well. I would have like to see how they were going to do Old Man Willow.
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
The spider is going to ROCK in the third movie ;D
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
I'm worried that they're not going to Shelob right. I'm worried she'll look fake, like the troll from Moria. I'm worried they're going to show off their "digital masterpiece" too much.
Call me a purist. I'm weird. They could still make it look great though! ;D
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
I love the trilogy. I have read it far too many times to count now. It is too bad that they can't fit all of that backstory and detail into the movies. My opinion is if someone sees the movies without reading the trilogy they are missing so much. It is the difference between receiving a single rose, and being allowed into a rose garden to get your fill... ;)
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
New LOTR parodies written by ME! Please vote on them and check them out.
"Aragorn"-- parody of Eminem's "Lose Yourself"
"We Wants the Precious"-- parody of Queen's "We are the Champions".
I would ask you to vote on them and leave your comments either here or on the song's page. I think both are some of my best work! ;D
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
Hey John :)
I read the "Precious" one and I chuckled because it was so ludicrous it was funny :D I don't know the Eminem song though so I didn't vote.
I'm gonna give you a run for your money come Monday ;) Got some fun stuff of my own, HOOM, HRRM!
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
You may also want to provide links to your parodies :)
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
My name is (Sam Gamgee) is going to be the next one I release. How do you stick in links?
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
Let's see if this works. Go here to vote on my parodies:
If the link doesn't work just cut and paste.
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
My name is (Sam Gamgee) is going to be the next one I release. How do you stick in links?
End Quote
You can either use the "url" tags in brackets, or you can just paste in the whole link (including the http://) into the post :)
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
Well it works now, so whoever sees my Lotr parodies can tell me what they think of them.
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
Any second now.
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
I simply love LOTR, and did like the Fellowship better than Two Towers, but still love them both!
If you are a big Viggo fan, visit:
It's a great web page dedicated to his life and work, including his poetry.
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
I happen to be a bit of a Dominique Monigan fan (Merry). I saw him in "Hetty Wainthrop Investigates" on "Mystery". I'm glad he's doing well. His performance should get him some recognition. Would you believe he has his own fan website?
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
Alright John, got yourself a little challenge ;)
On Monday, look for Rice Cube & Watt Daddy's trilogy of LOTR parodies:
"Frodo's Got the One Ring In His Hand", a parody of "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" by the Beatles
"With a Little Help From the Ents", a parody of "With a Little Help From My Friends" by the Beatles (they go hand in hand, you never hear one without the other)
"Got the One Ring In My Pocket", a parody of "Hand In My Pocket" by Alanis Morrissette
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
*cracks knuckles* Alright. But you'll have to beat "My name is (Sam Gamgee)".--"My Name is" by Eminem.
Let me know how your guys' parodies go. I'll be looking for them tomarrow. Best of luck.
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
Hot diggity! "Aragorn" and "We Wants the Precious" just cracked the top ten in the voting results for this week!
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
I've got 2 lotr parodies that i feel deserve more attention than they've gotten
this first one if a parody of cry me a river and its a sort of fight song for the ents against saruman
this second one is the same basic principle as john harvey's gollum song but i wrote it before the film came out
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
AAACK! I can't vote on any of the new parodies! Someone call Chucky G! Someone Call Hairspray! Someone call Gandalf!
Someone do SOMETHING!
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
Oh, wait it's working now. *looks sheepish* Um... nevermind.
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
I happen to be a bit of a Dominique Monigan fan (Merry). I saw him in "Hetty Wainthrop Investigates" on "Mystery". I'm glad he's doing well. His performance should get him some recognition. Would you believe he has his own fan website?
End Quote
Apparently after the first film Orlando Blooms name was the most searched for thing on the internet(I have to say I'm not surprised!) so his Mum has started an official site for him now (Bless)
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
I see you guys have done really well with your parodies. With a Little Help from the Ents was pretty darned hilarious. If only more people could recognize our genius! ;D
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
I do! I recognize your genius, guys. :)
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
Thank you, Hairspray! I guess we'll just have to post more parodies so people will look for our stuff. Thanks for your vote of confidence. :D
To keep this chat going, here's a question for the rest of you: Who is your favorite Tolkien character?
We likeses Gollum, Gandalf, Bilbo, and Sam. Sorry, I had to steal the best ones.
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
Thank you, Hairspray! I guess we'll just have to post more parodies so people will look for our stuff. Thanks for your vote of confidence. :D
To keep this chat going, here's a question for the rest of you: Who is your favorite Tolkien character?
We likeses Gollum, Gandalf, Bilbo, and Sam. Sorry, I had to steal the best ones.End Quote
Your welcome, John_Harvey. My fave character is Gandalf. I liked him as Gandalf The Grey best.
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
Well, our parodies caused a bit of a splash. We've got our first anti-Tolkien parody courtesy of Michael Pacholek. He's not really bashing the books, but he's noticed the increased number of Lotr parodies that are appearing on Am I Right.
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
To keep this chat going, here's a question for the rest of you: Who is your favorite Tolkien character?
We likeses Gollum, Gandalf, Bilbo, and Sam. Sorry, I had to steal the best ones.
End Quote
Legolas,Legolas,Legolas(collapses in a puddle of drool on the floor.) From the books my favs were Sam and Gollum.
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
Legolas,Legolas,Legolas(collapses in a puddle of drool on the floor.) From the books my favs were Sam and Gollum.
End Quote
I'm with you on this one. :) Yummy, even without the elf ears and the long blond hair.
Subject: Re: Lord of the Rings Chat
Especially with the long blode hair !!!!!!!