Welcome to the archived messages from In The 00s. This archive stretches back to 1998 in some instances, and contains a nearly complete record of all the messages posted to inthe00s.com. You will also find an archive of the messages from inthe70s.com, inthe80s.com, inthe90s.com and amiright.com before they were combined to form the inthe00s.com messageboard.
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Subject: Are you....
Are you a member of another forum, perhaps two or three?If so, do you notice yourself feeling different or responding differently in the different places? Such as more relaxed at one or another, or more gripey, whiney, witty, etc? Do people have different expectations of you at other forums compared to this?
Subject: Re: Are you....
This is my only one I participate in, I lurk every once in awhile at commercials I hate. They are a ruthless over there. I have to say I could be much more of an a$$ on this message board but there are to many good people here so it keeps me nicer, the great thing it's cause I want to be. :)
Although if someone can direct me to a good current events site, I would check it out, maybe I can exersize the dark side of Race Bannon there. ;D
Subject: Re: Are you....
These are my chosen forums, though I "skim" through some other boards to make sure we're still and always The Best. :D
If the dark side is strong with you, you may want to check out the MSNBC messageboards. Lots of controversial issues, trolls and flames happening there. So much so, I battled Loser-Sith there, once. ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Are you....
The other board I regularly post to is the one at oldiesmusic.com. I used to post to the board at kissthisguy.com until they changed it; and another board at a country-music oldies site, but it too was changed. I hated the old board at kissthisguy.com since it was unmoderated and there were a lot of obscene posts; and that board kept getting hacked a lot.
Subject: Re: Are you....
I used to post on a soap message board (ok, you can stop laughing). The problem was, they talked about the same thing over and over again. I didn't last too long on that one. I love this one. There is always something new and different.
Subject: Re: Are you....
I used to be on a CSI lover's messageboard but it was mostly people just whining about how much they're in love with Nick or Warrick. How fun! ;D
Subject: Re: Are you....
No, just this one. I used to frequent acme-pets messageboard until it lost most of its regular members and most recently has shutdown. I think I remain true to myself...what you see is what you get.
I am more of a download junkie than an internet surfer. I come on here to visit and post a few then I will usually turn off the screen and just leave on the 'puter to download whatever I feel I need (or don't need).
Subject: Re: Are you....
i post at two other boards in addition to this one. the first one, sadly, has been dying out for quite some time. i've been there for over two years, and i'd really miss it if it closed. the other one i go to is a harry potter board (yes, i like harry potter!), except, seeing as not much has been happening with HP, we basically just talk. and then there is this board! i must say, out of all three, this is probably the most civilized board. of course, that may have something to do with the fact that i think the mods here are must stricter than at the other two boards.
i act the same at all three places. i don't really see much of a reason to act differently anywhere...although i must admit, i think i edit my posts here more than at the other two boards. :)
Subject: Re: Are you....
I'm a regular on a message board for the Quebec Semi Pro Hockey League. The league itself is very aggressive (sometimes a hockey game breaks out during the fighting), so some of that aggression trickles down to the board.
This is the only other board that I go on, I think it's probably the best board i've ever been on.
Subject: Re: Are you....
I seem to act differently on 2 other messageboards than this one. prowrestling.com,WFNK.
On my wrestling MB,everyone seems to shout at each other with put-downs and stuff.
WFNK is music related so I get corny in this board.
The Decades Messageboard is excellent.everyone here is friends. ;D
Subject: Re: Are you....
Yes I post on a few other message boards. I'm a member of quite a few others but I only regularly post on this and two others. One of them is a forum for a particular game I play and the other is for a soap I used to watch while living in the UK.
Subject: Re: Are you....
Just a classic rock forum, but I don't post there that much.
Subject: Re: Are you....
There are only two other boards I visit regularly. And I do act a bit differently those places, but I think it's more due to the subject matters.
I "lurk" at a messageboard for fans of actor Oded Fehr. Most of the people there seem to know each other really well (much like the people here). The only reason I haven't posted there yet is because I have nothing relevant to add to the going conversations. That will probably change with time. ;)
The other is a board for fans of the Desert Peach series of drawn books. I do post occasionally, but most of the people there are far more expert than I am at the subjects being discussed (WWII, WWI, German History, psychological disorders, politics, etc.). They know I mostly lurk, and I find the whole experience very educational.
My posts here tend to be a closer reflection of my true personality than either of the other two places.
Subject: Re: Are you....
I used to post over at X-entertainment.com before bandwidth problems forced them to close the forum.
They were f***ing ruthless over there. They hated the idea of an online community; "we do not wish to know your problems and we definitely aren't your friends" was one of the main tenets of posting on X-E. If you posted there about, say, your dog dying, you would be ridiculed and laughed off the forum. Nearly everyone had multiple troll accounts; an untrolled thread was almost unheard of. Occasionally a large segment of posters would go over to troll another board. Nothing was censored. No joke was tasteless enough. And if you got offended, you were free to say so, and you would be the forum pariah for the rest of your time there.
I miss it sometimes.
Subject: Re: Are you....
I am a regular poster (ie daily) at many Chris Isaak forums - one is a group of 30 or so of us who have hung out together for 4 years now, and a lurker at many others - mostly for info on tours etc.
I also post irregularly at several other music forums for my various favourite singers.
I would like to think that despite different niks - I am the same person at each forum. I have never felt the need to create a "persona" and always tell the truth.
I have been lucky over the past 4 years to meet many friends in real life from all over Aus and the UK and US who I have initially met on forums.
Subject: Re: Are you....
I post occasionally at the Bon Jovi fan club site.....I used to be quite regular but it got real weird real fast..my post count there is only 400+ so that shows you how much I love this community!! You guys ROCK!
Subject: Re: Are you....
I am a member of two forums, this one and another classic rock forum . At the other forum I mostly lurk and read not post as I am still very new there, and there is a lot of info to be read yet. The 00s is a place where I am pleasantly surprised by the level of intelligence and wit for the most part ;), and the kindness shown by the members. There was a forum I was a member at, and the only way I can describe how people posted was "verbal dodgeball"- Every post was an attack on another person, and there was no tolerance for another point of view. I argue my point of view but I (hope) try not to insult, and for the most part it appears a person can do that here. Also, there does not appear to be a whole lot of spamming (I think there is always going to be some spamming everywhere, unfortunately you can't avoid it completely ::));D
Although I don't come here as often as I used to, I still try to make it by once a day or two to at least see what new topic was brought up, it is nice to see a board that for the most part people are intelligent and caring. ;D
Subject: Re: Are you....
This is the only forum I visit. I love this place! :D
Subject: Re: Are you....
This is the only forum I visit. I love this place! :D
End Quote
me too! I have never even been to another message board!
Subject: Re: Are you....
I post on three other boards on a regular basis, one is a forum for digital photography for people with Olympus cameras, another is a forum for FIRST robotics teams to discuss just about everything that deals with the whole FIRST program and different aspects of robot building, plus a section for just plain old chit-chat, and the other is called The Phlog, and it's a place to discuss just about anything. It's unmoderated and can get pretty nasty, but I've met several of the phloggers in real life and I like them enough to have posted on there for almost 4 years now.
I am pretty much the same on all the forums I post on, which usually translates to "strange".
Subject: Re: Are you....
I am pretty much the same on all the forums I post on, which usually translates to "strange".
End Quote
Methinks there are stranger than thou, MissI ;)
Subject: Re: Are you....
This is the only forum I participate in. I have been posting on this messageboard for over 3 years and have made some delightful friends along the way! I really feel relaxed here. :)
Subject: Re: Are you....
Methinks there are stranger than thou, MissI ;)
End Quote
Yeah, what he said ::) :D
This is the only one I hang around in. I have a bajillion things going on online at once and I guess my attention span isn't that great 8)
Subject: Re: Are you....
So far this is the only forum I've chosen to join. And I don't really see any reason to go anywhere else. I haven't been a member long but I really feel very comfortable when I post my opinion because I know I'm not going to get attacked and that everyone is wonderful in the way that they choose to disagree. So thanks for all of you out there for keeping this a friendly, wonderful place to visit. :)
Subject: Re: Are you....
I have a couple of closed message boards that I belong to. They are nothing like this, though. There are about 10 members on each and we share more personal info since noone else can see it. I like this better because it's not quite so monotonous, there's more to do.
Subject: Re: Are you....
I honestly can say that this is my first, and I could never imagine leaving. You guys are da bomb!;D
Subject: Re: Are you....
I used to post on the IMDB message boards. It's either anonymously or sporadically moderated, and it gets nasty sometimes. As I think I understand it, historychannel.com had a messageboard and it was closed I think because of repeated and heated flame wars. Most of the member of that board migrated to IMDB, and brought their rancor with them. I think a lot of the regular posters post from public libraries.
I've been a member of a couple of Yahoo groups. One was called "What do men want anyway." It was supposed to be a forum about relationships, but it tended to be dominated by three or four women who pretty much challenged anything and everything a man wrote. I also was a member on a pressure cooker group, but that never had much going on.
I lurk on a couple of other message areas. When you read a Yahoo news story, there's usually a messageboard tagged onto the story. The arguments often become intense, heated, ridiculous and hilarious. The New York Time also has a message board on many of their stories and editorials, but I wouldn't dare post unless I had an advanced degree in International Studies.
Subject: Re: Are you....
Methinks there are stranger than thou, MissI ;)
End Quote
Yes. I believe you are correct.
Subject: Re: Are you....
Looking around I found this board, not as fun but well organized cause it splits the topics up a bit.
Subject: Re: Are you....
I post on here and a parenting board every day. The parenting board includes a board that started of as an ante-natal club. Since all the babes are now a year old I guess its thoroughly post-natal!
I did used to post at kissthisguy but didn't like it when it changed. Plus as others have said it regularly got spammed and was full of people asking for the same lyrics over and over again.
I also check out BBC homes messageboard every couple of days or so.
I don't think I'm have a different personality on any of the different boards. Although I suppose some of the stuff I post is more personal on the parenting site.