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Subject: So What Turns You On?
Well I love it when my girlfriend does this thing with her eyes, she sort of looks up at me and just ....well words cant explain it, but I love it!
What about you?
::) PS, I AM AN EYE GUY! :o
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Guys that I feel safe with. Not safe from the guy...but safe in general. I like eyes, too. :)
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Well, a nice face for starters…
A good-looking body to go with that face… (I hate girls with knockout bodies whose face looks like it's been smashed in with a brick!)
A nice personality…
A good sense of humor…
What more could a man want?
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Ah, there is nothing more wonderous than a perfect male arse ;)
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
24 hours with no kids would probably do it...a hubby that worked less than 60 hours a week...a long hot bubble bath, with no interruptions...a warm breeze...rain...kisses on the back of my neck
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
She's gotta have some junk in the trunk. I can't stand a woman who's built like an exclamation point.
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Eyeglasses ;)
....and ponytails :D
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Tattoos, body piercings, and men with dark hair and brown eyes.
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
a sense of humor is a must. I cannot be with someone who can't see the comic side of things.
Intelligence, wit, and kindness. Tats are cool, piercings are cool, the only thing that is a real turnoff for me is cowboy hats and that whole cowboy look, I just can't dig it.
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Intelligence, wit, and kindness. Tats are cool, piercings are cool, the only thing that is a real turnoff for me is cowboy hats and that whole cowboy look, I just can't dig it.
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Not even Clint Eastwood? James Dean? John Travolta? Kevin Bacon? Paul Newman? Even the guy from the Black Angus Commercials ;D?
I must say that's a bold statement, pretty lady ;)
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Not even Clint Eastwood? James Dean? John Travolta? Kevin Bacon? Paul Newman? Even the guy from the Black Angus Commercials ;D?
I must say that's a bold statement, pretty lady ;)
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Actually, I have loved John Travolta since I was 6 years old but it was because of Kotter and Grease, not because of cowboy look. I just don't dig the cowboy thing. Sorry, nothing personal. I am sure there are guys who think gals who don't dig cowboys are a turnoff too. ;)
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
I forgot to mention that Rice Cube also turns me on. ;D
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
I forgot to mention that Rice Cube also turns me on. ;D
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Wasn't it RnRF, not too long ago? ;)
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Wasn't it RnRF, not too long ago? ;)
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I'm a tramp, what can I say? ;D
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
I'm a tramp, what can I say? ;D
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A very nice one too! :D ;D Won't he get jealous?
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Tight Pants are a turn-on for me. ;D
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Tis an "on" button
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
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Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
A very nice one too! :D ;D Won't he get jealous?
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Thanks Hairspray! ;D And no he won't be jealous. :D
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Intelligence!!! And I love big, masculine hands. And a really good smile. And a wicked sense of humor... There's four things every guy I've dated have all had in common.
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Very smart and confident women are my biggest turn-on, a close second is a shapely, full bottom! I like 'em built for comfort- not speed.
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Confidence and great personality. Great smile. Girls that can carry a conversation. Girls that drive stick and/or trucks.
Girls that DJ (only if they're good).
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Intellegence, and a great sense of humor. Well, that basically describes my honey (which deffinately turns me on. ;)). But I must say that I do love too see great beefcake. YUM! ;D
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Humor and a man that takes care of his body! Here are some other qualities:
Soft Lips
Big Hands
Six Pack Abs
Respects women in general
Like to go on actual "dates"
Whispers in my ear
Likes to be daring
Can spoon for hours! :o
And....If you look like Sugar Ray - oh yeah baby! ;D
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Humor and a man that takes care of his body! Here are some other qualities:
Soft Lips
Big Hands
Six Pack Abs
Respects women in general
Like to go on actual "dates"
Whispers in my ear
Likes to be daring
Can spoon for hours! :o
And....If you look like Sugar Ray - oh yeah baby! ;D
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Looks like I'd only turn you on half the time. ;) ;D
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Looks like I'd only turn you on half the time. ;) ;D
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what half are we talking about? ;D I am always up for negotiation!
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
what half are we talking about? ;D I am always up for negotiation!
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Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
I did not list physical attributes, and I think it is because it depends upon the total package. I am not all about looks so I can't say definitely this, or definitely that. I am usually attracted to big guys, yet my hubby is short....it's all good though. 8)
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
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CAREFUL! Her hubby is the boxer. :o
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
CAREFUL! Her hubby is the boxer. :o
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haha! your paying attention! well, it's all fun & games my friend! ;)
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Tricksy womenses ;) They tricks Smeagol! :D
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
CAREFUL! Her hubby is the boxer. :o
End Quote
Shhh! What he doesn't know won't hurt me! :D
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Shhh! What he doesn't know won't hurt me! :D
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my philosophy exactly! ;)
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
haha! your paying attention! well, it's all fun & games my friend! ;)
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I take careful note when it comes to potential beatings. ;)
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
::) PS, I AM AN EYE GUY! :o
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and I am a noticeable nose girl...
but it's not like i just go "WHOA! Look at that sexy roman nose!" it's more like "Hey that guy's pretty good-looking" and then a few minutes later it's "...and there's the nose..." it never fails...well almost never...
the only exception is this guy with really sexy brown eyes :-*
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
*long,brown hair
*big tushy
*strong legs
*good personality
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
wow i started this in the morning and here i am going through 35 responses! :o
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Physical attributes that turn me on?
Olive-colored skin (or darker ;) )
Dark hair
Soft, kissable lips
Deep dark doe-like eyes (my friends and I call them "Bambi Eyes")
A really, really nice (grabbable) bottom ;D
A goatee, or a narrow beard line (along the jawline only, nothing on the cheeks)
Tattoos and some piercings are ok, but not too many, and not too weird.
Non-physical attributes:
A man who loves children, even those he is not related to by blood.
A sense of humor.
Tolerance of of other races/religions/lifestyles
Slow or impossible to anger
Not afraid to do what is traditonally seen as "women's work" (stay home & raise kids, teach elementary school, be a nurse, etc.)
These are just parts of a whole. The "perfect" guy may only have some, or even none of these.
Personality is everything.
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Honesty.....just plain ol honestly
And someone who can treat me like a person...just treat me nice...
I really don't ask for much ::)
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
And....If you look like Sugar Ray - oh yeah baby! ;D
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Sugar Ray is actually a BAND...like Bon Jovi is more than Jon...I imagine what you meant to say was if you look like Mark McGrath OF Sugar Ray... ;)
What turns the Jonman on? Well, there's nothing like a good, long, deep, passionate, knee-melting kiss...kissing is SO underrated these days!!
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
you are absolutley right! i did mean mark mcgrath!
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
And here I thought you were talking about Sugar Ray the boxer guy...because you were into boxers. :)
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
And here I thought you were talking about Sugar Ray the boxer guy...because you were into boxers. :)
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LOL! That's who I thought she was talking about, too!
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
i like girls that can spell... big turn on. Correct grammar, usage of your vs. you're, to vs too vs two, pronouncing the word "Nuclear" correctly.
Other than that, if you can find me a girl that can decipher and understand the cardinal directions i would be hers forever. I'm tired of girls not understanding when I say "go north on suchandsuch"
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
i like girls that can spell... big turn on. Correct grammar, usage of your vs. you're, to vs too vs two, pronouncing the word "Nuclear" correctly.End Quote
Yep, but I think I'm partial to women who, in addtion to saying "nuclear" correctly, say it with a Minnesotan or Southern accent ;) I'm not picky.
Other than that, if you can find me a girl that can decipher and understand the cardinal directions i would be hers forever. I'm tired of girls not understanding when I say "go north on suchandsuch"
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I have yet to find this woman. No offense ladies, just my personal experience 8)
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Other than that, if you can find me a girl that can decipher and understand the cardinal directions i would be hers forever. I'm tired of girls not understanding when I say "go north on suchandsuch"
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Quoting:I have yet to find this woman. No offense ladies, just my personal experience End Quote
Do you mean to tell me that you guys don't know any women who know how to follow directions in this manner? For pete's sake, north south east west, how hard is that?
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
i like girls that can spell... big turn on. Correct grammar, usage of your vs. you're, to vs too vs two, pronouncing the word "Nuclear" correctly.
Other than that, if you can find me a girl that can decipher and understand the cardinal directions i would be hers forever. I'm tired of girls not understanding when I say "go north on suchandsuch"
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LOL - and I hope you'll forgive my poor "grammar" here on the 'net (I try to save my carpal-tunnel issues by shortening things).
But I DO understand and PREFER N-E-W-S directions and likewise, cannot understand people who don't understand this! I hate having to know EXACTLY where their "starting point" is in directions, w/people who can only give "right/left, opposite that" versions, so that you have to follow exactly what they're saying or you get lost. N-E-W-S makes the directions shorter and simpler, oftentimes not needing any starting point at all!
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
-Intelligent eye-sets which can't help but be handsome - usually bespeaks both intelligence AND oozing sexuality! (Not that I'm that kind of girl, but still.....) ;D
-Breeches and tight trousers from the Revolution and Federal period! :o :-* (I found a new reason to go to reenactments!)
-Conservative thinking! 8) :D As if you didn't know!
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
And here I thought you were talking about Sugar Ray the boxer guy...because you were into boxers. :)
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Please! I am not that bad! Good gosh! ;D
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
Other than that, if you can find me a girl that can decipher and understand the cardinal directions i would be hers forever. I'm tired of girls not understanding when I say "go north on suchandsuch"
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You must not be looking in the right place. A lot of ladies, myself included, can understand these kind of directions. Heck, I prefer them.
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
*women who have feminine voices.
Now,you don't want anyone that sounds like Chyna(Joanie Laurer),now do you? ;)
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
*women who have feminine voices.
Now,you don't want anyone that sounds like Chyna(Joanie Laurer),now do you? ;)
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precisely ;D
Subject: Re: So What Turns You On?
nice long shapely legs.
Howard :)