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Subject: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
Well I flat out hate winter, i miss dry socks, pants, shoes, floors, and short sleeve shirts. I miss playing basketball in the park, I miss playing baseball, I miss playing Football, but most of all I miss warm weather!
What about you guys?
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
Sorry GJ
I live in a place where it's hot most of the year round - for the last three days I have been bathing in my own sweat at night, it has been so humid.
So the thought of winter really turns me on ! ;D
I flat out hate summer ! It's a relative thing ...... ;)
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
oh i see how it is, dont rub it in bubba ;)
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
Hate it? I can't STAND it! I keep telling myself, I am going to move to Miami. I hate the cold, snow, ice, gloves, hats, coats, windshield scrapers, sleds... everything that goes with cold weather. And I have been trapped in my house for two days now because of this hellacious blizzard we had here! UGH! >:(
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
By january I understand where bears are coming from on the whole hibernation thing........
Me,I get cold in october and stay the same amount of cold no matter what the weather does until spring !
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
I hate winter! I would like to see it go up to 90 degrees and stay there.... :(
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
I love winter, I love to get out on the outdoor rink and play pickup hockey. I think the only thing that I don't like about winter is all the dirt and salt. I hate spring because of all the thawing dog poop everywhere.
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
I do. I enjoyed sunny 70F weather in Phoenix this weekend, only to come back home to the aftermath of yet another ice storm... >:(
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
i think i'm the opposite of most people. i hate every season EXCEPT winter. it doesn't stem from my love of snow days (i have one today... ;D), i just can't stand warm weather. i hang black posterboard in the windows in my room to block out the sun light. i'll gladly go outside while it's raining or snowing, but i avoid direct sunlight at all costs. during the summer, the only time i go outside for extended periods of time is when i go mini-golfing (which my friends and i do at night, once again, to avoid sunlight) or to go swimming in my friend's pool (hello sunburn!).
ghetto_john...we have two feet of snow outside and my brother STILL plays basketball...OUTSIDE! without a jacket, no less! :o i swear that kid's crazy.
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
It blows here in Ottawa. Especially when you live on a street where every body owns a dog, yum, frozen dog poop everywhere. But I gotta admit I love snow soccer and Christmas. ;D
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
Well, I do like a little snow at Christmas, but I hate winter otherwise, since everything gets canceled because of the stupid ice and snow >:(
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
I don't mind Winter here in New York,It's just too damn cold.freezing temps,numbing fingers,frozen face,etc...Thank god in another month will be Springtime.nice refreshing 70's.and not have to worry about snow mountain pile-ups. >:(
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
In the words of me and Monaco Chris:
Spring makes me think about love,
girls in bicinnis comin' down from above,
oh, all them ladies lookin good tonight,
and all them ladies shining oh so bright,
with the blondes, brunettes, and all the shades of red,
all them ladies with Wes and Fred,
cuz all them ladies will wanna go,
to santa monaco,
ridin' in the monaco.
(im wes boring, and Chris is Fred Murdst)
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
Not me...bring on the cold weather! Normally it is one of the few times we don't have severe weather around here that can have devastating tornados with it. I would rather have a snowy day anytime than a day like we are gonna have Friday... more severe weather :-/
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
I don't really hate winter, since I have athsma and allergies. Other times of the year, pollen and pollution make it really hard for me to breathe sometimes.
Winter is the only time I can count on not having any trouble. Yeah, deep snow can get tiresome, but most of the time the cold doesn't really bother me.
It's only when the temps drop below zero for more than four days at a time, and I can't even keep the house warm that I have any complaints.
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
Well,figure this.In about a month it will be springtime and all the snow & slush will completely disappear forever.In the wintertime,I eat & snack more! ;D
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
Me! I long for the days to go out without a coat and not freeze to death. I want to not wear socks and just go round in sandals and pretty much not wear loads of layers!!
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
i hate it even worse. SEVERE WINTER STORM >:(
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
I love Winter!! Fall is best, but winter is a close second. :) I can't believe how many people complain about the weather when there are so many places you can move to if you don't like it! ;) You know it's gonna snow next winter, so do yourself a favor and move this spring! lol
Florida may sound great now, but once the tropical storms and tornadoes hit, y'all would be griping about rain and wind. LOL!! Try Louisiana. I told my in-laws (after they moved there and we went to visit) that I'd never live there. It's 'hotter than the devil's left nut' there (what I say when it's 95 in the shade), and I mean that in the worst way! LOL Plus, they have 2 to 3 inch long mosquitoes!! I loathe bugs!! ICK!!!
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
By "tornadoes" in my previous post, I meant to say hurricanes. ;)
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
We had 22 inches of Snow and from all this darn rain,the snow isn't melting any faster.We need in new York is a nice 80 degrees.
Howard :)
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
I love winter its my favorite time of the year. I mean you dont have to cut the grass every week, you don't sweat all the time, and you dont hardly ever have to worry about severe storms and tornados. Only thing you really have to worry about is blizzards or ice storms but i will take those any day over tornados and hurricanes. I hate summer, i like cold weather and snow. If it was winter year round i would be one of the happest people around.
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
Winter? What's that?
I have experienced very few winters in my lifetime, unfortunately. I live in a semi-tropical place but have longed to move to a area that has four seasons. I really feel I am missing out on a lot, but it is here I must stay (for now, anyway) because of hubby's job. :-/
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
I don't hate winter but it's not my favorite time. I really don't like the cold but it doesn't get that cold here for very long. If we have snow, it usually melts the same day. Just nice enough to want to build a fire and have some hot chocolate!!
Now when I lived in Wyoming, that's a different story. I definitely was not fond of winter there. We lived in northern WY and it was freakin cold and the snow would cover cars and pile up to the second story of our house. We usually had to use the garage entrance because the locks would freeze shut and in the spring all that snow would melt into our basement which was a huge pain in the rear to clean up. Did my parents ever think to invest in a pump? No, we had to get all that water out by hand!! Sometimes took days and days. There isn't enough money in the world to make me live in that climate again. My husband has really wanted to live in Alaska and I tell him to have a good time because I'm NOT going!! :) Been there, done that, no thanks!
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
ok i just shoveled my drive way and low and behold its snowing again! >:(
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
I love winter and I love snow (as long as I don't have to drive in it). The thing that I don't like about winter (this winter especially) is the deep freeze. About 20 degrees is good but colder than that, forget it. I would rather have the cold than hot and humid weather. As I always say, when it is cold, you can always throw on another sweater or another blanket, but when you are hot, there is just so much you can take off. I get VERY irritable when it is hot and humid that I can't even stand myself!
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
I love winter and I love snow (as long as I don't have to drive in it). The thing that I don't like about winter (this winter especially) is the deep freeze. About 20 degrees is good but colder than that, forget it. I would rather have the cold than hot and humid weather. As I always say, when it is cold, you can always throw on another sweater or another blanket, but when you are hot, there is just so much you can take off. I get VERY irritable when it is hot and humid that I can't even stand myself!
End Quote
This pretty much sums it up for me, too. Except, I don't mind driving in snow (4 wheel drive ;)) I don't mind the cold, except when there is no snow. Plus, my hair doesn't frizz like it does in the summer months ;D
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
I only like winter when it's snowing, or it's cold enough so that you can ice skate outside. Otherwise it's pointless to me :P
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
We've had all this snow and some of it has melted.We're probably gonna be getting another one Thursday in New York.
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
I will NOT be complaining about the heat in mid-July...it reached a High of 7 degrees yesterday....I can't wait for Winter to end......
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
Yesterday was the coldest February morning for us since 1914, so it was a record setter. I don't hate winter but like anything else, the more there is of it the more tiresome it becomes. I don't like the extremes (summer/winter), I like the mellows (fall/spring). Especially fall. We had 8 inches of snow dumped on us in a 4 hour time span night before last. It is still too cold to melt.
Subject: Re: Who Flat Out Hates Winter?
Yesterday was the coldest February morning for us since 1914, so it was a record setter. I don't hate winter but like anything else, the more there is of it the more tiresome it becomes. I don't like the extremes (summer/winter), I like the mellows (fall/spring). Especially fall. We had 8 inches of snow dumped on us in a 4 hour time span night before last. It is still too cold to melt.
End Quote
As much as I hate Winter....I wish we'd have gotten more of the snow that you recieved :-/