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Subject: Who is your ideal president?
If for some unknown reason, George W. were to decide to leave office to commune with the natural world, and left the job to you to pick his replacement, who would you choose to replace him? Current people, dead people, fictional people, famous penguins, and any other living entity is an acceptable answer.
My choice for prez: Gandalf
Tell me yours and remember, vote for Gandalf!
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
Hairspray for President!
Fair minded, even tempered, good communicator, and snazzy dresser. ;D
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
I do not know who Gondofl is off the top of my head. Who is he?
I would give the job to a proven winning track record: Bill Clinton. The economy has never been better than when he was president.
Okay, let the but ripping start. Somehow I have the feelings the republicans at this board are going to do this to me:
(.) to (o) to (O)
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
Who is Gandalf? Think Lord of the Rings. Think Ian McKellan. Think nominated for best supporting actor.
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
I'd reanimate Eisenhower and make him President ;)
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
Hairspray for President!
Fair minded, even tempered, good communicator, and snazzy dresser. ;D
End Quote
Hair has my vote. ;) :)
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
I do not know who Gondofl is off the top of my head. Who is he?
I would give the job to a proven winning track record: Bill Clinton. The economy has never been better than when he was president.
Okay, let the but ripping start. Somehow I have the feelings the republicans at this board are going to do this to me:
(.) to (o) to (O)
End Quote
Nah, you’re entitled to your opinion. I would pick the exact opposite of Ralph Nadder. I don't know who that is exactly..
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
Good President's Day question!
My vote goes to the original George W... Washington.
Today we sometimes focus so much on what Washington and the other founding fathers didn't accomplish, the abolition of slavery, that we overlook the revolutionary concepts that they implemented:
1) A democracy,
2) An elected president,
3) A constitution and a bill of rights that have stood the test of time,
4) A system of checks and balances among the three branches of government, and much more.
Of course, Washington did not do this by himself, but it could not have been done without his leadership.
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
Ronald Reagan. 'Nuff said. ;D
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
Hairspray for President!
Fair minded, even tempered, good communicator, and snazzy dresser. ;DEnd Quote
:o :D :o Aw..w..w.... Thanks, Race!
I'd definitely make residence room for you, Autumn and family at my White House. ;D
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
Hair has my vote. ;) :)End Quote
:o :D :o Wow! Thanks! I'd be having the coolest residents at My White House, for sure! That includes you and your family, of course.
I'd bring back THE 1980's!!! :D 8) ;D
Edited to add: I would create a special compound with houses for all the awesome members of these forums and their families. :)
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
Re: Who is your ideal president?
My ideal Presidents were:
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln
My ideal President would have to embody all the intelligence, charisma, good, yet strong force to be reckoned with power Gandalf possesses. So....
I too vote Gandalf, for President. :)
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
Just a thought: is there a stipulation that a president has to be human? Just that Gandalf, if you want to be pedantic, isn't. (I ain't convinced about Reagan, either, mind)
Me, I reckon Kermit (with Miss P for VP) would be a real dream ticket.
..or possibly Wayne and Garth (from Wayne's World)
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
I agree with TV9, Ronald Regan.
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
Just a thought: is there a stipulation that a president has to be human? End Quote
Well, according to the original post:
Current people, dead people, fictional people, famous penguins, and any other living entity is an acceptable answer.
Yes, Gandalf is acceptable. ;)
I'm amazed you didn't vote for him. :o
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
John Kennedy. He was a tough cookie.
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
Yes, Gandalf is acceptable. ;)
I'm amazed you didn't vote for him. :o
End Quote
If I was American, I'd probably write him in... seeing as I'm not, the US authorities might take a dim view of me trying to vote, let alone trying to vote in a mythical mage ;-)
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
Well, I have two choices…
Alfred E. Neuman
Bill the Cat
Boy, I wish Pat Paulsen were still around…
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
I agree with TV9, Ronald Regan.
End Quote
I agree with TV9 & dagwood!
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
My ideal penguin president has to be Feathers McGraw from Wallace and Gromit's clay-mated short "The Wrong Trousers".
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
My ideal penguin president has to be Feathers McGraw from Wallace and Gromit's clay-mated short "The Wrong Trousers".
End Quote
Hi John :)
That's really funny. But does it matter that Feathers is a criminal? Maybe he'd be a good Prez because of his calculating cleverness :)
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
All of our presidents are criminals to some degree or another. I just like Feathers because he was a master of disguise.
Penguins are beautiful. Hug a penguin today and find true happiness. 8)
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
I would have to say that ideal president would probably be a woman-probably a mother who knows what people really need like health care and livable wages. Someone who is not out-of-touch with the world and is not so full of testostrum that they have stage a war to prove that "he's a manly man."
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
J-Lo for president............ha just joking.
How about Howard Stern? Or Baba Booey?
Susan Sarandon. Bruce Springsteen. What about Colin Powell?!?!?!?!?
Just some random thoughts...
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
I would have to say that ideal president would probably be a woman-probably a mother who knows what people really need like health care and livable wages. Someone who is not out-of-touch with the world and is not so full of testostrum that they have stage a war to prove that "he's a manly man."
End Quote
I can almost guarantee that there'll be a period of two or three days every month where no nation in the world dare piss her off ;)
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
Here's the ticket that will win (Really!):
Colin Powell as pres. and John McCain as Vice.
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
I can almost guarantee that there'll be a period of two or three days every month where no nation in the world dare piss her off ;)
End Quote
You got that right! ;)
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
Who Hoo! :D We got dibs on the Lincoln Bedroom! ;D
:o :D :o Aw..w..w.... Thanks, Race!
I'd definitely make residence room for you, Autumn and family at my White House. ;D
End Quote
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
"Strom Thurmond"
-Trent Lott
On a more serious note,
First U.S. president George Washington rejected a movement among army officers to make him king of the United States.
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
Keith Richards
We could be certain he would never die in office... ;)
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
Keith Richards
We could be certain he would never die in office... ;)
End Quote
...and of course never deny he "inhaled" ;)
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
...and of course never deny he "inhaled" ;)
End Quote
... and he won't evade questions about his shady past when it comes to cocaine ;)
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
...and of course never deny he "inhaled" ;)
End Quote
He would legalize pot too, being as how "it's no more harmful than cigarrettes and alcohol". ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Who is your ideal president?
i would have to say Theodore Roosevelt, a true political romantic. if vh1 did documentaries on presidents, he would be on Driven ;D