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Subject: Michael Jackson Documentary...and the Controversy
To any British viewers who saw the documentry on Thursday night, this will be familiar to you.
I think it is shown tonight for our American members. Maybe you guys will comment then.
I think that MJ is just compensating for the childhood he didn't have. He is like a 4 yr old trapped in a 44 yr olds body. The countless amount of toys and his 'theme park' scream this out to everyone.
I really do beleive that he is genuine and almost naive about the whole children sleeping in his room predicament. I don't believe he would abuse children, or has done in the past, beacuse he was abused badly as a child. He just wants to bring happiness to children who are less fortunate.
Everything has been taken out of proportion. I felt by the end of the show, the interviewer was very attacking towards Michael. I admit, he is a strange guy, but give him some justice. What does everyone else think?
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Documentary...and the Controve
To any British viewers who saw the documentry on Thursday night, this will be familiar to you.
I think it is shown tonight for our American members. Maybe you guys will comment then.
I think that MJ is just compensating for the childhood he didn't have. He is like a 4 yr old trapped in a 44 yr olds body. The countless amount of toys and his 'theme park' scream this out to everyone.
I really do beleive that he is genuine and almost naive about the whole children sleeping in his room predicament. I don't believe he would abuse children, or has done in the past, beacuse he was abused badly as a child. He just wants to bring happiness to children who are less fortunate.
Everything has been taken out of proportion. I felt by the end of the show, the interviewer was very attacking towards Michael. I admit, he is a strange guy, but give him some justice. What does everyone else think?End Quote
Perhaps the documentary was made to give the world the impression that he's been misjudged and to clean-up his character a bit.
It seems they did a bang-up job. :-/
I don't buy into that sort of thing. PRs are very good at attempting to clean-up someone's image.
Granted MJ was abused, I do not feel that's an excuse for him to be so weird, irresponsible and carrying-on down-right disturbed. He has the financial means to get the best psychological help there is and he clearly chooses not to help himself.
I don't feel he should be attempting to parent children or be allowed to be close to children in general.
He has an unhealthy obsession with children.
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Documentary...and the Controve
I really don't think he came out well at all. Yet, I have my own opinion of the situation.
Yes, he does seem to have, as you may say 'unhealthy' obsession with children - but I think it is in almost a 'pure' way. He's trying to re-live his lost years through them in my opinion. It may be strange to any so called 'normal' person for a man of his age to want to be surrounded with kids. But everyone always thinks of the worst, no-one would think that it may come to some good. I'm not saying that I completly agree with kids staying in his bedroom etc.. But I just think we should try to see all the sides of the story.
I feel for his kids, they are certainly not having a normal upbringing. He stated in the programme that he wanted to adopt 2 children from every continet in the world. Maybe that's a little outragous. Yet he has the money to provide a great life for them. But after seeing the program, I think social services may be *slightly* reluctant.
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Documentary...and the Controve
There's got to be something wrong with his mind if he cannot admit to others let alone to himself that he has had plastic surgery. All that false talk about "being like a child" and changing.... Yeah right, he's the only one who disobeys the rules of living.
And as for seeing nothing wrong with sleeping with children and "spreading the love" there is seriously something wrong with that guy.
Although what gets to me is the fact on that documentary he said his father used to beat him as a child yet when he was in the Jackson 5 and still suffering from his skin condition he told everyone his father was very supportive and helped him through it. Very Strange ?!
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Documentary...and the Controve
Although what gets to me is the fact on that documentary he said his father used to beat him as a child yet when he was in the Jackson 5 and still suffering from his skin condition he told everyone his father was very supportive and helped him through it. Very Strange ?!
End Quote
But he was only a kid in the Jackson 5. Maybe he couldn't bring himself to admit that about his father at that point in his life. When your still in need of your parents, your hardly gonna admit to the public that your father beats the crap out of you, are you?
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Documentary...and the Controve
I am a bit addicted to finding out stuff about famous musicians. I read those biographies in the rock and roll section of Barnes and Noble and I'm always on The All Music Guide trying to find out more, about artists I hate and artists I love, bands I know everything about, bands I know nothing about.
From launch.yahoo.com
Quoting:Pop star Michael Jackson is admitting that kids still sleep in his bedroom, despite the fact that he's been accused of child sexual abuse in the past. Jackson made the startling admission on a British television documentary that is set to air in the U.S. on Thursday (February 7). Jackson said that children were still sleeping over, "sometimes in his house, sometimes in his bedroom."
However, Jackson added "very few" actually stayed in his bed, and called his behavior appropriate, saying, "Why can't you share your bed? The most loving thing to do is to share your bed with someone." Jackson further explained, "I see God in the face of children. And man, I just love being around them all the time."End Quote
I officially want to know no more about Michael Jackson.
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Documentary...and the Controve
I watched some of the documentary, but I stopped watching because I already know I'm going to have nightmares later on.
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Documentary...and the Controve
I just can't seem to get past the "clay nose" or is it silly putty? It's just not right and he makes me queezy :-X
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Documentary...and the Controve
I used to like him but now I don't really care much about what he does anymore.From trying to buy the Elephant Man,suing an Art Gallery,The wedding of Lisa Marie Presley.I wish his face would be back to normal.I just don't like looking at that crooked nose.It might fall off,you know! :P ;D
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Documentary...and the Controve
I watched the interview.
He said that he's only had 2 plastic surgeries in his lifetime and they were just on his nose. He said it was the honest truth! Even when the interviewer expressed doubt and questioned repeatedly, Michael Jackson stood by his statement.
He either lied blatantly to the interviewer or he's completely and utterly diluted. Either way, he has proven beyond a reasonable doubt, once and for all, that he's got some serious issues.
He will soon have to face some of those issues, especially where the children are conserned. If not by his own doing, most definitely by someone else's doing, exclusively for the sake, safety and well-being of the children in his possession and all of the other children within his reach.
Neverland is an ammusement park and zoo. The perfect set-up to attract kids and gain trust. Sadly, Michael Jackson fits the profile of a pedophile. What's more, he probably doesn't see the malice in it.
The highlighted portion is strictly just my speculation, nothing more. Only a liscensed psychologist or psychiatrist can make those determinations. I'm neither.
The documentary was quite disturbing, to say the least.
Then there's the one teenager who sleeps with Michael Jackson in his bedroom; During the one interview they were holding hands and leaning toward each other.
A 44 year old man sleeping with a teen in the same bedroom???
There's the traumas those kids go through, the way they're masked and sheltered from the world, the fact that he's told them all they have no mommy,....
I really hate and pity this guy. I liked his music once upon a time. But no more. He's deteriorated into a total mess of a human being.
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Documentary...and the Controve
I pity him, and this interview was disturbing, but I can't say I hate him. I think Criz was right on saying that he was "compensating for the life he didnt' have" but what is sad is that he has the resources to do so much good in the world and he chooses to blow it all on "things". The bottom line impression I got was that he is just an extremely selfish, self centered, disturbed, talented, human being (and I'm not so sure about that part), that is in total denial. I just feel for his children.
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Documentary...and the Controve
We watched it in Aus on Tuesday night but I wanted to wait till you guys had seen it before I made comments so as not to ruin the show for you.
I kinda agree with what each person has said. The impression that I initially came away with was that while I do not agree he is a pedophile (I have worked with them and believe it or not he doesnt show the main signs) - he is however completely dellusional.
He doesnt pretend to be 10 - he genuinely believes he IS ten. And that is why he honestly doesnt see the "wrong" in the sleepovers. He thinks all ten year olds have sleepovers - which they do. Its definately not a sexual thing - there was no evidence in that based on the evidence I have witnessed with the men I use to have to counsel. Even the hand holding wasnt a sexual thing - I actually think the kid did it for the camera's.
Is Michael in therapy ??? That was an unasked and unanswered question. If he isnt - why isnt he ????????
I also felt he missed a golden oppurtunity. He sat there and told us all about the verbal abuse from his friends, family and fans during his big nosed pimply era. That was the perfect moment to say "so thats kinda why I like to have plastic surgery" and we all would have sat back and said "ohhhhhhhhhh that explains it - poor guy" and empathised with him - instead he denys the surgery - leaving us screaming "oh for gods sake Micheal - just admit it !".
The lies about "Blanket" bothered me - at one stage he said he was concieved with someone Michael knew and whom he had had a relationship with. When he is next asked the question he says he was concieved with a surrogate mother whom he hasnt met. OOPS !!
Also the whole "bringing the children up in a masked world" - for a man who had a crappy childhood - you would think he would do the opposite and let them live a normal live. I did think the interviewers statements about it being abnormal to be raised without a mother was extremely inflammatory and derogatory towards the millions of single fathers and gay fathers out there busily raising children without mothers.
I also get a little mad about the black turning white crap too. I met many Pakistanis in the UK who suffered from vittiligo. One man showed me his arms which were black from elbow up and pure white from elbow down - he had been black at birth and the colour was basically disapearing as he aged. I also know a pure white aboriginal who was blue black at birth and by the time she started school her vittiligo had kicked in and nowdays she is whiter than me. If you look at pics of Michael at aged 10 you can see he has huge white patches all over his back - so it had already started then.
So I think in the end I came away from it thinking Ok I know a little more about Michael than I did on Monday. I know he lies, I know he is deluded and in need of serious help, I know he is one hell of a talented musician and singer, i know he isnt a pedophile but the whole "you are not TEN" thing hasnt been properly explained to him by a shrink.
And boy oh boy - I know he can show ! How was that $7mil shopping spree !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want that, and that, and that, and that, and that !! The look on the interviewers face when he read the prices tags was a Mastercard moment !!!!!!!!
Now we need a doco on Liza "Why I keep marrying gay men" !!
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Documentary...and the Controve
Watching the documentary on Michael Jackson last night, I kept thinking about the movie Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? In the movie, Bette Davis played a former child movie star that never managed to grow up and she remained a mentally disturbed, eight-year-old girl until the end. I saw a great deal of that in Michael. He truly has the mind of a small child and refuses to become a mature, functional adult male in the world. Is he a bad person? No, absolutely not. He has a very distorted vision of his role in the world. He still envisions himself as The King of Pop, a role that he relinquished more than a decade ago. Martin Bashir did an amazing job, in my opinion, in conveying Michael's isolation from the real world, a world he has no interest in joining... :'(
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Documentary...and the Controve
I just wish the lady plastic surgeon and he could've spoken face to face? :o
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Documentary...and the Controve
Michael is sueing over the documentary.
Edited because link was non-functional.
sorry 'bout that Hair....it is in Yahoo news if anyone wants to read it. For some reason can't make that pesky link work... :(
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Documentary...and the Controve
I posted my last post immediately after the documentary.
In retrospect, I don't hate him and I don't think he's a pedophile. I was typing with a clouded perspective and non-objectively.
The interviewer never entertained the possibility that Michael Jackson truly thinks and acts like a child in every capacity.
Children are the only people he can relate with. I think part of the reason is because children like him as one of their own and don't jugde him. Most adults, on the other hand, can't take him seriously and do judge him harshly.
When I thought about it, I came to the conclussion that if he had anything to hide, if he had any malice towards children, he would not be so open about his relationship with them in general. He would be aware that the way he relates with them doesn't "look right" and would make an effort to hide it. Goodness knows he very well could if he chose to.
But he doesn't hide anything because he simply has nothing to hide.
He does have the mind of a child. I'm convinced.
He's lonely without children. He's isolated in his huge, fantastic world.
He's not a bad person, just broken.
I'm not sure what the psychological name is for his mental illness of not being able to mature, grow-up and be a functional and responsible adult, but he needs help.
I still believe he shouldn't be raising his children.
A child cannot raise a child. :-/
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Documentary...and the Controve
I kinda agree with what each person has said. The impression that I initially came away with was that while I do not agree he is a pedophile (I have worked with them and believe it or not he doesnt show the main signs) - he is however completely dellusional.
He doesnt pretend to be 10 - he genuinely believes he IS ten. And that is why he honestly doesnt see the "wrong" in the sleepovers. He thinks all ten year olds have sleepovers - which they do. Its definately not a sexual thing - there was no evidence in that based on the evidence I have witnessed with the men I use to have to counsel. Even the hand holding wasnt a sexual thing - I actually think the kid did it for the camera's.
Is Michael in therapy ??? That was an unasked and unanswered question. If he isnt - why isnt he ????????
I also felt he missed a golden oppurtunity. He sat there and told us all about the verbal abuse from his friends, family and fans during his big nosed pimply era. That was the perfect moment to say "so thats kinda why I like to have plastic surgery" and we all would have sat back and said "ohhhhhhhhhh that explains it - poor guy" and empathised with him - instead he denys the surgery - leaving us screaming "oh for gods sake Micheal - just admit it !".
The lies about "Blanket" bothered me - at one stage he said he was concieved with someone Michael knew and whom he had had a relationship with. When he is next asked the question he says he was concieved with a surrogate mother whom he hasnt met. OOPS !!
Also the whole "bringing the children up in a masked world" - for a man who had a crappy childhood - you would think he would do the opposite and let them live a normal live. I did think the interviewers statements about it being abnormal to be raised without a mother was extremely inflammatory and derogatory towards the millions of single fathers and gay fathers out there busily raising children without mothers.
I also get a little mad about the black turning white crap too. I met many Pakistanis in the UK who suffered from vittiligo. One man showed me his arms which were black from elbow up and pure white from elbow down - he had been black at birth and the colour was basically disapearing as he aged. I also know a pure white aboriginal who was blue black at birth and by the time she started school her vittiligo had kicked in and nowdays she is whiter than me. If you look at pics of Michael at aged 10 you can see he has huge white patches all over his back - so it had already started then.
So I think in the end I came away from it thinking Ok I know a little more about Michael than I did on Monday. I know he lies, I know he is deluded and in need of serious help, I know he is one hell of a talented musician and singer, i know he isnt a pedophile but the whole "you are not TEN" thing hasnt been properly explained to him by a shrink.
And boy oh boy - I know he can show ! How was that $7mil shopping spree !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want that, and that, and that, and that, and that !! The look on the interviewers face when he read the prices tags was a Mastercard moment !!!!!!!!
End Quote
I agree with pretty much everything you've just said. I don't think he's a paeodphile. He does beleive he's still a child and has no intention of ever growing up. He is indeed living in a world of his own.
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Documentary...and the Controve
After hearing some of the clips of his interview, I don't think the Gloved One is as bad a monster as the majority of people has made him to be. Still, it is sad that his mind is like that of the anti-hero of Gunter Grass' novel "The Tin Drum",(if anyone read the book or saw the devastating movie). And it's ironic and poetic justice that Jacko's dad is reaping the bitter harvest of his past actions. :(
Subject: Re: Michael Jackson Documentary...and the Controve
I watched the interview.
He said that he's only had 2 plastic surgeries in his lifetime and they were just on his nose. He said it was the honest truth! Even when the interviewer expressed doubt and questioned repeatedly, Michael Jackson stood by his statement.
End Quote
A local radio talk show host this morning said he believed him...1 surgery to take his face off and 1 surgery to put on a new one. ;D