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Subject: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
I have fuzzy memories of the home I grew up in until I was about 5 years old. I would love to go back and see it, but alas, it burned down many, many years ago.
Any of you ever visit your childhood home? Did it measure up to your memories?
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
I've driven by it twice. The first time it was hard to find because the big tree in the front was not there and they had put a different roof on it. The second time I found it okay.
It still has the fake rock front my parents put on it. :)
Someday, I would like to be brave enough to stop and ask to see the inside. I just remember it as being a very dark house. Maybe that's why I like the light so much now. I would also be interested to know if the master bathroom still has the fake rock shower (same as front porch). :P Apparently, quite stylish at the time but a little strange now.
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
Well, the first house I lived in was burned down when I was a baby. The two houses that I lived in before I moved to where I am (and have been there for 35 years) were torn down for highway construction. In fact, the reason we moved to where we are today was that the house I was living in at the time was in the path of an interstate highway.
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
My Dad was in the R.A.F so I had many childhood homes !
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
Although I moved much, I consider Lawrence Kansas my hometown, and the answer is "Every chance I get, and it never disappoints." ;D
Edited to add that my original childhood home burned down :( there is an apt. house there now.
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
I have drove by it a couple of times (along with other homes that I have lived in over the years). The funny thing is, this was the last house that all of us lived together in (there are 6 kids, plus my parents). We moved out of there in the early 70s but all of us still remember the address (with zip code) and the phone number. It is just one of those things that is etched in the side of our brains. We can remember other addresses and numbers of places we have lived since that time, but that one, we will all know forever.
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
Every day. My parents still live there and I pick up my kids there every day after school.
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
um.. I'm still living in mine.. bought it from my parents.. I tell people I'm the Drew Carey of Auburn.. and if I don't start losing weight, I'll start looking like him too..
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
I drive by mine quite a bit, too. My parents still live in the same town. Unfortunately, it is now in terrible shape. They tore down the pool, but left the deck, cut down the trees, painted it a hideous color, and there are junk cars in the driveway. It's kinda sad. The one we moved to after that is still in great shape. They, too, took down the pool, but have resided it, paved the driveway, and taken wonderful care of it. The thing that I like best is they still have the light on the pole that comes on when it's dark. I used to love that and wanted to put one in here when hubby and I built this one, but he wouldn't :(
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
um.. I'm still living in mine.. bought it from my parents.. I tell people I'm the Drew Carey of Auburn.. and if I don't start losing weight, I'll start looking like him too..
End Quote
LOL! You're too funny!
Yes, I drive by occasionally...it was the height of moderninity back in 1960, but now it looks so terribly dated and sad...whoever ownes it now does not keep it up very well, even though it is in one of the better neighborhoods still... :(
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
My parents still live in the house we moved to when I was five years old. It's in a crappy neighborhood with frequent drive-by shootings and every other house rented by dealers and yes, I visit it about once a month. As for the houses before that, somewhere in Arizona, there's a trailer in the middle of nowhere that I don't ever want to see again, and somewhere in upstate New York, there's a white farmhouse on a big hill that I don't ever want to see again and, and in Florida and New Jersey there's apartments I don't... Sometimes I prefer the past to remain there.
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
My aunt & uncle bought my childhood home from my parents & everytime I go there I like to sniff the basement cause it still smells like it did when I was a kid. In fact, they still have the same tile flooring down there that I used to rollerskate on.
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
Yeah-- I'm still living there.
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
No, even though I only live a couple of miles from it.
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
Occasionally I am over that side of town, and I drive past it.
It was sold in the 80's torn down, and units put up in it's place.
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
I've been living in my childhood home for almost 30 years now.
I remember when I had the baby room and it was so tiny
the crib was in the corner of one side of the bedroom.Then years later,it was revamped.
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
The house I lived in until I was 5 belonged my great-grandparents and it was passed along to my grea-uncle. My mother rented it from him until her next marriage. I remember it being very grey and had steep stairs in it. My wife and I were driving through my home town and as I was driving past it she said "What a cute house!" I surprised her when I told her it's history. The people who bought it did a great job fixing in back up, it's very quaint.
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
My family moved constantly from the time I was 8 months old until I was 9, so I don't really have that one childhood home. I do remember the house I lived in from that point on, and from what I hear and the pictures I have seen, it is now dilapidated and about to be torn down (if it hasn't been already). I have not seen it in 9 years.
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
ive visited the house that i spent my most years in, from august 1991-october 1999 a few times because-
1-after we moved, my mom rented the house to her younger sister
2-my mom is now preparing to sell the house for profit. So between semesters while i was back home she had me over there helpin to clean it up some.
sometimes i wish it could go back to 1995-1997, the block was really kickin then! our block had tons of kids 9-15 years old and on blocks surrounding us too so there was always somethin to do come rain, snow, sunshine, whatever! After that gradually families on all the blocks started moving away. In 96 one of the best families moved, then in early 98 my best friend moved.
i haven't, however, had the chance to visit the house i first lived in when i was born. I hope to get around to that over the summer though.
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
My parent's still live there so yeah, I do.
My room is almost exactly the way I left it too....still got my very first broken cymbal on the wall, my Extra Old Stock bottle opener, and all my old board games are still in the top of the closet along with my old 2-tone brown Adidas bag from highschool........
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
I grow up in Detroit but haven't been back there since 1985. I can still recall many things about my old neighborhood. My Dad still lives in MI and is surprised that the southwest side hasn't gone to crap yet. Apparently the old home is still standing but it has been covered with aluminum siding and the huge tree in the front yard is gone. I would love to go back and see for myself.
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
My mum and dad still live there so I go once or twice a month.
Lots of things are still the same, although the rooms have been redecorated, there is still a toy cupboard in the kitchen and the mantlepiece I helped my dad make is still in the living room.
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
i count my childhood homes, we moved around a lot when i was younger ;D but i do remember one particular one where me and my brother had this huge bathroom and after our bath each night we would dump the water onto the floor and slide around naked on our butts
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
I live in it! :)
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
I lived in so many places but there was one house - from 79 - 84 that I generally refer to as my "childhood home" even tho it was more of a "teen home". I guess its the home that stayed in my heart the most.
When we bought it I remember thinking it was the biggest house I had ever seen. Huge high ceilings, big rooms etc. Then my dad renovated it and literally doubled its size. Our games room would have easily been 20 metres by 12 metres. I remember having an entire Girl Guides troupe sleep over in there once !!
My bedroom was huge. My mum wallpapered it with all the big posters (metre wide by metre and a half high) from our drive in. One wall was all the "space" movies and another wall was posters featuring couples from my fav romantic movies - Grease etc. The third wall was the "hunks" one - scarily Burt Reynolds featured heavily !. The last wall was my music wall which was mostly covered in David Bowie. Tragically I was going to school in another state when my mum and dad split up and he sold the house - and it never occurred to him to take all my posters down - and some would be worth a fortune today :(
Anyway - I saw it listed in the real estate pages a few years ago and thought I might go for just a look.
I rang and the lady who was selling it said it had sold that day. I just kinda went "oh". Strangely she then asked me "did you use to live here ?". I said yes. She asked if I would like to come and look for old times sake. I was amazed !
So I went over and she was the loveliest lady. I asked her little girl where she slept and she pointed to my old room. She told me her name was Chloe. I said "wow my cats name was Chloe and we buried her out by that old magnolia tree with her brother Gypsy". She said "thats freaky - our rabbit Gypsy is buried out there too".
Seriously wierd co-incidences.
Then the lady said "your friend is still here too, she is very nice". I asked which friend she meant and she replied "the one that plays the piano in the middle of the night". I was spun out. In the years I lived there I only ever saw the mystery lady a few times - my brother saw her a lot more but he slept in the room where she died of old age. But we all would hear the piano every night.
The lady said she felt the elderly friend was at peace in the house and would probably always live there.
It was wierd to discuss it with someone else who didnt think you were insane !!!
As for the actual house - I think I felt that it was going to be a lot smaller when I actually saw it again. You know how when you were a kid things seemed really huge. So I was pleasantly surprised that it really was still an extremely large house.
I wish I could buy it again one day. But prices in that suburb skyrocketed and it is now way way WAY past my affordability !
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
i live in it. i have never moved once. i'm boring.
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
I've been living in my house for almost 30 years and pretty soon but not yet maybe we'll be moving to Florida by 2007.
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
I'm still living in MY childhood home. The only thing I like about mine is the coziness. It's tiny, but quite nice when it comes to actually living in it. I'm going to Try and move in 2004, but it's not gonna be far. It's gonna be near enough Cradley Heath, but not far from west bromwich. My hubby and me have 7 kids. We've found a nice place, a grassy bit. We've already moved everything into there and are looking around now, seeing what needs doing. We're only giving the house to let, so we are still living there officially. So we can visit, but they've actually RE-PAINTED it in a dark, disgusting brown, and the carpet! It's horrible! It's a dusty grey!
Luckily we're getting money out of this! We said £50,000 per year. So they're living there for 10 years, and we'll be getting a FORTUNE out of it.
We're so lucky
My head is spinning
We'll earn a fortune
Out of all this! :-* :-* :-* ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
My mother still lives in my childhood home. So, I visit it quite a bit. However, my Mom would say not often enough.
Subject: Re: Ever Visit Your Childhood Home?
The house I was born into was torn down in 1960 for the expansion of Stewart Airport in upstate NY.
We moved into a two family house than (from when I was 9 months to about 7 yrs old) and I have rode past that apt. maybe two or three times recently. During the last time, and elderly woman was sitting , looking out of the living room window-one of the windows my friends used to call to me at.
I never had enough nerve to knock on the door and ask for a look around, but I bet the apartment would seem very small to me now.That neighborhood also went downhill very badly -very down graded over the years, so I doubt they'd let strangers prance through their apartment LOL.I would love to, though.