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Subject: Needless Information
Do you have information that is completely and utterly needless? Here is my offering-
Pauly Shore Filmography :P I apologize to you all. Sorry :-/
• Princess and the Barrio Boy (2001)
• The Wash (2001)
• An Extremely Goofy Movie (2000)
• Bio-Dome (1995)
• Jury Duty (1995)
• In the Army Now (1994)
• Son-In-Law (1993)
• Encino Man (1992)
• Dream Date (1989)
• Lost Angels (1989)
• The Wedding Band (1989)
• 18 Again! (1988 )
• For Keeps (1988 )
• Casper Meets Wendy (1998 )
• Casper: A Spirited Beginning (1997)
• A Goofy Movie (1995)
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Oh I dunno
I saw Encino Man and frankly that was enough of Pauly Shore to last me quite a while.....
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Hah! That was one more than I. ;D
The only thing that I saw him in was some stand-up comedy show that he was complety unfunny in.
Oh I dunno
I saw Encino Man and frankly that was enough of Pauly Shore to last me quite a while.....
End Quote
Subject: Re: Needless Information
I seem to remember a post that pre-dates your arrival here, Race.
You may be in big trouble from at least one board member (as will I for my comments...).
We shall see if my prediction comes true !
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Are you implying that there is an actual Pauly Shore FAN!?! Wonders never cease. ;)
I seem to remember a post that pre-dates your arrival here, Race.
You may be in big trouble from at least one board member (as will I for my comments...).
We shall see if my prediction comes true !
End Quote
Subject: Re: Needless Information
You are digging yourself in very deep my man ! Soon there may be no saving you from the wrath that will inevitably come raining down in your direction.... ;D
What's one more time huh ? ;)
Subject: Re: Needless Information
I do have a big shovle, h'mm... I'm just funnin' around.
Pauly is a comedic Genious! He ranks up there with Eric Estrada and that "You can call me Ray, or you can call me Jay" guy, Billy Seluga. :o
You are digging yourself in very deep my man ! Soon there may be no saving you from the wrath that will inevitably come raining down in your direction.... ;D
What's one more time huh ? ;)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Here's 6 useless facts: :D
- Red is the most commonly colored vehicle involved in accidents each year.
- Cows have four stomachs.
- Cows and horses sleep standing up.
- If you get the recomended 8 hours of sleep each night you will sleep over 2,900 hours each year.
- The average family will spend $250,000 (thats a quarter million dollars) on each child from the time he/she is born until he/she turns 18.
- The oldest person to live was Jeanne Louise Calment, she lived for a whopping 122 years until she died of smoking related complications. Don't Smoke!
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Actually that's some good info, one thing I've learned it never treat a cow at an expensive restaraunt, and horses and cows are not big "cuddlers", typical ::).
Here's 6 useless facts: :D
- Red is the most commonly colored vehicle involved in accidents each year.
- Cows have four stomachs.
- Cows and horses sleep standing up.
- If you get the recomended 8 hours of sleep each night you will sleep over 2,900 hours each year.
- The average family will spend $250,000 (thats a quarter million dollars) on each child from the time he/she is born until he/she turns 18.
- The oldest person to live was Jeanne Louise Calment, she lived for a whopping 122 years until she died of smoking related complications. Don't Smoke!
End Quote
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Actually that's some good info, one thing I've learned it never treat a cow at an expensive restaraunt, and horses and cows are not big "cuddlers", typical ::).
End Quote
That's udderly ridiculous. Being with a cow can be a moooving experience, so I've heard. ;)
Subject: Re: Needless Information
You really reached for a topic, huh Race? ;D
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Useless Queen-related material from your resident Queeniac:
Freddie Mercury owned cats named Delilah and Roger among others.
Roger Taylor's children are called Tigerlily, Rufus Tiger, Rory Eleanor (and another boy whose name I always forget)
John Deacon's nickname is Deacy.
John Deacon likes dry roasted peanuts.
Roger Taylor's gate is decorated with glowing garden gnomes.
Brian May not only plays the guitar but also ukelele banjo, harp, bass and other things.
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Here's one! The first ever Greatest Hits collection to have chart success was by Johnny Mathis.
Subject: Re: Needless Information
There are exactly 276 tiles on my bathroom floor.
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Eric Stoltz was originally supposed to play the role of Marty McFly in Back To The Future.
Subject: Re: Needless Information
There are exactly 276 tiles on my bathroom floor.
End Quote
Dead Set !
This has to be the standout so far !
Subject: Re: Needless Information
the color of two walls of my friend's room is "blue blood."
greg camp's birthday is april 2, same as my grandmother. my cat is four days later (april 6), my other friend is april 9, my mother and i are on april 10, and my cousin is april 11.
lieselette is pronounced "lee-suhl-LET-ah." i perfer this name over my real one. ;)
there is one carpet in my house. it is in the dining room, which we never use.
i just spilled soda all over myself. this happens approx. twice a month, due to the fact that i often start tipping the glass before it's anywhere near my mouth. i never did this before i entered high school.
tomorrow is noodles's (of the offspring) birthday. he will be 40.
the guy who dubs kaga on "the iron chef" is duncan hamilton. (i'm 99.9% sure, anyway)
i am filled with useless information. if you're really lucky, maybe i'll grace (or annoy) you with more of my useless knowledge.
Subject: Re: Needless Information
In the summer of '69, Bryan Adams was nine years old.
Subject: Re: Needless Information
35% of all paperclips fall on the floor and get swept up and thrown away.... :'(
Subject: Re: Needless Information
If my youngest had been born 1 month-5 days later, and my oldest had been born 1 month+5 days earlier, all 3 of my children would have the same birthday, with 3 years between each.
Subject: Re: Needless Information
True Fact:
It is against the law to whale hunt in Oklahoma. :-/
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Yep, it was just me last night for a few hours, sitting at a quiet desk with nothing going on. ;)
You really reached for a topic, huh Race? ;D
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Subject: Re: Needless Information
Has a thing for cones and cries over lost paper clips, what is it that your not telling us Zella? ;)
35% of all paperclips fall on the floor and get swept up and thrown away.... :'(
End Quote
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Are you implying that there is an actual Pauly Shore FAN!?! Wonders never cease. ;)
End Quote
I have to throw in here my little sister met and hung out with Pauly last fall while he was in Arkie....guess he likes the Mira look too!
Subject: Re: Needless Information
I have to throw in here my little sister met and hung out with Pauly last fall while he was in Arkie....guess he likes the Mira look too!
End Quote
I feel so sad knowing that a no-talent hack like Pauly Shore got to meet the Mira look-alike and I have yet to ::) ;D
Subject: Re: Needless Information
If you were to open up your lungs and spread them out flat they would cover approximately half a tennis court.
The record for the fastest goal in English football is 4 seconds from the kick-off.
The record for the fastest own goal is 6 seconds
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Here's a (full?) list of ship names from Iain M Banks culture books
Consider Phlebas
GSV Bora Horza Gobuchul
GSV Determinist
GSV Eschatologist
GSV Irregular Apocalypse
GCU Nervous Energy
GSV No More Mr Nice Guy
LSV Profit Margin
GCU Prosthetic Conscience
ROU Revisionist
GSV The Ends of Invention
ROU Trade Surplus
Clear air turbulence
Added Value
Dependency Principle
Faring Well
Heavy Messing
I Blame My Mother
I Blame Your Mother
Furious Purpose, Comet class
Battle Cruiser Kiss The Blade
Destroyer Riptalon
SacSlicer II
Wing Clipper
T3OU 118
T3OU 3
T3OU 736
LOU Attitude Adjuster, Killer class
Superlifter Charitable View, Cliff class
GSV Death And Gravity
GCU Different Tan, Mountain class
Rock End In Tears
GSV Ethics Gradient, Range class
GCU Fate Amendable To Change, River class
VFP Frank Exchange of Views, Psychopath class
MBU Full Refund, Empire class
GCU Grey Area
GSV Honest Mistake
GCU It's Character Forming
GCU Jaundiced Outlook, Ridge class
Cruise Ship Just Passing Through
ROU Killing Time, Tourturer class
GSV Limivorous, Ocean class
LSV Misophist
GSV No Fixed Abode, Sabbaticaler class
MSV Not Invented Here, Desert class
GCU Problem Child, Troubadour class
GCU Reasonable Excuse
GCU Recent Convert
LSV Serious Callers Only, Tundra class
Shoot Them Later
GSV Sleeper Service, Plate class
GCV Steely Glint, Plains class
GCU Tactical Grace, Escarpment class
GSV The Anticipation Of A New Lover's Arrival, Plate class
GCU Unacceptable Behaviour
GSV Uninvited Guests
GSV Use Psychology
GSV What Is The Reason And Why?
GSV Wisdom Like Silence, Continent class
Hub Woetra
GSV Yawning Angel, Range class
GSV Zero Gravitas
Zetetic Elench Explorer Ship
Appeal To Reason
Break Even
Long View
Peace Makes Plenty
Sober Counsel
Within Reason
Player Of Games
GSV Cargo Cult
GCU Flexible Demeanour
LOU Gunboat Diplomat
GCU Just Read The Instructions
Superlifter Kiss My Ass
GOU Limiting Factor
GSV Little Rascal
GCU Of Course I Still Love You
Superlifter Prime Mover
Clipper Screw Loose
GSV So Much For Subtlety
GSV Unfortunate Conflict Of Evidence
GSV Youthful Indiscretion
VFP Zealot
The State of the Art
GCU ...Boo!
GCU A Series Of Unlikely Explanations
GCU A Ship With A View
GCU Ablation
GCU Arrested Development
GCU Big Sexy Beast
GCU Cantankerous
GCU Credibility Problem
GCU Dramatic Exit
GCU Excuses And Accusations
GCU Funny, It Worked Last Time
GCU God Told Me To Do It
GCU Halation Effect
GCU Happy Idiot Talk
GCU Helpless In The Face Of Your Beauty
GCU Heresiarch
GCU I Though He Was With You
GCU It'll Be Over By Christmas
GCU Just Another Victim Of The Ambient Morality
GCU Minority Report
GCU Never Talk To Strangers
GCU Not Wanted On Voyage
GCU Only Slightly Bent
GCU Perfidy
GCU Sacrificial Victim
GCU Space Monster
GCU Synchronize Your Dogmas
GCU Thank You And Goodnight
GCU The Precise Nature Of The Catastrophe
GCU Ultimate Ship The Second
GCU Undesirable Alien
GCU Unwitting Accomplice
GCU Well I Was In The Neighbourhood
GCU You Would If You Really Loved Me
GCU You'll Thank Me Later
Use Of Weapons
GSV Congenital Optimist
GCU Just Testing
GSV Size Isn't Everything
GCU Sweet And Full Of Grace
GCU Very Little Gravitas Indeed
GSV What Are The Civilian Applications?, Continent class
ROU Xenophobe, Tourturer class
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Okay, here goes:
111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321 :o
What do bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers all have in common??
They were all invented by women!! :)
Subject: Re: Needless Information
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died the same day, July 4, 1826-the 50th anniversery of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which they both signed. (Of course T.J. wrote it) Adams' last words were "Jefferson still survives." Little did he know that Jefferson died 3 hours before him. I believe Jefferson's last words were about Adams.
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Excellant! I give you points for the numerical oddity being useless, but the inventor information is pertinent. Why would I automatically place a male name in front of inventions?
One of the greatest accomplishements of the male sex it to take credit for everything good, and distance themselves of blame when things go bad. ;)
Okay, here goes:
111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321 :o
What do bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers all have in common??
They were all invented by women!! :)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Needless Information
There are approx 600,000 rivets in each tower of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Did you know that the manager of Bony M was also the manager of Milli Vanilli? That fact is too good to be true ;D
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Northwest and Southeast Alaska. Commercial divers harvest The geoduck lives in the coastal seabeds of the Pacific the clam in waters up to 70 feet deep. Most are 2 to 3 pounds in weight, but can weigh up to ten pounds. The geoduck is one of the longest living animals in the world. Adults may live to over 140 years and reach a maximum shell length of nine inches
The giant delectables sold for $2.50 a pound live. They are a favorite food for the Chinese New Year, which begins February 1.
Subject: Re: Needless Information
You learn something new everyday!
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Northwest and Southeast Alaska. Commercial divers harvest The geoduck lives in the coastal seabeds of the Pacific the clam in waters up to 70 feet deep. Most are 2 to 3 pounds in weight, but can weigh up to ten pounds. The geoduck is one of the longest living animals in the world. Adults may live to over 140 years and reach a maximum shell length of nine inches
The giant delectables sold for $2.50 a pound live. They are a favorite food for the Chinese New Year, which begins February 1.
End Quote
I've also heard that they are aphrodisiacs. ;) ;D
(Possibly more due to their shape than anything else.)
Subject: Re: Needless Information
I have tinnitus at the moment.
And it's not from listening to loud music either, it's from having blocked sinuses.
Subject: Re: Needless Information
I have a lazy eye.
Subject: Re: Needless Information
I have a lazy eye.
End Quote
So do I!! It's earned me the nickname "Wonky" at work.....
Subject: Re: Needless Information
I have a new cat with a bad....how do I say this?? A gas problem.....any cat owners out there with any help for me??
She can clear a room!!! :P
Subject: Re: Needless Information
What kind of food are you feeding her? I go with Science Diet for ours, never had any gas problems from them, now when the dog eats their food he can clear a room. :P
I have a new cat with a bad....how do I say this?? A gas problem.....any cat owners out there with any help for me??
She can clear a room!!! :P
End Quote
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Nine Lives Plus Care for Urinary Tract Health.....my male cat has a problem with bladder stones...so he has to eat this. It is a dry food and he has never been 'gassy'
Subject: Re: Needless Information
I feed my cat Cat Chow Light......now that's useless information!!
Subject: Re: Needless Information
The British term "bobby" (policeman) came from the name of Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850), founder of London police force.
Leotard came from the of Jules Léotard (1839-70), French acrobat.
Rastafarian came from Ras Tafari, precoronation name of Haile Selassie (1892-1975), Emperor of Ethiopia.
That's all pretty useless!
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Each person's index finger has the same diameter as the inside of their nostril.
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Now what study was done to come to that conclusion? ;)
Each person's index finger has the same diameter as the inside of their nostril.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Needless Information
35% of all paperclips fall on the floor and get swept up and thrown away.... :'(
End Quote
It's funny, but I couldn't help thinking people are a lot like paperclips.
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Now what study was done to come to that conclusion? ;)
End Quote
The TripsMom Institute of Triplet Biodynamics, of course ;D
Subject: Re: Needless Information
I have a new cat with a bad....how do I say this?? A gas problem.....any cat owners out there with any help for me??
She can clear a room!!! :P
End Quote
I'll bet the company that you're about to have doesn't consider this "needless info"! :P ;)
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Every man who is born with XYY chromosomes is a psychopath.
1 in 10,000 men in the world have this, yet 1 in 1000 men in prison have this.
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Every man who is born with XYY chromosomes is a psychopath.
1 in 10,000 men in the world have this, yet 1 in 1000 men in prison have this.
End Quote
Um, this is not a fact, but a hypothesis regarding the genetic predisposition for violent behaviour or else biology books need to catch up with these recent findings. I'll have to look that one up to make double sure, but I have yet to read of any scientific evidence for this. It reads more like something taught in psych 101...
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Um, this is not a fact, but a hypothesis regarding the genetic predisposition for violent behaviour or else biology books need to catch up with these recent findings. I'll have to look that one up to make double sure, but I have yet to read of any scientific evidence for this. It reads more like something taught in psych 101...
End Quote
You obviously haven't been doing and reading genetics in the past couple of years have you ?
If you have, then you should have read some genetics books which actually state the fact XYY chromosomed men ARE psychopaths.
Also other useless information which you might know of is that 2 odd numbers added together always give an even.
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Each person's index finger has the same diameter as the inside of their nostril.
End Quote
Actually, I made it up.Just wondered if I could get you all to stick your finger up your nose. How many of you will admit that you checked the fit? ;D
Subject: Re: Needless Information
I put Frank's Original Red Hot sauce on practically everything that I eat.
Subject: Re: Needless Information
:-I had already known.
Actually, I made it up.Just wondered if I could get you all to stick your finger up your nose. How many of you will admit that you checked the fit? ;D
End Quote
Subject: Re: Needless Information
You obviously haven't been doing and reading genetics in the past couple of years have you ?
If you have, then you should have read some genetics books which actually state the fact XYY chromosomed men ARE psychopaths.
End Quote
This is just one study done on the subject. I can bring you more references if you'd like, but it's going to take some time since most databases offer only abstracts and to get the real article takes time to sift over a lot of junk. It is fun, but you are stating something that is NOT fact.
Criminality and antisocial behaviour in unselected men with sex chromosome abnormalities.
Gotz MJ, Johnstone EC, Ratcliffe SG.
Department of Psychiatry, Royal Edinburgh Hospital.
BACKGROUND: Previous studies on male patients with sex chromosome abnormalities (SCA), namely XYY and XXY, suggest that such patients commit criminal acts more frequently than expected. Most of these studies are affected by ascertainment bias. METHODS: Using a population-based sample of men with SCA, identified by screening 34380 infants at birth between 1967 and 1979, comparison between 16 XYY men, 13 XXY men and 45 controls were made in terms of frequency of antisocial personality disorder (APD) using the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia lifetime version. Rates of criminal convictions were examined in 17 XYY men, 17 XXY men and 60 controls. RESULTS: XYY males showed a significantly higher frequency of antisocial behaviour in adolescence and adulthood and of criminal convictions than the controls, but multiple regression analysis showed this to be mediated mainly through lowered intelligence. Property offences constituted the majority of offences in all groups. The XXY men did not show an increased rate of criminal convictions. It is possible that this apparently negative result relates to the relatively small numbers of cases and hence low power of this study. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study carry the advantage of not being affected by ascertainment bias and the disadvantage of having low power. It provides evidence for a slightly increased liability to antisocial behaviour in XYY men.
That last sentence might prove a point, but this is a study that was done in 1999 (I think), so it's still for the jury to deicide whether this is fact. As of now, it is still under the experiment and data phase. Perhaps you could enlighten us with a recent scientific article stating otherwise. I'm willing to admit fault where it lies...
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Interesting study you got there :)
Subject: Re: Needless Information
nothing rhymes with silver, orange or purple.
Subject: Re: Needless Information
Southernspitfire's bathroom is tiny! She does have a comfy guest bed though! ;D
Subject: Re: Needless Information
nothing rhymes with silver, orange or purple.
End Quote
Turtle kinda rhymes with purple.... just replace P with T.
And as for you Bitter Almonds.... it's a fact. I'll find the book, then you'll be sorry.