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Subject: Hair--It's not just a musical...
In the spirit of keeping new threads above the waist, I would like to know everyone's preference on hair...preferred colors, length, styles, etc. Also, any funny hair stories are welcome.
Please keep all responses in reference to the hair on noggins, chests, backs and legs (or armpits, if that is your desire :P) so Hairspray and Chucky don't have to worry ;)
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
I promise to keep my comments above belt. ;)
Hiar is part of a package so I can't say that I prefer certain colors all the time, but I have to say the sexiest hair I've seen recently was featured by that femme fatale in Being John Malkovich. She was scary-sexy :o
I do prefer shorter styles though that taper in around the neck vs. curling out. Also I was happy to see the high maintenence styles of the 80s go, not worth that much effort and puts less stress in the ecosystem from all the hairspray, which is no comment to our own fine Hiarspray, mind you. ;)
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
Sorry, realized I didn't put my preference. On guys, I like dark hair. On women, the only things I don't care for are BIG HAIR or unnatural looking dye-jobs. I like hair to look natural. I prefer long hair on women and short hair on men, but there are people who look nice either way. The hairstyle I am glad to see pretty much gone is the mullet. I saw a lady with a big, bleach blonde mullet at the gas station last night and it took every ounce of control to keep from cracking up. Then, again, it could have been the hooker make-up and stirrup pants with spike heels that did it? ;D
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
I think women look better with hair that's on the shoulders or longer. Mine is currently shoulder-length, which makes it much easier to manage. For men, I prefer short hair but not military-short. It shouldn't be touching the ears. Oh, and I like guys with medium to dark hair. :)
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
For men, I prefer short hair but not military-short. It shouldn't be touching the ears. Oh, and I like guys with medium to dark hair. :)
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You're an advocate for the mullet? :D ;D :)
I am a sucker for ponytails ;)
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
my hair is strange. there's no other way to put it! the right half is wavy, while the left half is straight. when up in a ponytail, the hair on the right half reaches about one or two inches below my shoulders...and the left side is at about shoulder-length. it's a very noticable difference. :) BUTBUTBUT (pardon my childish excitement :D) tomorrow i'm highlighting it red! since i am still living with my parents, it's obviously not going to be the bright "hey look, it's RED!"-red that i wanted, but that's okay. my natural color is dark brown. yet people think it's black? i don't get it; it's definitely not black.
as for guys...as long as their hair isn't down to their shoulders (i have a feeling i'm spelling this word wrong...i never learned how to spell in elementary school, we were taught "creative" spelling! and now i can't spell! yay.), i don't really care how long it is. i tend to perfer guys with dark hair, but dexter holland's the exception to that. (none of you heard that, by the way. :-[ ;D )
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
The hairstyle I am glad to see pretty much gone is the mullet.
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it's making a come back around where i live. mullets scare me. :)
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
I thought of letting my hair grow long but now I hate long hair. I always try to cut it about every three months. I considered growing a mustache or a beard. I only shave once a week, and I have always had a beard start. If I go without shaving at least once a week, I know I'm growing a beard, and I want to cut it off! Of course, if there is an occasion where I need to shave, I do, but I sometimes wind up cutting myself when I don't want to cut myself…
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
You're an advocate for the mullet? :D ;D :)End Quote
No, no, no, no!!! ;D
Quoting:I am a sucker for ponytails ;)
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On men or women?
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
On men or women?
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Women...especially when they have the "Standard-Issue Scrunchie" and it sorta tapers into a point at the end...that's really cute :)
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
I have dark auburn hair, which up until couple months ago I wore all one length and right past my shoulders. Now it is cut in a Meg Ryan kind of style from her You've Got Mail/French Kiss period and it suits me fine. Easy to take care of! I wish I had done it long ago. On guys..longer hair is ok if it is well taken care of. Since my husband has none (he shaves it bald) I have decided I like that look too. NO mullets please! I thought the only people wearing mullets these days were some professional wrestlers....lol. I hate to see someone with bottle blonde hay textured hair, and black roots.
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
my hair is strange. there's no other way to put it! the right half is wavy, while the left half is straight. when up in a ponytail, the hair on the right half reaches about one or two inches below my shoulders...and the left side is at about shoulder-length. it's a very noticable difference. :) BUTBUTBUT (pardon my childish excitement :D) tomorrow i'm highlighting it red! since i am still living with my parents, it's obviously not going to be the bright "hey look, it's RED!"-red that i wanted, but that's okay. my natural color is dark brown. yet people think it's black? i don't get it; it's definitely not black.
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Mine is also rather strange. It's naturally curly for the most part, except along my neck in the back. I also have red and blonde highlights (hence my "crazy hair mom" nickname ;)), but they're pretty subtle. It's a little shorter than shoulder length because when it gets longer, the top curls even more, while the bottom part becomes straighter and when it gets shorter, I look like I have a dead poodle on my head! ;D I usually straighten it so it at least looks presentable, but there are some days that it's just not worth the effort. (Basically, any day it's humid, raining, snowing, windy, etc.) ::)
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
I've always wanted to try and grow my hair long, but I can't stand the meathead stage. So I cut my hair once a month, I have a baby face so I only have to shave about every six months(that's just around my mouth). I can't grow hair on my cheeks or sideburns.
On a woman my favorite look is the ponytail through the baseball cap look.
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
Mine is also rather strange. It's naturally curly for the most part, except along my neck in the back. I also have red and blonde highlights (hence my "crazy hair mom" nickname ;)), but they're pretty subtle. It's a little shorter than shoulder length because when it gets longer, the top curls even more, while the bottom part becomes straighter and when it gets shorter, I look like I have a dead poodle on my head! ;D I usually straighten it so it at least looks presentable, but there are some days that it's just not worth the effort. (Basically, any day it's humid, raining, snowing, windy, etc.) ::)
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yes, humidity + hair = disaster. when humidity meets my hair, i could probably style it into an afro. ;D
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
yes, humidity + hair = disaster. when humidity meets my hair, i could probably style it into an afro. ;D
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when humidity hits mine, there's no styling involved, it's instant afro ;)
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
Clean!!! It has to be clean. I've dated guys with long hair, short hair, shaved hair, from blackest black to platinum blonde (a natural, no less) and everything in between, from straight to curly-curly to a nice soft wave.
As my avatar shows (sort of) I have long hair and it's just brown. Brown, brown, brown. The last time I had short hair (barely touching my shoulders) was when I was 23 and it made me look like I was 12. For myself, I prefer long hair, for other people, it really just depend on how it looks on them.
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
Yes - clean hair is a must. It doesn't matter to me what color it is (red, brown, blue etc.)...
I was wearing my hair really really short until recently...I want to grow out the top and the back a little. My stylist just trimmed me last week and it looks great - I don't even have to put hair styling products in it and it styles fine!
The past 6 months I've been sporting a goatee. I used to on & off (esp. if I took a long vacation). I keep it trimmed. I think it makes my face look thinner ('course I could be seeing things...).
On women, it depends on the person. Usually shoulder-length or longer is my preference...
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
Yes - clean hair is a must. It doesn't matter to me what color it is (red, brown, blue etc.)...
I was wearing my hair really really short until recently...I want to grow out the top and the back a little. My stylist just trimmed me last week and it looks great - I don't even have to put hair styling products in it and it styles fine!
The past 6 months I've been sporting a goatee. I used to on & off (esp. if I took a long vacation). I keep it trimmed. I think it makes my face look thinner ('course I could be seeing things...).
On women, it depends on the person. Usually shoulder-length or longer is my preference...
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I like goatees ( my husband has one) and I like the flavor saver look too. ;D I don't like the goatees that have beads or braids though...just doesn't appeal to me.
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
My hair is a little past the shoulders and straight. I want it longer, though.
On guys I like medium length hair. I prefer brunettes, but I don't mind blonds or red heads. As long as the hair is combed and clean
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
I like women who have long hair so as I can flip their hair over and start kissing their neck.Which is their"hot spot". ;)
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
"Give me a head with hair. Long, beautiful hair." Opps, sorry. Not that hair. Actually, I like long hair-always have. When I was a kid, we always had pixies and I hated it. Now, my hair is about half-way down my back. I would like it to be longer but it doesn't grow any longer. Unfortunately, I have really killed my hair because I have been coloring it since I was 19 (I didn't want gray in my 20s). I get so frustraited at times that I joke about going with the Sinead O'Conner look but would never do that. My natural color is dark brown but over the years, it seem to get redder and redder. Right now, it is more of a dark auburn.
My prefrence for men is whatever looks good on them. Some guys look great with a crome dome. My honey's hair is thinning and he has a bald spot that is fine. At least he doesn't take one strand of hair and wrap it around the top of his head. I really hate that. I also hate toupees on men too. As for facial hair, it is fine as long as it is trimmed. My honey has a mustash-and sideburns too. As far as color, whatever as long as it a "real" hair color. I hate those wild colors-green, orange, blue, etc. Personally, I would never go blond. I have a Meditarranean look-which is too dark to look good as a blond.
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
women - long 50 and under, short 50 and over
men - long or short, no military buzz cuts.
colors - reds, brunettes, blonds, no blues, no oranges, no purples or greens for me - Thank you. :)
I happen to have long hair. ;)
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
I like goatees ( my husband has one) and I like the flavor saver look too. ;D I don't like the goatees that have beads or braids though...just doesn't appeal to me.
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beaded/braided goatees frighten me...some guy from some band (i forget who) had one and i had to change the channel. they just look so sharp and pointy and dangerous! it could poke an eye out. ;)
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
I shave my head and have a closely cropped beard, which sometimes turns into a goatee, although it has been a full beard for a while now.
On women I used to prefer red hair... okay, this was largely because I thought Gillian Anderson was hot, but still. Now, for some reason, I prefer long, thick, curly blonde hair! ;D
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
I shave my head and have a closely cropped beard, which sometimes turns into a goatee, although it has been a full beard for a while now.
On women I used to prefer red hair... okay, this was largely because I thought Gillian Anderson was hot, but still. Now, for some reason, I prefer long, thick, curly blonde hair! ;D
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And I like men who shave their heads and have a closely cropped beard that sometimes turns into a goatee.
Do you think that it's a coincidence that I have long, thick, curly blonde hair? ;D
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
My hair is a couple of inches past my shoulders right now. Most of my hair is medium to dark brown with auburn highlights. I do use an auburn coloring kit to cover up my early-onset gray hair. My grandfather started turning gray in high school, and was fully white-haired by age 30. If my gray would come in all in one place (so as to look like a dyed-in streak) it would be cool enough for me not to dye it, but no such luck. :-/
On guys, I tend to prefer dark hair, but then I also tend to be attracted to guys of ethnic groups that do not normally have blond or red hair.
I like the look of goatees on most guys, and when they have a very tiny line of a beard along the jawline only, (nothing on the cheeks) in addition to the goatee, I am lost. ;)
As to the length of a guy's hair, it depends on what looks good on him. Longish hair, if kept neat, is nice to look at but it does not work for everyone. Some guys look stupid with long hair.
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
I like the look of goatees on most guys, and when they have a very tiny line of a beard along the jawline only, (nothing on the cheeks) in addition to the goatee, I am lost. ;)
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Sweet, I just scored ;D
I'm like the only Asian guy most people know who can actually grow something resembling a goatee ;) Darn lack of testosterone.
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
My hair was blonde and used to be long until '94 and I went searching for a new job. After i cut it I thought, "why the heck did I wait so long?" So much easier. Like typical blonde men I started thinning and a few years ago a buddy took a picture of me at my desk with the window and sunlight behind me. The light came through the hair that I had and it looked like a Gasp! combover. I went to the barger and had the buzz cutt, nothing but stubble on top. At first when I felt the added chill on the scalp that November I thought "whoops, what the hell did I do" but shortly after that I was wondering why I didn't do it sooner. Not hat hair, no bed hair, no shampoo needed. I do have a goatee, grew my 1st beard at 19 when I went fishing to Alaska my first time. trimmed it down to the goatee since '91.
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
Here is the thread that has 2000's pics in it with our hair (or lack of) Since there are some newer people here maybe they can add to the thread. I wish I could scan some 80s-90s shots of me, to funny with the Mullet, that's right I had one years ago, i was sporting for awhile and my "grunge" period. ;D
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
I have to also point state that MissInfo's avatar is most sensual, I love that picture. And her hair certainly looks great in the shot too.
Clean!!! It has to be clean. I've dated guys with long hair, short hair, shaved hair, from blackest black to platinum blonde (a natural, no less) and everything in between, from straight to curly-curly to a nice soft wave.
As my avatar shows (sort of) I have long hair and it's just brown. Brown, brown, brown. The last time I had short hair (barely touching my shoulders) was when I was 23 and it made me look like I was 12. For myself, I prefer long hair, for other people, it really just depend on how it looks on them.
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Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
My hair is just wrong.. especially when I've just woken up and headed to the library to be here...
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
Yes,yes long hair on women,perfect in an ideal world etc but I have very fine hair that looks a real mess long it took me years to accept the fact but now I have it shorter and I like it like that .Personally I don't think long hair suits all women either.
As to men clean hair is a must and I have always fancied guys with long hair.My other half had waist length hair when we met *swoon* then I moved in with him and found out the downsides of long hair !?!one of which was he shed everywhere so it was like living with an Afgan hound at times!! Now he has a 'jedi' haircut(big star wars fan!) and looks about 10years younger and totally gorgeous so maybe I'm cured of the long hair fixation.......
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
I never really bother much with my hair- I usually just wear it in a ponytail.
With other people's hair, I don't really have much of a preference. Appearance isn't something I really look for in people. I prefer to analyse their personalities, and I only like them if I can understand them and feel I can trust them.
Do I sound weird? ???
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
I can't stand looking at people who have dandruff all over their hair.And also when they never give a darn about combing it and leave it like they just got out of bed.They look sloppy. ::) :P
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
i got my hair highlighted yesterday...IT'S PURPLE. AHHH.
okay, i'm exaggerating a little. my highlights are purple-red and when the light hits them, my hair sparkles. woohoo. :)
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
i got my hair highlighted yesterday...IT'S PURPLE. AHHH.
okay, i'm exaggerating a little. my highlights are purple-red and when the light hits them, my hair sparkles. woohoo. :)
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Give it a few days, it'll tone down after it's been washed a couple of times. The first time I tried red, I was REALLY purple. In about a week, I was a nice auburn, which is what I wanted. ;)
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
One of the preppier girls in my class said she was getting her hair highlighted blonde... the next day, it was striped orange, red and purple. With a splodge of the original brown in it. How I laughed.
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
I don't mind women having the "buzzcut"look. It seems cool to me. :D
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
I've always dug women with short hair(down to their shoulders), preferabley auburn or blond. Then again, if the personality is great she could have any other kind of hair. ;)
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
i got my hair highlighted yesterday...IT'S PURPLE. AHHH.
okay, i'm exaggerating a little. my highlights are purple-red and when the light hits them, my hair sparkles. woohoo. :)
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One time when I colored my hair, I used a brand that I didn't normal use (I think it might have been Clarol). It was supposed to be reddish but came out a bit on the purple side. That was the last time I used that brand. Now, I go and have it done. (I have a friend who works at a salon and she gives me a good deal.)
Subject: Re: Hair--It's not just a musical...
I like goatees ( my husband has one) and I like the flavor saver look too. ;D
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Um... ??? Dare I ask?