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Subject: Practical Jokes
Have you ever went to a supermarket put something in someones cart and then follow them and watch them pay for it?Have you ever went to a movie theater and played footsies with a stranger?My friend does this she says its exciting and she has met a few guys from doing it.I guess women can get away with that LOL!
Subject: Re: Practical Jokes
I have done the supermarket thing. It was hilarious because we put condoms in a nun's cart. Yes, I know where I'll go for that one, but I was young and stupid when I did it :D
Subject: Re: Practical Jokes
When i worked at Subway two years ago i worked on New Years day and it was really slow cause it had snowed the day before and it was New Years so very few people came by that day. So then me and the person i worked with we got bored so we decided to have some fun so we took a paper towel and crumbled it up and put it in with the meatballs and just hoped that someone would come in and order a meatball sandwich. Well someone did and so the person i was working with made the sandwich and made sure that she put the paper towel meatball in the sandwich once she finished the sandwich i rang the lady up and she went and sat down at one of the tables that made us nervous cause we werent expecting them to stay so we went to the back of the store and waited for the lady to call back at us and complain well a few minutes later it was time for me to leave cause my shift was over so i had to walk back to the register to clock out and the lady that had the sandwich was holding the paper towel in her hand looking at it funny and i almost started laughing but thankfully i didnt and i hurried up and finished clocking out and left and from what i know the lady never said anything about the paper towel meatball.
Subject: Re: Practical Jokes
When I worked as a waitress in my college days...there was this waiter that all of us girls picked on (because he was really cute but not so bright). We had tip jars made out of gallon plastic sour cream containers, we would cut a hole in the top of the lid to slip the money in. Well, one day before he got in for his shift I took a piece of plastic wrap, stretched it under the lid and put the lid with the hole back on top. So when his tips started rolling in he tried to put his money in the container...and it wouldn't go. Honestly, folks it took him several tries before he figured out there was a clear plastic wrap layer in the way. Yes it was mean, but it was really funny.
Subject: Re: Practical Jokes
One of my friends, when she was leaving her now ex-husband had totally cleaned out the house except for 1 sheet of toilet paper and a beer. Her step-dad had gone through the house and put saran wrap over all of the toilet seats and sinks.
Oh, and as a kid, we used to take the salt shakers in restaurants (they had to be a certain kind) and take the top off, turn the salt shaker over, and put the top on the bottom so when someone would try to pick up the salt shaker, it would get all over.
Subject: Re: Practical Jokes
Oh, and as a kid, we used to take the salt shakers in restaurants (they had to be a certain kind) and take the top off, turn the salt shaker over, and put the top on the bottom so when someone would try to pick up the salt shaker, it would get all over.
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So that was you! ;) I wondered who was doing that!
Subject: Re: Practical Jokes
Back in highschool one of the guys in the group I hung out with bought a second hand car(an Italian car I believe it was called an Innocenti) it was small like those Le Cars. The city had just put in new bleachers for our football field, so on our lunch break six of us picked up the car and placed it in the cement at the bottom of the bleachers. By the end of the day not only was his car stuck there, but he also had a parking violation from the city.
Subject: Re: Practical Jokes
I go out to eat a lot and use my credit cards to pay. When I become friendly with the waitress/waiter, once in a while I will put out a store credit card. There was one time I did that and the waitress just walked by the table and picked up the card without even looking at it. A few minutes later you can hear her yell, "J.C. Pennys?" One guy who waits on us quite frequently, I used my Victoria's Secret card on him. Of course this dude is known for not having much of a sense of humor which made it funnier.
Subject: Re: Practical Jokes
I have done the supermarket thing. It was hilarious because we put condoms in a nun's cart. Yes, I know where I'll go for that one, but I was young and stupid when I did it :D
End Quote
i've not done anything especially funny, but i once left a message on our voicemail that said something like "oh, wrong number!" in an english accent...when my dad got the message, he couldn't figure out who it was from. i asked him whose message it was and he responded, "some strange woman gave us a message stating she'd reached a wrong number..."
Subject: Re: Practical Jokes
Ah, practical jokes...
Hmmm...in the summer of '96 (summer Olympics, yay!) I was in an accelerated program at Stanfurd (BOO!). So one night a couple of big guys and I decided it'd be fun to put a couch on top of the TV thingy. Now the TV for the dorm lounge was huge, which mean the TV thingy was also huge, and since my ankle was in a moonboot (I sprained it the week before playing basketball...) the big guys had to do it. Took some doing, considering the couches were heavy, but they got it up there.
Ah, the punchline...our resident assistant saw the couches after we'd gone to bed and decided to take it down himself. Said RA was like five feet tall. He got about 20 stitches :P
We got into a crapload of trouble for that one.
Subject: Re: Practical Jokes
Here's one I've pulled a couple of times. There are five connected buildings where I work, and the closest one to me is nestled between the mental health commitment courtroom and the waiting room. Sometimes it's... lively in that corner of the complex.
Anway, the men's room is fairly large, and the stall is opposite from the door. About twenty feet away. Before they put sensor lights in, if a friend of mine was in the stall when I was leaving after using the urinal, I would turn off the light and close the door. For some sick reason, the idea of my friend groping out of the stall in the pitch black room never failed to make me happy.
And, oh did they get mad at me.
Subject: Re: Practical Jokes
Okay, warning, immature 12 year old practical joke...
A couple of years ago I was really mad at this girl I knew (long story) so when she was slowdancing with a guy at a very very crowded dance I tapped her on the shoulder and said "Hey, isn't that your dad?". It's alot funnier if knew just how strict her parents were. She freaked out, lol. :-[ ;D
Subject: Re: Practical Jokes
I'm not a big pratical joker but once when I was helping out in the Galley of a ship I worked on I prepared some cheesecakes for the crew one night. As I was putting them together I noticed a pan of some scrambled eggs that morning that looked about the same coler as the cheesecake filling. I put the day old, cold eggs in a mixer and ground them up real fine then pressed it in to a crust and added some chockolate sprinkles for color. Two people got it, one I served him up after he begged me for some cheesecake, the reaction was hilarious, not the flavor he was suspecting. The other I didn't see but another crew man told he he was walking by a stateroom and heard a loud "What the f' is THIS!" and saw a wedge of "cheesecake" fly over the side of the vessel. ;D