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Subject: Most Hated Food
What is it you can't eat? I can say Brussle Sprouts are the my most hated food. Tastes like industrial grade wet sod. :P
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Mushrooms.......NASSSSSSSty! I would go into detail what they feel like in my mouth....but even I don't want to get grossed out! :P
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Gotta agree with you, Race. I can't stand Brussels Sprouts either. I had an aunt who would not let us leave the table until we ate everything on our plates whenever she was baby-sitting us .
I learned to fall asleep sitting upright that way. NO WAY would I eat them. My brother just flung the plate across the room and endured the spanking. After my parents found me asleep sitting up for the third time, we never had to be baby-sat by that particular aunt again.
I can't deal with mushrooms for some reason, and ever since my daughter was born, I cannot even look at asparagus. Long story. ::)
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Understood. ;)
I love muchrooms! How can you not like a fungus?
I need to add to my list- Anything involving "Kidney" in the name, be it bean, pie, or organ. That's a triple > :P :P :P
Gotta agree with you, Race. I can't stand Brussels Sprouts either. I had an aunt who would not let us leave the table until we ate everything on our plates whenever she was baby-sitting us .
I learned to fall asleep sitting upright that way. NO WAY would I eat them. My brother just flung the plate across the room and endured the spanking. After my parents found me asleep sitting up for the third time, we never had to be baby-sat by that particular aunt again.
I can't deal with mushrooms for some reason, and ever since my daughter was born, I cannot even look at asparagus. Long story. ::)
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Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
cauliflower. most of the time, broccoli, too. No matter how much I wash them, they still seem gritty to me. Not a big fan of most fish, either.
never had brussel sprouts so can't comment on them.
The one dish that I can't stand to even be around is corned beef and cabbage. I like corned beef, but just the smell of it cooking together turns my stomach.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
If you don't like cabbage, you would really hate brussle sprouts. It's like cabbage-concentrate.
cauliflower. most of the time, broccoli, too. No matter how much I wash them, they still seem gritty to me. Not a big fan of most fish, either.
never had brussel sprouts so can't comment on them.
The one dish that I can't stand to even be around is corned beef and cabbage. I like corned beef, but just the smell of it cooking together turns my stomach.
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Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
My mom made liver and onions once and it stunk up the kitchen. I love meat, but that day I learned there are some parts of an animal I will not eat. My mother laughed and asked "what do you think they put in hot dogs".
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Raisins.>:( :o :( >:(
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Curry - Bleeccchhhh ! >:(
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Wow! All the stuff you guys hate, I like.... except maybe eggplant.
I hate celery. Especailly cooked celery I always pick the cooked celery out of any meal that has it.... :P
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Sauerkraut, spinach and kale. Oh, and sweet potatos and yams. We used to have sauerkraut a lot when I was little, and the only way I would eat it (and I had to eat it, mom's rules) was holding my nose and swallowing it whole.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Cooked spinach (I like raw spinach in salads)
Sour Cream
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Lets see, guacamole, onions, mushrooms, squash, and believe it or not spaghetti to me it taste like cardboard, can't stand it.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Turnips, cooked mushrooms(I don't mind them raw in a salad), and grapefruit.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I guess it would be a tie between Brussle sprouts and eggplant!!!! YUCKO!!! :P
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Chipped beef on toast! :P My mother loves it and when she used to eat it I would get a bunch of ceral boxes out of the cupboard and put them on the table around my own plate, so I didn't even have to look at what she was eating....
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
MUSTARD! As a kid, I was taught that you put mustard on hotdogs and ketchup on hamburgers. I used to hate hotdogs. Then I discovered that it wasn't the hotdogs that I hated but the mustard. Now, I put ketchup on hotdogs and I like it. I also don't like pickles.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
WOW! :o
Some of these posts are shocking. I would say there is some choices I would find odd, Kenlos hates speghetti? He is the only person in the Western Hemisphere. There is also many I do agree with too.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
LIVER!!! :P My mother used to make this all the time when I was a kid and I used to have to smother (and I do mean smother) it with Heinz 57 sauce. Yuck!!
I'm also not a big fan of grapefruit, beets, and meatloaf, and creamed corn. Nasty!!
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Chipped beef on toast! :P My mother loves it and when she used to eat it I would get a bunch of ceral boxes out of the cupboard and put them on the table around my own plate, so I didn't even have to look at what she was eating....
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Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I'm a very picky eater and I hate a lot of stuff. Maybe that's another reason I never got married!
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Mushrooms.......NASSSSSSSty! I would go into detail what they feel like in my mouth....but even I don't want to get grossed out! :P
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Amen little sister!! They are the most nastiest thing in the world!!
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Hate~Food. This does not compute! ??? I love food. Pretty much anything. I was never forced to finish anything, maybe that's why. My kids eat every thing too. Things most 3 year olds would not touch.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I see a lot of similarites to one of my big aversions- Slimely texture. I don't like anything that doesn't have some sort of solidity to it. I'm not even big on yogurt or pudding 'cause of it.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
My list is far too long to go into, but there is one thing I cannot abide-UCF's. Unidentifed Chunks of Food. I have to know what it is I am eating so I don't eat other peoples casseroles etc. Everyone I know laughs at me, and my family is very familiar with the term "UCF". I cannot stand large chunks of food anyway, but if it is unidentifed-yeccchhhh makes my stomach turn. :P
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Yeah its true i dont like speghetti. I am the only one that i know how doesnt like it. I can eat it for the first few bites but after that it just loses its taste and i cant eat it anymore i dont know why its strange. Course when i was a kid i didnt like Pizza either i didnt start eating pizza till i was 9 or 10.
Kenlos hates speghetti? He is the only person in the Western Hemisphere.
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Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Any green, leafy-like, and/or crunchy veggie...lettuce, cabbage, asparagas, broccoli, brussel sprouts, celery, raw carrots, uncooked onions, cauliflower, greens
:-X :-X :-X
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Blech! :P
Liver and/or any other meat parts not popularly sold in stores (i.e. guizzards, hearts, necks) :P :P :P
Or any other meats not popularly sold in stores.
I have no problem with the consistency of foods in general. My issues are all flavor related.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Excuse Me? ??? In case you haven't noticed- You are a Squirrel!!! ;D
Any green, leafy-like, and/or crunchy veggie...lettuce, cabbage, asparagas, broccoli, brussel sprouts, celery, raw carrots, uncooked onions, cauliflower, greens
:-X :-X :-X
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Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Blech! :P
Liver and/or any other meat parts not popularly sold in stores (i.e. guizzards, hearts, necks) :P :P :P
Or any other meats not popularly sold in stores.
I have no problem with the consistency of foods in general. My issues are all flavor related.
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Add all of these to my list, too.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Yeah its true i dont like speghetti. I am the only one that i know how doesnt like it. I can eat it for the first few bites but after that it just loses its taste and i cant eat it anymore i dont know why its strange. Course when i was a kid i didnt like Pizza either i didnt start eating pizza till i was 9 or 10.
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Do you mean just the noodles, or with sauce too? I cannot stand alfredo sauce on anything.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
The noodles are ok i can eat noodles by themselves covered in butter or something but i dont like the sauces i have yet to find a meat sauce that i like. Though i do like the alfredo sauce i replace the other sauces with alfredo when i go to restaurant like if i get something like manicotti or something like that i will replace the regular sauce with the alfredo sauce.
Do you mean just the noodles, or with sauce too? I cannot stand alfredo sauce on anything.
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Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I'm relieved to hear that you at least eat pizza now. How are you with other tomato based products? Maybe the acid doesn't agree with you.
The noodles are ok i can eat noodles by themselves covered in butter or something but i dont like the sauces i have yet to find a meat sauce that i like. Though i do like the alfredo sauce i replace the other sauces with alfredo when i go to restaurant like if i get something like manicotti or something like that i will replace the regular sauce with the alfredo sauce.
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Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I don't seem to have any problems with most tomato based products. I like tomatos themselves especially with a little mayonnaise on it (funny thing is i dont like mayonnaise on anything except for on tomatos) i like tomatos and ketchup on hamburgers. I just dont like tomato sauces or soups for some reason.
I'm relieved to hear that you at least eat pizza now. How are you with other tomato based products? Maybe the acid doesn't agree with you.
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Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Let's see.... turnips, cooked spinach, boiled okra (!!!), liver and boiled cabbage. Plus some others I'll probably remember later!
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Why would anyone be expected to ever want to eat something called okra?
Let's see.... turnips, cooked spinach, boiled okra (!!!), liver and boiled cabbage. Plus some others I'll probably remember later!
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Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I love okra especially fried okra i can eat a whole bowl of that stuff.
Why would anyone be expected to ever want to eat something called okra?
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Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I've given up on you, there is no hope. ;D
I love okra especially fried okra i can eat a whole bowl of that stuff.
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Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I've given up on you, there is no hope. ;D
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Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
shrimp. (the texture, the taste...ergh!)
any sort of shellfish.
tilapia. (and we have it every friday during lent...)
i like "icky" food...mushrooms, spinach, brussel sprouts...but 99.9% of any ocean food grosses me out!
my dad, on the other hand...he HATES pizza with a passion. we can't eat pizza in the house, the smell makes him ill.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I take your Catholic then and i guess unfortunately for you, since you dont like what you eat during that time, Lent isnt far away from now. Thats the first time i have heard of someone (other than myself when i was younger) that doesnt like pizza.
tilapia. (and we have it every friday during lent...)
my dad, on the other hand...he HATES pizza with a passion. we can't eat pizza in the house, the smell makes him ill.
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Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Raw celery is about the only thing that I'll pass on. I would never have it in the house, but some chilis I make have celery in them and they just don't taste right without the celery.
So, I use two stalks and have the rest just sitting there. I've tried dipping them in salt, smearing peanut butter and raisins on them... In my opinion, there's nothing to be done with leftover celery.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Excuse Me? ??? In case you haven't noticed- You are a Squirrel!!! ;D
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I'm a carnivorous squirrel. ;D The most deadly kind.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Speaking of carnivorous squirrels- I was living on Queen Anne Hill in Seattle, a very densly populated area and one morning walking on my way to the car I notice two squirrels fighting it up. "Cool!" I thought as I watched the bigger one run off the other. "Oh Sh!t!" I exclaimed as he turned and began to stalk towards me. This was no garden squirrel, this was a tough walking street squirrel who didn't appreciate my treading on his turf. I had visions of him scampering up my legs and sinking his teeth into my neck. I slowly backed away.
Later I laughed at myself for getting scared off, but I still always kept my eyes open for him.
I'm a carnivorous squirrel. ;D The most deadly kind.
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Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Speaking of carnivorous squirrels- I was living on Queen Anne Hill in Seattle, a very densly populated area and one morning walking on my way to the car I notice two squirrels fighting it up. "Cool!" I thought as I watched the bigger one run off the other. "Oh Sh!t!" I exclaimed as he turned and began to stalk towards me. This was no garden squirrel, this was a tough walking street squirrel who didn't appreciate my treading on his turf. I had visions of him scampering up my legs and sinking his teeth into my neck. I slowly backed away.
Later I laughed at myself for getting scared off, but I still always kept my eyes open for him.
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I could never figure out why people think those tree rats are so cute. If you ever want a kind of jolt caffeine will never develop, open the garage door one morning and discover a mama racoon and her pups scampering around on your car...
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Steve, who do have a squirrel currently with us, lets try to be a little more sensitive here. ;)
I could never figure out why people think those tree rats are so cute. If you ever want a kind of jolt caffeine will never develop, open the garage door one morning and discover a mama racoon and her pups scampering around on your car...
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Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Sorry, Squirrel. I wasn't talking about you, of course. Just those chattering, peanut-stealing, lice ridden tree rats... http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/cool/cool014.gif
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
there not incredible, there not edible, i hate eggs >:(
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Ok, getting off the topic a bit-but since we are talking about squerrels. I went to my sister's a few years ago and went out on her back porch. This squerrel come up to me and it kind of freaked me out. I was thinking it was rabid or something. I ran in the house to get my sister to see this. Come to find out, my brother-in-law spent a lot of time out on the back porch and fed the squerrel nuts. He was just coming up for his dinner. I have never seen that before.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
They're evil critters, Cat (not YOU the-person-named-Squirrel ;))
There's only two ways I know of keeping them out of the urban garden. A cat, or cats, preferably the large and tree-climbing type. Lion dung sprinkled around the garden is effective, too (although a pound of primo lion dung is almost impossible to score unless you have underground connections)
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Okra and eggplant...yuck
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
They're evil critters, Cat (not YOU the-person-named-Squirrel ;))
There's only two ways I know of keeping them out of the urban garden. A cat, or cats, preferably the large and tree-climbing type. Lion dung sprinkled around the garden is effective, too (although a pound of primo lion dung is almost impossible to score unless you have underground connections)
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LMAO Of course if you sprinkled lion dung on your lawn, it will keep EVERYONE away. lol
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
(although a pound of primo lion dung is almost impossible to score unless you have underground connections)
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I certainly hope so. ::)
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I had a friend who put a LOT of time and effort into her flower and shrub garden and it was ruined by squirrels within a week. They dug up every bulb she'd planted. So I did a little surfing and learned that lion dung is a real deterrant (mixed with soil it's probably no more offensive than any fertilizer).
There are a couple of zoos in the area and I thought there wouldn't be a problem getting a sack of dung, but both zoos told me that it's against the law to give, or sell, any animal waste product. Especially that of wild animals. Lord knows why...
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
It may be sold for its aphrodisiacal qualities? Who knows, some believe in stranger things than that!
I had a friend who put a LOT of time and effort into her flower and shrub garden and it was ruined by squirrels within a week. They dug up every bulb she'd planted. So I did a little surfing and learned that lion dung is a real deterrant (mixed with soil it's probably no more offensive than any fertilizer).
There are a couple of zoos in the area and I thought there wouldn't be a problem getting a sack of dung, but both zoos told me that it's against the law to give, or sell, any animal waste product. Especially that of wild animals. Lord knows why...
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Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
It may be sold for its aphrodisiacal qualities? Who knows, some believe in stranger things than that!
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Maybe, but I think it has something to do with disease control.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I used to hate broccoli but now I love it even more.
creamed spinach resembled nasty vomit :P but now it's delicious. ;D
eggplant looked disgusting but now I enjoy it with my Spaghetti Dinner.
and baked clams.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Maybe, but I think it has something to do with disease control.
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Steve, you like to ruin everything with simple LOGIC! >:(
Jus' jokin' ;D
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Steve, you like to ruin everything with simple LOGIC! >:(
Jus' jokin' ;D
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Sorry :-/ I get real serious about lion dung...
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I don't hate any food. Oh wait! Yes I do... cabbage! Ack!
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Sorry :-/ I get real serious about lion dung...
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Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Speaking of carnivorous squirrels- I was living on Queen Anne Hill in Seattle, a very densly populated area and one morning walking on my way to the car I notice two squirrels fighting it up. "Cool!" I thought as I watched the bigger one run off the other. "Oh Sh!t!" I exclaimed as he turned and began to stalk towards me. This was no garden squirrel, this was a tough walking street squirrel who didn't appreciate my treading on his turf. I had visions of him scampering up my legs and sinking his teeth into my neck. I slowly backed away.
Later I laughed at myself for getting scared off, but I still always kept my eyes open for him.
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Yeah, that was me, ms. toughy, bad-a$$ squirrel that had you backed up. ;)
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Sorry, Squirrel. I wasn't talking about you, of course. Just those chattering, peanut-stealing, lice ridden tree rats... http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/cool/cool014.gif
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Watch it, bub. Ms. Squirrel only lets you call her a tree rat only so many times before she gets mad. >:(
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Now look at my picture...aren't I cute? I'm nothing like the above posts that convey squirrels as being evil, possibly rabid, lice-ridden tree rats with attitudes. I'm shocked and dismayed...mostly dismayed, but with a little shocked added in...then again, it may just all be confusion. :D ;D
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Now look at my picture...aren't I cute? End Quote
I think you're down-right lovable. :-* :)
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Add peanuts and walnuts to my list.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
One thing that baffles me no end, is how anyone can eat tabouli. I just don't understand it's appeal. ???
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
What on god's green earth is tabouli?
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
What on god's green earth is tabouli?
End Quote
It's green stuff. Kind of looks like regurgitated grass.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I take your Catholic then and i guess unfortunately for you, since you dont like what you eat during that time, Lent isnt far away from now. Thats the first time i have heard of someone (other than myself when i was younger) that doesnt like pizza.
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Well, now you’ve heard of two people !
I would eat Pizza if I was starving, but I have never understood the fuss (no pun intended) about it.
Overpriced and similarly over-rated !
It’s weird though, I love the smell of most Pizzas, just can’t ingest them….
FB :)
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
And tastes like regurgitated grass too boot.....but sprayed with insecticide! :-X
The tabouli I mean. Gosh I adore pizza!
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
It's green stuff. Kind of looks like regurgitated grass.
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Oh! Like Wheat Grass or whatever it is that is so popular with health nuts? Anything that looks and tastes like regurgitated anything is on my list.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Why would anyone be expected to ever want to eat something called okra?
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That would be because it is very good fried! :)
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
The only thing i have against pizza now is that some brands are to greasy so i dont eat it all that often and when i do i usually go to one of those cheap places like Stevie B's or Cici's where it only cost $3.99 or something like that for all you can eat. Plus in a lot of cases their pizza is better than the bigger higher priced franchises.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
What on god's green earth is tabouli?
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I'm not a health nut, but tabouli is wonderful!!! It's delicious with chopped scallions and tomatoes! I eat it frequently for lunch. ;D
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I thought of a few more foods that I hate:
~Okra (as it was mentioned by others here)
~Tofu (it's the consistency I can't stand, because I love soy beans!
~Mayonnaise (Yucky!!!)
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I think you're down-right lovable. :-* :)
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AT LAST! A person with impeccable tastes! :D
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Now look at my picture...aren't I cute? I'm nothing like the above posts that convey squirrels as being evil, possibly rabid, lice-ridden tree rats with attitudes. I'm shocked and dismayed...mostly dismayed, but with a little shocked added in...then again, it may just all be confusion. :D ;D
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You're very cute, Squirrel. In fact, if that picture is you, you're the cutest chipmunk I've ever seen ;) :D
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
You're very cute, Squirrel. In fact, if that picture is you, you're the cutest chipmunk I've ever seen ;) :D
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Steve, you're right, that is a chipmunk. I wondered why someone named Squirrel would use a chipmunk as her avatar? Well, technically, a chipmunk is a ground squirrel. I have squirrels all over my house, but there have been none in my attic, as southernspitfire has! (And FussBudget thinks she's crazy for having squirrels in her attic! Fuss, the term is "bats in the belfry"…)
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
You're very cute, Squirrel. In fact, if that picture is you, you're the cutest chipmunk I've ever seen ;) :D
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Shaddup! I say it's a squirrel! ;D ;)
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
~Tofu (it's the consistency I can't stand, because I love soy beans!
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Eek! I forgot that one. Okay, raw celery and tofu. And tofutti. And tofu candy bars.
You ever notice how they find a "healthy" food, like yogurt, convince us it'll make our life longer and healthier, and then load it down with sugar and polyunsaturated oils and all the other stuff that's bad?
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Ok, I've fixed it to a "real" squirrel. ;)
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
plain yogurt
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Mushrooms in any form whatsoever.
I mean, just think about it...eating fungi :P
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
The three most popular drinks in the world-coffee, beer, coke/pepsi and I don't drink any of them. Never aquired a taste for them.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Mushroom and coffee (hey, it's a drink, but still...). Bleh.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Anything Dill
Rye Bread
Rocky Mtn. Oysters
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Rocky Mtn. Oysters
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I've never tasted those, but I know what they are made of. :-X :-X :-X
Again, I say: EEEEEEEWWWWWW!!!!!!
Add them to my list of Stuff I Absolutely Will Not Eat. :P :-X
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Regular oysters ain't much better. Eating them raw is like swallowing your own snot.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Thank you for that lovely mental picture, Steve. ::) :P :-X ::)
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Beets! Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! They are THE most disgusting food on the planet!! Instant hurl if one comes into contact with my tastebuds......pickled, boiled, steamed....don't matter....just f***in' NASTY!!
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Thank you for that lovely mental picture, Steve. ::) :P :-X ::)
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Sorry. I wanted to call it a booger, but it's not. ;)
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Regular oysters ain't much better. Eating them raw is like swallowing your own snot.
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I have tried them raw, roasted, and fried and no matter how they are served they are still NASTY!!!! I love shellfish but oysters are the exception.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I have tried them raw, roasted, and fried and no matter how they are served they are still NASTY!!!! I love shellfish but oysters are the exception.
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When I was young, my dad and brothers ordered oysters in a restaurant. SInce I had never seen them before, I asked how you eat them because they looked disgusting to me. My brothers told me to chew them so I did. Imagine chewing one! >:(
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
 Raisins.>:( :o :( >:(
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I hate raisins too :P :P
I also can't stand hot dogs.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Mountan oysters eww
Beets! double eww
Racoon eww
Deer meat eww
those orange marshmallowy candy things shaped vaguely like peanuts triple eww
any organ (chicken gizzards etc) ewwwww
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Deer meat eww
End Quote
You must not be from the south.......I so LOVE deer meat....it is like a day in heaven when we eat it....in fact tomorrow my mom is cooking ground deer tacos.....YUMMY!!!!
*please hold your stones*
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Typical Mid-Westerner response. ::) ;)
Regular oysters ain't much better. Eating them raw is like swallowing your own snot.
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Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
If you want to treat yourself to something tasty, take a try of these. These will win over some oyster bashers.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
When I was young, my dad and brothers ordered oysters in a restaurant. SInce I had never seen them before, I asked how you eat them because they looked disgusting to me. My brothers told me to chew them so I did. Imagine chewing one! >:(
End Quote
My honey loves them and chews them all the time. EEEWWWWW!
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
If you want to treat yourself to something tasty, take a try of these. These will win over some oyster bashers.
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Uh... here... you try this first http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/mittelgrosse/mittelgr124.gif
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I hate raisins too :P :P
I also can't stand hot dogs.
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Hey Queen,You don't like Hot Dogs?What about Hamburgers?
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Lutefisk, fin and haddy, onagi (fresh water eel) bring it to me baby and watch me enjoy myself! ;D
Uh... here... you try this first http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/mittelgrosse/mittelgr124.gif
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Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I had a childhood friend that was either Irish or Scottish and she invited me for dinner one night and her mom was serving something called Haggis (i think that was the name-had something to do with sheep intestines) and after I asked what it was I was so throughly disgusted I acted like I had a stomach ache and made my Mom pick me up. Needless to say, I never went to her house for dinner again.
I thought of another hated food: SCRAPPLE :-X
If you are from the East Coast you would know what this is.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Uhhhh swede because it has to be the worst vegetable going.... and second place would have to be that flavourless veg marrow. Appart from that I like any other food.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
serving something called Haggis (i think that was the name-had something to do with sheep intestines)
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Haggis.... the inside of a sheeps stomach.... Well to be more exact it's sheeps stomach bag, lungs, heart, liver, beef suet
oatmeal, onions, salt, pepper, cayenne and stock.......
Hmmmmmmmmm Luvly-Jubbly doesn't it just make you want to eat it !
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Here is another tasty seafood, Geoduck. Anyone want one let me know, I've got connections. 8)
By the way, that's pronounced Goo-ee-duck.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
What the hell is that thing? And how on earth do you eat it? In a stew? On the Barbie? Fried? On the half shell? That is gross!
Feiticeira: thanks for the info on Haggis. It reminded me of how foul her house smelled while it was cooking! ;D
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Foul smelling don't necessarily mean it tastes bad. I like kimchee, and that smells like a dead mouse. I like limburger cheese, too. That smells like a dissected dead mouse.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Here is another tasty seafood, Geoduck. Anyone want one let me know, I've got connections. 8)
By the way, that's pronounced Goo-ee-duck.
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I hate to tell you what that looks like. ;)
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Can't say that it bears much resemblance to me :-/
But, there is more info on the Geoduck in the Needless Info thread. :D
I hate to tell you what that looks like. ;)
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Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Here is another tasty seafood, Geoduck. Anyone want one let me know, I've got connections. 8)
By the way, that's pronounced Goo-ee-duck.
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An elephant trunk? :-X :P
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
peanut butter
oranges (and orange juice)
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Liver......any kind of liver........beef, chicken, it doesn't matter. Maybe its because my Dad used to force us to eat at least a couple of bites of beef liver, telling us "how good it is for you".
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I am a strange individual. I enjoy almost any kind of well made food. I will try anything once. There are two foods that I just don't like. One is steak. The other is fruit cocktail, or any other canned fruit.
Steak is too tough. It takes me forever to chew it enough to swallow it. By that time it tastes like I'm chewing on a wet napkin.
I don't like fruit cocktail because when fruits are all mixed together, their juices get mixed and become quite discusting. I don't like canned fruit at all because it's lousy and not fresh.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Brussel Sprouts.I used to hate it but now I hav a liking to it.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Steak is too tough. It takes me forever to chew it enough to swallow it. By that time it tastes like I'm chewing on a wet napkin.End Quote
Oooh, I know what that's like. I hate that, too. But I loooove the taste of steak :D
I don't like fruit cocktail because when fruits are all mixed together, their juices get mixed and become quite discusting. I don't like canned fruit at all because it's lousy and not fresh.
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I will only eat fresh fruit :P the syrups in canned fruit are too sweet, and syrupy, yuck.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I hate to tell you what that looks like. ;)
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Anteater? ;D :o
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
The smell of Tuna, salmon or bananas tends to make me physically ill.... :-/
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Steak is too tough. It takes me forever to chew it enough to swallow it. By that time it tastes like I'm chewing on a wet napkin.
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John, you've either got "weak jaws" ::) but more likely, you've never had a good cut thats been prepared correctly.
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Li Chis (a bizarre fruit). They look like eyeballs :o and taste like rubber!
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
Here is another tasty seafood, Geoduck. Anyone want one let me know, I've got connections. 8)
By the way, that's pronounced Goo-ee-duck.
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Umm, cannot believe I did not already ask this but....how is this prepared? ;D
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
John Harvey,
Please do yourself a favor, my good man....
Go to a reputable steak house and order yourself a "Porterhouse" steak.
"Rib Eye", "Fillet Mignon", "NY Strip", and "Prime Rib" are excellent too! :D :D :D
If you should try any of these steaks, you will enjot it, I promise you. The chance of your not liking it is very small.
I would like for you to let me know either way though. :D
I'm a steak lover. Can you tell? ;D
Subject: Re: Most Hated Food
I used to hate creamed spinach but now with some salt,It's delicious! ;D