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Subject: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
We are well into the second week of a major arctic freeze. High temperatures are barely hitting zero at high noon in full sun. It's a LOT colder at night.
Then there's the wind. Not only does it make everything a lot colder, it's jangling phone and power lines making my lights flicker, and knocking me off the 'net.
I have my heat cranked up as high as it will go (about 80 degrees farrenheit), and I'm wrapped in a blanket sipping hot chocolate or hot coffee. And I'm still cold.
I actually like the cold winter months normally. But the cold has never creeped this far into the house before. (and yes, the heat is working correctly. The landlord sent someone to check everyone's furnace earlier this week.)
Would everyone please send warm thoughts to the northeast United States? :-/ :D Thanks!
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
I wouldn't mind the cold so much if I had ice and snow to play in, but I send you a hug anyway ;D
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
I know what you mean i am in school in the North Georgia mountains and our high Thursday was only 14 degrees and the windchill was around -5 all day. It was even worse this morning with windchills around -20. People like me who have lived in the south their whole life arent used to this stuff. And its snowed 3 times in the last week i dont think thats ever happened down here before. So it isnt much better here.
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
XenaCat, I would be glad to send some heat your way, but I'm in Chicago. It's not much better here :(
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
Gonna be in the mid 80s here tomorrow... I will be thinking of you.... ;D
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
Gee, Kat. Have you got the storm windows down?
Anyhow, I know cold, so here's a couple of ideas.
-Small space heaters are helpful. Make sure they're away from flamable stuff.
-Keep your head covered. You'll be warmer.
-Dress in layers.
-You might buy some plastic to tack over the windows if they're drafting (it sounds like they are).
-Bundle up and go out for a long walk. It's amazing how warm a cold room feels after coming in from the real cold.
-Wear fuzzy slippers. I don't know if they'll keep your feet warmer than un-fuzzy slippers, but they look cute ;)
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
You know what, this is gonna sound weird, but take a cool shower. When you get out, you'll feel warmer.
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
-Bundle up and go out for a long walk. It's amazing how warm a cold room feels after coming in from the real cold.
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Unfortunately, I think that's what has me still shivering after six hours indoors. :-/
I was dressed warmly, and was actually starting to feel warm from all the layers, and exersize. Then I took a bus (which had a broken heater) and got stuck for an hour and a half when a water main broke.
My windows are a bit drafty, and my neighbor is going to help me tack some stuff over them tomorrow.
We have a commuter ferry across the harbor, that had to shut down today because the ocean is freezing over. The Coast Guard can't break up the ice fast enough. Now the people that normally take the ferry have to take the overland route which takes about an hour and a half, (compared to a twenty minute ferry ride).
Thanks for the other suggestions. If things don't warm up soon, I'll be trying them, too.
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
Does this help? 8)
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
Does this help? 8)
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Yes it does! Thanks!!
I called my local DJ a little while ago, and told him of my woes.
He's been playing Jamaican and Caribbean music for the last half hour just for me. ;D
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
Hi XKat
I know I'm whinging, but we have the opposite here..... >:(
So if we combine them, and then halve it, we should both be right huh ? :P
Stay thawed....
FB :)
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
We are well into the second week of a major arctic freeze. High temperatures are barely hitting zero at high noon in full sun. It's a LOT colder at night.
Then there's the wind. Not only does it make everything a lot colder, it's jangling phone and power lines making my lights flicker, and knocking me off the 'net.
I have my heat cranked up as high as it will go (about 80 degrees farrenheit), and I'm wrapped in a blanket sipping hot chocolate or hot coffee. And I'm still cold.
I actually like the cold winter months normally. But the cold has never creeped this far into the house before. (and yes, the heat is working correctly. The landlord sent someone to check everyone's furnace earlier this week.)
Would everyone please send warm thoughts to the northeast United States? :-/ :D Thanks!
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Yeah, it has been cold where I live too, with wind chills making it worse. One thing I have done which works is to boil water. Why? Because water has a property called high specific heat. That property of water makes it very difficult to change the temprture of water without expending alot of energy. And I thought chemistry class was a waste of time. ;D
I also opened the door to my oven and turned it to 400 degrees, and in half an hour my place was nice and warm. Make sure if you turn the oven on you wait and listen for the click, for the flame to turn on. If the flame does not turn on, you could gas yourself.
Hope that helps a bit. Sending you warm wishes :-*
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
A good whiskey always warms me up, here try this
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
I like to curl up with my electric blanket, and when i don't have one of those i find a nice guy to cuddle up with.
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
Well, I symphathise with you, Kat. I've been freezing my butt off here in Charleston, WV, for the past two weeks!
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
Quick! Sombody had Marinaras blanket.
Hey Marinara, ya look a little chilly, anything I can do to help you out? ;)
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
Hmph. If you want to know cold, come to Canada. It was minus 31 all week and it's driving us all CRAZY I tell you. Aye, to be in Canada, where the tough people arrre, aye. ;)
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
We are well into the second week of a major arctic freeze. High temperatures are barely hitting zero at high noon in full sun. It's a LOT colder at night.
Then there's the wind. Not only does it make everything a lot colder, it's jangling phone and power lines making my lights flicker, and knocking me off the 'net.
I have my heat cranked up as high as it will go (about 80 degrees farrenheit), and I'm wrapped in a blanket sipping hot chocolate or hot coffee. And I'm still cold.
I actually like the cold winter months normally. But the cold has never creeped this far into the house before. (and yes, the heat is working correctly. The landlord sent someone to check everyone's furnace earlier this week.)
Would everyone please send warm thoughts to the northeast United States? :-/ :D Thanks!
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Perhaps the warm thoughts are working, X. We have a heat wave coming for the Northeast. They say perhaps 20 degrees. As a fellow New Englander, I sure you have the same thoughts about the forcasts though. I will believe it when I see it. Or in our case, when we feel it...BRRRR. And Perhaps my car will want to start too.
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
Unfortunately, I think that's what has me still shivering after six hours indoors. :-/
I was dressed warmly, and was actually starting to feel warm from all the layers, and exersize. Then I took a bus (which had a broken heater) and got stuck for an hour and a half when a water main broke.
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I know what you're talking about. I was in a semi-heated area at work, for about twenty minutes, on Wednesday. I didn't bother to put my jacket on and the for the rest of the day I was a little core-cold.
And of course you know Race was just kidding. Alcohol makes you feel colder.
If you just can't get warm here's something friends of mine do. Go to a health club (if you don't belong you can probably wrangle a free trial) and hit the sauna/hot tub. A sauna, if you're unlike me and can stand it, will warm your core up in five or ten minutes.
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
Today is like a heat wave-we hit 10 degrees above. How about that? The way I keep warm is jump into a really hot bath. I usually make my bath so hot that I need to cool down afterward before I can do anything.
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
Just think of it this way in a few months it will be warming up and the next thing you know everyone will be complaining that its to hot.
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
I am not complaining about the cold here (Low 60's today) but the fact that we need moisture in this 5 year drought we've been going through. As for showers....I'll still enjoy a cool one in the Summer as opposed to a Hot one in the Winter....my old body cools down much easier then it warms up ::)
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
And of course you know Race was just kidding. Alcohol makes you feel colder.
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Yes, Steve, I did know that. It give you the illusion of feeling warm while actually helping to lower your body temperature. This is what causes many of the homeless to freeze to death in the winter.
Thanks to everyone for the warm thoughts. I got up and danced a bit to the Jamaican and Caribbean tunes the local station played for me, and that helped too.
I'm doing much better today, the house is warm and my daughter says it's too warm in the house today. She wants to run around nakey. :-/
They're predicting a "heat wave" for tomorrow -- 30 degrees! ::) I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
They're predicting a "heat wave" for tomorrow -- 30 degrees! ::) I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
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If you venture outside while crossing them, be sure to put on some gloves ;)
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
the artic winds have been around here (eastern PA) too...and what i find rather humorous is that some of my friends are actually going snow tubing tonight...in the poncanos, no less! (well, i'd be out there too if it weren't for the fact that i injured myself snowboarding, but i'm not getting into that. ;) )
i can relate to the freezing cold house thing though...there's no heat in my room. (no air conditioning either, for that matter.) don't walk around with wet hair, that definitely does NOT help.
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
Not any better here in Dorothy/toto land, Xenacat. Even when the sun is out it isn't warm. It is actually a cruel trick, 'cause it looks like it would be nice to be outside, then you go outside and ARGGGGGH! :( Think warm thoughts....I like that your DJ helped you out though ;D.
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
Not any better here in Dorothy/toto land, Xenacat. Even when the sun is out it isn't warm. It is actually a cruel trick, 'cause it looks like it would be nice to be outside, then you go outside and ARGGGGGH! :( Think warm thoughts....I like that your DJ helped you out though ;D.
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Well if it's true that fronts usually travel from West to East...I'll be sending you warmer weather....it's 55 here at the moment :D
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
Well if it's true that fronts usually travel from West to East...I'll be sending you warmer weather....it's 55 here at the moment :D
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Thank you! Yes, it is true, we usually get your weather about three days after you do...so maybe it will warm up here soon! ;D
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
I'll ALWAYS do what I can to helphttp://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons/03.gif
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
In New York,It was 8 degrees the other day.
As for me,I'm used to the cold.Since I'm warm-blooded,I can sometimes go outside in cold weather without hat or gloves and I'm used to it.By the time I come home It's 4:30pm to the time I leave the house the next day it's 700am That's about 15-20 hours in my warm house.But after 10-15 minutes,It's extremely painful!
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
I'm so glad I don't live up north. I mean to me, Minnesota is cold even in June!!!
But what really sux here is this Oklahoma wind. >:( You know, I think cold weather is bad for your soul-it always make ME angry anyway...
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
Let me tell ya,It's so cold,It's like Nome Alaska here in New York.just got another dumping of 10 inches of snow after ice was just laying there for a few weeks of bitterly cold temperatures near 0.January seems to be dragging on with this artic cold.I wonder when Spring will arrive? I hate to be cooped up like a hermit. >:(
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
I am not complaining about the cold here (Low 60's today) but the fact that we need moisture in this 5 year drought we've been going through. As for showers....I'll still enjoy a cool one in the Summer as opposed to a Hot one in the Winter....my old body cools down much easier then it warms up ::)
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I'm feeling about the same as you since I'm right below you (New Mexico). And we sure could use some more moisture too. It's actually been colder the past few days than it has been all winter. We've only had a fire in the stove 4 or 5 times. That's always good to keep you toasty warm. :)
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
8)Well,right now it's about 70 degrees in san jose,so hope iut spreads to you.cheers!
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
Let me tell ya,It's so cold,It's like Nome Alaska here in New York.just got another dumping of 10 inches of snow after ice was just laying there for a few weeks of bitterly cold temperatures near 0.January seems to be dragging on with this artic cold.I wonder when Spring will arrive? I hate to be cooped up like a hermit. >:(
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Honestly I like reasonlably cold weather like that.
Right here it's only a lame 0 degrees C. :(
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
I am so sick of this horrible winter! Today it snowed, AGAIN, while I was on my way to work, and the roads of course were a mess----covered with slushy snow on top of black ice. I was suppose to be at work at 9:30, but because of the road conditions, I punched in at 10:05. 35 minutes late!! Ouch!
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
8)Well,right now it's about 70 degrees in san jose,so hope iut spreads to you.cheers!
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Can I have some 70 degrees? :D
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
Can I have some 70 degrees? :D
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:D :D :DSure1Cheers!
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
It was actually warm today. It hit -7C!! ;)
You know your starting to get tired of winter when -7C feels warm.
And another good thing is January is usually the coldest month for N. America, so it's only getting better from now on.
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
Hey Marian,where's the 70 degrees you promised in February?
I can't feel a thing.I want all this snow to melt! :'(
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
Hey Marian,where's the 70 degrees you promised in February?
I can't feel a thing.I want all this snow to melt! :'(
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8) 8)Well it was about that yesterday because it was sunny.It's cooler today because a storm is coming.cheers! 8) ;D
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
8) 8)Well it was about that yesterday because it was sunny.It's cooler today because a storm is coming.cheers! 8) ;D
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Are you telling me you can't deliver the 70 degrees?
I'm still cold. :D
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
8) 8)Well it's close to 60 here today,and not as rainy as yesterday.But if you're really cold,put on some nice warm wool socks,warm pants,a silk shirt and a scottish wool-mohair sweater on top,with a wool scarf.If you're still cold,put on one of those rain parkas you can get at Long's---that'll keep the heat in!Cheers!
Subject: Re: Please help me, I'm freezing my **** off!
8) 8)Well it's close to 60 here today,and not as rainy as yesterday.But if you're really cold,put on some nice warm wool socks,warm pants,a silk shirt and a scottish wool-mohair sweater on top,with a wool scarf.If you're still cold,put on one of those rain parkas you can get at Long's---that'll keep the heat in!Cheers!
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Hey marian sweetie,I was so cold today that I slipped backwards on wet,rainy slushy ice with everything so cold on me that I took a nice hot shower later. ;D