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Subject: Disappointing Movies
How about movies that you believed didn't live up to the hype or your expectations? I remember some, like 'The Breakfast Club', 'Wish You Were Here', 'Shallow Grave', etc. What are some less-than-boffo blockbusters or art movies overly raved by critics?
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
St Elmo's Fire
Oh my god - what a big YAWN.... ::)
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
"Unbreakable". I was expecting a lot more after "Sixth Sense". I still liked the movie but it wasnt what i was expecting.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
If memory serves, "Dolores Claiborne" did fairly well at the box but, personally, I just didn't...get it.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Blair Witch Project.
After all the hype, I expected it to scare the panties off me.
It didn't. :(
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
I have seen two Kevin Spacey movies and two Matthew Perry movies. I went into the Matthew Perry movies expecting nothing and one of them turned out to be all right. I went into the Kevin Spacey movies expecting world changing cinema and I got steaming piles of dung.
American Beauty sucked.
The Usual Suspects SUCKED.
They are crap beyond crap.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Oh no you didn't.
Anyway...I'd say the Star Wars prequels sucked donkey.
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I liked the Breakfast Club. It is better the second time you see it once you get an idea of where the characters are comming from. They are more than an image. ;) But to some, they will always be a Jock, a Princess, a Basket Case, a Nerd, and a Criminal. I Loved that movie!!!
I also did not like the Star Wards prequels. I expected something awsome.
Oh, Rocky V sucked big time. So did Star Trek Generations. It could have been so much more with both Partick Stewart and William Shatner. They really screwed the original cast with a small part.
I know this is not the topic of this thread, but thinking of Patric Stewart reminded me of something. If you get a chace, watch SafeHouse. Great flick. I caught it on showtime a few months ago. Excellent movie.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
It's going back a way, but On Golden Pond left me wishing I was under golden pond.
In a strange way I have a soft spot for the movie. I was on a 29 hour flight from the UK to Australia in 1982, and couldn't sleep...
That is, until they started to screen "On Golden Pond" ;D
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
I agree about American Beauty being crap,though I think the second Star Wars was good.
I was very disappointed by Moulin Rouge after all the hype and Gosford Park was SO bad I was left speechless. Most recently I was gutted that the latset James Bond was so dire as I love Bond films as a rule.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Are you Crazy. The Usual Suspects is one of the greatest movies i have ever seen. Definitly in my top 3 along with "Glory" and "Gladiator".
The Usual Suspects SUCKED.
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Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Oh no you didn't.
Anyway...I'd say the Star Wars prequels sucked donkey.End Quote
:o :-X
Oooohhhh No, you didn't. >:( http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/aktion/aktion043.gif
;) ;D
I think people expected too much.
Lucas was ahead of his time before. There's nothing which could impress us in today's age, for we are desensitized.
In all fairness, they prequels were not bad. They were very entertaining. :)
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Batman with George Clooney and Val Kilmer sucked, didn't finish either one of them. Also the Star Wars Episode 1, and the followup were dissapointing, not from the special effects but mostly the actors who did the future luke. The little kid in the first was still to young to try and talk cocky, just didn't work. And the second one his rage came off as more of a whine and not anger.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Penelope Cruz was in a movie about 2 years ago called "Woman on Top." It got great reviews from Cannes and Sundance but it totally bit the big one. I got to see it for free, because I work part time at a movie theatre, but when it was over I wanted my time back.
Although I didn't see it, all my customers told me that "Solaris" was really bad too.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
I agree. It's hard to enjoy a Batman movie when Ah-nuld is the best actor in the entire movie. But he had some good one-liners, like "Yah-re naht pooteeng ME in da coolah!" ;D
As for the prequels, a movie is more than its special effects. That's why Pearl Harbor sucked, and that's why Armageddon would have sucked if not for Steve Buscemi. I liked Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan, he was the best actor in both movies...and Liam Neeson was a good Jedi too. And of course, the only redeeming quality of EpII was Yoda.
YODA!!!! ;D
End Quote
Your post is funny as hell and I agree with your assesments on almost everything, especially this:
That's why Pearl Harbor sucked, and that's why Armageddon would have sucked if not for Steve Buscemi. I liked Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan, he was the best actor in both movies...and Liam Neeson was a good Jedi too.
YODA!!!! ;D
Oh and this:
"Yah-re naht pooteeng ME in da coolah!" ;D
This part I don't agree with:
And of course, the only redeeming quality of EpII was Yoda.
I liked seeing queen Amidala in Action and all the Jedi battling it out too!!! :D :D :D
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
"Unbreakable". I was expecting a lot more after "Sixth Sense". I still liked the movie but it wasnt what i was expecting.
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i cant say that i agree, i love unbreakable, in fact its one of my favorite movies, but im not to crazy about sighns,even though i fractured my toe when i got startled and i kicked the table in front of me(reflex)
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
i cant say that i agree, i love unbreakable, in fact its one of my favorite movies, but im not to crazy about sighns,even though i fractured my toe when i got startled and i kicked the table in front of me(reflex)
End Quote
Unbreakable was way underrated. The only part I didn't like was the ending. It made sense to me, but rubbed me the wrong way. You gotta get the DVD, the deleted scenes are awesome.
This part I don't agree with:
And of course, the only redeeming quality of EpII was Yoda.
I liked seeing queen Amidala in Action and all the Jedi battling it out too!!! :D :D :D
End Quote
I'd like that more if A) Samuel L. Jackson, resident bad@$$, had more screen/action time, and B) Natalie Portman had bigger breasts.
But that's probably because I'm male ;)
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
This will probably rub some the wrong way, but I was not very impressed with Spiderman. I thought it had some good parts but overall I didn't see why it got so much hype.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
I will have to say the most disappointing movie was Signs. I absolutely loved The Sixth Sense and was really looking forward to Signs but it just didn't do it for me. Man, what a bummer.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
This will probably rub some the wrong way, but I was not very impressed with Spiderman. I thought it had some good parts but overall I didn't see why it got so much hype.
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I agree it could have been better. Sometimes the Spider-Man CGI was a bit rubbery. Otherwise, I think it was a good opening chapter for the franchise. And if you've ever read the comic books, you WILL know that Dr. Octopus will be beyond awesome in Spider-Man 2. :)
But think about it, the movie has been in the making for something like 15 years. Of course there's going to be hype. Yeah, it could have been better, but I was not at all disappointed with what they got :)
Did anyone else notice that one scene where the negative was obviously flipped around for about 30 seconds?
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Just about anything with Kevin Costner in it. Robin Hood was the exception because everyone else was really good so they carried the movie. I'm sorry to say that Kevin Costner can not act. (But has a cute butt. ;) )
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
I'd like that more if A) Samuel L. Jackson, resident bad@$$, had more screen/action time, and B) Natalie Portman had bigger breasts.End Quote
Samuel J. will get more screen time in the next one and will go out in a blaze of glory!
As for the Natalie Portman breast thing....
Some people don't like anteaters, some people don't like small/average breats.
It's all a matter preference. :)
However, I must say that I have respect for Natalie Portman in the fact that she likes herself enough not to submit to breast implants. Kudos to her!!! :D Keep it real and be proud.
I have to say I thought SpiderMan sucked, IMO. It was overrated. K. Dunst was a terrible choice for the girl. She's not very pretty, can't act, looks "cheap/no class" no matter what she wears. W. Defoe is a good actor, but even he couldn't make the villain worthy of the title.
I didn't have the same awe as when I first saw SuperMan. Not even close. The reason being that in SuperMan, they had all the right elements, actors, excellent story line, etc. SpiderMan lacked in many of those elements.
Maybe you'll get it right next time, SpiderMan. :-/
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Are you Crazy. The Usual Suspects is one of the greatest movies i have ever seen. Definitly in my top 3 along with "Glory" and "Gladiator".
End Quote
Gladiator sucked too.
Episode II was absolutely painful to watch. Yoda WAS the only redeeming part of that movie, and not just because of the fight scene. He was the only one who could deliver his lines! Even Sammy J. and Natalie didn't seem to understand their motivations (I know I sure didn't understand Amidala's motivations, being attracted to that creepy rapist-looking guy and all).
Spider-Man was all right. It had some good scenes. Kirsten was perfectly fine in her role.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Spiderman is definitely one of my most recent disappointments. The lead actor played fine, but MJ should have been played by someone a bit better than Kristen Dunst. :-/
Shyamalan can never disappoint me as I stated in another thread ;D.
The Prequels don't include Harrison Ford :( but the do include Ewan McGregor :) and a much more animated Yoda :), not to mention Samuel J. :). I wasn't disappointed with the Prequels so much.
Breakfast Club could never suck. I guess you had to be in that type of situation as a teen to appreciate it??
Gladiator did not suck IMO ;D
Legally Blonde disappointed me. I love Reese Witherspoon but that film :-/.
I guess it all depends upon your expectations going into it.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
The only thing that annoyed me about Gladiator was that he mumbled through the movie. Either that, or I already need a hearing aid. :-/
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Back The Future 2.
I looked forward to that movie for four years and it was just not as good as I expected it to be. It's grown on me the more times I've watched it, but obviously the original is usually the best anyways. The 3rd one I really did enjoy though. It was a lot more fun and light hearted than the 2nd.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
You DO know that Russell Crowe's Oscar for Gladiator was a makeup call for his role in "The Insider" right? :)End Quote
Well Good then. "The Insider" was a very good movie. :)
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Good Burger was so dissapointing,I rewound it and returned the tape the same night!
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Well i can agree with you on one thing and that is Episode II was horrible.
Gladiator sucked too.
Episode II was absolutely painful to watch. Yoda WAS the only redeeming part of that movie, and not just because of the fight scene. He was the only one who could deliver his lines! Even Sammy J. and Natalie didn't seem to understand their motivations (I know I sure didn't understand Amidala's motivations, being attracted to that creepy rapist-looking guy and all).
Spider-Man was all right. It had some good scenes. Kirsten was perfectly fine in her role.
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Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
You know they are making a Legally Blonde 2 right?
Legally Blonde disappointed me. I love Reese Witherspoon but that film :-/.
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Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Just my opinion, Cyclops. Don't get your donkey tight. ;D
Oh no you didn't.
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Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Is Molly Ringwald going to squeeze my head with her knees? I'd like to see that again. ;)
You's messing with the wrong crowd, pilgrim ;)
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Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Are you Crazy. The Usual Suspects is one of the greatest movies i have ever seen. Definitly in my top 3 along with "Glory" and "Gladiator".
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"Glory" and "Gladiator"? You have good taste in movies, my friend.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Thank you. I knew i couldnt be the only one on here that thought those where great movies.
"Glory" and "Gladiator"? You have good taste in movies, my friend.
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Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Unfortunatly, I don't get to see very many movies...but with that being said, I thought The Others blew chunks, Moulin Rouge bit the bag, and I could not STAND O Brother,Where Art Thou? even though I usually look upon Clooney movies with a grain of salt, considering the babeworthy factor. However, an unwashed, sweaty ,dirty-looking Clooney didn't help at all-even though I suppose it is in keeping with the general look of the era it was set in. If I want to see Georgie Porgie all sweaty, I would prefer being the one to make him that way, Thank You very much! ;)
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Where to begin? http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/cool/cool031.gif
I've got to agree with Cat on Kevin Costner. I've never understood his appeal. Silverado was good, but he played a relatively minor character, and he was surrounded by a competent ensemble. Dances With Wolves was SO overrated. It was nothing much more than a remake of the superior Little Big Man, minus the intelligence and the sense of humor. Looked pretty, though.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Oh, Rocky V sucked big time. End Quote
It never happened.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
The Usual Suspects SUCKED.
End Quote
NOOO! You did not just say that! That is such a fantastic film, especially the end!
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
NOOO! You did not just say that! That is such a fantastic film, especially the end!
End Quote
Bah. The ending is the worst part of the movie.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
You are crazy. Thats one of the best of not the best ending to any movie i have ever seen before.
Bah. The ending is the worst part of the movie.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Actually, you know what? I agree with Kenny. For the most part, "The Usual Suspects" did suck. It was only after the ending that I was like, "Oh my gosh, that makes sense now!" But everything leading up to it was sooooooooo slow and drawn out...
But once you see the ending, and see the movie again, it makes a lot of sense. Kind of like "Unbreakable".
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
City of Angels
Jurassic Park II
You've Got Mail
Sleepless In Seattle
Jerry McGuire
End of Days
Ghostbusters II
Bridges of Madison County
Star Wars *ducks and covers her head*
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
City of Angels
End Quote
Yuck! Such a depressing movie.
Jurassic Park IIEnd Quote
When the girl started doing the gymnastics thing, I lost it.
You've Got Mail
Sleepless In SeattleEnd Quote
Essentially the same movie, but I did think Sleepless was cute.
Jerry McGuireEnd Quote
I still need to see this.
Quoting:End of DaysEnd Quote
Ah-nuld got Razzie nominations for playing himself AND his evil clone :)
Ghostbusters IIEnd Quote
Vigo the Carpathian? Please.
Quoting:Bridges of Madison CountyEnd Quote
And yet Meryl Streep still gets an Oscar nod. Figures.
Star Wars *ducks and covers her head*
End Quote
It's cool. "Empire Strikes Back" was a vastly superior movie.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Bah. The ending is the worst part of the movie.
End Quote
Wel, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one :)
I kinda agree with you about American Beauty'. I was so hyped up about it being fantastic - that it was a bit of a let down. Still, I wouldn't go as far as thinking it was a crap movie.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
It was okay but not as good as I thought it was going to be. Kevin Spacey is great, always is but there was no one else to like in it. Also the daughters friend, she doesn't inspire lust in me.
Wel, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one :)
I kinda agree with you about American Beauty'. I was so hyped up about it being fantastic - that it was a bit of a let down. Still, I wouldn't go as far as thinking it was a crap movie.
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Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
I agree with the Kevin Costner thing.I've yet to see him in anything good.I had this mad argument with my brother who likes him and was trying to convince me that he's a better actor than Gene Kelly Whom I love but as I pointed out Kelly never claimed to be an actor he was a song and dance man !
As has been said,personal taste comes into it because I completely disagree over Star Wars II but then wouldn't it be a boring place if we all loved the same things. :)
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
I thought of one, Men in Black II, that was very dissapointing. Tommy Lee Jones is one of the best actors out there for thinking peoples action movies but he slept-walked through the whole thing. Not worth the price of rental. And the bad alien played by that skinny woman? She was boring too.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
I agree with the Kevin Costner thing.I've yet to see him in anything good.I had this mad argument with my brother who likes him and was trying to convince me that he's a better actor than Gene Kelly Whom I love but as I pointed out Kelly never claimed to be an actor he was a song and dance man !
End Quote
There is just no comparison between Kevin Costner and Gene Kelly. I too, just love Gene Kelly. The thing is, he seemed to just have fun with his movies. Unlike Costner, who thinks he is this great actor who really isn't. He takes himself too seriously.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Gene Kelly was in one all-time classic, Singin in the Rain, and a herd of excellent movies. A regular guy didn't have to go out to get popcorn when he started to dance. I mean, how can you even sit through a Fred Astaire movie? Kelly had a thin voice, but it didn't destroy the song. When he played to his strength, light comedy, song and dance, their weren't any better. His few forays into deeper, darker material (Inherit the Wind) weren't much helped, or hurt, by his participation.
Costner has all the emotional range of, say, Gregory Peck.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Ah-nuld got Razzie nominations for playing himself AND his evil clone :)
End Quote
That was another movie, "The sixth day" or something, sucked just as bad as "End of days" though. "EoD" is about the devil having to get jiggy w/some teenager during Y2K or something.
Nobody, and I mean NOBODY loved the original Star Wars movies as much as I do, and I hated Episode I, and Episode II barely made it as entertaining for me, forget Yoda, Fett was the man to see. That young Vader is so lame, just as the kid who played him in Episode I sucked. Spiderman was ok, c'mon, I don't think there are many actresses that could've played MJ much better w/out looking too old for the guy. I also think the guy's voice helped, sounded as playful as our buddy Spidey usually is.
Hannibal, geez, major disappointment.
Gosford Park, Expected more from it.
Mulholland Dr, What the hell was that??
Pearl Harbor, Man, I wish I was Ben Affleck, all the money he made on that one without even having to try to act/perform decently, and what a stupid love triangle story...
Monsters Ball, I expected more. Didn't suck, but too much hype around it.
A beautiful mind, Again, didn't suck, but I thought it was going to be better, and then afterwards I learned that the character was over glorified, at least his personality was. Ahh, who am I kidding, that one blew big time for me...
A.I. Again, hype killed it for me.
Jurassic Park I liked, but my fellow Costa Ricans felt totally insulted when San Jose, the capital was portrayed as a little village by the sea, c'mon, that was so stupid.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Costner has all the emotional range of, say, Gregory Peck.
End Quote
I think you are giving Costner more credit than he deserves.
I would say that he has the emotional range of a popicle stick.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
I think you are giving Costner more credit than he deserves.
I would say that he has the emotional range of a popicle stick.
End Quote
I know what you mean, Cat, but I don't think Peck was ever much better. I mean, he was great in a flick like Cape Fear cause he had to act the part of a man holding in his emotions. Same with Twelve O'Clock High. The only time Peck was in trouble in a movie was when he had to express emotions.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Meet Joe Black and Blair Witch project. What a waste of my time and their film.
As for Star Wars and all pre- sequels. They rocked. I loved the originals, and you'll never find a bigger fan than I am. And I loved the prequels. You gotta look beyond the kid (everyone seems to complain about the kid and Jar-Jar so much). The kid was good for the part, and played it well. Jar-Jar was of course comic relief, but he also showed that the Star Wars universe is NOT made up of strictly bad guys and hero-types. And once you've seen the second one, and seen the inadvertent, but so important role of basically creating the Empire simply THROUGH his naivite, he really begins to fit.
Thing to remember here is that the Star Wars saga is not about the Empire, or the Rebellion, or the Galactic Civil War. It's, as stated by George Lucas, about the rise, fall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker. And Hayden Christensen did the job well of showing Anakin beginning to slide to the Dark Side. Some feel it was just whiny, but it's the feelings, the anger that DOES bubble to the surface, that are the important things, and he portrayed them well. It will be interesting to see what events push the character over the edge in the next film.
And finally, for those who don't like the new movies, one of the reasons may be that we saw the old movies when we were children and teens. They were a MAJOR part of our growing up, and will always be associated with our early lives. The new movies are made the same way, with the same elemts of campiness, action, adventure and effects. But we're not children gazing at the screen in wonder anymore, and these aren't the characters we're so familiar with and love so much. It colors our perceptions. Look at a kid from 7 to 14 watching the new films. You'll see the same sense of wonder on their faces that were on ours when we saw the originals for the first time. try to watch the new ones again with that frame of mind. They're just as good, just as fun as the originals.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Meet Joe Black and Blair Witch project. What a waste of my time and their film.
As for Star Wars and all pre- sequels. They rocked. I loved the originals, and you'll never find a bigger fan than I am. And I loved the prequels. You gotta look beyond the kid (everyone seems to complain about the kid and Jar-Jar so much). The kid was good for the part, and played it well. Jar-Jar was of course comic relief, but he also showed that the Star Wars universe is NOT made up of strictly bad guys and hero-types. And once you've seen the second one, and seen the inadvertent, but so important role of basically creating the Empire simply THROUGH his naivite, he really begins to fit.
Thing to remember here is that the Star Wars saga is not about the Empire, or the Rebellion, or the Galactic Civil War. It's, as stated by George Lucas, about the rise, fall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker. And Hayden Christensen did the job well of showing Anakin beginning to slide to the Dark Side. Some feel it was just whiny, but it's the feelings, the anger that DOES bubble to the surface, that are the important things, and he portrayed them well. It will be interesting to see what events push the character over the edge in the next film.
And finally, for those who don't like the new movies, one of the reasons may be that we saw the old movies when we were children and teens. They were a MAJOR part of our growing up, and will always be associated with our early lives. The new movies are made the same way, with the same elemts of campiness, action, adventure and effects. But we're not children gazing at the screen in wonder anymore, and these aren't the characters we're so familiar with and love so much. It colors our perceptions. Look at a kid from 7 to 14 watching the new films. You'll see the same sense of wonder on their faces that were on ours when we saw the originals for the first time. try to watch the new ones again with that frame of mind. They're just as good, just as fun as the originals.
End Quote
Right, right, that doesn't change the fact that the acting and the characterizations and especially the dialogue were INCREDIBLY awful throughout both prequels.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Right, right, that doesn't change the fact that the acting and the characterizations and especially the dialogue were INCREDIBLY awful throughout both prequels.End Quote
In your opinion, of course. ;)
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Oh, Rocky V sucked big time.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
As for Star Wars and all pre- sequels. They rocked. I loved the originals, and you'll never find a bigger fan than I am. And I loved the prequels. You gotta look beyond the kid (everyone seems to complain about the kid and Jar-Jar so much). The kid was good for the part, and played it well. Jar-Jar was of course comic relief, but he also showed that the Star Wars universe is NOT made up of strictly bad guys and hero-types. And once you've seen the second one, and seen the inadvertent, but so important role of basically creating the Empire simply THROUGH his naivite, he really begins to fit.
Thing to remember here is that the Star Wars saga is not about the Empire, or the Rebellion, or the Galactic Civil War. It's, as stated by George Lucas, about the rise, fall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker. And Hayden Christensen did the job well of showing Anakin beginning to slide to the Dark Side. Some feel it was just whiny, but it's the feelings, the anger that DOES bubble to the surface, that are the important things, and he portrayed them well. It will be interesting to see what events push the character over the edge in the next film.
And finally, for those who don't like the new movies, one of the reasons may be that we saw the old movies when we were children and teens. They were a MAJOR part of our growing up, and will always be associated with our early lives. The new movies are made the same way, with the same elemts of campiness, action, adventure and effects. But we're not children gazing at the screen in wonder anymore, and these aren't the characters we're so familiar with and love so much. It colors our perceptions. Look at a kid from 7 to 14 watching the new films. You'll see the same sense of wonder on their faces that were on ours when we saw the originals for the first time. try to watch the new ones again with that frame of mind. They're just as good, just as fun as the originals.End Quote
I agree.
As adults we are definitely desensitized (as far as special effects are concerned) in this day in age and far more critical (as far as performance). Children wouldn't notice things like a child's "wooden" performance, which is the one thing I critized in the first prequel "The Phantom Menace".
I'm not so harsh in my criticism of the Star Wars prequels. I'm just amazed they were succesfully made in the first place, in a totally different time, day and age, decades later and then managed to be as entertaining as they turned out. :o :D :)
If one places too high expectations in any situation, one sets themselves up for disappointment.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
End Quote
He said Rocky V. Not the first four. The first four were great in different respects, but the last one sucked donkey gonads.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
In your opinion, of course. ;)
End Quote
Um... you should just accept that as implied, even when I say "the fact that" or stuff like that. You know... 'cause I know about subjectivity and all that... people's opinions aren't right or wrong, and all... yeah.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
Master of Disguise :-X :P >:(.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
I couldn't relate to any of the smartasses in The Breakfast Club. And neither close any other minorities who saw it, if any.(The Ally Sheedy character came pretty close to me, but i couldn't sympathize with her.)
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Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
I was also very dissapointed in "Signs" for I am a huge fan of crop circles....I didn't know they were just an "extra" in the movie, I thought they were what the movie was about!
As far as the new Star Wars movies, I am a HUGE fan of the first three, and I just can't understand why Lucas didn't move forward with the story rather than backward. Instead of trying to replace characters with actors that will never fit the bill, he should have introduced new ones and made up new storylines. I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I don't see any similarities in Luke, Obi, or Yoda. Don't get me wrong the effects are great, but I thought the effects in the Trilogy were great also.
And to comment on "A Beautiful Mind" I agree that I was not impressed. I thought the story was very good, however, Russell Crowe didn't do it for me. I just don't think he's that great of an actor to be playing a great role like that.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
I actually quite liked all the Star Wars films, except for TESB and AOTC.
But the biggest disappointment ever has to be another sci-fi- the newest Star Trek film. I would point out conflicts in the plot... if it HAD one.
Subject: Re: Disappointing Movies
The Lost World. Bleh.
Ali was ruined for me by hype.
Same with Spider-man, but not as much.
And also almost any movie I watch more than 3 times within, say, 6 months. :P ::)