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Subject: Surprise movies
Have you ever watched a movie, thinking it was going to suck and was surprised that it was very good? If so, what were they?
My surprise movies:
Revenge of the Nerds
The Mummy (I figured The Mummy Returns would be good after seeing the first one)
Those are the only two I can think of right now.
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
I have to agree with you on "The Mummy" that actually turn out pretty good. But if i had to pick one on my own i would have to pick the first "Harry Potter" movie. I didnt see it till it came out on video because i wasnt really interest in the movie. But my dad bought the movie cause he is a Big Harry Potter fan so i watched it with him and to my surprise the movie was a lot better than i thought it was going to be i actually enjoyed it.
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
"Dude, Where's My Car?" was actually quite funny ;D
But I just have a wicked sense of humor.
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
Yeah, Liar, Liar with Jim Carrey. I didn't really like his other movies that much, but I laughed til I hurt watching that one. Me, Myself and Irene was hilarious, too.
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
Yeah i totally agree there to those are by far his best to movies so far.
Yeah, Liar, Liar with Jim Carrey. I didn't really like his other movies that much, but I laughed til I hurt watching that one. Me, Myself and Irene was hilarious, too.
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Subject: Re: Surprise movies
Me, Myself and Irene was hilarious, too.
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That was filmed around here but I haven't seen it yet.
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
I thought Something About Mary was going to suck, but was plesantly suprised when it didn't.
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
Meet the Parents . I resisted even seeing this, but Mr Who wanted to so we rented the dvd. Now we own the DVD and I laughed harder watching it than Mr Who did. How many painfully hilarious moments can one guy get caught in? ;D
Other films that I thought I would never like and did:
Oh Brother Where Art Thou (George Clooney in a hairnet ;D)
Eddie Murphy's The Nutty Professor (for the dinner scene alone oh man I laughed until I cried)
Moulin Rouge (excellent excellent much better than Baz's Romeo and Juliet with Leo :-/)
Never Been Kissed (Drew Barrymore shows comedic chops)
Raising Arizona (self explanatory you get it or you don't)
The Blair Witch Project ( IMO one of the best examples of the horror genre)
I would not neccessarily say I thought they would suck..just thought I would never like them for one reason or another. Most of these are on my fav's list now...strangely enough.
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
I have had several movies that surprised me. Some of my favorites:
"Just One Of The Boys"
"Secret Admirerer"
And yes, even "Back To The Future"
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
Interview With A Vampire.
I usually steer away from book adaptations because the filmmakers usually "ruin" the story by cutting out important scenes, inserting others that are irrelavant, and completely failing to maintain a decent plotline.
Also, since he is a natural brunette, I never pictured Tom Cruise as the Vampire Lestat when I read it... ::) ::) (So I momentarily forgot about the existance of Clairol. Sue me. :-/ )
They actually only cut one small scene from the film, and it was one that didn't really matter to the storyline. It was a faithful adaptation, and the dyed-blond Tom Cruise captured the personality of Lestat perfectly. I haven't seen the sequel yet, and I'm kind of afraid to...
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
I was also pleasantly suprised by Deuce Bigelow: Male Gigolo. I expected a frat-boy type of very low comedy with sex and bathroom jokes.
It was funnier than I expected, and had a really sweet, "Awwww.." kind of ending.
Of course, there was a real fall-off-my-chair kind of suprise too. ;D Near the end is a really nifty scene with Oded Fehr going through airport customs.
:o :o ;D ;D "Spread 'em again!!!!!" :o :o ;D ;D
I can't wait for the sequel next year. ;)
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
I just remembered another one. This is going back several decades. I went to see Young Frankenstien with my dad, his girlfriend and my sister. I really didn't want to see a "horror" film but being the youngest, I was outvoted. At the beginning of the movie, when the coffin opens up, my sister lets out this big laugh. That was when I realized that it wouldn't be what I thought it was-and I laughed the entire way through. Now, it is one of my all-time favs.
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
Fried Green Tomatos surprised me, it was a chick flick picked out by the girlfriend of the time but I liked it.
Princess Bride was another, the thought of Andre the Giant in a flick was rediculous to me but it's one of my favorites.
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
I haven't seen the sequel yet, and I'm kind of afraid to...
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DON'T! It's not really a sequel. It just has the same lead character (played by someone else), in an extended rock video.
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
Princess Bride was another, the thought of Andre the Giant in a flick was rediculous to me but it's one of my favorites.
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You've gotta love that movie - one of my all time favourites!! ;D
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
Just thought of another one: Batman Returns. The first one kind of bored me so I didn't the second would be any good. But I love Danny DeVito and he was great as the Penguin. Something about those penguins and that Catwoman. ;)
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
"Dude, Where's My Car?" was actually quite funny ;D
But I just have a wicked sense of humor.
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Hey- you took my choice. ;D
I generally can't tolerate those goofy buddy movies (Dumb and Dumber, etc) but I really thought this one was cute.
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
You've gotta love that movie - one of my all time favourites!! ;D
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Yeah, mine too. Especially the fencing scene at the top of the cliff.
And Young Frankenstein, too, Catwoman: it was the first Mel Brooks film I remember seeing, and I've been a huge fan ever since.
I can't really think of a film I went to see, expecting it to be awful: if I really expected that, I would have gone in the first place, I guess.
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
They are now coming to me-but not all at once. Figures.
Another one is Dick. I didn't think I was going to like that but it was so funny. A little rewriting of history but it worked.
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
"O Brother Where Art Thou?"
I had no idea what it was about when i saw the posters hanging at the theatre. When I saw it, I fell in love with it and the soundtrack too!
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
I thought of another movie that I didn't really want to see but ended up really liking...Office Space.
For anyone who works in an office, that movie is classic. I just wish I could get a red stapler!! ;D
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
I just thought of another movie that i really didnt want to see but i was talked into going that is the movie "Scooby Doo". I have always like the cartoons but the preview for that movie just made it look really stupid. But when i went and saw it i actually enjoyed it. I thought they did a pretty good job of casting for that movie to.
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
Ah yes, Office Space...
The "OH!" Face!
The misplaced decimal point!
The fax machine!
Ooooooooh, at the end of the year when my roommies and I parted ways, we took a decrepit stereo system into the yard, pumped up that gangsta rap song and beat the flaming shiitake out of it. We had glasses on and an aluminum bat and we even punched it. Took a while to clean up though, but it's all on film ;)
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
I thought the movie was good, I didn't care for George Clooney, his voice pattern began to nag at me. I did thing the other two made up for it though.
"O Brother Where Art Thou?"
I had no idea what it was about when i saw the posters hanging at the theatre. When I saw it, I fell in love with it and the soundtrack too!
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Subject: Re: Surprise movies
The Spanish Prisoner. I didn't know a whole lot about this movie before I went to see it, but it was fantastic. It reminded me of a modern day Hitchcock movie. I've been wanting to buy this DVD lately, but haven't gotten around to it yet.
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
Ocean's Eleven (George Clooney version) and O Brother Where art Thou? both surprised me. I didn't think either would be as good as they were.
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
I want to give some credit to Ron Howard, he can take some movies that would seem to have little interest and make them great. Apollo 13 and A Beautiful Mind are the best examples of that. Also I need to state my opinion that Russel Crowe deserved the Oscar for ABM, I don't know of any current actor who could have potrayed the charcter as convincinly as he did, don't get me wrong Denzel Washington is great, and one of the coolest actors out there but his role didn't compare to Crowes.
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
K, movies that have surprised me...
"The sixth sense" I thought I was going to hate it because of the hype and the whole "I see dead people..." deal, but when I figured what it was all aboot, I was like COOL!!
"Fallen" Great horror/suspense with no tacky special effects, and a great ending.
"Jack" (w/Robin Williams)I am a child at heart, I cry everytime.
Now I live in another country, but I am not a big lover of "foreign movies" however, about a year ago i rented "Brotherhood of the wolf" (French flick) and "Nine queens"(argentinian flick) and was genuinely surprised about how cool those two movies were, I hope some of you rent those or have seen them so I can get an opinion from you. I am stopping here because I want you all to read this, but I will most definitely post again on this topic. I love talking about movies...
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
Interview With A Vampire.
I usually steer away from book adaptations because the filmmakers usually "ruin" the story by cutting out important scenes, inserting others that are irrelavant, and completely failing to maintain a decent plotline.
Also, since he is a natural brunette, I never pictured Tom Cruise as the Vampire Lestat when I read it... ::) ::) (So I momentarily forgot about the existance of Clairol. Sue me. :-/ )
They actually only cut one small scene from the film, and it was one that didn't really matter to the storyline. It was a faithful adaptation, and the dyed-blond Tom Cruise captured the personality of Lestat perfectly. I haven't seen the sequel yet, and I'm kind of afraid to...
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I loved Interview. I was also surprised how well it followed the book. The sequel, not so good. It was an ok movie but didn't follow the book as well. Too many special effects.
Subject: Re: Surprise movies
Ocean's Eleven was so good they're going to make an "Ocean's Twelve" :D
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I know...I can't wait.