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Subject: Want to know what gender that you should have been
with already 5,512,905 peoples genders guessed.
Our Claim
Guys and girls are different in ways only we realize. In fact, without asking about your clothes, grooming, or chest, our Gender Test *will* predict, with 100% accuracy, whether you're a guy or a girl.
This test's patented Geni-Tell technology has gotten smarter with every taker. Finally, witness the true power of the Internet.
It all adds up...
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Despite being an effeminate b@st@rd, I AM a man ;D Sweet.
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
"It all adds up...
You are definitely a woman!"
Ok, I felt some of the questions needed more description but other than that, cool!
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
The test is 93% confident that I am a... man.
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
It all adds up...
You are definitely a man!
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
It says I'm definitely a female. That's good! ;D
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
I'm "80% woman". I'm serious guys, I'm not hiding ANYTHING!!! :o :-/ :o
Um, oh well, er, it was a dumb test anyway.
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
I'm "80% woman". I'm serious guys, I'm not hiding ANYTHING!!! :o :-/ :o
Um, oh well, er, it was a dumb test anyway.
End Quote
Maybe this just means you relate to the ladies better ;) Consider yourself lucky.
Don't forget to grunt and scratch yourself every now and then to protect your manhood :D
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
It all adds up...
You are definitely a woman!
Say what?
Well, actually, my mom wanted me to be a girl since she already had two boys. I really felt that I should have been a girl, and if I had to live my life all over, I would probably have chosen to be a girl. But I'm proud that I'm a man and really never wanted to be anything else.
And it also said that women prefer blue bedrooms and men white ones! No way! White bedrooms are too boring!
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
This was me. Apparently I just tip the scale into man-ness.
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Interesting test! It says I'm definitely a woman! :)
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
I'm a chick. ;D
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
I'm a chick. ;D
End Quote
A Mira Sorvino lookalike ;)
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
It is 86% positive that I am a woman...I was worried for a minute there. ;D
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Well, I can sleep good tonight knowing that a stupid test told me that I am woman (as if I didn't know that before).
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
They said I was a ......WOMAN(*eeep*)
Well,that does it! I'm not buying anymore panties
for myself. ;D
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Either I'm incredibly open-minded about certain things, or there's something seriously wrong here... >:(
It all adds up...
You are definitely a man!
No I'm not!!! :o :( (At least, the last time I looked I wasn't..... ::) ::) ::) )
You know, for every question, we track very carefully what each gender answers. This allows us to guess with the utmost accuracy what you are. And in the rare case where we guess incorrectly (like now), we have the opportunity to learn from nature's mistake. You.
People like you, who walk the scary line between man and woman, are *very* helpful in understanding exactly what it means to be human. Thanks, and good luck.
:'( :'( Nature's mistake, they called me. :'( :'( Scary they say.
I'm just gonna go cry my way through a box of tissues and eat a pint of Haagen-Daaz.
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
I got this answer, and a good thing too!
You are definately a man!
Oh Yeah, I have to mention that unlike many men, I knew that a clam was alive. ;)
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
It said I was definitely a woman...and when I said I was a guy I got this response...
You know, for every question, we track very carefully what each gender answers. This allows us to guess with the utmost accuracy what you are. And in the rare case where we guess incorrectly (like now), we have the opportunity to learn from nature's mistake. You.
People like you, who walk the scary line between man and woman, are *very* helpful in understanding exactly what it means to be human. Thanks, and good luck.
So I'm nature's mistake? It said it didn't like my views on Canada...well I'm sorry but I left that question blank...Canada doesn't suck! And I'm sorry but "The Slot Machine" is more a wrestler name than a porn star...put the word Black in your name and the women...well let's just remind each other that once you go black you'll never go back...or so the saying goes...
Too funny!!
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Man.(Thanx for the reassurance ::))
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Um, Hairspra-a-ay!!! ;) :P
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
86% man (although I don't really think Canada sucks)
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Wow! That thing really works! :o It says I'm 80% man...the other 20% is the weight I need to lose from overindulging during the holidays... ;D
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
I knew what it was going to say before I even took it! I'm a MAN! ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
I knew what it was going to say before I even took it! I'm a MAN! ;D ;D ;D
End Quote
Well, guess what! It said I was a woman! My mom wanted me to be a girl anyway…
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
I knew what it was going to say before I even took it! I'm a MAN! ;D ;D ;D
End Quote
That is interesting - it said I was definitely a woman ::) But the slider seemed to be exactly on 50%....
::) :P
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
I knew what it was going to say before I even took it! I'm a MAN! ;D ;D ;D
End Quote
That is interesting - it said I was definitely a woman ::) But the slider seemed to be exactly on 50%....
::) :P
End Quote
Well at least we still fit.... ::)
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
86% woman, I guess that leaves the other 14% as tomboy!
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Yup, I am WOMAN (hear me roar).
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
This thing is a joke right? It just said that it's 80% sure that i'm a woman! I know i'm Liberal, but i'm not THAT Liberal!
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
I am definitely a man, but like Race, I also knew that a clam was alive! ;D
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
That is interesting - it said I was definitely a woman ::) But the slider seemed to be exactly on 50%....
::) :P
End Quote
Wasn't there something about thigh high boots that could have skewed the numbers? :o ;D
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Probably was due to those thigh high boots being red leather! :o ;)
Wasn't there something about thigh high boots that could have skewed the numbers? :o ;D
End Quote
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
I did that 'test' ages ago and it confirmed that I was most definitly female. However, my uncle and boyfriend both did it, and got a 'smack bang in the middle' result, like FB and yet it claimed that they were female. You'd think I'd notice if I was dating a female, wouldn't you? ;D
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
I did that 'test' ages ago and it confirmed that I was most definitly female. However, my uncle and boyfriend both did it, and got a 'smack bang in the middle' result, claiming that they were also female. You'd think I'd notice that I was dating a female, wouldn't you? ;D
End Quote
Check the Adam's apple ;) Always check for an Adam's apple...
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Check the Adam's apple ;) Always check for an Adam's apple...
End Quote
Hmm, I'm pretty sure its there...amongst other things ;)
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Hmm, I'm pretty sure its there...amongst other things ;)
End Quote
Yeah... like the shoulder to hip ratio ;)
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
They said I was a Woman.
Then if I'm a Woman,shouldn't I be getting my period now?
I feel kinda moody! ;D :D ;)
I have the desire to buy Hanes For Hers. ::)
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
You are definitely a woman! 86%
I know someone will be happy to hear that!!!!!!!!! ;)
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
You are definitely a woman! 86%
I know someone will be happy to hear that!!!!!!!!! ;)
End Quote
I'm sure that if someone doesn't know by now, then you're both in a world of trouble. ;)
(Oh........and I'm definitely a man! 86%........how ironic)
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
You look beautiful tonight honey :-*
Hey! :o That's not my wife, that's Howard!!! >:( Get my wifes Hanes off NOW!!! ;D
They said I was a Woman.
Then if I'm a Woman,shouldn't I be getting my period now?
I feel kinda moody! ;D :D ;)
I have the desire to buy Hanes For Hers. ::)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
You are definitely a woman! 86%
I know someone will be happy to hear that!!!!!!!!! ;)
End Quote
I'm sure that if someone doesn't know by now, then you're both in a world of trouble. ;)
(Oh........and I'm definitely a man! 86%........how ironic)
End Quote
Okay then - both 86%
What, as a matter of scientific curiosity, do you both use the other 14% for ??? ;D
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Um, oh well, er, it was a dumb test anyway.
End Quote
:'( it seems noone lieks mah test. (sigh) It okay i will go cry in my corner. Or find a laughing place liek that wierd lady in Stephen Kings "Misery" book.
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
:'( it seems noone lieks mah test. (sigh) It okay i will go cry in my corner. Or find a laughing place liek that wierd lady in Stephen Kings "Misery" book.
End Quote
Hey!!! Who ya calling "noone?" I liked the test (speaking as a 93% male, that is) ;)
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
You look beautiful tonight honey :-*
Hey! :o That's not my wife, that's Howard!!! >:( Get my wifes Hanes off NOW!!! ;D
End Quote
But,they feel so snug on me. ;D!
Next time,I go out,I'm gonna buy me some hosiery! ;D :D ;)
And some DOUCHE! ;D
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
I'm female - which is good, seeing as I always thought I was! :D
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Well, only 80% female. Guess growing up with 3 brothers and now having 3 sons is rubbing off on me?!?!?!
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Male with a 93% confidence. 7% more, and I'd be used as a guinea pig to make steroids!
End Quote
Yeah, but did you answer the clam question correctly? ;)
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Yeah, but did you answer the clam question correctly? ;)
End Quote
Even my blonde husband answered the clam question correctly! ::)
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Even my blonde husband answered the clam question correctly! ::)
End Quote
Hey! I was blonde.
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Hey! I was blonde.
End Quote
Oooops! ::)
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
What is it that I am not seeing about the clam question ??? :) :D ;D
End Quote
At the end of the test they explain a bit about a few of the questions asked and how it helps determine sexuality. It said that a lot of men don't know that clams are living creatured, I was surprised about this myself but of course I live in a big seafood area and have been digging up clams since I can remember.
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Oooops! ::)
End Quote
No offense taken Zella, lets me just say that if your husband still has blonde hair then he's doing much better than most of us. ::)
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Oh, I first thought is was what gender you should be With! Either way, the answer is female :)
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
I think one of the questions that determine things had to be the middle name. Most of the names ending in vowels are female. Lynne, Anne, etc. I'm sure there are other questions in there that help determine it.
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Well, my middle name is Wayne. I have a brother whose middle name is Dale. Both of them end in vowels.
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Well,If it said I was a woman,Let me go put on my
sexiest lingerie for all you big boys out there.
And then after that,I'm gonna shower myself. :-*
Howard :)
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
eeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! wrongo! Man is my wife going to be pissed when she finds out she's a lesbian :o
Just because I prefer a blue room over a white (I'm light sensitive so blue doesn't reflect as much) I'm now a gal. The bright side is that they were only 86% sure - not 100%. ;D
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
ragebass is a woman, ragebass is a woman, nah, nah, ne nah nah! ;D
eeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! wrongo! Man is my wife going to be pissed when she finds out she's a lesbian :o
Just because I prefer a blue room over a white (I'm light sensitive so blue doesn't reflect as much) I'm now a gal. The bright side is that they were only 86% sure - not 100%. ;D
End Quote
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
I'm not feeling particularly pretty right now ;)
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
eeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! wrongo! Man is my wife going to be pissed when she finds out she's a lesbian :o
Just because I prefer a blue room over a white (I'm light sensitive so blue doesn't reflect as much) I'm now a gal. The bright side is that they were only 86% sure - not 100%. ;D
End Quote
Wow,rage,yur wife is a lesbian.If I'm a woman and your wife is gay....Uh ?
Man,this quiz is F'd up! ::)
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
I think I just derailed this thread ;D
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Maybe ragebass is being confused with cs, who is a woman, and uses the same avatar!
Subject: Re: Want to know what gender that you should have
Nope - they're just giving me hell ;D
Never should've taken that test darn it