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Subject: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
hello yall,i was stretching ( as in yawning) in my room last night, and my knee collapsed. so i went to the doctor and i have a possibility of torn ligaments/tendons, or theyve just been stretched. Well anyways this isnt my worst injury but its got to be the funniest one ive ever had. it wasnt funny last night but its hillarious right now.
so now its your alls turn.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Aw dang, John, my list is so long ;D
I got really drunk at a bowling alley and dropped a 16-pound bowling ball on my ring finger and it exploded. I barely felt it but was still conscious enough to go wipe off...but I think some of the blood stayed inside said bowling ball ;D
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
dude, what do you mean it exploded?
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
dude, what do you mean it exploded?
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The skin broke in practically all directions around where the ball fell and blood came out. That's pretty much it. Hurt like hell the next day, but I laughed it off. The doctor congratulated me on the splint I made with an old pen clip and some Scotch tape...Boy Scouts training at work ;D
I'm getting my first aid and CPR certificates again in a month so I can hopefully treat myself after another stupid human trick ;)
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
wow can i call you MacGuyvor? (sp?)
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
I kicked a goalpost (hard) playing soccer and fractured my big toe.... :'(
And I did it on purpose ! ::)
And I'm not going into why either heh heh! ;)
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Aw dang, John, my list is so long ;D
I got really drunk at a bowling alley and dropped a 16-pound bowling ball on my ring finger and it exploded. I barely felt it but was still conscious enough to go wipe off...but I think some of the blood stayed inside said bowling ball ;D
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I only have one thing to say about this:
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
I kicked a goalpost (hard) playing soccer and fractured my big toe.... :'(
And I did it on purpose ! ::)
And I'm not going into why either heh heh! ;)
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Hmmmmm.... I seem to remember me, Kat and Lester chuckling over a funnier one... ;) ;D :o
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Hmmmmm.... I seem to remember me, Kat and Lester chuckling over a funnier one... ;) ;D :o
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Grrrr ! Swell joke :P ::)
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Grrrr ! Swell joke :P ::)
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Did this, perchance, involve a zipper? :)
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Did this, perchance, involve a zipper? :)
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ouch!!!!!!! :o
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Grrrr ! Swell joke :P ::)
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Was swell the operative word here.... ? ::)
Don't worry -- it can't stay like that forever... :P
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
someone want to tune me in here?
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Well I don't normally engage in activities and sports that would cause me to have strange injuries.
However there was one time when I was working on our class float for the parade. We had to make a whole bunch of "paper flowers." Well my stapler was being really screwy and I was trying to fix it and well it attacked me-went through my thumb and hit the bottom of the nail. :'( ouches! I hoped nobody saw it but one guy did :-[ and has enjoyed calling me "Staples" ever since.
(hence, one of my nicknames.....)
-Queen Ruth Lorraine AmenRa Burnt Noodles Shway Crayola Staples
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
someone want to tune me in here?
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No ! But don't take offense GJ ! I would be moderated right off the baord !
To answer an earlier question, no zippers involved ! there is an old thread in PPP posted by Zella that started around 1 November if you desperately want more info...
But you may be disappointed !
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
ok no offense, and i think it might be safer here in the dark.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
ok no offense, and i think it might be safer here in the dark.
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None taken
Let me say just this :
"You don't want it !"
FB ;)
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Well, my funny injury doesn't really seem to funny to me but people were laughing so yeah.... happened last winter at a ski hill. I was riding the chairlift up the hill and when i was just about to slide off the chair my board got caught on the metal stuff under the bar, so i fell forward and got dragged almost completely around before the operator dude stopped the lift. ;DMy hero... ;D
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Hmmm. Let's see. I was ten and my little sister was about six. We were fishing on the shore of Elk river. We were using worms, and I started to put a worm on her hook, had it pretty well loaded up, when she became freaked by the worm guts oozing out and started to run. Unfortunately, the line was in a tangle on the ground and her feet became a little tangled and the line went tight, and I lost my hold on the hook, and she took another step, and the barbed hook went clean through my thumb, worm guts and all. It hurt going in, but it hurt a lot worse coming out.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Mine was a classic I believe can be viewed in any Warner bros. cartoon. I stepped on the business end of a rake hidden in leaves. Yes, it makes a "bonk" sound. Yes it hurts. No you cannot cover up an inch wide bruise in the middle of your forehead.
Oh, that reminds me, this one should be on Americas Funniest Videos: Imagine a 15 year old girl trying to help her 8 and 10 year old cousins with a little culture: the immortal pinata. We made it, we hung it, and 15 year old girl helpfully grabbed an aluminum bat for her cousins to wack the pinata with. Only thing, 15 year old girl did not count on a 10 year old boy with a blindfold wacking her (again upside the head) with the bat. Yes that hurts too. ER doc laughed his bundt cakes off.
Factoid: Being hit by pinata wacker can cause concussions.
;D ;D ;D ;D They don't call me "Grace" for nuthin'!
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Hey, Shazz. I did the baseball bat thing too, when I was about five. Got a little scar on the left side, right where my hairline used to be. I was playing catcher, little five year old girl was at bat... all I remember is that I bled a lot!
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Sorry just had to add this one, only this one was my mother. We got the skateboard bug in the mid eighties, my bro sis and I, and one day we goaded our mother to get on one. You can guess...she fell and hurt the tendons in her ankle. On our halfpipe.Haha in front of all of our friends (and some rather curious neighbors). All the way to the er she was threatening us with our own bodily injuries if we told them how it happened. So of course..we had to. Can't lie to a doctor you know. ;D I wish we would have taped that. Hey maybe this is where I get it. ;D
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Hey, Shazz. I did the baseball bat thing too, when I was about five. Got a little scar on the left side, right where my hairline used to be. I was playing catcher, little five year old girl was at bat... all I remember is that I bled a lot!
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But at least you were playing ball. Yes,,, the good ole days lol. ;D
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Yeah, and we were using wooden bats, not aluminum. So it made a loud, dull thud sound; not a bright, aluminum-y boink.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
hi kids lets play " GIVE YOUR LITTLE BROTHER A CONCUSION" why are you guys all gettin hit with bats.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
I stubbed my foot while I kicked a garbage can.
I forgot when it was. ;D
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
... And... forgot about this one but last year I ran over my left big toe with a 600 pound power jack. That hurt a lot. Within a week or so I'd lost the nail.
Which was cool, cause I was able to really creep the nieces out with my nail-less toe. The only problem is that more than a year later the nail has returned, but it's still pretty deformed; it's thicker, and it's not attached as firmly as it was before. Still pretty creepy looking... http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/cool/cool027.gif
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
- I kicked a basketball as hard as I could and chipped a bone on my left foot... the ball was filled with cement :o
- A firecracker blew up on my right hand because I forgot I lit it! :o
- I bit into a fulminant (a small firecracker that you throw on the ground and explodes/snaps) :o
- I hit myself in the... with the racket playing badmitton :o I couldn't walk for the rest of the day!
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
TB, how did you forget that you lit a firecracker?
On sunday I stepped in a hole at church and really did a number to my knee. They funny part is the word that came out of my little mouth. :-X One of the worship team was right there to hear it all...he just said that his expletive would have been worse.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
I burned my thumb up good when I was a kid with a smoke bomb. Little round thing what looked like a cherry bomb. I lit it and held onto it and my thumb was over a splotch of that ignitable stuff they coat the fuse with. I didn't hang onto it long after that -- it was a very very hot, very very intense spot of fire.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
About 2 months ago my daughter was throwing a temper tantrum. We were in the middle of the street, I was barefoot, she started having a fit and I said, "I'm not going to listen to this." and started to walk off. As I began to walk off, she kicked her foot out and then stomped it down - right on my little toe. Broke it in two places.
She says it's my fault, that I should have been wearing shoes... ::)
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
dude you guys are like injury prone or something, and i thought i was bad.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
This just happened a few months ago - not really paying attention, I picked up my phone receiver at work to answer a call and whacked myself pretty hard right below my left eye. That left a mark.
My co-worker did the same thing the other day... ;D
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Where do I start?? I am SOOOO accident prone !
Weirdest/funniest injury might be when I was going down the steps to the toilet on the bus/coach back from London one night and as I was walking down the steps I was opening the door to the cubicle at the same to and somehow managed to tear the side of my nose open on the door handle !?! to this day I've never quite figured out the logistics of that one !
However my best ever has got to be the old comedy routine classic............falling down a manhole in the pavement.I swear that one has to go on my gravestone !
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Sigh. I ironed my hand once. I was daydreaming as I was ironing and brought the iron down on the back of my hand. For almost five years I had a pyramid shaped scar there.
And when I was 10 I begged my mother to let me wear one of her nightgowns, which was way too big for me, but I didn't care. Then my brothers and me were playing hide-n-seek downstairs and I tripped over the nightgown and hit my chin on a chair and bit almost completely through my tongue. There I was, rolling on the ground in agony, my brothers getting mad and yelling at me because I wouldn't tell them what's wrong, so finally I just opened my mouth and blood just poured out.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
ouch x2
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
sorry i meant x3
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
She says it's my fault, that I should have been wearing shoes... ::)
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Darn. That's one strong kiddo.
I'm sure you got your revenge though ;D
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
surely he didnt seek revenge on his own daughter? :)
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
surely he didnt seek revenge on his own daughter? :)
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*ahem* She ;) But maybe she did and you'll never know ;)
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
oooh i c sorry cs, i guess i had a little typo. thanks for lettin me know rice.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
In the summer of 1998 I was making a back patio. I ventured into the garage..which is now my bar....and was trying to tune in a great classic rock station from Denver. I had to connect a wire to the back of my tuner and fiddle with it. I climbed onto a table 4 feet high...then stacked up 3 milk crates on that so I could reach into the rafters and move the wire around. I lifted the wrong foot to move a little and lost my balance. I plummeted to the concrete floor....I landed on my back on a single milk crate on the floor. It took all I could to let out one good yell for help...I had broken 2 ribs and cracked one...also ruptered a kidney. The Dr. told me that if it hadn't been for the crate on the floor I probably would've died. I know it's not very funny but the image of me losing my balance makes people laugh :-/ ;)
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
oooh i c sorry cs, i guess i had a little typo. thanks for lettin me know rice.
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No problem.
Yeah, the doctor's office thought it was really funny, how it happened. They sent me to an orthopedic doctor, and the form I had to fill out before I saw him asked how it happened - so I tried to explain it. His nurse thought it was hysterical.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
why are you like an expert figure skater or something? ;)
or do you just have good balance? ::)
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Now this seems funny it wasn't at the time!
I was in town in Brighton (Those of you who know the area North Street) and I was with my stepsister we were crossing the road when two guys on rollerblades going really fast came down the hill, we were half way down the road and they were yelling that they couldn't stop so I push my sis backwards and without knowing I put my right foot forward, one of the bladers crashes straight into my ankle does a somersault and calls me a stupid b*tch!!!
I then sit on the pavement for 20 minutes unable to walk, some wonal calls this police car over to us (they were driving up the road) they take us to the hospital where it appears I have a badly sprained ankle.
(Holly also rammed me ankle first into a vending machine on the way to x-ray!)
;D ;D ;D I'm so good!!! ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Now this seems funny it wasn't at the time!
I was in town in Brighton (Those of you who know the area North Street) and I was with my stepsister we were crossing the road when two guys on rollerblades going really fast came down the hill, we were half way down the road and they were yelling that they couldn't stop so I push my sis backwards and without knowing I put my right foot forward, one of the bladers crashes straight into my ankle does a somersault and calls me a stupid b*tch!!!
I then sit on the pavement for 20 minutes unable to walk, some wonal calls this police car over to us (they were driving up the road) they take us to the hospital where it appears I have a badly sprained ankle.
(Holly also rammed me ankle first into a vending machine on the way to x-ray!)
;D ;D ;D I'm so good!!! ;D ;D ;D
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What's a wonal?
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
lol. that's a nicname one of my mates made up! someone who doesn't really want to do something but does it because they ought to. Fiona (or wonie) holly's friend, if her mum asks her to do something and wonie does it even if she doesn't want to her mum says she's being wonal. and hurrah a word is born!
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
oh so thats a wonal ::) i should have known :)
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
I used it by accident actually I just said it to holly about something else. ::) I should start remembering who I'm talking to huh!
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
TB, how did you forget that you lit a firecracker?
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I was lighting a bunch of others at the same time ::) I thought for sure I blew off my hand. It didn't hurt so much until hours later when I saw the bubbled skin :o
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
i would pass out
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
I got one that'll top all of yours. One time, I sat down on my father-in-laws couch. Only thing is...my...*ahem*...'friends' were situated somehow on the inside of my thigh, and when I plopped down on the couch, I managed to crush both of them between the rather firm cushions and my leg. 5 seconds later, I'm curled up on the floor, groaning. My wife and her mom couldn't figure out what happened, but my father-in-law knew right away and wince. You know how guys share that collective painful groan whenever someone gets a hit in the groin. No matter what language, what country, what color...someone takes a shot to the jewels, all the guys in the room will go "oooh" and curl up their faces. I figured that out AFTER I regained feeling in my legs...
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Words cannot express the level of pain you must have felt. Ouch.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
well spoken rice
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
In November of 2000 I was walking out to the shop behind my house to get out some Christmas decorations in a pair of mules...for you guys those are heeled backless dress shoes....well somehow I just stepped out of the left one, twisting and breaking my ankle...falling onto the cold, hard ground...SCREAMING for someone to hear me!
Then just as I get it healed up....the following April I was at my folks house to pick up some legal forms when I decided to step down in the pool to 'check out the water'...fully dressed, I stepped in only to lose my footing and fall....crash, boom, bam...all the way into the pool....fighting the fall the whole time! Needless to say.....yup, I re-broke the ankle...plus two bones in the top of my foot.
I do good just to walk on flat land.... ::)
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
yeah you seem to be good on the flatness, dont try to fix something that aint broke right. :)
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Don't even start with me. ::)
We've been living in our house for almost 30 years.
It seems that almost every day were accident prone.
either tripping,breaking,falling,bumping,etc...This house
is falling apart. :P
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
My grandmother had gone totally blind but would not admit it to anyone. She was babysitting me and my younger brother once, and decided she wanted a nice hot cup of tea. I was five years old and begging to learn how to do "grown up stuff". Not being able to see, Nana let my pick up the hot kettle and pour the water.
I pulled back to see if I had put enough water in, and "forgot" the kettle would be hot. ::) I had a very nice crescent-shaped scar on my belly for the next two years. ::) (That was the end of Nana baby-sitting. She finally had to admit she couldn't see worth a darn.)
When I was about 8 years old, I threw a really big temper tantrum over my homework one night. I had just sharpened my pencil, and was banging it on the table, pointy part up. My hand slipped, and I impaled myself in the thumb with the pencil. I still have the "tattoo" from the piece of pencil lead that became embedded in my skin. Needless to say, that was my last childish temper tantrum ever... :-
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
More recently, I fell up a flight of stairs while doing laundry.
I was running, (which I should not have done) and wearing ragged, floppy slippers (which I really should not have done). I managed to miss a step and my foot slipped right off.
I broke two toes and dislocated them. I also bruised my entire foot and sliced a good-sized chunk of skin off my big toe (I needed a stitch to close it). I was in too much pain to get back down the stairs into a taxi to go to the hospital, so I had to call for an ambulance. The EMT's controlled their urge to laugh very well, I thought. :-
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
People have managed to have some pretty amazing accidents
It makes mine seem tame.
I was at work slicing up loads of paper in an ancient guillotine. (The shredder was broken) I was just pushing sheets of paper through a bit then slicing the blade down then pushing a bit more through and slicing the blade down. You get the idea. I drifted off briefly whilst doing this (it was pretty mind numbing) until I pushed my finger under the blade and slice.... Had the blade been any sharper I would have taken the top off my finger. Merely managed to slice through my nail into the nail bed.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
I was going to Soccer Practice at a field behind a caravan park with work mates. We were skylarking and I was sitting on the boot of a mates car as he drove to this field. He saw a speed bump and floored it. I went up and came down on my elbow. I had a sick sensation but still we continued soccer practise. After 5 minutes I couldn't continued so soccer practice was finished and back to my mates caravan we went. My mates advised me to just put my elbow in their freezer. It was then my elbow just popped out and went back in about 4 times. The fourth time it came out it stayed out. I couldn't feel a thing. The worse part was watching the doctors twisting the elbow to put it back the way it should be......( I'm glad they got that right)
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
When I was a kid, we had an old mattress on our porch. We also had a picnic table. So us kids would climb on the picnic table and jump down on the mattress. Unfortunately, this one kid didn't wait until I was off the mattress before jumping down. Her head hit me in the eye. I got a black eye from being hit with a head! :o But that wasn't the end of it. They wanted to get a picture of me with the black eye. So, we went down to the store to buy some candy cigerettes (if anyone remembers those) and they had me pose like those old Benson Hedges ads-"I would rather fight than switch."
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
I was going to Soccer Practice at a field behind a caravan park with work mates. We were skylarking and I was sitting on the boot of a mates car as he drove to this field. He saw a speed bump and floored it. I went up and came down on my elbow. I had a sick sensation but still we continued soccer practise. After 5 minutes I couldn't continued so soccer practice was finished and back to my mates caravan we went. My mates advised me to just put my elbow in their freezer. It was then my elbow just popped out and went back in about 4 times. The fourth time it came out it stayed out. I couldn't feel a thing. The worse part was watching the doctors twisting the elbow to put it back the way it should be......( I'm glad they got that right)
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Hi Reddy! ;D ;)
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
this should be a winner...
Lets see when I was 9 and my cousin was 11 we ddecided we would go roof hopping. (The rooves were quite close to each other an d we lived in a 1 floor house.) Well the story goes thast we were hopping and the last house was about a 5 foot jump. My cousin did it with a running start. HE kept teasing me and I ran...and missed. Well luckily enough I fell onto a tree and cling on. When I could cling no more I fell breaking my arm and almost breaking my neck (wore a brace for a little while).
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
More recently, I fell up a flight of stairs while doing laundry
Wait a second,How in the world can you "fall Up"?
you fall down,not fall up.
unless it had something to do with gravity.... ???
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
well if we fall down do you know why birds can flew? its cuz theys gots magic! ;D
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Wait a second,How in the world can you "fall Up"?
you fall down,not fall up.
unless it had something to do with gravity.... ???
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I was running up the stairs. When my foot slipped off the step, my body continued traveling in a upward direction.
So, when I stopped moving, my head was actually near the top of the stairs, making it easier to crawl the rest of the way into the house and call for help.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
I was running up the stairs. When my foot slipped off the step, my body continued traveling in a upward direction.
So, when I stopped moving, my head was actually near the top of the stairs, making it easier to crawl the rest of the way into the house and call for help.
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I'm so sorry for laughing just now. But the way you said it was so funny. I couldn't help it.
I hope you didn't have a concussion or anything.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
I'm so sorry for laughing just now. But the way you said it was so funny. I couldn't help it.
I hope you didn't have a concussion or anything.
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I was actually answering Howard, he had asked how it was possible for me to fall "up" the stairs, since by definition, falling means "down".
No concussion, but if you go back a few posts, this is the fall where I broke and dislocated two toes, and sliced open a third toe on the edge of the step.
Don't feel bad about laughing. I can laugh about it myself now. That'll teach me to run on the stairs. ;D
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
I have fallen up the stairs many of times. One time in high school, it was the second day of school. I walked into the lunch room that had stairs leading down. I saw a friend of mine I hadn't seen since June. I said really loud at the top of the stairs, "Hey! Curtis!" I took one step down and my platform shoes (yes, they were the fashion then) grabbed the step and I took a flying leap down the stairs. The only thing I really hurt was my pride and I was soooooo embarrassed that I was laughing. One of the teachers came over and didn't help matters any. "Did you have a nice fall. See you next spring" or something like that. I refer to that as my "Big Entrence."
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
I fell up the basement stairs the other day. Mr. cs and I were joking around about me needing help doing something and he said, "You need help with everything! Do you need help up the stairs?" I said, "No, smarta s s." and headed up.
I got all the way to the top and tripped on the top step.
Thank goodness he bumped his big head on the corner of the wall when he bent forward laughing at me.
It was kinda funny though.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
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well becuase i was a tomboy and i wanted to be with my cousin doing dangerous stuffs.
and i fall up the steps alot.
Heres a memory: MAsq_of_red_death (Sorry if I bring her up alot. Still miss her alot.)broke her leg while walking down steps. She had no idea what happened she fell it hurt. I was like "Don't tell me you broke your leg" and she was like "I think its just a sprain" Well it was broke. That was funny. :D
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
in the spring of 1998, only a few months after the end of a 6 month season of walkin on krutches, i slipped on a slushy at school and i fell down the stairs ( not up) and anyways i didnt think anything of it until a week later when the pain got unbearable i went to the hospital. it turned out i had torn my leg right through a growth plate and i had to have a pin put in, and thus another 6 months of walkin on krutches.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
One time I fell going up my stairs and then
I fell right back down.I almost broke my head open. :(
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Hi Reddy! ;D ;)
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Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
hey aj why dont you become a member?
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
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Uh huh.... ::)
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
I have too that would qualify:
1. I ran into an electrical control panel on a ship, and had to go to medical and get stitches on my head, the worst part was explaining to them what happened.
2. As I have posted before I was distracted while running, and ran into the front of a Sears Van, I didn't have to seek medical attention, but it still hurt like hell.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
lol x 2
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
I remember falling off my bike
and the bike went out of control.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
dude that reminds me, when i used to live in kentucky, i was about to go mountain biking, so i got on my bike and headed down my hill but my brakes locked up, so i was looking back to see if i could see what was wrong, and when i turned back around it was too late, i had slammed into our dumbster. it hurt but i fixed the brakes and went on with my bike outing.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
I ran into a car last year watching this senior, (ladies he was gorgeous) iwas preoccupied and ran into a jeep
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
I ran into a car last year watching this senior, (ladies he was gorgeous) iwas preoccupied and ran into a jeep
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That happens to me sometimes, except I usually run into trees rather than cars. The only thing I injure is what's left of my dignity :D
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
It's funny now, but when I was about 6 or 7, my brother, who was 9 or 10..told me that if I got ontop of the doghouse, flapped my wings and jumped, i could fly!!
I did, and I didn't! I ended up with a sprained arm, just 2 days before the school pictures..my brother? A lecture on being nice to his little sister!!!
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
thats a pretty mean brother you got there
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
It wasn't really an injury as such but I recall being in a Taj Mahal Carpet Sale Shop near where I work. They had specials hanging from the ceiling everywhere. I left my sister and nephew inside while I ducked through the specials and straight into the glass windows. It was that clean I thought it was the exit. With people laughing at me it was my dignity that really hurt.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
i ran into a window at my brothers wedding, but it was raining and it was dark so it was pretty simple.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
i ran into a window at my brothers wedding, but it was raining and it was dark so it was pretty simple.
End Quote
What the hell were you doing ???
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
i was running into a winder*
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
i was running into a winder*
End Quote
Man,you got to calm down!
Take a chill pill.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
I took this "Guess-Your-Sex" quiz and had my genitals removed. Oooouuuuucccchhhhhhhh :o
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Man,you got to calm down!
Take a chill pill.
End Quote
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
I took this "Guess-Your-Sex" quiz and had my genitals removed. Oooouuuuucccchhhhhhhh :o
End Quote
Ha your a woman! ;D
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Ha your a woman! ;D
End Quote
So am I!
Wow,and I have breasts. :o ;D ;)
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
My breasts haven't come in yet - being FedExed next week ;D
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
ejoy the breast
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
I think I'm going to replace the airbags in my car with them.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
About two years ago, I had been doing some remodeling work in my basement, and had done a considerable amount of hammering down there, which evidently did quite a bit of shaking upstairs. The next morning, I got up, came into my kitchen, and a ceramic swan fell from a glass shelf, and its beak landed right on my little toe. Talk about pain...between my toe, and the fact that my wife's favorite swan was broken. :)
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
My breasts haven't come in yet - being FedExed next week ;D
End Quote
could you send me one too,I'm a DD. ;D
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
injuries breast and geese, what an amazing topic ;D
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
can you also send me an Epilady?
;D :D ;)
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
this is insane
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Mine would have to be when I was about 9 or 10, my family and I went out to dinner at a golf course. My mom and dad were in the restaurant and my brothers and I decided to go golfball hunting. We climbed over a fence with barbed wire on the top to go into a field that was next to the golf course. I don't remember now why we got freaked, but we started running back towards the golf course. It was starting to get dark and I forgot the fence was there and ran right into it. The barbed wire went right into my neck. I didn't want to tell my parents because we weren't supposed to be in the field so I tried to sneak into the bathroom to wash my neck. Needless to say, since I had blood all over my shirt, I got busted. I still have the scars to this day.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
Well this one didnt actually happen to me it actually happened to a friend of mine. I was this past summer on the 4th of July and we had just come back from the fireworks show and we where walking by some people who where shooting off fireworks of their own (which is illegel in the state of Georgia by the way) and my friend as he is walking by says to the guy "Hey, nice fireworks" and not 5 seconds later one of the guys fireworks shots off and hits my friend right in the middle of the butt. He sreamed and started jumping around as the firework circled his legs a few times and actually burned his legs some how a little bit. When it happened i just couldnt stop laughing it was on of the funniest things i have ever seen. Even though he was hurting a little bit he was laughing to. He was fine though the injury was not serious he said that it only hurt for a couple days afterword. But that has to be the funniest injury i have seen. The guy didnt hit him on purpose in cause you where wondering it was just one of those freak things.
Subject: Re: The Funniest Injury Youve Ever Had
I took this "Guess-Your-Sex" quiz and had my genitals removed. Oooouuuuucccchhhhhhhh :o
End Quote
Hey, I think I have some emails I can send you to get them back! ;)