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Subject: What's good about you- and why?
What do you know about yourself that is good and why do you think it's a part of you.
Hanging out here the past few months I can say that most of you are caring people and there is a lot of smarties here too, so I know that everyone has something to share.
A good thing about me? I can talk comfortably with people of all types, professinals, blue collar, older, younger, Execs and entry level. I was lucky to grow up with a family that listened to me in my youth, what I said counted and that gave me confidence towards addressing others.
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
How long ya got? >grin<
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
For you Bobo, I've got all morning. :)
How long ya got? >grin<
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Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
No need to call anything off, now.
For you Bobo, I've got all morning. :)
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Back on topic:-
Probably the best things about me are:
My inability to ever feel any kind of lasting angry emotion
My absolute unequalled perfection
My real odd sense of humour
And so on. I'll come up with more later.
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
I laugh a lot and I'm pathetically enthusiastic.
However in my short time here, I have discerned the following about the 2 fella's above.....
Race Bannon - Is very attentive and makes people feel important. :-*
Bobo - Is charmingly honest and unpretentious and is generally an extremely cute individual. ;D
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Thanks, HD! I'll have that bribe back now. >grin<
Bobo - Is charmingly honest and unpretentious and is generally an extremely cute individual. ;D
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Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
I usually let other people judge what's good and bad about me. It seems arrogant for me to tell you what you should find good about me.
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
I usually let other people judge what's good and bad about me. It seems arrogant for me to tell you what you should find good about me.
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That is kinda how I feel about it.
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
That is kinda how I feel about it.
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Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Ok, let me give you a hand, Rice- Positive enery and lots of it. Smart and great attention to detail. He likes people and you could trust him with your sister.
C'mon folks, everyone should be able to say something they pride themselves in. Are you a good spouse, son or daughter, sibling? Do you pay your bills on time or always show up for meetings or events when you supposed to? Don't make me do all the work, cause if you don't help me out I will have to say good things about every darn one of you! >:(
I usually let other people judge what's good and bad about me. It seems arrogant for me to tell you what you should find good about me.
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Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Ok, let me give you a hand, Rice- Positive enery and lots of it. Smart and great attention to detail. He likes people and you could trust him with your sister.
C'mon folks, everyone should be able to say something they pride themselves in. Are you a good spouse, son or daughter, sibling? Do you pay your bills on time or always show up for meetings or events when you supposed to? Don't make me do all the work, cause if you don't help me out I will have to say good things about every darn one of you! >:(
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okay, okay, Race...I umm..floss regularly? ;D And I try to see all sides of a story, and I try to give all people benefit of the doubt. I also call my Grandma at least every three days to make sure she is doing ok since she tends to get lonely. If someone is hurting I would like to think they could come to me for help or at least comfort (I've been told I am relatively easy to talk to). And I love my children more than life itself. Still...I think the flossing is probably the best thing.... ;D
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Don't make me do all the work, cause if you don't help me out I will have to say good things about every darn one of you! >:(
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Noooo! Noooo! Not NICE things! *runs screaming from the room...*
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Noooo! Noooo! Not NICE things! *runs screaming from the room...*
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Don't worry, Earl. You know you can count on me to throw nasty on you, or however you kids are phrasing it nowadays. http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/cool/cool030.gif
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
What's good bout' me:
-I'm funny and have a good sense of humor.
-I can get along well with others
-I'm sympathetic
-full of energy
-very impatient.
-sometimes not willing to take criticism well.
howard :)
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
im a very consciderate person
im forgiving
im easy to talk to
i love kids
and im comfortable with my emotions. ::)
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Don't worry, Earl. You know you can count on me to throw nasty on you, or however you kids are phrasing it nowadays. http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/cool/cool030.gif
End Quote
Bring it on, b!tch ;D
Ah yes...dry humor.
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Ummm I can draw and thats about it
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
I'm a good mom. Not perfect, not by any stretch of the imagination, but I think the kid'll grow up to be a fairly decent human being.
I try to recycle everything that's allowed for pickup in my community. (They won't take used pizza boxes--too much grease or something).
I tend to learn most things fairly quickly. I was able to tutor other people how to use MS Office programs when everyone else in my class were still saying "duh?" (The same cannot be said for algebra, sadly).
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
I entered the inquiry into my brain hours ago and I still get the response, "Still searching..." :P
- TripsMom has a beautiful family!
- Zella is a good listener.
- Langdon is like everyone's older, protective sister.
- Steve_H is a great conversationalist.
- Rice Cube's sense of humour makes him part of any RPG group! Any party'd be lost without him.
- Criz is very level-headed and has a keen sense of pop culture (except for that Justin thing, but, hey, we all have our guilty pleasures!)
- MissInformation is just so strong in character. A true modern woman.
Just some off the top of my head...
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Aside from trying to be the best person I can be, I'm not sure what to say about my persona here in thee forums.
I'll give it a shot -
In reference to being a mod -
I try very hard to remain objective in order to remain fair.
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Plus, you give off that Gloria Gaynor, "I Will Survive," vibe 8)
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P'sst, TB, you forgot something. What about you?
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Thanks so far everyone, there still more that should be posted. Steve forgot to mention something good about himself as well. I think this is a good exericise in being honest to yourself and share with the rest of the board members what they probably already know. To clearly state a positive trait about youself is not bragging, success is a positive contagion, if you share it with others it very well can effect them others too.
There is a most annoying subject thread that's been going on, what is annoying to me is negative energies. Often times people will attempt to be "cool" by depracating anything positive out there, to show excitement, enthusiasm, and celebrate accomplishment is "uncool". Who knows, maybe you've known some of these people too.
Keep the posts coming, it's great to see the good things coming. :)
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Well, in here I try to always be polite to people....there have been a couple of times that I haven't, that I have regretted, and a couple of others where they simply deserved it ! :P
Apart from that I like to think that I can see things from more than one point of view (nearly always), and I also like to think I am a good listener... ;)
And I like to have fun....!
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
I'm one of those people who find it very difficult to see any good in themselves, and find it really easy to name all the bad.
However, it has been said that I would do ANYTHING for those I care about - family and friends - and I am extremely loyal to them as well.
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
I am good at/with:
*Writing music
*Writing poems/stories
*Being nice to animals
*Respecting my family
*Whingeing for ages on chat forums
*Being modest.
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
- MissInformation is just so strong in character. A true modern woman.
End Quote
I'll take it. It sounds a lot better than stubborn, and hard-headed and...
Tarzan Boy is very funny, and very good with compliments. He's also very creative. And he's a good judge of people, I agree with his list. Especially about Steve H, he is a good conversationalist, he's witty, thought provoking, and interesting.
Me? Well, I'm not really one to toot my own horn (I'm sure if I say I would rather toot other people's horns, someone will take it the wrong way, so I won't say it...) but I think I'm a fair person who tries to be nice to everyone, and make people happy rather than sad. It's hard to say nice things about myself because I know all of my faults.
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
I try to be a good person and hold true to my beliefs. I don't want to be a hypericrate. I don't believe in social injustice and I do try to change things for the best. I try to be conciderate and I respect other people's beliefs. I also have a warped sense of humor.
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
I also have a warped sense of humor.
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It's the best brand of humor ;D
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Um the best thing about me would be my twisted/warped/deranged/unhealthily weird sense of humor...and that i'm a good writer.
And you guys are just gosh darn amazing and funny, cool people all round!
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Here we go
- I'm a romantic
- compassionate
- I'm all smiles despite how I feel (my gift; my curse)
- I actually care (which gets me run over)
- I can walk into a room of strangers and make friends. (and enemies because I have a very *loud* personality that not everyone likes)
Enough boasting about my finer qualities.
Ever notice how we always want to change the way we look???
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Hehe I agree that it would take some amount of arrogance to answer this question so I will just go by the things that I have been told that are good about me ^_^ *thinks*..
-I've been told I'm a good artist, which means a lot to me since music and drawing are two major parts in my life
-" " " I'm intelligent
-" " " I can sing well
-" " " I'm 'pretty' ???
-" " " I'm not known for being funny but when I say funny things they're usually really funny, or something like that lol
- I don't need to be told that I'm very enthusiastic about things I love
- Same thing when it comes to me ecclecticism
- I think I'm physically pretty tough
That sounds like a lot but at least half of that I don't think is true :p
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
There's nothing wrong with caring. It's those people who don't care enough that you have to watch out for ;)
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
- I think I'm physically pretty toughEnd Quote
To paraphrase a Chris Rock routine, "Can you kick MY @$$?!" ;D Please, seriously, it's not an invite, though this could be amusing ;D
That sounds like a lot but at least half of that I don't think is true :p
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Well, if people said this about you, it probably has some truth to it :)
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
*rofl* I'm a country girl and I have beat the toughest guy at my school arm wrestling. In front of all his friends, too so I know he wasn't letting me win!! LoL!
And... maybe they just feel sorry for me and that's why people say those things, who knows really ;)
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
*rofl* I'm a country girl and I have beat the toughest guy at my school arm wrestling. In front of all his friends, too so I know he wasn't letting me win!! LoL!
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You'll have to let me use two hands then ;D
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
LoL Ah, ah... no cheatin' now!!! :p :)
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
LoL Ah, ah... no cheatin' now!!! :p :)
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Hold on, gotta take some steroids and hook up my bionics...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaah... ;D
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
:o meep!!!! :o :o :o *Runs away*...
NO, wait...
*turns into her supreme Solstice form and takes to flight, slinging energy balls toward Rice* Ha-ha!! Take THAT!!
*Wonders if we're getting OT*???
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Well anyway...I guess it's my turn, eh?
I'm adaptive. I appreciate diversity and can find ways to fit in. I'm also eager to learn new things, about life and people in particular.
I'll figure out more. Mostly I'm just me...pretty much unique :)
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Mostly I'm just me...pretty much unique :)
End Quote
Wow, that sounds like me. ;)
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
I dare to eat a peach
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Here's me:
~ good at making pottery (from scratch, mind you)
~ friendly and caring
~generally easy to get along with
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Well, I have a great sense of humor... when it doesn't get me in trouble that is... :o
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Well anyway...I guess it's my turn, eh?
I'm adaptive. I appreciate diversity and can find ways to fit in. I'm also eager to learn new things, about life and people in particular.
I'll figure out more. Mostly I'm just me...pretty much unique :)
End Quote
Thanks Rice, I new you could come up with something. Really, thanks everyone for posting, this is great. :)
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Well, I have a great sense of humor...
End Quote
I wish I could say the same! :( I've tried to be witty but it just doesn't flow as easily as it does with some people.
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Where did we learn that other people's opinions about us matter more than ours do? I've noticed that folks feel the need to apologize for their "egotism" or refrain from appearing self-complimentary, feeling that it's what others say that's important. Well, you know what I like best about myself? That I am learning to give myself permission to define myself. And it makes me so darn happy that I encourage everybody else to give it a try. It's not "egotistical" to think nice things about yourself, it's good and loving and makes you more able to think nice things about other people.
Why? 'Cause I've had a buttload of therapy, thank you very much. And I feel good about that. I really do. 'Cause gosh darn it, people LIKE me...
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Where did we learn that other people's opinions about us matter more than ours do? I've noticed that folks feel the need to apologize for their "egotism" or refrain from appearing self-complimentary, feeling that it's what others say that's important. Well, you know what I like best about myself? That I am learning to give myself permission to define myself. And it makes me so darn happy that I encourage everybody else to give it a try. It's not "egotistical" to think nice things about yourself, it's good and loving and makes you more able to think nice things about other people.
Why? 'Cause I've had a buttload of therapy, thank you very much. And I feel good about that. I really do. 'Cause gosh darn it, people LIKE me...
End Quote
Well, since the soapbox hit me in the head ;)
I am a good listener and I like to think that I am a good mom.
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Okay then, I'm good at changing light bulbs... because I'm so tall. Really, that's my best quality!
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Well, since the soapbox hit me in the head ;)
I am a good listener and I like to think that I am a good mom.
End Quote
She's a darn good mom, and don't you forget it ;D
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
YES! EXACTLY!!! Thank you.
Where did we learn that other people's opinions about us matter more than ours do? I've noticed that folks feel the need to apologize for their "egotism" or refrain from appearing self-complimentary, feeling that it's what others say that's important. Well, you know what I like best about myself? That I am learning to give myself permission to define myself. And it makes me so darn happy that I encourage everybody else to give it a try. It's not "egotistical" to think nice things about yourself, it's good and loving and makes you more able to think nice things about other people.
Why? 'Cause I've had a buttload of therapy, thank you very much. And I feel good about that. I really do. 'Cause gosh darn it, people LIKE me...
End Quote
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
She's a darn good mom, and don't you forget it ;D
End Quote
Awwwww, thats sweet. Thank you. :-*
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Awwwww, thats sweet. Thank you. :-*
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It's true ;) And a shout out to all the other great mothers here...way to go!
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
It's true ;) And a shout out to all the other great mothers here...way to go!
End Quote
Mothers are the most important things on earth. :)
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
On the other soapbox:
I was thinking, perhaps it isn't that we don't like ourselves, but that to list our own good qualities is merely redundant to us. Who knows us better than... us, right? So, we are very aware of our own good qualities; it's just that there isn't a need to announce them to others - especially those who've been around us for a while. They know some of our good qualities already as well. The same could be said of our bad qualities (although you might get more volunteers on that topic). It's one thing to think good thoughts about ourselves and another to express/voice them needlessly (granted, one has to promote oneself as much as possible at an interview!). It's not bad at all to express these thoughts, really, nor is it bad to not express them, among our own. We're all in good company and we already like each other.
I happen to agree that feedback from others does not define us, but it can help us become a little more introspective. I mean, if the majority of people you meet share the same opinion of you (good and bad), there might just be some relevance then. Whether one chooses to go with the flow or not is up to each individual. After all, whenever we choose to do something, change something, think something about ourselves, it is with our own motives in mind.
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
You can ask all the ladies, there aint a thang wrong with me :-*
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Mothers are the most important things on earth. :)
End Quote
that's true."Ill Always Love My mama". ;)
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
i miss my mommy, shes in ky and im in mi :'(, and yes i call her mommy ;)
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Just ask Jessica...she knows me very well ;)
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
I wish I could say the same! :( I've tried to be witty but it just doesn't flow as easily as it does with some people.
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Same here!...
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
I disagree, I think many people don't allow themselves to be honest about aknowledging their positive traits. If you are able to do so than that is great but from the postings I've seen I get the feeling that it's not done enough.
On the other soapbox:
I was thinking, perhaps it isn't that we don't like ourselves, but that to list our own good qualities is merely redundant to us. Who knows us better than... us, right? So, we are very aware of our own good qualities; it's just that there isn't a need to announce them to others - especially those who've been around us for a while. They know some of our good qualities already as well. The same could be said of our bad qualities (although you might get more volunteers on that topic). It's one thing to think good thoughts about ourselves and another to express/voice them needlessly (granted, one has to promote oneself as much as possible at an interview!). It's not bad at all to express these thoughts, really, nor is it bad to not express them, among our own. We're all in good company and we already like each other.
I happen to agree that feedback from others does not define us, but it can help us become a little more introspective. I mean, if the majority of people you meet share the same opinion of you (good and bad), there might just be some relevance then. Whether one chooses to go with the flow or not is up to each individual. After all, whenever we choose to do something, change something, think something about ourselves, it is with our own motives in mind.
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Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Perhaps we judge ourselves to much. And maybe that is because of what society measures us by. (MEN AND WOMEN) I am 15 qan d finally beginning to like my self an d not care what people say. I'm losing some of my insecurities. and have been known to become quite foul mouthed towards people who *do* care about how I look or speak or anything on the surface. But I have friends and they dont give a darn whether i where mismatched bright pink skirt with blue fishnets and an orange top and glitter all over my face. Thats why I love em.
PS: They would give me strange looks thought and a swift smack too make sure i'm not insane.
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Ok, I have figured out what is good about me: My Children. Seriously. They are the best part of me.
my 7 year old boy did a mini-essay about Penguins in school, I shall try to copy the original here, but the blots and wrinkles are not reproduceable.
" I am a Penguin. I am butifl. Penguins et fih. They div n wotr. They liv at the South pol. Polr bars r big. They allwas eat fish. They live at the North Pole."
Granted the spelling needs improvement, but hopefully what is lacking in that area is made up in content.
;) You butifl penguins you.
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Since we've introduced motherhood to this thread I need to explain a bit further of why I started this subject. I stated that a good thing about me is that I can talk well with others and I attributed it to my family listening to me when I was a youngster.
My parents were divorced within my 1st year, I had two sisters, one 3 years older and 1 six years older. My mother took us kids back to her home town, Dad was a military man and moved about as needed. My folks are two completly differnet people, mom likes people, is pretty socially liberal, dad is from very traditionally concervative background. Mom and her family raised me and like I said they would be attentive and aknowledge things that I stated, they were aware that I read the paper that I was delivering at 11, they made me someone confident in speaking my opinions and share information that I knew of.
My father was stationed back in the US and I started spending summers (as well as part of my 8th grade year) when I was 9 or so. He's a good man and was a good father but there are two incidents that should be minor that still sit poorly with me. Mom's house had a lot of the appliance go on it, it was a victpm of early 70's cheep wiring, she had it tested and power surges were going through it shortening the life span. Dad was always a "kids break or ruin everything" kind of thinker and I remeber explaining to him about the testing done, he refused to believe it, a 9 year old kid speaking about electricans, breaker panels aluminum wiring and he couldn't believe it?. When I was going to school there my 8th grade year at assembly the principal spoke of new policies that were taking effect and much stronger consequences for absentisim etc. were going to result. I had went home and was telling dad about it and he insisted it wasn't true, that in California it has to go to a public vote for approval, I tried my best to convince him and was amazed that I wasn't to be belived, why would I make it up?
This isn't any nightmare that keeps recurring or history of abuse or neglect, it's just one thing that is so important-Parents can do so much good just by making the kids feel important and that their opinon matters. I am so thankful that my mother raised me, gave the opportunity to live with my dad, and the opportunity to come back home.
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Ok, I have figured out what is good about me: My Children. Seriously. They are the best part of me.
my 7 year old boy did a mini-essay about Penguins in school, I shall try to copy the original here, but the blots and wrinkles are not reproduceable.
" I am a Penguin. I am butifl. Penguins et fih. They div n wotr. They liv at the South pol. Polr bars r big. They allwas eat fish. They live at the North Pole."
Granted the spelling needs improvement, but hopefully what is lacking in that area is made up in content.
;) You butifl penguins you.
End Quote
Awww....dat's so bootiful.Thank You,Mommy! ;D
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Since we've introduced motherhood to this thread I need to explain a bit further of why I started this subject. I stated that a good thing about me is that I can talk well with others and I attributed it to my family listening to me when I was a youngster.
End Quote
That is wonderful, Race. It is a good thing that your family gave you the early confidence that you needed. What a wonderful mother! I am jealous of you, in a way, for having that.This is what I wish for my children. :)
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Thanks shazzaa, I was fortunate, I didn't really think much about it until recently, at seperate times a couple of people told me that I speak well with people in difficult situations, that got me to thinking why, and why not others. It was a good thing to relise howit developed cause I can take that relisation and hopefully put it to use when I have a child. That's why I added the "and why" at the end of my question.
That is wonderful, Race. It is a good thing that your family gave you the early confidence that you needed. What a wonderful mother! I am jealous of you, in a way, for having that.This is what I wish for my children. :)
End Quote
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
I guess I finally thought of something after I read the essay by shazzaah's kid........I am a great aunt. This is an essay written by my eldest nephew a few years back....I keep it on my computer and when I need a pick me up...I pull it up and read it....
My Aunt
My aunt's name is Christy Young. She has long auburn hair. She is 5''8'and she is 30 years of age. My relationship with my aunt is very strong. We almost do everything together, we go to parties, birthdays, theme parks, and sometimes even the movies. We also go through some hard times like, when my great-grandpa was in the hospital. When she broke her leg, and when my younger brother twisted his ankle. We went through some hard times. So I would say that me and my aunt relationship is strong.
I admire my aunt because she is like a big sister to me and my younger brother. Some reasons why, she always get us the best birthday presents and Christmas presents too. She visits us as much as she can and we do the same. Some examples are, my aunt has been there all my life, she has also was there when I was sick. She even used to babysit me when I was a baby. This is why I admire my aunt.
So reasons why my aunt enriched my life because, she was always there when I was having a hard time. She was on my case and trying to encourage me whenn I was making bad grades and not doing my homework. She tells me that she was always be there for me to talk to when I feel like I can't talk to my parents. She was there for my birthday and for Christmas.
When we went down there for 2 weeks to stay with her, we had such a good time that I thought we would never let go home. This is how my aunt has enriched my life.
By Justin Button
(original wording and spelling)
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Oh, SS, that is great! Look at what an inspiration that you are. :) Yes, Aunt's have a right to be proud too. Especially when they take a major part in shaping a young persons life in the way you evidently have for your nephew. :D
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Since I don't have any kids of my own, I am a proud Aunt. Last year, when I got this computer, I started talking to my niece who I really didn't know. She decided to take a trip to visit me. Then she decided to move here-and now lives two blocks down from me. This is her first apartment. She wanted to move away from home but wanted to be close to family. I am surprised that she picked to move close to me since I only saw her once in a great while. So now I am getting to know her and (I hope) helping her to realize who she is and what she wants out of life.
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Aunts and Uncles are important too. I have to remind myself of that when I'm with my two nieces. (Picture of myself and them in the photos up in 2000 board) It was Christmas and i was working both jobs and doing the Christmas thing, i did a quick nap so had about 3 hours of sleep in last 48. I went to Grandmas and entered into full extended family gathering, my youngest nieced KJ workships her uncle "Race" and was demanding a lot of attention, I wasn't quite awake enough for that and I said a dismissive "go away" after some gentler brush offs were ignored. She had to hold back the tears, I felt so bad. :-/
She and I both quickly recovered however. :)
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Ok, I have figured out what is good about me: My Children. Seriously. They are the best part of me.
my 7 year old boy did a mini-essay about Penguins in school, I shall try to copy the original here, but the blots and wrinkles are not reproduceable.
" I am a Penguin. I am butifl. Penguins et fih. They div n wotr. They liv at the South pol. Polr bars r big. They allwas eat fish. They live at the North Pole."
Granted the spelling needs improvement, but hopefully what is lacking in that area is made up in content.
;) You butifl penguins you.
End Quote
Mother to mother....what I was going to say is that I love my children, and make sure they know it. I grew up in a household where I can only remember being told "I love you" once. My parents were always there for me, but didn't show affection. Not a day has gone by in my sons' lives that I haven't told them I love them. The first time my oldest (7) asked me if I still loved him when he was in trouble, I cried. I explained to him that no matter how angry I was, I would always love him. I have done the same with my 4 year old, and will do the same with my 1 year old.
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Okay. Line-hook-and-sink.
I love my arrogance and conceit because it gives people ample reason not to like me instead of them relying on some stupid presumption they may have about my character. I love my subversive ways because it sometimes relieves my ennui (not because I care to be different). I love my dissatisfaction with the current state of things. I love the way I don't feel the need to lie to others. I love knowing my existence is inconsequential and serve no greater purpose other than my own... And I can cry on the spot without feeling sadness.
End Quote
Beautiful :)
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
It's a feel-good day! :)
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Please don't take this the wrong way................................
I think the greatest thing about me is the fact that I love myself completly! It makes it much easier to love the people around me & I am a much more caring a sincere person because of it.
It took a long time & many great hurdles for me to feel this way, but it has shaped my life and has made a better person and I am grateful everyday for the people in my life.
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Why would anyone take that the wrong way? It's great that you love yourself and can state it. :)
Please don't take this the wrong way................................
I think the greatest thing about me is the fact that I love myself completly! It makes it much easier to love the people around me & I am a much more caring a sincere person because of it.
It took a long time & many great hurdles for me to feel this way, but it has shaped my life and has made a better person and I am grateful everyday for the people in my life.
End Quote
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
if i start to ramble, i apologize...i tend to ramble on and on about my good qualities. i'm a little self-centered. :)
# i ramble. it sounds stupid, but i love to ramble. once, this girl and i had to talk for five minutes about two completely different things without acknowledging what the other person said. i rambled on and on about the weather channel while the other person started hysterically cracking up after thirty seconds and she couldn't finish. the sad part is, i wasn't even allowed to finish out the five minutes, because i had already proved whatever point was being proved. lol.
# i'm funny. i make people laugh. i also have a very strange sense of humor that only a few people find funny.
# i can write comic strips that people actually understand. (i've been out of ideas for a while though... :( )
# i write everything out. most people find this horribly annoying (and another sign that i have no life), but i really have problems reading messages that are l337 or contain "net-spelling" to the point of "OmG y RnT u KoMiN 2 dA kEwLzIeZ dAnS oN fRiDaI?¿?¿?¿?" thank god, no one's typing style here bothers me enough to include my standard "STNS!" signature. ;D
# i think i'm pretty good at writing out HTML and designing web sites that people know how to navagate. i'm certainly not the best, but i know i'm a lot better than my friends. (i love my friends, but sometimes i wonder if they realize that size 600 comic sans that blinks neon colors every 0.5421365 seconds tends to scare people...)
# i understand foriegn languages. people in my german class hate me because i currently have a 100% average.
# when people mock me, i tend to find it outrageously funny. maybe i'm weird, but having people tell me that i "put too many clips in my hair" is just not offensive.
well. i certainly did ramble there.
edited: wow! that was a lot longer than i expected. now i feel really conceited... :-/
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
Well, this might or might not be a good thing, but I memorise songs really well. I can't say that i love a certain band or group until i've memorized their whole CD, AND all the "here we go"s and "okay"s at the beginning of songs. I'm losing it. ::) ::) ::) ;D
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
What's good about me-- I know a lot of music. A LOT. Compared to the rest of my 8th grade, anyway. Half the people in my class have no idea who Queen is.
Subject: Re: What's good about you- and why?
I can be funny and use humor in bad situations.
I like to laugh and watch stupid comedies(i.e.Joe Dirt,American Pie,etc...)
and that fits in with my nutty personality. ;D