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Subject: Your Crush! :D
Ok here we go something a little new :D ok have any of you ever been good friends with your crush? like him/her comming over to your house and you two are flirting? tell us your story! hehe
When I had to get a tutor for math I didn't expect to start getting a major crush on him but I couldn't help it :-[ so now after he tutored me we went to the beach in the summer Oh it was cool! and then he forgot one of my movies and came over and said "oh sorry...but this will give me an excuse to come back over" well on tuesday he came over again and we talked ...watched a little bit of a movie.....then walked to the beacon and we were flirting and tomorrow I might get to go somewhere with him! ohh I can't wait! I turn beat red :-[
so what was it like with your crushes?
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
They're usually girls who are very intelligent and fun to talk to, a different league of beautiful, and make your heart warm with desire ;)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
My crushes were always funny guys. The funnier the better. Still are in fact. And even though I have been married for years I am still able to get a crush... ;D. As a teen I never had the nerve to tell the guy I had a crush on him. I would get tongue tied and embarrassed around him. In fact, I had a crush on my first love for years before we actually started to date. He told me he had no idea I liked him because I wouldn't talk to him. :)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
i like guys who have lng hair and ply guitar! :P
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Ok here we go something a little new :D ok have any of you ever been good friends with your crush? like him/her comming over to your house and you two are flirting? tell us your story! hehe
When I had to get a tutor for math I didn't expect to start getting a major crush on him but I couldn't help it :-plllease don't set yourself up to getting extremely hurt by this guy.
Tutor/Student relationships are not fated to fully develop.
We have a few heartbroken members on the board, who know the pain of heartbreak and loss all too well.
On topic:
I had a crush on someone who was too old for me at the time and we became very good friends. The person knew of my crush, for it was very obvious by my actions and flirtation.
The person was honorable and respectful and did not take advantage of me, as they easily could have done under the circumstances. I did fantasize quite a bit of many "romantic" encounters, which I kept to myself. ;D
Anyway, the person became involved in a romantic relationship with someone their own age. :-/
I was quite hurt and jealous and my fantasies were blown to smithereens. >:( :P
I needed to vent, so I turned to a classmate who was more of an acquaintance than a friend. I felt a heck of a lot better in the end and gained a friend in the process. :)
The person with whom I had a crush was legitimately nice and I ended up wishing them the best.
That was one of life's tough lessons learned. :P ;) :)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
My crushes were usually very mild and on guys who were extremely intelligent (oh yes, yes, yes!). But I did have one really bad crush:
I fell in love with my 8th grade Algebra teacher. Okay, maybe it wasn't really love, but it sure did feel like it back then. He was probably in his late 30s (oh, yeah, I also tended to like older men) and he was a very good teacher, fair, but strict. And tough, very tough, even the worse students behaved in his class (and we're talking about an low income, inner-city school here). It was the only time I ever got an A in algebra. I was his favorite student, there is no doubt about it (how could I not have been, I was attentive, bright, friendly, and I must have stared at him with total adoration in my eyes). He called everybody by his or her last names and a few times he slipped and called me by my first (oh, and let me tell you, that was pure heaven). He often complimented my on a sweater I was wearing or earrings I had on, and don't you know I turned bright pink every time. Once when a friend and I were having a conversation (overdramatically, as only a teen girl can be) about not having nicknames and I guess we looked a little upset because he stopped me as we walked by him and asked me if everything was okay (me, not her). Another time, while the class was taking a quiz, he perched on the empty desk in front of me and if I lifted my eyes from the paper at all I found myself in an awkward viewing position (and of course, I blushed the whole time I took the quiz, and when I finished, I continued to stare downwards, sure that if I looked at him, he would be able to tell what thoughts were running through my mind, you know 8th grade girls should not be having such fantasies as I did, not at all...)
Of course, then came the heartbreak. Halfway through the school year he got promoted to the Board of Education for Baltimore Public Schools and left our school. I was devastated. His replacement was horrible, and I never again got a great grade in Algebra. The fact that I remember these details so strongly says a lot about how bad the crush was, but in the long run, I wouldn't change a thing about it! Well, except for all the really bad poetry I wrote about him... talk about embarrassing, I really should throw all that stuff away...
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
ok have any of you ever been good friends with your crush? End Quote
Oh, I couldn't develop a good crush on anyone besides a friend. And I've got a real good crush worked up right now. She tells me songs she likes and then I learn to play them on the piano and I sing them for her. We go to parties together sometimes. She's so sweet.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
The angel in her gaze. Her lips provoke a disquieting taboo. My Sophisticated Diva. The star of my glass-heart.
Everything's possible - except her.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Crush-Mush.... it's all a load of lovely dovey stuff that you can't have.... I don't like Crushes... but if i had to have something then i must admire Nicky Wire.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
ive never had a crush on a guy, but i love being in love.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
When I was in junior high, two girls, one the head majorette and the other the head cheerleader, had crushes on me. Today the head cheerleader runs the local ballet company! I should have been so lucky to have those two girls have crushes on me!
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
I sometimes have very mild crushes on people in films or TV shows, but never in real life, for some reason. I never really saw the point of all that stuff. But then, I don't really see the point of emotions, let alone crushes...
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
right now I have a crush on one of our foreign exchange students. He's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE :-*
:-calm down calm down)
He sits w\ me on th e bus and danced w\ me at the dances and flirts
but the only thing in the back of my mind is that he leaves in JULY!!!! :P :-[ :'(
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
but the only thing in the back of my mind is that he leaves in JULY!!!! :P :-[ :'(End Quote
Where's he from? Maybe you should get a number or an address or something, and plan a trip when you have the dough ;) It's a small world after all!
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Where's he from? Maybe you should get a number or an address or something, and plan a trip when you have the dough ;) It's a small world after all!
End Quote
You can be pen pals! :D (Well, it's better than nothing - right?)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
When I was in the 7th grade I developed a huge crush on a guy. He was the same age as me but in a different class. I never had the nerve to go up and talk to him (I was painfully shy), so I ended up having my friends deliver notes to him. Most of the time he'd refuse to take the letters and then his friends would end up taking them for him. I think they (the friends) must have really gotten a kick out of this! Anyway, I admired him from afar for 3 years and then he moved away. :(
Looking back on this now, I realize how silly I was then to like a guy who had absolutely no interest in me! :-/
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Where's he from? Maybe you should get a number or an address or something, and plan a trip when you have the dough ;) It's a small world after all!
End Quote
He's from Germany! Oh so far away and if I cant hardly call my mom who lives 2 hrs awya i cant call Germany. but maybe we can be pen pals.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Anyone here have a crush on any celebs? ;D
Personally, I'm a bit worried about my taste in blokes- I have a massive crush on Shinzon from the new Star Trek film. If he weren't a genocidal, Earth-hating psychopath, I could really get to like him.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
I am infatuated w\ EMinem please don't yell, my friends think i'm nuts but if u listen to his stuff (past the cursing) he's really deep and you have to be smart. 15 yrs older than me.
also Vin diesel (AKA mark vincent) THE VOICE :-* so in love w\ him 20 yrs older than me but ummmm well thats a problem.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
He's from Germany! Oh so far away and if I cant hardly call my mom who lives 2 hrs awya i cant call Germany. but maybe we can be pen pals.
End Quote
You could make a European vacation out of it! Germans are very friendly, I think, and a trip through Europe is like driving a car from California to Nevada, Europe is smaller than you think ;)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Don't let a good thing pass you by, let him know, maybe he feels the same. ;)
Life is too short for would have could have's.
right now I have a crush on one of our foreign exchange students. He's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE :-*
:-calm down calm down)
He sits w\ me on th e bus and danced w\ me at the dances and flirts
but the only thing in the back of my mind is that he leaves in JULY!!!! :P :-[ :'(End Quote
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Hmmm, where does on start, my first experiences of unrequited love :'( :'( ;) ......
When I was in High School ,there was 'Roslyn Johnson' ( :P)
Why did I like Roslyn Johnson, in fact why did everyone like Roslyn Johnson ?
Because Roslyn Johnson was beautiful, both inside and out. She didn't distinguish between the popular kids and the not-so-popular, she was very pretty, but was one of the rare ones that wasn't stuck up herself because of it....
Oh ! One more thing ! Did I mention her name was Roslyn Johnson ?
Of course, I didn't have a crush on her..... ::)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
FBVP and Roslyn
sitting in a tree
oh forget it!
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Anyone here have a crush on any celebs? ;D
End Quote
Mira Sorvino. Oh yessssssssssss...I got it bad for that girl...
My highschool crush was on Ms. Ritchie, my grade 10 English teacher. We had to do a presentation of poetry...I used mostly lyrics...and all were chosen with her in mind...she married during the summer between grade 10 and 11 and never returned to my school :'( She was the only teacher to ever give me a perfect mark...and yes, it was for the poetry collection...
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
I've had many crushes in my life, but I still remember my first one the best.
When I was in 2nd Grade, there was a totally hot chick named Ms. Ball (yes, that was her name!). She was the student teacher in my class and was from Hawaii. She wound up leaving my school and moved to another school somewhere.
The last day she was in class, I was so sad. Later that night, I was at home and watched Magnum, P.I. When the theme song started, I just thought of her and almost started bawling right there in front of the TV.
It sucked.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Anyone here have a crush on any celebs? ;D
End Quote
LOL!!! You mean nobody can tell mine? :o ;D ;D ;D
Oded Fehr :-* Oded Fehr :-* Oded Fehr :-* Oded Fehr :-* Oded Fehr :-* Oded Fehr :-* Oded Fehr :-* Oded Fehr :-* Oded Fehr :-* Oded Fehr :-* Oded Fehr :-* :-* :-*
**sigh** He's sooooo dreamy!!!
I also still have a crush on the late Kevin Tod Smith, from New Zealand, and I don't find this unreasonalble at all.
Almost all celebrity crushes will come to nothing. I will most likely never meet any of these people. Few celebrities ever date "fans". They end up in relationships with people they knew before they became famous, or with other celebrites. This is what makes a celebrity a "safe" person to fantasize about. Even if your worst enemy find out about a naughty fantasy, and somehow the information gets to the celebrity, it will not hurt your (obvious lack of a) relationship. In fact, most celebrites would probably be flattered.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
OH my Gawd ! I had LOADS of crushes starting at junior school (Kevin Woods,Steven Warwick,Gary Ray) all through to about the age of 29 when I met my other half !.
I had a mad passion for a guy called Clayton Peat at secondary school,It was funny really cos I saw him again about 5 years after I left school and thought he was horrible, I was shocked that my taste had been so bad !?!
I was always fancying musicians of the long haired variety.The number of times my friend and I would go to see crap local bands just cos one of them was cute.*sigh* those were the days....then I finally bagged one when I
wasn't even looking ain't that always the way!
Doesn't stop me admiring a perfectly formed behind when I see one though !!
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
We have a customer at work that just "does it for me". I'm happily married(18yrs) and so is he but there is just something about him that makes me swoon. He sorta looks like Sam Elliott. Yummy!! He was on a local magazine cover and I'm ashamed to say that it's what I use as the wallpaper for my computer at work. LOL! Everyone at work just knows that when he comes in, I'm the only one who gets to help him.
And as a strange coincidence, I'm fairly good friends with his wife and our oldest kids are friends. I'm not sure if he is aware of my crush or not but I think I do a pretty good job of hiding it from him.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
This is what makes a celebrity a "safe" person to fantasize about. Even if your worst enemy find out about a naughty fantasy, and somehow the information gets to the celebrity, it will not hurt your (obvious lack of a) relationship. In fact, most celebrites would probably be flattered.
End Quote
My sister's friend used to have a crush on a cartoon character who shall remain nameless (Ken from Digimon) for that exact reason. I have to admit, certain computer game characters have crossed my strange and twisted mind...
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Mira Sorvino. Oh yessssssssssss...I got it bad for that girl...End Quote
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah ;D
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Do boardies count ??? ;)
End Quote
Why not? ;)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
OK, now it is getting interesting.... ;D
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
He's from Germany! Oh so far away and if I cant hardly call my mom who lives 2 hrs awya i cant call Germany. but maybe we can be pen pals.
End Quote
Instant messenger?
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
There are so many ;) It's so sad :) :D ;D How come there aren't this many in real life ???
End Quote
They're hiding, you're gonna have to fish them out ;)
What the hell are YOU complaining about? You're in San Diego, breeding grounds for the world's most beautiful scantily clad beach beauties!
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
They're hiding, you're gonna have to fish them out ;)
What the hell are YOU complaining about? You're in San Diego, breeding grounds for the world's most beautiful scantily clad beach beauties!
End Quote
Why, Thank You. ;D Do the Mommy Beauties count to?
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Why, Thank You. ;D Do the Mommy Beauties count to?
End Quote
Always ;)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
'Sright :) Hmmm. I'll have to print a certain picture, take it to school, and see who matches it best 8)
End Quote
I would ask whose picture, but I might have a clue ::) :D
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Y'know, there are times when I wish I were a lesbian... at least then I'd understand how my crushes' minds worked.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
You're the one with the college degree ;D
End Quote
A couple, actually, but that hardly makes me a womanologist ;)
Y'know, there are times when I wish I were a lesbian... at least then I'd understand how my crushes' minds worked.
End Quote
Oh yeah, I wish that too ;) Sometimes I think I'm a lesbian stuck in a man's body :D
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Quoting:Oh yeah, I wish that too ;) Sometimes I think I'm a lesbian stuck in a man's body :D
End Quote
;) Identity crisis?
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
;) Identity crisis?
End Quote
Some of my female friends (and some male ones too) think that I am effeminate in certain ways...i.e. the overly sensitive stuff and my passion for "chick-flicks" ::) Go figure.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Oh, and I also like pussy...cats ;)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Some of my female friends (and some male ones too) think that I am effeminate in certain ways...i.e. the overly sensitive stuff and my passion for "chick-flicks" ::) Go figure.
End Quote
??? If you ask me that just makes you a rare commodity! :)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
At least you wouldn't get bored if a girl dragged you to the cinema to see one of them.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Not in this part of town. Maybe it's different up north.
I can be sensitive and intense... and it will assure me further alienation from females 100%. It's bad enough that I look weak ::)
End Quote
You're right, they probably are nicer in the Midwest ;) But shallow women are everywhere. Of course you will find some "deep" women too :D
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Not in this part of town. Maybe it's different up north.
I can be sensitive and intense... and it will assure me further alienation from females 100%. It's bad enough that I look weak ::)
End Quote
From one who has seen Tarzan Boy, you are definitely a rare and may I add hot commodity. No weakness at all. ;D
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
That all sounds very exciting. I'm happy for you...
...but also worried.
Just plllease don't set yourself up to getting extremely hurt by this guy.
On topic:
I had a crush on someone who was too old for me at the time and we became very good friends. The person knew of my crush, for it was very obvious by my actions and flirtation.
The person was honorable and respectful and did not take advantage of me, as they easily could have done under the circumstances. I did fantasize quite a bit of many "romantic" encounters, which I kept to myself. ;D
Anyway, the person became involved in a romantic relationship with someone their own age. :-/
I was quite hurt and jealous and my fantasies were blown to smithereens. >:( :P
I needed to vent, so I turned to a classmate who was more of an acquaintance than a friend. I felt a heck of a lot better in the end and gained a friend in the process. :)
The person with whom I had a crush was legitimately nice and I ended up wishing them the best.
That was one of life's tough lessons learned. :P ;) :)
End Quote
well ohwell that wouldn't hurt me.....I mean can't stop him besides I liked him when he had a girl friend but it didn't stop me from liking him or it didn't hurt me so.........and he's only 18 not that big of an age difference
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
well ohwell that wouldn't hurt me.....I mean can't stop him besides I liked him when he had a girl friend but it didn't stop me from liking him or it didn't hurt me so.........and he's only 18 not that big of an age difference
End Quote
You gotta still be careful ;) And make sure you keep the boy out of jail too :D
Oh, and tell Jessica she needs to stop using the phone so much or it'll fuse with her ear ;D
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Oh, and tell Jessica she needs to stop using the phone so much or it'll fuse with her ear ;D
End Quote
lol I think it already has haha ;D
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
lol I think it already has haha ;D
End Quote
That could be interesting ;D
How was your date? :)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
That could be interesting ;D
How was your date? :)
End Quote
It wasn't a date and I called him three times but no answer..ohwell :D
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
It wasn't a date and I called him three times but no answer..ohwell :D
End Quote
A bit of advice: Try to limit your calls per 24-hour period. Don't want to seem needy ;)
And don't worry, he'll call you :D
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
A bit of advice: Try to limit your calls per 24-hour period. Don't want to seem needy ;)
And don't worry, he'll call you :D
End Quote
lol I don't really care if he calls me...anywho he has to come back over because I loaned two of my movies out! and if he doesn't bring them back then I will track him down and castrait him! >:(
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
From one who has seen Tarzan Boy, you are definitely a rare and may I add hot commodity. No weakness at all. ;D
End Quote
I feel this intense rush coming to my head 8)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
I feel this intense rush coming to my head 8)
End Quote
Yeah, I'd also like to go on public record as saying that the chances of women avoiding you 100% is about 0%.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
I third that! :D Stay gold.... ;)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
As I previously stated, there are so many... like the far-away stars which the world can never aspire to touch :) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
You know, I forgot that I had a crush on a girl when I was in the first grade! And if I married her, she'd have the same name as a paper company!
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
The best crushes are always friends at first. One started quite a while back...he kept teasing me over an incident where I accidentally injured myself. :-/ Well, no I didn't have a crush on him right THEN. But, well, we just became pretty good friends....and then some stuff....and more stufff......(Hey! Get ya mind outta the gutter-it's not what you think!) I was SO CLOSE.....and then I made him mad...and he was mad for quite a long time as far as I know. But then stuff was getting almost back to normal....and then my little sister ignorantly screwed it all up. >:( How lovely for me!
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
He's from Germany! Oh so far away and if I cant hardly call my mom who lives 2 hrs awya i cant call Germany. but maybe we can be pen pals.
End Quote
My girlfriend went to Germany over last summer, and it was torture to call her, so yeah pen pals will work out a lot better.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Waaay back in kindergarden, I met a boy named Jamie, and we became best friends. I was even closer to him than I was with my girl friends because he lived near us, and I saw him on weekends. In addition to being friends, I had a wicked crush on him (he was really good looking).
He felt the same way, and used to tell everyone that when we grew up we were going to get married and have a million kids. :o (I don't think he knew how many a million really is.)
This lasted till about halfway through third grade. We were always talking and laughing together whenever we could without getting caught. No one really paid us no nevermind until the rehearsals for the school play.
It was a musical called "Love and Marriage", and the teacher had stopped everyone's routine to give the kids playing the bride and groom some instructions. Jamie and I began joking around, and the teacher caught us. After chewing us out, (which we deserved), she kept making fun of us, and callling attention to how "abnorma" it was for a boy and girl of our ages to be friendly. >:( >:(
From that day forward, Jamie refused to speak a single word to me. :'( :'( :'( I have never been able to forgive that teacher for being so mean.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Jamie and I began joking around, and the teacher caught us. After chewing us out, (which we deserved), she kept making fun of us, and callling attention to how "abnorma" it was for a boy and girl of our ages to be friendly. >:( >:(
From that day forward, Jamie refused to speak a single word to me. :'( :'( :'( I have never been able to forgive that teacher for being so mean.
End Quote
It's not that teacher's place to make fun of you >:(
And besides, what's wrong with a boy and a girl being friends rather than gouging each other's eyes out or freaking out over cooties? Bullpucky :P >:(
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Well, XenaKat, I guess I'm not the only one who had a crush on a member of the opposite sex so early in school!
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
How can you tell if a guy likes you? I mean do they flirt because I know what flirting is and my tutor/crush flirts with me sometimes :-[
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
How can you tell if a guy likes you? I mean do they flirt because I know what flirting is and my tutor/crush flirts with me sometimes :-[End Quote
If he touches your hand/hands even for just a moment. There's definitely at least a hint of something very personal happening when your hands are touched by someone who flirts with you.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Wouldn't it be awesome to have like a built-in stereo system or at least some guy following you holding a boom box to set mood music at just the right moment? It'd be comical, but I bet it would work! :D
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
I thought girls would like that, but I haven't found any fans of Roxy Music yet :P They thought it was cheesy (and a turn off!) of me to put on "Slave To Love" and "More Than This."
End Quote
I thought I had something there. Some women just don't appreciate a guy who gives attention to the little things ::)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
They'll try to find any excuse to be near you. Some call it stalking, I call it being shy...
Sometimes they may do things for you, out of the blue, without your asking. If they've done their homework, they'll know what your favourite things are and try to allude to those things while having a conversation. Your interests may suddenly become his interests, even though you never saw this penchant for Marilyn Monroe in him before.
He'll look at you straight in the eyes whenever having a conversation (I do this a lot!). Maybe a minor change of tone in his voice.
Just a couple of things to keep note of.
End Quote
well he tries to make me unborde like onetime he took me to the beach...and we are always making eye contact when we talk and we do pedely little flirting things so I guess thats good right?
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
"Slave To Love" End Quote
Did the video for that have a couple dancing in it and had a very sensual feel to it?
Just getting flashbacks. ;D Don't want to be mixing memories.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
I thought girls would like that, but I haven't found any fans of Roxy Music yet :P They thought it was cheesy (and a turn off!) of me to put on "Slave To Love" and "More Than This."
End Quote
Well anybody who doesn't like Roxy Music or any of Bryan Ferry's solo efforts doesn't know good music when they hear it! ;)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Well anybody who doesn't like Roxy Music or any of Bryan Ferry's solo efforts doesn't know good music when they hear it! ;)
End Quote
This is correct !
However ! Maybe TB didn't tell us that he slipped one of thos 'Japan' tapes in, that he is always raving about ! Maybe that's why they did a runner ! :P ;D
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Did the video for that have a couple dancing in it and had a very sensual feel to it?
Just getting flashbacks. ;D Don't want to be mixing memories.
End Quote
I think the vid you're thinking of is "Avalon." Indeed, very sexy and suave. The guy waltzing in the tux is Bryan Ferry! I think it was filmed in a chateau of some sort and the setting was beautiful. It also has a scene where Bryan plays around with a hawk atop the mansion! Don't ask me why... it still looked cool!
There was also the vid for "More Than This." It looked kind of low-budget, but one can never go wrong with his sense of fashion: A long-sleeve, white dress-shirt with a bowtie, black slacks and shoes, and a... black leather jacket (?). Only in the early 80s!
Quoting: Well anybody who doesn't like Roxy Music or any of Bryan Ferry's solo efforts doesn't know good music when they hear it!End Quote
Alright! Another fan! You are, what Bryan would term as, "A seaside diamond."
Gee, where have you Bryan Ferry fans been all my life :D ?!
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
How can you tell if a guy likes you? I mean do they flirt because I know what flirting is and my tutor/crush flirts with me sometimes :-[End Quote
Another important clue, a lot of times the other person will try to make you laugh, whether by telling you a joke or by acting silly, or even by tickling you (though tickling can be bad if the other person doesn't like it, or if it goes too far). If you're laughing, you're happy, it makes you feel good and then you feel good about the other person.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Be very careful before tickling someone, especially if they've been drinking anything and haven't been to the bathroom for a while. http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/cool/cool014.gif
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Be very careful before tickling someone, especially if they've been drinking anything and haven't been to the bathroom for a while. http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/cool/cool014.gif
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lol Yeah wouldn't want to be tickled after drinking water or something :o
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
The question should be who DIDN'T I have a crush on? Just about any male. Teachers, fellow students, celebs, even my cousin, you name it. I had a crush.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Alright! Another fan! You are, what Bryan would term as, "A seaside diamond."End Quote
Well you got the "seaside" part right, at least! ;)
Quoting:Gee, where have you Bryan Ferry fans been all my life :D ?!
End Quote
I've been here for a long time, TB! 8)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
I'm in love with a statue ;)
End Quote
A bust of someone? :D
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
A bust of someone? :D
End Quote
It's a relief to know such beauties exist in this lifetime :D
"One in a million chance of finding of someone like that? Then I have a chance!" 8)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Sounds like a pretty rocky relationship.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Still Mira Sorvino ;)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
mmmm.....Rice Cube! mmmmm.....aaahhhhhh! :-* :D
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
mmmm.....Rice Cube! mmmmm.....aaahhhhhh! :-* :D
End Quote
;D Ah, you like me, you really like me! :D
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
"I have a crush on you....and now your mine..." ;)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
... and I... I stalk the way lone wolves stalk their prey.
... and I... I fight as the wolverine does and endure life's tribulations... alone... just to live another day.
Could it ever be any other way?
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Celebrity Crushes:
Probably self explanatory...
(Deborah Gibson, in case you didn't know)
Along with Kirsten Dunst,Molly Culver (from VIP), & Jennifer Love Hewitt.
School crushes:
Some subsitute teachers
Some of my peers
...and that's all I'm gonna say. 8)
Strangely enough, I met a girl,in 3rd grade, that I had a crush on,but started to find her annoying when I actually met her.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Still Mira Sorvino ;)
End Quote
Yesssssssssssssssssssss....still mine too!! Worse now than ever!!
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
I have a different crush everyday...........just look at my avatar. ::)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Wouldn't it be awesome to have like a built-in stereo system or at least some guy following you holding a boom box to set mood music at just the right moment? It'd be comical, but I bet it would work! :D
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I am giggling all over again, reading this. It would be nice. I could just see this little guy following me around with this huge boom box, and a big bag of cds, madly changing them.....it would be embarrassing if it played music that betrayed your feelings at certain times though. ;)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
I am giggling all over again, reading this. It would be nice. I could just see this little guy following me around with this huge boom box, and a big bag of cds, madly changing them.....it would be embarrassing if it played music that betrayed your feelings at certain times though. ;)
End Quote
Kinda like in the old TV show, "Shaft"! ;D
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Kinda like in the old TV show, "Shaft"! ;D
End Quote
Has anyone ever seen "Kung Pow"? It is literally the stupidest movie I have ever seen ;D Everytime the bad guy enters the room another dude with a ghetto blaster plays "Baby Got Back" ;D Hehehe...finally the good guy threw a ninja star into the boombox and the bad guy was without power. Or something like that ;D I don't remember the movie much, I just remember it was really really stupid.
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Has anyone ever seen "Kung Pow"? It is literally the stupidest movie I have ever seen ;D Everytime the bad guy enters the room another dude with a ghetto blaster plays "Baby Got Back" ;D Hehehe...finally the good guy threw a ninja star into the boombox and the bad guy was without power. Or something like that ;D I don't remember the movie much, I just remember it was really really stupid.
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OMG! I thought that movie was hill-arious! Then again, I was drinking wine coolers when I watched it. :-/
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Anyone here have a crush on any celebs? ;D
End Quote
oh hell yes. i have a huge crush on greg. (the guitarist from smash mouth... :-[ yes i know i'm obsessed!) i have a bunch of picture of him in my locker...i even dream about him! while it's quite harmless to have a crush on someone you'll never meet, i can't help feeling strange about it, because he's 35 (tomorrow's his birthday) and i'm 14... :o :-[
as for crushes in real life...i liked this guy (eric) in fourth grade and i have no idea what i saw in him! lol. he was nice to me though. one day, we were working on something in school and i got up to get some paper. well, i accidently hit his chair and he jumped out of his seat and yelled, "CHRISTINE, I LOVE YOU!" i turned bright red and my teacher said something like, "whoa, christine, watch out for eric!" :-[ it was humiliating, but i remember being so overjoyed for the five minutes that i truly believed we would get married... ::)
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
They're usually girls who are very intelligent and fun to talk to, a different league of beautiful, and make your heart warm with desire ;)
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That was actually really sweet and introspective Rice!
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Most of the guys I fall for are the thuggish type. (Except Kirk) And eally sexy. And of course funny.
AND....it never fails: the guy I crush on has a *distinctive* nose... ::) Just watch, I'm gonna end up marrying a guy that looks like the guy on "Baby Blues" :D haha
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Has anyone ever seen "Kung Pow"? It is literally the stupidest movie I have ever seen ;D Everytime the bad guy enters the room another dude with a ghetto blaster plays "Baby Got Back" ;D Hehehe...finally the good guy threw a ninja star into the boombox and the bad guy was without power. Or something like that ;D I don't remember the movie much, I just remember it was really really stupid.
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Well, your plot's a little off but hey, it was silly anyway.
My favorite parts are where the guy swallows the butterfly and where that guy goes "THAT'S A LOTTA NUTS!!!!!"
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Hmm well I had a crush on a guy named Landon for two years...we were good friends and still are...he's still like really freakin' HOTT...but he's a popular guy and I'm not a popular girl soo there's really no chance there... so I got over that... ::)...and well this isn't really a crush but my English teacher is like REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY HOTT!! And he's also the gym teacher so he's like really buff so...he looks good!!! LOL And he is soo nice to me. But he is leaving next year cuz our stupid school and its budget cuts have to get rid of some teachers and he was the last hired...so... :-/ But anyway I really shouldn't be crushing on anyone since I have a boyfriend and all. But there's nothing wrong with just LOOKING...right??
And crushes on celebs? Heck yeah!! Chris Cagle is the hottest guy in the world!! (cept Landon :P) And uhh Brendan Fraser, Russell Crowe, Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett, David Duchovny...shall I go on?? LOL I just crush a lot I guess. But there's just soo many hott guys out there!!
Subject: Re: Your Crush! :D
Oh my gosh, how could I forget VIGGO MORTENSEN!!! He is like sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
ooooooooooooooo hott too!