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Subject: Re: If you chose...
Dude, take a wild guess ;D
Do you want to know why as well, or is this good enough? :)
Subject: Re: If you chose...
Too many to narrow it down to one. I think I would like to try many different ppl, like one a day, then decide. ;)
Subject: Re: If you chose...
We can guess who other people would be like? Okay Tarzan Boy, you asked. I would guess you are a cross between a Mulder (X-Files) and Tommy Lee Jones (the more hidden part). Am I even close?
As for me, I am like Bo Duke crossed with Hyde from That 70's show.
Subject: Re: If you chose...
I'd chose to be this happyface: ;D. I don't know why it just describes me poyfectly.
Subject: Re: If you chose...
Harry Lyme
Subject: Re: If you chose...
Frannie from The Stand
Subject: Re: If you chose...
My favorite fictional character is Axl Rose, but the one I want to be the most is Neo from the Matrix. I'm not sure I can explain why; I'm not that big a fan of the movie, I don't think his girlfriend is attractive, I know intellectually that wanting to be Keanu Reeves is not very cool, etc. But something in me wants to pull out two gigantic firearms from underneath my black trenchcoat and blast a room full of bad guys into goo.
Subject: Re: If you chose...
The Joe Pesci character in Home Alone ???
Harry Lyme
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Subject: Re: If you chose...
The Joe Pesci character in Home Alone ???
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... or http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/cool/cool030.gif
Subject: Re: If you chose...
The Adventures of Harry Lyme ??? (a radio show from about 1949)
... or http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/cool/cool030.gif
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Subject: Re: If you chose...
Eric Cartman from South Park.
Subject: Re: If you chose...
The Cheshire cat !
Subject: Re: If you chose...
I'd choose to be Archie...let's face it, the chicks LOVE him...he has great friends and Veronica Lodge is stinkin' rich!! Woooooooo Hooooooooooo!!
Subject: Re: If you chose...
er... Gandalf?
...though, Kenny, I know exactly what you mean about being Neo... hmm I think I can feel a parody coming on ;-)
Subject: Re: If you chose...
...though, Kenny, I know exactly what you mean about being Neo... hmm I think I can feel a parody coming on ;-)
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So did I, except I don't feel a parody coming on! which is probably a good thing............
Subject: Re: If you chose...
who would I be.... ummmm.... I'd kind of like to be Annie in Speed (The character played by Sandra Bullock) sounds good to me!
Subject: Re: If you chose...
Gosh, after watching According to Jim last night I realized I'm Jim...very often self-centered, deep down a decent guy yet should be more thoughtful when it comes to his marriage...I'm working on it.
Subject: Re: If you chose...
General George S. Patton
I couldn't come up with anything yesterday, but wife said I would be a great military man.
Subject: Re: If you chose...
For Syncronos, I was thinking about some character that enters a room by leaping in, causing the ground to shake...something like Godzilla...or King Kong...or Donkey Kong...
Subject: Re: If you chose...
er... Gandalf?
...though, Kenny, I know exactly what you mean about being Neo... hmm I think I can feel a parody coming on ;-)
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My name is Neo and I fight against the maaaaaaaaaan... ;D
I think it's been done, but someone check the parody archives to make sure ;)
Subject: Re: If you chose...
My name is Neo and I fight against the maaaaaaaaaan... ;D
I think it's been done, but someone check the parody archives to make sure ;)
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You're right, it's been done: http://www.amiright.com/parody/80s/duranduran1.shtml
Darn... ah well, on to other fresh fields and pastures new
Subject: Re: If you chose...
The one fictional character who embodies all the personality traits I believe myself to have, is Xena: Warrior Princess.
She was betrayed by someone she loved, physically abused, and her whole family and all her friends had turned against her at one point. She survived, made new (better) friends, and eventually her family came around again. She went from being self-centered "all for me" to a nice person who helped and protected those weaker, and less fortunate than herself. This is somewhat of a parallell to what I've been through. There were several episodes that helped to inspire me to get out of my abusive relationship as well.
I know the character died at the end of the series, and I have not yet seen the episode. But I understand from talking to others that she considered her "work" in this life to be complete.
Let me think about others before I post who anyone else seems to be.
Subject: Re: If you chose...
Oop's :-Race Bannon of Jonny Quest fame, kinda fits. ;D
General George S. Patton
I couldn't come up with anything yesterday, but wife said I would be a great military man.
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Subject: Re: If you chose...
Hey, come to mention it, I just noticed that I listed my favorite fictional character as "Axl Rose."
Actually, now that I think about it, that's still a pretty good answer.
Subject: Re: If you chose...
A character called Croaker in Glen Cook's wonderful Annals of the Black Company series. I'm not sure why really... he could be a nasty guy when he wanted to be, but he was very decent at heart.
Subject: Re: If you chose...
I'd be Lady Death....
Subject: Re: If you chose...
I would like to be Sham from the book When Demons Walk by Patricia Briggs, however I suspect my friends would pick Kira, the Gelfling from The Dark Crystal for me.
Subject: Re: If you chose...
Scarlett O'Hara because she was ruthless and a total b*tch. ;D
Subject: Re: If you chose...
i'd like to be one of the Monty Python guys.... just to see what goes on their funny heads....
#We're Knights Of The Round Table,
Our Shows Are Formidable,
But Many Times, We're Given Rhymes
That Are Quite Unsingable#
Subject: Re: If you chose...
I'd be Lady Death....
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ok I change my mind...I'm be Marilyn Monroe in her movie The Seven Year itch because her dress flys up :D
Subject: Re: If you chose...
'Mad' Max Rocketansky. Drifter, loner, no family, anti-social, self-reliant...I find somewhat of a kindred spirit in this fictional character.
Subject: Re: If you chose...
Bond. James Bond. ;D
Actually I would have said Max Rockatansky too. At least I have a car like his.
Subject: Re: If you chose...
Scrooge McDuck sounds pretty good (Waak Waak Waak !) ;D
Subject: Re: If you chose...
langdon_hughes :) :D ;D
Btw, MNIK's choice of Axl Rose as a favourite fictional character is so money! I wish I'd come up with that one! Keep them coming, people! A lot of interesting choices you've all made.
Subject: Re: If you chose...
I'd choose to be Hulk Hogan.Cause,In The WWF he was
always considered immortal and i'd like to have immortality.
howard :)
Subject: Re: If you chose...
TB!!! Okay, you can be me, I'll be Greg! (Moment of silence for my dear, departed bunny.)
Actually I'd be any woman written by Jane Austin. 'Cause I so AIN'T.
Subject: Re: If you chose...
Actually I'd be any woman written by Jane Austin. 'Cause I so AIN'T.
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Austen only wrote three characters, but she recycled them endlessly.
Subject: Re: If you chose...
I was forced to read Austen at school and again for my English Lit. major. I detest her.
Subject: Re: If you chose...
Wonderwoman. I always wanted to be Wonderwoman as a young girl. ;D She could kick butt and still be gorgeous and smart.