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Subject: Women...
How do you guys deal with them when they are insane and illogical? I can not stand that you can not get one straight anwser from them. Arghhhh!!! I go to the bar and get drunk. What about all of you?
Subject: Re: Women...
Subject: Re: Women...
Not touching that one with a 20 ft pole. Won't touch it with a 10 ft pole either! A 6 ft pole even. No. Not even a 6 ft pole...
Subject: Re: Women...
Not touching that one with a 20 ft pole. Won't touch it with a 10 ft pole either! A 6 ft pole even. No. Not even a 6 ft pole...
End Quote
Why thank you! Another stat to add to my growing list -- don't mind the pun.. ;) :P ;D
Subject: Re: Women...
JS, you are....
:o :o :o
You generalized and included all women!
They will eat you alive on here.
And we'll see some of this too --> http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/aktion/aktion047.gif http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/aktion/aktion060.gif ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Women...
JS, you are....
:o :o :o
You generalized and included all women!
They will eat you alive on here.
And we'll see some of this too --> http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/aktion/aktion047.gif http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/aktion/aktion060.gif ;D ;D ;D
End Quote
lol Hair, I saw this post, but figured JS was having a bad day and didn't take it personally. ;) ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Women...
Can't live with them, can't live without them. I've lived without one long enough.
Subject: Re: Women...
lol Hair, I saw this post, but figured JS was having a bad day and didn't take it personally. ;) ;) ;DEnd Quote
Good for you! :D
I think it's funny (no offense ladies! :o) because I expect it to blow up like the ticking time-bomb it is. ;D
Subject: Re: Women...
lol..well you know what they say about women...
Can't live with 'em, can't shoot em!
Subject: Re: Women...
Good to see we're doing our job. Live to bemuse, love to confuse.
Subject: Re: Women...
How do you guys deal with them when they are insane and illogical? End Quote
I just figure it's payback for me being deliberately obtuse and let it slide.
Subject: Re: Women...
I often wonder why men feel the need to express their views on the group of people who not only put up with bearing them for nine months and giving birth to them, but also participating in certain natural acts with them and carrying their children too!
Did you suffer some distress in your childhood? Was the main female figure in your house abusive? Do you therefore attempt to get your revenge on women in general? Or are you merely stupid?
Subject: Re: Women...
We sometimes make jokes about them, but I can't say we pretend to hate them. However, I cannot speak for all womankind, and there may be
Subject: Re: Women...
I often wonder why men feel the need to express their views on the group of people who not only put up with bearing them for nine months and giving birth to them, but also participating in certain natural acts with them and carrying their children too!
Did you suffer some distress in your childhood? Was the main female figure in your house abusive? Do you therefore attempt to get your revenge on women in general? Or are you merely stupid?
End Quote
Dont do me any favors. I did not ask you for a darn thing. It is your sex which is horrible and mean, not mine. When was the last time a guy twisted words or gave false impressions? Why do you think we go to war? To get away from the mental torture your sex gives.
Sorry to everyone else for what I posted, but to @ssKicker, you are just the kind of woman I am talking about. My original post was not ment to all women, just the cold heartless ones which make living next to impossible.
Subject: Re: Women...
lol Hair, I saw this post, but figured JS was having a bad day and didn't take it personally. ;) ;) ;D
End Quote
Thanks shazzaah. I am having a bit more than a bad day. Thanks for your understanding.
Subject: Re: Women...
Dont do me any favors. I did not ask you for a darn thing. It is your sex which is horrible and mean, not mine. When was the last time a guy twisted words or gave false impressions? Why do you think we go to war? To get away from the mental torture your sex gives.
Sorry to everyone else for what I posted, but to @ssKicker, you are just the kind of woman I am talking about. My original post was not ment to all women, just the cold heartless ones which make living next to impossible.
End Quote
OH SNAP man!! :o
You must have had one bad experience with the ladies...but y'know, it's not a one-sided thing. Men do the same thing back to women.
Subject: Re: Women...
Thanks shazzaah. I am having a bit more than a bad day. Thanks for your understanding.
End Quote
No problem John. I think we all have days like that. :(
Subject: Re: Women...
I'm sure there's an English-Womanese dictionary out there that you can use ;) But the Womanese language is updated and changed so often that that might not even help :-/
End Quote
I just want to die. I have lived enough. I can not take this ball kicking anymore. I swear there are some women who do it for sport. And I can take that. What I can not take is when someone you are with for 5 years does it to you.
Subject: Re: Women...
Methinks the best way to get back at her is to show her that her evil ways can never take you down ;) Keep a chin up dude, you will survive.
And if my recent trips through the parks and shopping malls are indicative, there are plenty of cute, intelligent women with great personalities out there just waiting for you :D
End Quote
5 years is a long time to start from scratch again. I do not want any girl, I want my girl. :'(
Subject: Re: Women...
Methinks the best way to get back at her is to show her that her evil ways can never take you down ;) Keep a chin up dude, you will survive.
And if my recent trips through the parks and shopping malls are indicative, there are plenty of cute, intelligent women with great personalities out there just waiting for you :D
End Quote
BTW, thanks Rice Cube. Thanks for what you are trying to do.
Subject: Re: Women...
Maybe the reason I don't have a woman is that they can be so hard to understand! After all, men are from Mars, women are from Venus.
Subject: Re: Women...
Maybe the reason I don't have a woman is that they can be so hard to understand!
End Quote
As Rice pointed out, it goes both ways!
Subject: Re: Women...
whats that one book? men are from mars, and women are from venus im not really sure its one of the two some one help me out though then let john read it or somin like that, but for right now, lashing out at the women here on this site isnt gonna help you out any, like someone said, your gonna be ate alive. jus chil, and move on. Life isnt always peachy, but neither are apples. :-/
Subject: Re: Women...
Hey, a woman actually finds wisdom in my words :) I'm touched :-*
End Quote
That's because I've found a lot of truth in the words you say, Rice! ;)
Subject: Re: Women...
As Rice pointed out, it goes both ways!
End Quote
Somehow, I think women get the better out of us. I think women have a natural ability to control men. Just like some women can make a man great, other women can tear a man apart. It is an unfair fight because they hit us emotioanlly and that is the one thing we are not prepared for. I would rather have Tyson beat on me than have a woman I love hurt me.
Subject: Re: Women...
That's an interesting thought. I admit that at times I feel like there's a double standard in the whole man-woman interaction. I can't explain it, but it's just something I feel...however, that doesn't mean you can't stand up to it. It'll build character in the long run, and you'll be a better man for it :)
Feel free to vent as much as you want, I'm a good listener.
End Quote
Women do have power over us. I have this one cousin who could not hold a job to save his life. But once he found the right woman, he works overtime and takes classes at night. She is building him to be successful.
Then I have another friend who got screwed over by his wife, and he started drinking, and that lead to other stuff. He is in a bad place.
And then there is me. Like a big dummy, I believe what women say 90% of the time. I figure I have no reason to doubt them. Little do I know they would sell my soul for a some new shoes.
Subject: Re: Women...
With all due respect, however, you can't make this argument so one-sided. It's not fair to the 98.5% of women (I pulled that number out of my butt) who actually are nice and care for their men (or whatever, not that there's anything wrong with that).
End Quote
Good women, look the other way because I am about to start a rant.
I think modern culture has changed women for the worse. There was a time when family was important to them. There was a time when truth, honesty, straigh forwardness, and caring were valued character traits. Now, if you look at women, they would rather be like what is on the cover of Cosmo magazine than a good person. What do women see on TV? Feminists telling them to have their own career, get a butch haircut, and not open up to anyone because opening up is like dependancy and weakness. Television tells them they have to look like a Barbi doll to be wanted. Advertisers tell them they have to have 500 fricking pairs of shoes and a medicine cabinet filled with bottles of things which I could not even guess the purpose for. This b*tch I was with taught me a valuable lesson. Whenever I see a woman buying into what the media is putting forward, I will run the opposite direction. I have had it with these kinds of wh*res, who only want what is popular today, and cr*p on what is decent.
If you are a nice caring woman who has read what I wrote, I appologize to you. This rant is for that woman, and she knows who she is, who sucked the life out of me and threw me in the garbage after 5 years.
Subject: Re: Women...
WoW!! :o :o :o :o
John, you are having one horrible, no good, totally F****d up, really bad day.
I am so sorry that mean, nasty woman hurt you. Yes, I am on your side. There are some truly evil women out there.
(There are some truly evil men, too, but that's another thread.)
I can hear the hurt in your words, and I can tell you aren't angry at everyone. I watched a co-worker go through some similar pain when his wife ditched him. (and believe me, this woman could fill in for Beelzebub and no one would notice the difference).
I know it's something you don't want to hear right now, but there are some nice, normal, decent, women out there who don't play head games. And eventually, (when you're ready) you'll find each other.
For now, all I can say is take a deep breath and try to distance yourself from this person as quickly as possible before she makes it worse.
I hope tomorrow is better for you.
Subject: Re: Women...
This rant is for that woman, and she knows who she is, who sucked the life out of me and threw me in the garbage after 5 years.
End Quote
Then direct it that woman, and not at women in general.
Subject: Re: Women...
I know it's something you don't want to hear right now, but there are some nice, normal, decent, women out there who don't play head games. And eventually, (when you're ready) you'll find each other.
For now, all I can say is take a deep breath and try to distance yourself from this person as quickly as possible before she makes it worse.
I hope tomorrow is better for you.
End Quote
I think I have lost my ability to trust. I think I have become cynical about relationships. And it sucks, because all I wanted was for her to be honest. That is all I wanted. She did not even have the decency to do that.
Subject: Re: Women...
Then direct it that woman, and not at women in general.
End Quote
If I am offending, then I will stop.
Subject: Re: Women...
whats that one book? men are from mars, and women are from venus...End Quote
..and both can be a pain in Uranus ;)
Subject: Re: Women...
There is an episode of south park which reminds me of her. When Cartman gets the kid to eat his dead father, then Cartman licks the tears off the face of the kid when the kid finds out his father is what he is eating. She did that to me, only instead of eating my flesh, she ate my soul.
Sorry to everyone, but I have no one else to talk to. I really want to die. Someone tell me this is not happening. I have nothing, this was all I cared about. I can not sleep anymore.
Subject: Re: Women...
Ladies, ladies, ladies. There really is no need for all of this....Now, go and make all us guys a nice cup of tea and we'll forget all about it!!
Subject: Re: Women...
;D That's a great line. Mind if I steal it?
End Quote
doesnt bother me.
Subject: Re: Women...
..and both can be a pain in Uranus ;)
End Quote
good point ;)
Subject: Re: Women...
Then she solved your problem. You value and want these qualities in a relationship and she did not have them. What's the use in bothering with her? Leave her be and don't look back.
It's not that you've lost your ability to trust, but you are now able to be circumspect... This will help you later on.
End Quote
This is wonderful advice, John. I am sure sorry you got hurt by this woman, just remember most of us aren't this way. I do hope today goes a little better for you.
Subject: Re: Women...
There is an episode of south park which reminds me of her. When Cartman gets the kid to eat his dead father, then Cartman licks the tears off the face of the kid when the kid finds out his father is what he is eating. She did that to me, only instead of eating my flesh, she ate my soul.
Sorry to everyone, but I have no one else to talk to. I really want to die. Someone tell me this is not happening. I have nothing, this was all I cared about. I can not sleep anymore.
End Quote
Please don't say you want to die. I know it is hard now, but don't let her get to you this bad. We are your friends here and if you want to rant then go ahead and rant. Just try to take things moment by moment. Baby steps.... :)
Subject: Re: Women...
You generalized and included all women!
They will eat you alive on here.
End Quote
He should be so lucky :o
re: "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" - I've read nearly all of it, and it does contain a lot of truth, especially about the different ways men and women view the same things. But it's written in such an amazingly annoying style, and repeats itself SOOOOO many times, again and again, over and over (ok, you've got the message ;-)), that I would recommend seeing if you can find a copy in the library rather than buying it yourself.
John, women are (by and large) not insane - nor even illogical: but the way they use logic is very, very different to us guys. Accepting this rather than arguing about it is a major part of any long-term relationship (and is especially true of marriage). But it does sound like you've been burned by a rather noxious example of the gender - why is it that the caring, loving members of one sex always seem to end up with the bastards of the other? On second thoughts, that's a question which almost answers itself.
Hope it wears off soon, and you can get back to normality
Subject: Re: Women...
John my heart aches for you.If you can bear to hear this from a member of the 'evil' other sex my advise would be to get this woman out of your life completely no matter how difficult that may be as you obviously still care deeply.Try and let it all out as you have been here,rant rave ,cry etc and then give yourself time to heal.Believe me there are some wonderful women out there and it would be a great tragedy if you let one bad example make you bitter and twisted to the rest of womankind.
Oh and by the way, the shoe thing is not because magazines tell us to buy them it's because the little voice in our head tells us we need them..........
Subject: Re: Women...
Oh and by the way, the shoe thing is not because magazines tell us to buy them it's because the little voice in our head tells us we need them..........
End Quote
Whew. I thought it was just me. ;D Seriously, John, Gis is absolutely right. As is Philbo, Dagwood, Ricecube, etc. You have a lot of friends here who want to help if they can. :)
Subject: Re: Women...
John_Seminal, why do you feel that working women are "evil"? My own mother was working when I was born, and since my father died when I was two, she's had to bring my sister and I up on one person's salary. It's a good thing she trained as an anaesthetist before her husband died. If she'd been a housewife, we'd just be living on benefits.
If your views are correct, and women that work are indeed "evil", then does that mean that girls should be denied an education, in case the unthinkable happens, and they get enough qualifications for a job when they grow up?
If one woman hurt you, then contempt for her is only to be expected. But not for the whole female population.
Learn to trust others, and they'll trust you. And perhaps you will find someone who will love you.
Subject: Re: Women...
John_Seminal, why do you feel that working women are "evil"? My own mother was working when I was born, and since my father died when I was two, she's had to bring my sister and I up on one person's salary. It's a good thing she trained as an anaesthetist before her husband died. If she'd been a housewife, we'd just be living on benefits.
If your views are correct, and women that work are indeed "evil", then does that mean that girls should be denied an education, in case the unthinkable happens, and they get enough qualifications for a job when they grow up?
If one woman hurt you, then contempt for her is only to be expected. But not for the whole female population.
Learn to trust others, and they'll trust you. And perhaps you will find someone who will love you.
End Quote
@sskicker, I have to say, when I read this post, I forgot you are only 13, you have a lot of wisdom.
John, part of me would like to slap you around a little, but you're hurting and ranting, so I can understand why you've written some of the things you've written (it still doesn't mean I have to like it, though). No one, and I repeat, no one is worth suicide. Relationships change, people change. We've only heard your side of the story (and not much of that either, but enough to surmise she betrayed you some how, either cheated on you or left you or something) so I am not making any judgements on who is right and who is wrong. Think about this, and think about it hard, would you really have wanted her to stay with you if she didn't love you? In my own opinion, the idea of true love is a Hollywood pipe dream. And to think of suicide over a person, that isn't love, that's obsession. Like I said, I don't know the whole story. Five years is a long time, however, it does not mean everlasting love. Starting over from scratch is scary, but it's not the end of the world. It's okay to grieve, and it's okay to hate her (as long as you take no action on it, even if you have the desire for revenge, be the better person and resist it) and feel angry, that's all part of getting over a relationship gone bad.
After you've done your grieving, move on, when you're ready for a new relationship, you'll know. If you still love her, don't burn your bridges behind you. I don't know if love can withstand everything, but it sure can forgive a lot. Betrayed trust is hard to get over, and I wish you the best.
Subject: Re: Women...
Almost everyone goes through love and loss at one point or another in their life.
I did.
Time is the answer.
Give yourself time to heal.
Don't deny that to yourself, no matter how angry and bitter you feel right now.
It will pass, rest assured. :)
Subject: Re: Women...
John_Seminal, why do you feel that working women are "evil"? My own mother was working when I was born, and since my father died when I was two, she's had to bring my sister and I up on one person's salary. It's a good thing she trained as an anaesthetist before her husband died. If she'd been a housewife, we'd just be living on benefits.
If your views are correct, and women that work are indeed "evil", then does that mean that girls should be denied an education, in case the unthinkable happens, and they get enough qualifications for a job when they grow up?
If one woman hurt you, then contempt for her is only to be expected. But not for the whole female population.
Learn to trust others, and they'll trust you. And perhaps you will find someone who will love you.
End Quote
I do not believe I ever wrote that "working women are evil." What I believe is modern culture has changed the values of women for the worse. The values of truth and honesty have been replaced with wanting to look the way the media tells you to look, or subscribe to a philosophy such as feminism. Personally, I think all people should go to college and get a good education. I also think women should work if that is what they want to do. What I disagree with is all the images that the media displaying, that if you want to be "happy" or "wanted" you have to buy into what they are selling. For example, how many women on TV do you see which are of a normal weight and how many look extrodinarily thin? Is this healthy? And how much time will you waste trying to become something you are not? Why not spend that time finding out what you like and want in life without being told?
I think things are better when they are basic. Is the person a good human being? Are they honest and trustworthy? This means more to me than if you have a job and are independantly wealthy or if you have the right shoes or right outfit. I need someone I can trust, and without trust it hurts because you always think the worst.
BTW, @sskicker, for a 13 year old you are sharp. I did not target my rant toward women in particular. Sometimes you just need to blow off steam and yesterday was a horrible day for me.
Subject: Re: Women...
He should be so lucky :o
re: "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" - I've read nearly all of it, and it does contain a lot of truth, especially about the different ways men and women view the same things. But it's written in such an amazingly annoying style, and repeats itself SOOOOO many times, again and again, over and over (ok, you've got the message ;-)), that I would recommend seeing if you can find a copy in the library rather than buying it yourself.
John, women are (by and large) not insane - nor even illogical: but the way they use logic is very, very different to us guys. Accepting this rather than arguing about it is a major part of any long-term relationship (and is especially true of marriage). But it does sound like you've been burned by a rather noxious example of the gender - why is it that the caring, loving members of one sex always seem to end up with the bastards of the other? On second thoughts, that's a question which almost answers itself.
Hope it wears off soon, and you can get back to normality
End Quote
What sucks even more is when you love that other person.
Thanks to everyone who said such nice things. I did not mean to offend anyone. It is amazing how someone can lash out when hurt. And that is not me, I am a loving person. I guess I invested too much in that relationship and that is why it hurt so much. I should have been smarter.
Subject: Re: Women...
Almost everyone goes through love and loss at one point or another in their life.
I did.
Time is the answer.
Give yourself time to heal.
Don't deny that to yourself, no matter how angry and bitter you feel right now.
It will pass, rest assured. :)
End Quote
Agreed here Hair....I am coming out of a 5 year marriage...and my sister just ended her 16 year marriage. It is very hard to start over at first...but with each day it gets a little better. Not to say you won't still have bad days along with the good. But know that you are still a person, you still have worth...and with time, will find that special someone really meant for you, and then all the hurt you are feeling now will just be a memory.
Subject: Re: Women...
Take a break John, go on a woman-free vacation for a couple of years and learn well that you are OK to be by yourself. Being single does not mean lonliness. And when you reach the point that you feel your comfortable as a single person, a good one comes along.
Best of luck and always remeber, there are plenty of people that care about you.
Subject: Re: Women...
John, I am sorry for whatever it is that happened to make you feel so horrible. I just wanted to tell you to keep your head up. I was in a relationship that abrupty ended after 5 years and I was similarly soured to the opposite sex. It really is a 2 way street. I was left to deal with betrayal, disbelief, rage and a whole host of other emotions. Five years is a big investment. I was in that place where you are. I wasted an enormous amount of time and energy trying to rationalize his behavior, only to realize that you can't rationalize irrational behavior. On the lighter and brighter side, the ending of that relationship came the epiphany. I found out who I was, what I wanted and what I would not tolerate in another relationship ever again. And I felt for a long time like you do. "not wanting any girl, I want my girl." "Your girl" is out there perhaps it is just not this one. I found "my guy" when I least expected it and we married this summer. And I can not begin to tell you what a beautiful thing it is to find that special person. :) :) :) BTW...Well said, Race. That is just how it happened for me!
Subject: Re: Women...
Have you ever heard this song:
Performed By: Chicago
Album: Greatest Hits 1982-1989
Written by: Steve Kipner/Randy Goodrum
I was thinking about her
Visiting the past
Reconstructing details with old photographs
Studying the faces
With an objective point of view
Suddenly remembering doesn't haunt me
At the time you couldn't tell me
That one day I'd be glad
That something that I thought was love was misinterpreted
She had another lover- she emphatically denied
But they were doin' me a favor
A blessing in disguise
If she would have been faithful
If she could have been true
Then I would've been cheated
I would never know real love
I would've missed out on you
I watch you sleeping- your body touchin' me
There's no doubt about it
This is where I want to be
It's so ironic- I had to lose to win
I want to thank her (Thank her again)
It's a paradox- full of contradiction
How I got from there to here
It defies a
Logical explanation
Subject: Re: Women...
Well, You never told us exactly what happened....
But I think the song applies to the overall message that some things happen for the best. :)
Good things happen when you least expect them.
Subject: Re: Women...
Well, You never told us exactly what happened....
But I think the song applies to the overall message that some things happen for the best. :)
Good things happen when you least expect them.
End Quote
She was my best friend. There is not that much to say. I do remember a time, a year after we first met, it was christmas, and I was leaving her parents house. She was in the car with me and said she had a gift. She opened her purse, and took out a condom. I told her "thanks, but I have plenty" and gave it back. Back then I thought of her as a sister. I still do in many ways, or at least wish I could. My greatest happines was in watching her achieve things she thought she could not. I helped her get her degree, writing her papers and studying with her til 3am many nights. Now she is done, and I was a tool. She is the kind willing to use people to get what she wants. Ain't it funny, she defined me, and I do not know who I am or what I like. All I can do is be in pain, and not let anyone get close.
Subject: Re: Women...
She was my best friend. There is not that much to say. I do remember a time, a year after we first met, it was christmas, and I was leaving her parents house. She was in the car with me and said she had a gift. She opened her purse, and took out a condom. I told her "thanks, but I have plenty" and gave it back. Back then I thought of her as a sister. I still do in many ways, or at least wish I could. My greatest happines was in watching her achieve things she thought she could not. I helped her get her degree, writing her papers and studying with her til 3am many nights. Now she is done, and I was a tool. She is the kind willing to use people to get what she wants. Ain't it funny, she defined me, and I do not know who I am or what I like. All I can do is be in pain, and not let anyone get close.
End Quote
Your kindness to her will be rewarded one way or another through life. :)
However, you must not be so bitter. You did what you wanted to do for her. You chose to help her and be there for her. You chose to be supportive. She was the very willing recipient.
Perhaps you thought she would grow to love you in the process of or because of your devoted support?
If you choose to be a friend, helper and support to someone, that should come with no strings. A true friend gives themselves freely, expecting nothing in return.
I don't mean to sound preachy. I've made some choices, whether consciously or subconsciously, thinking they were the right thing at the time.
Those realization periods really do suck! :P
Sometimes people have to learn some of life's lessons the hard way.
I am a survivor of some of life's suckier episodes.
And here I am! Happy as a lark!!! :D
Subject: Re: Women...
If you choose to be a friend, helper and support to someone, that should come with no strings. A true friend gives themselves freely, expecting nothing in return.
End Quote
I agree 100%. I used to believe in unconditional love. It just sucks when someone else tells you they love you too, and they do not. It is like she decided "If I act like I love him, then he will do all these things for me". Men can be so blind. I swear I am like a dog who will do anything for a "Good boy, your my good little doggy. Yes I love you, yes I do." I am so fricking dumb and accepting. Now I am at the other end of the spectrum, dark, pessimistic and cynical. It is hard to be caring, I do not want to feel this way ever again.
Subject: Re: Women...
Ah yes...I remember the doing-things-for-them-so-they'd-love-you thing...and also the I-love-you-but-only-as-a-friend thing ::)
The important thing is to learn from your experiences and move on ;) And you're a stronger person for it.
Subject: Re: Women...
Hahaha! Oh, yes. Been there. Done that.
End Quote
Maybe we should all set up a "Betrayed Boyfriends" club :D But I'm sure one already exists in the land of stand-up comics ;)
Subject: Re: Women...
How do I deal with women?
I'm never sober.
Subject: Re: Women...
Well,Let me tell you John.I just got over a 5 year relationship
wiith my ex-girlfriend Annalee.after she broke up with me,Yes,I was sad but then I got over it.It's a part of life.I am
looking for a new girl.But not for marriage,but date-wise.I'd like
to spend my life though,with an older woman.Between 29-39.
howard ;D