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Subject: Wisdom Teeth
Having wisdom teeth removed is awful. I had one of mine taken out today and it didn't hurt that much when it was beinbg taken out because of the novacaine but now i feel awful.
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
Sorry to hear that TD. I understand they can be very painful.
I had a stroke of good luck some years ago at the dentist....They took X-rays and he asked when I had my Wisdom Teeth out, I replied I hadn't.
He said "Well you don't have any then" and I have been counting my blessings ever since ! ;)
May your pain pass quickly..... :)
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth pain? I lost the crown off one of mine somehow and it rotted through to the nerve-ending. Having it removed wasn't quite as painful as the pain it gave me when it was still there.
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
Oh! I loved having my wisdom teeth removed! 'Cus they gave me pentathol. I was happy happy happy for days... ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
I've had all mine pulled. When I was a boy, I had Bill Cosby's LP "Why Is There Air?" and on it was a story of him having a toothache, and in it, he says, "Novocain doesn't kill pain, it postpones it." When I was a kid, I thought that was funny. Now that I've experienced it firsthand, I knew what he was talking about.
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
Oooo. Ouch. I feel your pain. Really.
Been there, done that ect.
I had all four of mine out at the same time. I went to the dentist with a really bad pain in my jaw (there wasn't a tooth there at the time), and the x-rays showed they were all impacted. Which means they were growing in crooked, sideways and upsidedown. The one that was hurting me was actually tipped on it's side, and if left alone would have eventually poked out through my cheek. :-X :-X
I was admitted to the hospital for "day surgery", which meant they knocked me out and surgically removed all 4 at once, but I didn't have to stay overnight.
The best part is they gave me some really nice little pills to take home with me. :-* ;D And every time I felt any pain I would swallow one of these little magic pills and the pretty colors would come and make it aaaalllll better. ;D ;D ;D
I hope they gave you some niiiiccceee medicine too.
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
I feel for you, bud. :-/ It's awful, ain't it? I didn't have any trouble when the top 2 were removed, but the bottom one I had taken out cost me $850. Talk about pain!!! lol
They had to put me out for the bottom one they removed because the roots of them are wrapped around the bone of my jaw. The second hasn't poked through yet (praise Jesus) so I'll worry about it later, when I win lotto. LOL
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
I had all four of mine out at the same time. I went to the dentist with a really bad pain in my jaw (there wasn't a tooth there at the time), and the x-rays showed they were all impacted. Which means they were growing in crooked, sideways and upsidedown. The one that was hurting me was actually tipped on it's side, and if left alone would have eventually poked out through my cheek. :-X :-X
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OMG! That sounds exactly like what I had! All four at the same time... ugggh...
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
I had to have all four of mine taken out at the same time, too. Luckily mine weren't impacted. It was a 2 hour appt at the dentist office. I did get some nice pills afterwards, though. ;D
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
I only had 2 wisdom teeth that needed to be removed and I'd have to say that it wasn't too bad of an experience. They weren't impacted. I work for a Dentist so I know how horrible it can be. Especially if they are impacted. And removing the lower ones is by far more painful than the Uppers. I see this kind of thing every day. But keep in mind Ton-Def, the first 24 hrs are usually the worst.
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
mine was impacted and i think it was under the bone too if thats something different. anyway they had to cut into my gum and give me stitches. and i understand too how novacain postpones pain but luckily i have no responsibility now so i can just sit in front of the pc or tv with my ice pack on. eating dinner was really hard though the macaroni and cheese was too much for me to handle (and it was just one tooth) hopefully if i get through tonight it'll be better - good thing i did it now and not in a week when i'll be in spain for a traveling seminar
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
and as for "good medicine" i got tylenol with codeine which seems to make me feel depressed more than anything else and antibiotics so it doesn't get infected
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
and as for "good medicine" i got tylenol with codeine which seems to make me feel depressed more than anything else and antibiotics so it doesn't get infected
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
Oooo. Ouch. I feel your pain. Really.
Been there, done that ect.
I had all four of mine out at the same time. I went to the dentist with a really bad pain in my jaw (there wasn't a tooth there at the time), and the x-rays showed they were all impacted. Which means they were growing in crooked, sideways and upsidedown. The one that was hurting me was actually tipped on it's side, and if left alone would have eventually poked out through my cheek. :-X :-X
I was admitted to the hospital for "day surgery", which meant they knocked me out and surgically removed all 4 at once, but I didn't have to stay overnight.
The best part is they gave me some really nice little pills to take home with me. :-* ;D And every time I felt any pain I would swallow one of these little magic pills and the pretty colors would come and make it aaaalllll better. ;D ;D ;D
I hope they gave you some niiiiccceee medicine too.
End Quote
Me too! Exactly. It wasn't fun. Although it was nothing compaired to a root canal. :-X I seem to remember the "happy" medicine though. ;D
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
Sounds like a lot of ppl know how you feel. My bottom two impacted and I swelled like a chipmunk. I had to have them removed a week before my wedding...thank goodness the swelling had gone down. They gave me pain meds and antibiotics also. Not a lot of fun. Get well! :)
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
and as for "good medicine" i got tylenol with codeine which seems to make me feel depressed more than anything else and antibiotics so it doesn't get infected
End Quote
When they removed my bottom two wisdom teeth, they gave me Tylenol with codeine. I took three of them the day they pulled those teeth and it nearly knocked me out!
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
some reason I only have 1 wisdom tooth.
the left hand side hasn't grown through yet but it doesn't cause me any pain or anything so i don't see why i should have them removed yet or at any time...
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
some reason I only have 1 wisdom tooth.
the left hand side hasn't grown through yet but it doesn't cause me any pain or anything so i don't see why i should have them removed yet or at any time...
End Quote
I think they only get removed if they are causing problems. Growing in wrong or, in my case, they are coming in right, but my jaw was too small causing crowding.
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
I've had all mine pulled. When I was a boy, I had Bill Cosby's LP "Why Is There Air?" and on it was a story of him having a toothache, and in it, he says, "Novocain doesn't kill pain, it postpones it." When I was a kid, I thought that was funny. Now that I've experienced it firsthand, I knew what he was talking about.
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is that where he like couldnt talk, and he was telling his dentist that he saw smoke and all that , im not sure if it was the same one but it cracks me up.
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
I've had my two bottom wisdom teeth pulled. It didn't take the dentist that long to pull them because they were almost fully grown out. It didn't hurt until I got home and the painkiller started wearing off. I dread getting my top ones pulled, but luckily they aren't causing me any pain right now.
As for my sister, she went through a horrible experience with a dentist. When she was 11, this stupid dentist pulled out 7 of her baby teeth (her baby teeth were really stubborn and refused to fall out on their own) and all 4 wisdom teeth at once. Because of this horrible experience, my sister was totally afraid of dentists up until 2 years ago. We found out later that this dentist was notorious for doing stuff like that.
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
I've had my two bottom wisdom teeth pulled. It didn't take the dentist that long to pull them because they were almost fully grown out. It didn't hurt until I got home and the painkiller started wearing off. I dread getting my top ones pulled, but luckily they aren't causing me any pain right now.
As for my sister, she went through a horrible experience with a dentist. When she was 11, this stupid dentist pulled out 7 of her baby teeth (her baby teeth were really stubborn and refused to fall out on their own) and all 4 wisdom teeth at once. Because of this horrible experience, my sister was totally afraid of dentists up until 2 years ago. We found out later that this dentist was notorious for doing stuff like that.
End Quote
Poor girl. Makes you wonder why in the world someone like that would become a dentist? :-/
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
As for my sister, she went through a horrible experience with a dentist.
Because of this horrible experience, my sister was totally afraid of dentists up until 2 years ago. We found out later that this dentist was notorious for doing stuff like that.
End Quote
I did too. When I was 7 I was supposed to get my teeth professionally cleaned for the first time. The dentist explained to my parents, but not to me, that the big, loud, whirring thing was a professional electric toothbrush.
All I knew was that he was coming at me with something that looked like my father's power drill.. :o :o
After screaming and kicking my way through the cleaning, (and mom telling me to stop acting like a baby the whole time!) I ran out of the office as fast as I could. No idea where I planned to go, but luckily, a friend of my dad's caught me outside. I told him about the "evil dentist with the power drill". He brought me back to my distraught parents (who were about to charge out the door looking for me) and got the whole mess straightened out.
Before I took my daughter to the dentist for the first time, I visited the office (obviously it's a different dentist) and watched how they worked with the kids. She is not afraid of the dentist at all. I'm glad things have change since I was 7.
But they still creep me out.....
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
It's them damn chairs. You're head's lower than your butt. Impossible to jump out, or even consider jumping out. They got ya.
Dentists also have this weird thing about pain. Having my wisdom teeth taken out was a snap. Prep work for root canal is... take a very, very sharp nail and push it an inch into your gums. Then do it two more times.
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
Before I took my daughter to the dentist for the first time, I visited the office (obviously it's a different dentist) and watched how they worked with the kids. She is not afraid of the dentist at all. I'm glad things have change since I was 7.
But they still creep me out.....
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I made my daughter come and watch me get a cleaning 6 months before she had an appointment with the dentist. We go to the same dentist, so our appointments are at the same time. The dentist said the kids do better when the parents aren't in the room with them. It seems to work because she loves the dentist and lets him clean her teeth with no problems.
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
I had teeth taken out in 85'.I needed braces so they
drugged me with novocaine and I was so dizzy my Mother
and Father had to pick me up and carry me to the car to take me home.The novocaine wore off in a couple of hours.
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
I had a stroke of good luck some years ago at the dentist....They took X-rays and he asked when I had my Wisdom Teeth out, I replied I hadn't.
He said "Well you don't have any then" and I have been counting my blessings ever since ! ;) End Quote
My bottom 2 came in and I had to have only 1 removed b/c the other one had room due to a molar I had removed earlier. When they did this bit of dental "surgery" (he froze me, drilled a hole in the tooth and then pulled it out with a screwdriver...I kid you not...) they also x-rayed the top of my mouth to see where those 2 were...they never showed on the x-ray and so he told me I'd never have those 2...well, I had them both within 6 months of that and had to have them removed as well. I went to a different "surgeon" and she was great. I had no pain or bruising or anything. I believe I'm one of the lucky ones.
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
Quoting:I had a stroke of good luck some years ago at the dentist....They took X-rays and he asked when I had my Wisdom Teeth out, I replied I hadn't.
He said "Well you don't have any then" and I have been counting my blessings ever since ! ;)
May your pain pass quickly..... :)
End Quote
...they also x-rayed the top of my mouth to see where those 2 were...they never showed on the x-ray and so he told me I'd never have those 2...well, I had them both within 6 months of that and had to have them removed as well.
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Oh Thanks Jonman ! :-/
Now I am officially :
Freaking OUT ! :'( :'( :-/ :-
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
Well, having heard all of these horror stories I'm glad my wisdom teeth came through o.k. I'd previously had some molars removed on the top for a brace to reduce an overbite and on the bottom to make room because they were overcrowded. This gave me plenty of room for the wisdom teeth to come through.
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
Oh Thanks Jonman ! :-/
Now I am officially :
Freaking OUT ! :'( :'( :-/ :-
End Quote
Sorry Fussy ol' pal...don't freak out! Not all dentists are bad and can't read x-rays like my first one!!
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
My bottom 2 came in and I had to have only 1 removed b/c the other one had room due to a molar I had removed earlier. When they did this bit of dental "surgery" (he froze me, drilled a hole in the tooth and then pulled it out with a screwdriver...I kid you not...) they also x-rayed the top of my mouth to see where those 2 were...they never showed on the x-ray and so he told me I'd never have those 2...well, I had them both within 6 months of that and had to have them removed as well. I went to a different "surgeon" and she was great. I had no pain or bruising or anything. I believe I'm one of the lucky ones.
End Quote
Wow. I was told back when I had braces that my wisdom teeth would never form...they never showed up on any x-ray. I finally cut one last year on top. It hasn't bothered me yet so I haven't had it removed...
Coincidentally, my brother had his wisdom teeth removed last week the same day I got my tooth fixed...I talked to him that night and he seemed to be doing okay.
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
All I can say is I'm obviously going to the dentist in the wrong country !!! Apart from making the tooth numb to pull it I was sent home and told to take asprin if it got too painful.I'd have been far happier with a fistful of painkillers!
To digress slightly isn't it almost impossible NOT to poke your tongue into the hole left behind even though you've been warned not too..........
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
I've only had to have one wisdom pulled, and that was because it grew in at an angle and allowed for food to be trapped between it and the next tooth. What eventually happened was that it caused a huge cavity on the tooth next to it and I had to have the wisdom tooth removed so that they could do a root canal and crown the other tooth! Having the wisdom tooth pulled was indeed very painful. I felt it for weeks!!! :(
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
No cavities, no root canals, no wisdom teeth to be pulled...I've been lucky ;D
Does anyone picture their dentist singing "Dentist!" from Little Shop of Horrors? That would totally crack me up :D
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
No cavities, no root canals, no wisdom teeth to be pulled...I've been lucky ;D
Does anyone picture their dentist singing "Dentist!" from Little Shop of Horrors? That would totally crack me up :D
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LOL!! That is EXACTLY what I thought of when I first read this thread. ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
I hated it when I had my wisdom teeth out! I would have had them knock me out, but that wasn't an option because of my epilepsy. >:( I felt that **** afterwards and I think that the worst part was a couple days later when we were staying at my dad's place and my mom decided we should all go out to Black Eyed Pea...yeah thanks mom...I would love to eat now... :P Plus its not fun goin' to school and everyone says you look like you got a dip ::)
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
All I can say is I'm obviously going to the dentist in the wrong country !!!
End Quote
Ditto! ;D lol! Sorry, no offense, but I always picture British people with crooked teeth....but I guess maybe that was only way back when
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
All I can say is I'm obviously going to the dentist in the wrong country !!! Apart from making the tooth numb to pull it I was sent home and told to take asprin if it got too painful.I'd have been far happier with a fistful of painkillers!
To digress slightly isn't it almost impossible NOT to poke your tongue into the hole left behind even though you've been warned not too..........
End Quote
I might have to agree with you. I work for a dentist and we would NEVER recommend aspirin for pain relief after an extraction or any kind of oral surgery. Thins the blood making it difficult to stop the bleeding.
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
Oh Man - all four of mine struck at once. Late at night, took my first bite in a pizza I just ordered and POW - sheer pain. On a weekend too :o Had to see an emergency dentist who gave me fistful of pain pills and the name of an oral surgeon.
I too have epilepsy but had no problem with being put under - I was gassed. All four were impacted and had nerves wrapped around them. The impacted teeth led to the discovery of a cavity which led to a root canal. Even after all this I still love pizza ;D
Subject: Re: Wisdom Teeth
Unfoutantly mine where taken out even when they wern't comming out it hurt so bad I couldn't help but cry when I looked in the mirror and saw my face looking like a new years blimp! :'( but the only why it was swelled up so bad is because I had 11 teeth taken out and the funny thing was is that my docs name was Dr. Slaughter.....he certainly lived up to his name :o