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Subject: How did you come up with your screen name?
Mine is simple. My name is John and i live in Ecorse, which really isnt a Ghetto, but me and good ol' Monaco Chris like to joke around about it. So therefore Ghetto John was born.
Now how did you come up with yours.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I think this has been done before, but my screen name is pretty simple: My name is Don and I'm crazy. I was a Weird Al wannabe, so I came up with Crazy Don. Originally I spelled it as one word and no caps.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
i jumbled some letters around and hey presto... i got this name.
only joking, it's the title of a song by Deftones.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
because my name is Jim A...and I'm Real (but not in the J-Lo sense ;) ;D
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
We did do this some time ago, but we have so many new people here now, I don't mind sharing again. :)
Originally, my screen name was just Kat, which is a variation of my real name.
Both of my e-mail addresses are xenakat13, and that makes for a longer story.
I became a fan of the Xena tv show at a very difficult time in my life. They were showing episodes out of regular order for some reason, leaving me with a five-week period of shows that seemed to mirror what I was going through: betrayal by someone I thought loved me, physical injury, complete lack of sympathy and downright hostility from people I thought were my friends, and having nowhere to turn for help (or so I thought). Even fictional, the show helped inspire me to get out of the bad situation I was in and make a better life for myself and my daughter.
Any time I would get discouraged, I would tell myself that it could be worse, I could have a whole Roman Legion, or a pack of angry demi-gods after me. ;) ;)
As for the number thirteen, my ex was wildly superstitious about it, and anything he doesn't like, can't be all that bad.
Put it all together, and it's my own little inspirational message to myself.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
DJ Midas is my DJ name. Came up with it in '97 after hearing a DJ at a local club train-wreck his mixes...this guy su-HUCKED. My buddy heard the awful noise and commented, "he just doesn't have that golden touch like you do..." hence the name was taken right after that.
I started visiting this messageboard back in '99, just trying to find some info on the 80's. At first I usually just answered "what song is this?" questions, but as time passed I got hooked and disclosed a little more about myself.
I LOVE THIS PLACE! :D (Man, I could go for some Burger King right about now...)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
My user name story is too mundane to require explanation...http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/cool/cool030.gif
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Well, let's see, uhhhh... My name's Sammy Reed. So I guess that's how I got this name.
Anyway, on the earliest posts I did, I wasn't a member yet, so it appeared as Sammy Reed in black letters.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Obsession with any and all hair products, mostly hairspray, in the 1980's to add that "bold hold" to my many diverse hairstyles. St-st-st-"Studio" being my ultimate fave brand. ;)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Only a few lucky people on this board know; the others are going crazy from trying to figure it out... ;)
And I'm hoping I can trust the people I told not to tell anyone else!!
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
My names pretty simple... My name's Michelle (shortened to Shelly) and I'm a girl. TA DA!!! ;D
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Mine is simple. My name is John and i live in Ecorse, which really isnt a Ghetto...
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Where is Ecorse, John?
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I would never have guessed ;)
In the hair world, my name would be "El Greaser": I go to the barber shop for an oil change every three months or 3K miles, whichever comes first.
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Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Mine is pretty boring. My name is Dagny and my nickname is Dagwood.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I just use my first name. Actually, my original screen name is Perez80, which is my last name and the year I was born, but I just changed it to my first name. It's much easier.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Where is Ecorse, John?
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on the outskirts of Detroit.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
It is much easier to use Jessica, especially if your name is Stupidlittlerat-faced Git! ;D
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
It is much easier to use Jessica, especially if your name is Stupidlittlerat-faced Git! ;D
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Wow...your mother had a really wacky sense of humor! :o
Just playin' ;)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
is that scotish ;D
It is much easier to use Jessica, especially if your name is Stupidlittlerat-faced Git! ;D
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Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I am from Indianapolis, and I got my name during a "New Game" pun thread when another famous Hoosier used the word "indigent" in a sentence. ;)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
indiana huh? thats pretty interesting, my name is getting more boring after every post in this topic.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I would never have guessed ;)
In the hair world, my name would be "El Greaser": I go to the barber shop for an oil change every three months or 3K miles, whichever comes first.
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LOL!!! :D
Someone once thought it was a tribute to that movie "Hairspray". Nah. Not it.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
wasnt rosie odonnell in Hairspray?
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I am from Indianapolis, and I got my name during a "New Game" pun thread when another famous Hoosier used the word "indigent" in a sentence. ;)
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One of my finer moments. Thanks!
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I call myself jamminoldies cause I love
vintage music from the past.
howard :)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
wasnt rosie odonnell in Hairspray?
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No. 8)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Rikki Lake was in Hairspray...
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
oh wow i could have swore i heard she was in it, it wasnt a speaking role or anything , kind or like an extra, but rikki lake, wow!
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I grew up in the days of The Waltons and absolutely HATED (and still do btw) being called Jon-Boy...so someone started calling me Jonman and it's stuck for years...
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Peanuts.... :)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Mine is the nickname most people call me and half of my more exotic but disliked first name!
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Peanuts to you too matey !
Schroeder would have been better... then your name and av could kiss alllllll day long. Although i'm not sure the name would want to.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
You miss one vital point ! Schroeder would much preferred to have kissed his bust of Beethoven ! ;)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Well, about 4 years ago I joined a bagpipe band and took up the pipes, so I figured this name would be easy for people to remember me by. I in fact don't play the pipes anymore but I do play the drums for the band still. However, I plan on taking the pipes back up in the spring, but somehow TenorDrumChick doesn't seem to have the same ring to it :)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
i think you guys could figure mine out...... ;D
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
i think you guys could figure mine out...... ;D
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You're probably right, irisheyes, but I bet they could figure mine out just as easily ;)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
well I used to be AngeliK which is a name I use a lot online, but I ahem changed it.
AngeliK meant Angel-I-K or basically I'm kay angel from when I went through a phase of calling everyone angel at school.
Kay, is uh my name (shortened).
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
i think you guys could figure mine out...... ;D
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duh apparently your scotish ;)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
My name is Brittany but I have obsessed over a tatoo of angel wings that i wanted for about 2 years to a point that my best friend ( :'(R.I.P. Brittany #2 AKA Masq_of_red_death) started calling me angelwings (hence my email). Tried to come up with a creative way of using my nick w\my name couldnt do it so I said THey_call_me_angel
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
i think its weird how alot of you really have some interesting stories about their names. WHY I AM I SO BORING J/J :)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
thats cool how you came up with your name.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I'm a serial killer.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I hope your joking, but then i again you look like someone who rip a gore. ;D
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Mother of triplets. :) :) :)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I'd used the name @ssKicker before on www.eeggs.com's discussion boards, because I wasn't allowed to put the actual word.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
cool beans
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Jinx is a childhood nickname that just stuck.....and it is easier than trying to come up with something catchy! ::)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
how did you get the nickname?
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I'm a serial killer.
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Some of us know better ! However, it is a nice cover, Gore ;D
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
how did you get the nickname?
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When I was little, my mom would look for me and say, "What kind of hi-jinx are you getting into now?" Hi-jinx meaning trouble...And it was shortened into Jinx.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
well thats cool
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I'm a serial killer.
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Yeah, protecting us all from those viscious, man-eating serials. ;) ;) 8)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
yeah go xena
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
my name doesn't have any thing to do with the surf. We have a drink over here thats made in australia called wipeout and basically its just a aussie version of malibu but tastes better than malibu and i drink alot of it, especially on weekends
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
my name doesn't have any thing to do with the surf. We have a drink over here thats made in australia called wipeout and basically its just a aussie version of malibu but tastes better than malibu and i drink alot of it, especially on weekends
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Trust me - when she says a lot, she means a LOT!! ;)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Because my avatar in a chat room on a different board was an angel who happened to be nakey, I became known as the "Nakey Angel" instead of any screen name, so nakey = naughty = bad = angel. :) You have to be this good to be this bad. ;) ;D
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
dare i say it one more time....ok....i will....LOL ;) THATS REALLY COOL!
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
My name represents my philosophy on life.
It's a kind of joke because taoism isnt really an 'ism' at all.
Tao means 'way' in chinese, Taoism is simply following the way. My philosphy is very close to 'wu wei' which means 'no action'. I take no action against the natural order of things! (sometimes known as 'laziness' ;) )
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
My philosphy is very close to 'wu wei' which means 'no action'. I take no action against the natural order of things! (sometimes known as 'laziness' ;) )End Quote
Heeey!!! That's Homer Simpson's philosophy too! ;D
Of course I wouldn't place my own name up there. ;)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
When I was a kid they actually had live bands at school and church dances. Some of these bands really sucked! But once in a while you'd see a good one.
The best band that played at school and church dances when I was in high school was called Eli Sheol. All of the guys in that band went to Jordan High in Sandy, Utah back in the 70's(as did I).
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
now that is some interesting stories, i wonder if one day someone will have a name like maybe...House Of Red?
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Or Alcatraz.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
thats cool how you came up with your name.
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Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Or Alcatraz.
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why is there a band namd Alcatraz?
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
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no prob angel
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
why is there a band namd Alcatraz?
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There was yes, a heavy metal band,Graham Bonet from Rainbow sang for them and at one point Steve Vai played guitar for them too !
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Kimmers is a nickname given to me by my best friend in the whole wide world. I never really had a cool nickname before but love this one.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
There was yes, a heavy metal band,Graham Bonet from Rainbow sang for them and at one point Steve Vai played guitar for them too !
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There is also a remix/dance group by the name of Alcatraz, who had a club hit "Give Me Luv" in '95-96.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
none of my nick names ever stuck to long. but Ghetto John has stuck for quite some time.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I have been Catwoman for many, many moons now. I have always been a big cat lover. When I got on-line, I couldn't have just Catwoman so I added the "ofV" to show where I am from-Venus. lol. Some places I use the entire thing-CatwomanofVenus. I DID NOT get the name from Batman. In fact, I have been Catwoman longer than Michelle Pfiffer but not longer than Julie Newmar.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Got it off the side of a hair dryer. ;)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Got it off the side of a hair dryer. ;)
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LOL now thats creative!
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I once heard someone refer to the rubber in a hockey puck as resin, and since I played hockey at the time, I realised that I was chasing resin around the rink.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
When I was a kid they actually had live bands at school and church dances. Some of these bands really sucked! But once in a while you'd see a good one.
The best band that played at school and church dances when I was in high school was called Eli Sheol. All of the guys in that band went to Jordan High in Sandy, Utah back in the 70's(as did I).
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Oh, I thought you were Jewish :-[
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I once heard someone refer to the rubber in a hockey puck as resin, and since I played hockey at the time, I realised that I was chasing resin around the rink.
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Oh, I thought it had something to do with a bong. :-[
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Oh, guess I could answer the original question...my first and middle initials.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
for a second I almost thought that we were...http://www.stopstart.freeserve.co.uk/smilie/offtopic1.gif
sorry everyone, im feeling in better spirits an dfound many smilies.
www.badassbuddy.com VEeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy funny icons.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
yeah stay on topic
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Oh, I thought it had something to do with a bong. :-[End Quote
Don't feel bad, CS, so did I. :-/
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Oh, I thought it had something to do with a bong. :-[End Quote
I get that a lot. Most people think i'm a stoner, when actually I was just born stupid.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I once heard someone refer to the rubber in a hockey puck as resin, and since I played hockey at the time, I realised that I was chasing resin around the rink.
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This sort of goes with the "cultural naming differences" thread. Being born and raised at the beach in So. California, resin means surfboard production to me. I though Resinchaser might make surfboards. ::)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
This sort of goes with the "cultural naming differences" thread. Being born and raised at the beach in So. California, resin means surfboard production to me. I though Resinchaser might make surfboards. ::)
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No way! I had the same idea :D ! That, besides the bong thing... maybe a stoner surfer ??? ;)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
No way! I had the same idea :D ! That, besides the bong thing... maybe a stoner surfer ??? ;)
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How about a stoned hockey player who thinks he's surfing? ;)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
How about a stoned hockey player who thinks he's surfing? ;)
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If it isn't the beatings doing it, I thought hockey players were stoned anyway 8)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
If it isn't the beatings doing it, I thought hockey players were stoned anyway 8)
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No, You're thinking of the NY Mets.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
No way! I had the same idea :D ! That, besides the bong thing... maybe a stoner surfer ??? ;)
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Stoner surfer? Isn't that redundant? ;D
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
No, You're thinking of the NY Mets.
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Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
im gonna follow the crowd, hey did any one watch the redwings game last night? ;D
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I think mine is pretty self explanatory... :P
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
One night a friend and I went to a party we hardly knew anyone. We introduced ourselves to a group of females and I gave the name Race Bannon, don't know why, haven't seen a Jonny Quest episode in 20 years, it just popped in my head. The funny thing was the next week I was talking with my friend when he starts laughing it up, seems he called one of those women and in the course of the conversations she asks how's Race? He go's who? Your friend, Race Bannon. We both got a chuckle out of it. So since then when I need to choose a member name I go with it.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
One night a little over 33 years ago my mom had this baby that she decided to name David (actually my grandparents first suggested the name, inspired by the biblical ruler of the same name), me.
After around 32 years had passed I found this web site and decided to join. After much agonizing, I finally arrived at a screen name that would incorporate a form of my given name with a whimsical ending. An alternate nic I had in mind was "Davemeister" as a good friend used to call me.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
so davemeister turned into davester, an amazing heart felt story ;D
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
*sniff*...I know, I'm just a sentimental fool... :'( :P
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
oh your not a fool, your just able to express your emotions, gosh dave youve gone and made me cry too :'(
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I probably have already answered this but...being that country "Music" makes me sick http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons/26.gif and RAP..well, let's just say it rhymes with crap :P.....I have ALWAYS loved Rock and Roll Music as it has been a huge part of my life :D
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
well rock on rock n roll fan
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
well rock on rock n roll fan
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Absolutely! Thanks, The_Ghetto_John ;)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I probably have already answered this but...being that country "Music" makes me sick http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons/26.gif and RAP..well, let's just say it rhymes with crap :P.....I have ALWAYS loved Rock and Roll Music as it has been a huge part of my life :D
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And that's why you're so damn cool! 8)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
And that's why you're so damn cool! 8)
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http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons/03.gif Well so are you, Davester!http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons/14.gif
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Mine kind of explains itself too, Steve Perry die hard fan. ;D
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
journey huh, there pretty cool.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
journey huh, there pretty cool.
End Quote
IMO, they WERE cool...I can't get into them without Mr. Perry singing and writing the great tunes!
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
RAP..well, let's just say it rhymes with crap :P.....
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I am not even going to start about this comment...::)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
IMO, they WERE cool...I can't get into them without Mr. Perry singing and writing the great tunes!
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i like to listen to him when i feel like writing a good love song, ive got a few good ones
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I've been using mine for quite awhile. When I signed for Yahoo and needed a name and I thought hey I'm a bassist in metal band so let's go with that. I tried MetalBass and Bassplayer but didn't like the ring and then rage popped into my head and ragebass was born. Funny thing is that with Yahoo I have a numeral after my tag because apparently I wasn't the first to use ragebass. I chose not use my full moniker because I always liked the way ragebass sounded by itself.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I used my Yahoo name when I first signed up, and stuck with it for a while, but had a little problem with worrying about someone stalking me over the internet, and at the time I decided to change, I was buying a new Dell computer so................Dude got a Dell and a new handle.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
just playing...
should i change my name guys, you sorta know me, what should it be?
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I was at a fancy dinner wearinmg a cleavage revealing dress. I was eating something with marinara sauce on it when a glob of it fell on my boob - VERY EMBARASSING! A few people from the dinner who saw it happen began to call me Marinara.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I used my Yahoo name when I first signed up, and stuck with it for a while, but had a little problem with worrying about someone stalking me over the internet, and at the time I decided to change, I was buying a new Dell computer so................Dude got a Dell and a new handle.
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Dude, did you get the t-shirt, too? My mom just got a new Dell and got a couple of tshirts, too.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Hmmm, marinara sauce *drool* :) :D ;D
And I just thought you were one angry fish. I would've said "barracuda," but "ragebass" - you don't want to mess with 'em either!
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Nah, I'm actually a puddy tat - just after 15 years (and counting) of marriage and 3 kids you just need an outlet - and the needlepoint wasn't cutting it.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
all very cool screen names cya
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Hey TB, no stalking now! Rember Jelina from the "current pics" thread? No ones seen her for over a month and authorities are looking a little closer at you. ;) ;D
Hello Marinara, How you doin'? (Please read this in your best Joey from Friends voice) ;)
Hmmm, marinara sauce *drool* :) :D ;D
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Hey TB, no stalking now! Rember Jelina from the "current pics" thread? No ones seen her for over a month and authorities are looking a little closer at you. ;) ;D
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Aw crap, is THAT what happened? Darn it, she was a fun one :-/
I never got to hit on her either...blast you, Tarzan Boy! Now I am left to wonder what could have been. *SOB* :'(
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I gotta tell you, it was worth doing the "research" going back to find that thread just for another quick look. :o
Aw crap, is THAT what happened? Darn it, she was a fun one :-/
I never got to hit on her either...blast you, Tarzan Boy! Now I am left to wonder what could have been. *SOB* :'(
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Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I gotta tell you, it was worth doing the "research" going back to find that thread just for another quick look. :o
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You said it. I've always liked redheads.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
TB and Rice, who wants to start a new thread, "What's your Favorite Italian Dish?" :o ;)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
TB and Rice, who wants to start a new thread, "What's your Favorite Red Sauce?" :o ;)
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That doesn't sound right... :o ::)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Your right, although Marinara is a technically a "red sauce" in that context it does sound kinda gross. I did some editing.
That doesn't sound right... :o ::)
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Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Well, mine comes from my first song parody at Amiright, "God Bless the N.R.A." I envisioned that song from a "redneck" point-of-view, so I signed it as "Bubba." Afterwards, when I decided to submit more parodies, I wanted them all to be under the same name, so...I was kinda stuck with it. I really wish I could change it, as I don't use that nick anywhere else on the 'net, and I really don't see myself as a redneck... ;D
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Dude, did you get the t-shirt, too? My mom just got a new Dell and got a couple of tshirts, too.
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No, I didn't. :(You're the second person to ask me that. I ordered mine on the phone, with a credit card, and didn't finance it (paid cash). Just wondering if that had anything to do with it. ???
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
IMO, they WERE cool...I can't get into them without Mr. Perry singing and writing the great tunes!
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Which is precisely why I don't support the new lineup...I just can't get into look and sound alikes. But that's a whole new argument!!
Glad there are still some out there that miss him too.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Definitely a good one to bring back :)
For an explanation, see me thread in the announcements forum :P
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
mmmmmm......Rice Cube! mmmmmm...aahhhhh! :-* :D
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
mmmmmm......Rice Cube! mmmmmm...aahhhhh! :-* :D
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Methinks I have a stalking guest ;D
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Cuz I am from the south....and have been know to 'spitfire' from my mouth!!!!! ;D
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Cuz I am from the south....and have been know to 'spitfire' from my mouth!!!!! ;D
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...I seen fire and I seen rain...
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
It just popped into my mind. Originally, I wanted to pick "Sifl", "Electric Youth", "Post PC Person",or "Pop Rocks", but I nixed those names. Not to mention I strongly dislike current MTV & reality shows. And I'm not a hip person.
I only like music & some tv shows from the 1950's to 1998.
And some movies. Why "Anti Pop Superstar"?
Because It sounds like I really dislike current pop culture.
The same with my quote,"Say No To T.R.L.".
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I am a Princess and if you aren't nice to me, I will PoP you in the cheek! >:(
just kiddiin'! ;)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Everyone says I am crazy. Don't know why.... :-/
I think raccoons are awesome. (even tho I sometimes spell it wrong :P)
I like to spell girl w/o an I and with a U.
I don't know where the 124 came from...spur of the moment, I guess. :P
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
...I seen fire and I seen rain...
End Quote
You've seen fire?? No, I seen fire! ;)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
You've seen fire?? No, I seen fire! ;)
End Quote
Dude doesn't want any rain on his parade, EC ! ;)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
You've seen fire?? No, I seen fire! ;)
End Quote
I guess that's one fire you don't wanna put out ;)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I got mine several years ago when a friend of mine named Carlos and I wanted to open up a buisness together, when we got older, and we where going to call it Kenlos Enterpise. The Kenlos came from the first part of my name Kenneth and the last part of his name Carlos. And I just thought Kenlos sounded cool.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
well, my name here, oddxsocks, came from some program my dad was using. well...sort of. in this program, he had to create schedule for a hypothetical band called four coffee. i kept using that reference in comics i'd draw, and eventually, it got changed to odd socks, because my socks rarely match. therefore, they are odd. the x was there because of my other alias, doxers the Great. doxers the Great originated from PA_Doxie, which was short for pennsylvania dachshund. "doxie" got turned into "doxers," which i read as "boxers," and the story just goes downhill from there... :)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Not sure I really need to say it, but I may as well! Umm, I was a big time 'Duranie' (what Duran Duran fans were called) back in the day, and am still a fan. Back in the early 90's when I first got a computer, the first time a screen name was required for something, I just came up with Durania. I wanted it to be Durannia at first, but whatever I was signing up for wouldnt accept it with 2, so I made it Durania and that's me! :-*
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
My Jedi name it is.
Some friend sent me what was considered the "official" Jedi naming system from George Lucas. I tried it, got this result, liked it, and it stuck. I've been using it as an alias for 7 years now. I'm not big into Star Wars or anything, but i do like the series so i figured, ahhh....
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
8) 8) 8)Well,Marian is the name of some famous people,like Marian anderson,marian davies,and Marion Jones(different spelling)My screen name is short for Maid Marian Valkyrien,but marian is easier to write.I've had other ideas for screen names,but they're more common names,and i believe,already being used by rude pwople,including some guys.Cheers! 8) 8)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I've had other ideas for screen names,but they're more common names,and i believe,already being used by rude pwople,including some guys.Cheers! 8) 8)
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??? What the ???
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I thought I would bring this thread forward because it would be lovely for new members to get to know the reasons behind the names.
My name is Robert. I couldn't put it as a username so, as the computer accepted 'Bobby' I thought this was close enough. I didn't like the idea at first but it's grown on me. :)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I use Anotheronebitesthedust...(or Anotheronebitesthe cos the dust wouldn't fit in) because that was the first song i downloaded from Audio Galaxy, by Clint Eastwood & General Saint, not the Queen song!
I type as boris because it's easier for people and I didn't want to use Malcolm.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
:D ok folks how meny of u think i play golf????... well ur wrong i dont and wouldent.. my nic comes from part of my 3 yr old sons nic...hes puttertutter.... my hubby treats me like the princess that i am.. BADDA BING.. my nic was born.... ;)
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
Well the "Mike" part is short for "Michael," which was the name given to me by my parents mainly because it was also my mom's brother's name, and my dad's brother's name, as well as a traditional name in the Florio family to name the first born, but in my family, it wasn't followed that way, and the seccond born got the name, "Michael"...It was shortened because I made it while I was submitting parodies under two different names, "Mike" and "Michael," and I submitted the ones Id assume to do better under "Mike"...so I made that into my sn...
and the "Florio" part, well everyone else in my family had that name, so I adapted it as well...thus my name being: "Mike Florio"
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
well, you see, my love for everything Vulcan gave me my name.......since my idol is Harriot beacher Stow, i felt I had to adapt this name ....lol
well, first born got the name Billy, so its my name and well, you can look to my brothers post for the Florio part lol
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
I got mine from the Steps single Stomp. They were an excellent group and I still listen to them occasionally.
Subject: Re: How did you come up with your screen name?
You figure it out.
nah, It's because I was angry at the time I joined. I felt like tearing the world apart - Really my name shoulda been WorldTearedApart63 - or something. It's just I was angry at that time. TAH-DAH!!!!!!!
I'll just give you my little Newspaper report I would've liked for this -
Elijese Wrula used the simplest screen name on earth today. SHock spread through all users. Report ends.
|??? ??? ???|
People confused