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Subject: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Things To Do In An Elevator
1 When there's only one other person in the elvator, tap them on the shoulder and then pretend it wasn't you.
2 Push the buttons and pretend they give you a shock. Smile, and go back for more.
3 Ask if you can push the button for other people, but push the wrong ones.
4 Call the Psychic Hotline from your cell phone and ask if they know what floor you're on.
5 Hold the doors open and say your waiting for a friend. After a while, let the doors close, and say, "Hi Greg. How's your day been?"
6 Drop a pen and wait until someone goes to pick it up, then scream, "That's mine!"
7 Bring a camera and take pictures of everyone in the elevator.
8 Move your desk into the elevator and whenever anyone gets on, ask if they have an apointment.
9 Lay down the twister mat and ask people if they would like to play.
10 Leave a box in the corner, and when someone gets on, ask them if they can hear ticking.
11 Pretend you are a flight attendant and review emergency procedures and exits with the passengers.
12 Ask, "Did you feel that?"
13 Stand really close to someone, sniffing them occasionally.
14 When the doors close, announce to the others, "It's okay, don't panic, they open again!"
15 Swat at flies that don't exist.
16 Tell people that you can see their aura.
17 Call out, "Group Hug!" and then enforce it.
18 Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering, "Shut up, all of you, just shut up!"
19 Crack open your briefcase or purse, and while peering inside, ask, "Got enough air in there?"
20 Stand silently and motionless in the corner, facing the wall, without getting off.
21 Stare at another passenger for a while, then announce in horror, "You're one of THEM!" and back away slowly.
22 Wear a puppet on your hand and use it to talk to the other passengers.
23 Listen to the elevator walls with your stethoscope.
24 Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.
25 Stare, grinning at another passenger for a while, then announce, "I have new socks on".
26 Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passengers, "This is MY personal space!"
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Even though I've seen that scores of times before, I still find it really funny! :D :D
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
10 Leave a box in the corner, and when someone gets on, ask them if they can hear ticking.
End Quote
Unfortunately in this day and age, this one could get you arrested for starting a panic. :-/ :(
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Unfortunately in this day and age, this one could get you arrested for starting a panic. :-/ :(
End Quote
Yes, quite ! In that case, it is the silliest of them all.... :-/
Don't try this at home, kids....
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Things To Do In An Elevator
21 Stare at another passenger for a while, then announce in horror, "You're one of THEM!" and back away slowly.
End Quote
My favourite!
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
I sometimes smell farts on an elevator.
No wonder people move away. ;D
Consider this Number 27.
howard :)
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
9 Lay down the twister mat and ask people if they would like to play.
End Quote
I've always been tempted to do this... ;D
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
26 Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passengers, "This is MY personal space!"
This one would be fun to do. ;D I might try that out....if I actually go somewhere soon where elevators exist. Not in Whoville that's for sure! ;)
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
"... looove in the eleveeetur..." :D !
End Quote
LOL! I sometimes sing that when it's just me & Mrs. M in one. ;D
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
I've read this "Things to do in an Elevator" before....and believe it or not me and a friend took it up as a challenge! The only ones we didn't do were the twister mat one, and the desk one...It's true. ;D
Yes, quite ! In that case, it is the silliest of them all.... :-/
Don't try this at home, kids....
End Quote
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Here's another one:
-act like The Count on Sesame Street and
ask people around you to count together
in syncronicity. ;D
how about you act like the pinball on Sesame
Street and count(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1222222elve! ;D)
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
i sometimes make up words to the lyric free elavator music
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Here's another one:
-act like The Count on Sesame Street and
ask people around you to count together
in syncronicity. ;D
End Quote
AH HA HA Ha ha ha ha ha..... ;D
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
I love this! Does everyone else still jump up high when the elevator starts to go down. I do it with my kids all the time. It makes me laugh hysterically!
Still a kid - over 40! I refuse to grow up! I won't - I wont!
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Hehe never seen those before....
Now all I have to do is get a job in a building with one so i can move my desk...
What i like doing is to jump when they just start going down or telling people there are people watching behind the glass areas.
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
If there isn't any music i sometimes like to make some and hu any ol' crap.... but if there is music i like to change it a bit by making scratching noises hehe.. *Wikky wah, wikky wikky wah* ;D
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
OR how about making a pretend call on
the elevator phone saying the elevator is
stuck but it really isn't.sure to piss people off. ;D
howard 8)
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Another funny thing that I used to do whilst my dad was driving was shout loudly "WE'RE GONNA DIE !!!!!"
This too would work in an elevator... especially if it has made a slight unusual jerk movement. ;D
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
These are wonderful!! However, you forgot the stupidest thing you can do in the elevator: enjoy the music.
Which reminds me of one of my favourite jokes:
Kenny G. walks into an elevator and says 'Hey, this rocks!'
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
I have done this many times...
I used to test my pager, then look at the readout and say "OMG! Can't Batman leave me alone??!!!"
Or: repeat over and over: "I will not hurl, I will not hurl..." or
swat my head and say "Shut up! No, you shut up!" over and over...
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
I did that at a restaurant to show my date how much I appreciated her company ::)
End Quote
Gee, TeeZee, did you make her pick up the tab, too? ;D
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
If there isn't any music i sometimes like to make some and hu any ol' crap.... but if there is music i like to change it a bit by making scratching noises hehe.. *Wikky wah, wikky wikky wah* ;D
End Quote
Music in a lift? WOW!!! Ive never heard music in a lift... not even in the most richest of places
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Uh-Huh music in a lift.... it's amazing the advances in technology we have next... Just imagine in the next 30 years or so the technology might be there to introduce some lyrics to the tunes in a lift....
Just wish kiddies, just wish.
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
One of our lifts at work is a very old tiny one that goes up the middle of a staircase the readers use to get around the library.They can't see us but we can see them and so we often make chicken noises or moo like a cow and watch these poor people looking all round them trying to see where it's coming from.Little things and all that !! ;D
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Oh, so it's you making those funny noises at me whilst i'm trying to read.
And who would have thought, you would have got away with it, if it weren't for this pesky meddling message board.
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
How about stripping down to your underwear.
Nah,That would turn people off.I don't know about
the women in there. :o ;D ;)
howard :)
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
How about stripping down to your underwear.
Nah,That would turn people off.I don't know about
the women in there. :o ;D ;)
howard :)
End Quote
Or it could turn people on ;D 8) ::) :-* :-/ :D :) ;) :o :-[
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Oh, so it's you making those funny noises at me whilst i'm trying to read.
And who would have thought, you would have got away with it, if it weren't for this pesky meddling message board.
End Quote
And me being a blabbermouth in the first place!
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Another thing would be to let your sphincter dilate.... Now what silly person is it that always does that in a small place like an elevator !
I mean I can hardly breathe as it is !
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Another thing would be to let your sphincter dilate.... Now what silly person is it that always does that in a darn elevator !
End Quote
I wonder how many people are aware of just excactly what you said? :P ::)
Besides, it takes a lot of advance preparation to be able to do that on cue. Most people don't plan on it, and are too embarrassed to admit it. :-
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Another thing would be to let your sphincter dilate.... Now what silly person is it that always does that in a darn elevator !
End Quote
I wonder how many people are aware of just excactly what you said? :P ::)
Besides, it takes a lot of advance preparation to be able to do that on cue. Most people don't plan on it, and are too embarrassed to admit it. :-[End Quote
Ok, if people didn't understand by what I said... it merely said to pass some wind. (Better??) :).
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Ok, if people didn't understand by what I said... it merely said to let one rip.
End Quote
I like the way you put it the first time. ;)Much more polite and sophisticated.
A sign of maturity and intelligence. :-*
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
I wonder how many people are aware of just excactly what you said? :P ::)
Besides, it takes a lot of advance preparation to be able to do that on cue. Most people don't plan on it, and are too embarrassed to admit it. :-
End Quote
I have absolutely no shame...I do it to people who rub me the wrong way ;D
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
I have absolutely no shame...I do it to people who rub me the wrong way ;D
End Quote
Yes, Rice has no shame with his astuteness. ;D
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Yes, Rice has no shame with his astuteness. ;D
End Quote
Yes, quite ;D
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
I remember one time I was in a lift with my stepsister and we'd watched this scene from a film and so we pretended I was really ill, there were three other people in the lift and I start coughing, she goes to me "cough at the walls you know you're contageous!" so I turn to the person I'm next to and cough saying sorry, and they look grossed out and then I cough at the wall of the lift a bit and then I'm ok, so I start talking to my sister again. when everyone gets off she yells after them, "If you come out in purple spots call a doctor!" it was so so so funny!!!! lmao!
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
I love this! Does everyone else still jump up high when the elevator starts to go down. I do it with my kids all the time. It makes me laugh hysterically!
Still a kid - over 40! I refuse to grow up! I won't - I wont!
End Quote
i think 40 year old kids are the best kids in the world, in the words of Scott Stapp " so let the children play, inside your heart always, and if you will defy, then your youth will never die" great song, great album, great band.
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Ok, if people didn't understand by what I said... it merely said to let one rip.End Quote
Forum Guidelines:
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
I like the way you put it the first time. ;)Much more polite and sophisticated.
A sign of maturity and intelligence. :-*
End Quote
Awwww thanks ;D
Also HairSpray i've read the rules and I just don't see what it's all about what i said wasn't THAT bad, but i'll change it any way.
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
How about saying"Something smells real good in here".
Is anyone cooking anything"? ;D :D
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Awwww thanks ;D
Also HairSpray i've read the rules and I just don't see what it's all about what i said wasn't THAT bad, but i'll change it any way.
End Quote
You didn't have to change anything else. I'd already modified for you.
It's the profanity factor which affects your posts, like the word (modified here) *darn*, for instance. ;)
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Try taking a metal waste-paper basket into the lift, filling it with paper and setting it alight. Stand it in the corner and begin to toast marshmallows over it. When they're ready, offer them to the other passengers.
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
So if i spelt it Šarn it would be perfectly OK ?
Seeing as other people can get away with modified spellings of @ss. a$$, pi$$. And don't deny it doesn't happen because i've seen it done.
You've been warned.
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Hello. What are we talking about?
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Silly things to do in an Elevator. ;)
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
You ever notice how often you do a big, greasy Unnameable when you're alone in an elevator, and inevitably the most gorgeous creature you've ever seen steps in immediately after? No one to point at, nowhere to hide...
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
I freak out in elevators. I get nervous being in an enclosed space with no way out, being lifted with the possibility of being dropped to my death.
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
You ever notice how often you do a big, greasy Unnameable when you're alone in an elevator, and inevitably the most gorgeous creature you've ever seen steps in immediately after? No one to point at, nowhere to hide...
End Quote
Just what you deserve for letting the ducks quack!!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
You ever notice how often you do a big, greasy Unnameable when you're alone in an elevator, and inevitably the most gorgeous creature you've ever seen steps in immediately after? No one to point at, nowhere to hide...
End Quote
But ! Murphy's Law then dictates that the universe must have a square-up, to re-balance !
So the same gorgeous creature never falls asleep on your shoulder in the train, but the obnoxious smelly drunk guy sitting next to you does.... >:(
HEY ! That's not a square up, that's just more bad luck. What gives ? ::)
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
So the same gorgeous creature never falls asleep on your shoulder in the train, but the obnoxious smelly drunk guy sitting next to you does.... >:(
End Quote
Or he/she does and drools all over your brand-new silk shirt...and it's not because they are hot for Mama!
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Do supremely gorgeous creatures even do the Unnameable? Hard to believe if it's true.
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Not in my world, Steve ::)
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
I freak out in elevators. I get nervous being in an enclosed space with no way out, being lifted with the possibility of being dropped to my death.
End Quote
Same here. Tall buildings and elevators scare the heebeejeebees out of me.
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Here's another one:
You pretend to sneeze(*AHCHOO*)!
and then wipe your hands on the
numbers.That way,nobody would want
to get on! except you. ;D
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
I like to do the Jedi Mind Trick...that is, just before the doors open, I wave my hands to make it seem like I made them open :D It's silly, but fun.
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
I like to do the Jedi Mind Trick...that is, just before the doors open, I wave my hands to make it seem like I made them open :D It's silly, but fun.
End Quote
I do that to my daughter and her friends all the time. I wave my hands and say "Open, Sesame", timed just right to make the doors open. ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Something else funny to do:
Press the button and back away from the lift. Wait 'til the doors are just about to open, then you ruuuuunnnnn up and DIVE into the lift. If anyone else is already in the lift, start panting and gasp, "We just made it... but there may not be much time."
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Something else funny to do:
Press the button and back away from the lift. Wait 'til the doors are just about to open, then you ruuuuunnnnn up and DIVE into the lift. If anyone else is already in the lift, start panting and gasp, "We just made it... but there may not be much time."
End Quote
I actually do that...if I see that there's an elevator available but its doors are starting to close, I run full speed and slice through the doors. It's really cool. Scares the poopy out of the passengers though.
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
pretend to be an elevator operator.
Subject: Re: Silly things to do in an Elevator
Another one to do -
(if this is another one like the one with the box ticking - by the by you could say 'Oh my package of towels...and that ticking is just my watch' that wont get you arrested just say the box is the package of towels first when they come on)
Bring a remote control without batteries inside the remote control inside and when the doors close,press the buttons and yell 'Hey, why wont they work??'
come in with a Desk and seat, and when the next lot come in, say 'Now then, we'll get on with the register! Matt Orvile?...'
Get inside and yell (this one is especially for women) (once you have a bag or ball up your top) 'Exuse me...pardon me...' and then fall on the floor breathing heavily (you may need a baby cousin or baby sister for this)!
What about THAT?