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Subject: Terrified about approaching 18
Our country is about to go to war and i am about to turn 18, so common fears in times like this are going through my mind, and i know that alot of you ( no offense ) are a bit older then me and have probally gone through this. But im petrified, because if we go to war, its not going to be pretty, and im just well.....im just scared.
so i know im bad for starting sad or down topics, but this is one is a really serious thing im going through, and no one i know seems to listen, probally cuz there afraid about it too.
but i would really appreciate it if you guys talked to me a little here. Thanks and God Bless, Peace --- John
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
Love, I really don't know what to say since fortunately this will probably never happen to me so I haven't really thought about it. But my thoughts and prayers are with you :-*
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
I can understand why you would have fears. I wish that I had some words of wisdom or comfort but I don't. We don't have the draft anymore...so hopefully it will continue to be a young man or womans choice to join up in the military. It sounds trite but all we can do is 'Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.'
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
all we can do is 'Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.'
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You're scared?! In less than two years I have to start getting the finger! Oy!! :o
But seriously, if you end-up drafted, at least try to go Navy, unless you like sleeping in the mud.
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
Navy is kind of hands off , i like, but i will be sure to bring a soap on a rope, thanks
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
Navy is kind of hands off , i like, but i will be sure to bring a soap on a rope, thanks
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You don't care for the Navy? Any particular reason?
My dad was drafted for the Korean War. He didn't get to finish high school even. He chose the Navy because he figured his chances of survival would be slightly better. He was still scared sh**less when it was his turn to take guard duty.
Even as far back as the early '50's enemy combatants would be known to approach a ship in a small, civilian rowboat in an attempt to get close enough to shoot. Trouble was, lots of innocent people would also try to approach the ship to sell souveneirs to the foriegn sailors. Dad's orders were to shoot on sight ALL who approached, even if they did not look dangerous. He prayed every night that no one would row up to the ship--he lived in fear that he would have to kill someone, innocent or not.
One of my favorite actors was born in Israel. In Israel, everyone is required to serve three years in the military, like it or not. He chose the Navy too, for pretty much the same reason as my dad. Hoping to be more likely to survive, and praying he would not have to kill.
I understand how upset you must be. I'm hoping and praying that things can be worked out peacefully. I'm in no hurry to go to war, either, and I don't have to serve.
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
when i said the navy was more hands off i was saying yeah i wouldnt be on the ground, and the soap thing was stereotypical navy joke, if anything i would go into the navy, my brother was in the navy during the whole Desert Storm thing so hey! and no i dont want to kill anybody, and i would probally not be able to pull a trigger even if it costed my own life so go NAVY! but i would rather stay here in the states. but thanks for the prayers it means alot. :)
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
I watched my brother go over to the Gulf War and it was a very difficult time for him. He knew as an Army Reservist that there was the chance of getting called up. But nothing really prepares you for that call that says pack your bags now, tomorrow you will be a million miles away from home in the desert. War is a scary prospect and hopefully it won't happen at all. And if it does happen, let's hope that they do not need to draw from the draft.
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
I went back and re-read your post, Ghetto John. Now that I read again it I understand. (I even got the stereotype joke.)
Sorry, I'm a bit distracted today. My mom is coming over to spend the weekend, so I'm listening for the doorbell.
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
Navy would probably be best choice. My dad drafted into the Army for Vietnam, and his job, apparently was horrible. I don't know what job title it would be and he doesn't talk about it but my mother told me his job was to "find and disarm land mines"He was assigned to a platoon as a specialist for this purpose. So he had to 'grunt' it out like many others. I think if it were a choice, yeah, Navy. But, again, let me point out that the draft is not in force at this time like it was then.
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
If you're an only son, you're safe from draft measures. They won't take an only child unless he signs up on his own. Otherwise, if the child dies, it could be the end of the family name.
When the rule was made, most people were terrified to tarnish their father's name, but kids now-a-days don't care so much about that stuff. (Not saying you don't, just kids in general. ;) )
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
If you're an only son, you're safe from draft measures. They won't take an only child unless he signs up on his own. Otherwise, if the child dies, it could be the end of the family name.
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I just asked my mom about it. One of her friends tried to sign up for WWII on his own. The military (all four branches) refused to take him because he was the last surviving son. His older brother had been killed in combat during WWI (the kids in between were all girls).
Anyway I thought they cancelled the "only son" rule some time ago? Around the time they started allowing women into combat? I might be wrong, I'm hoping someone who is actually in the military will post here and set us straight.
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
Re: Terrified about approaching 18
Collected from the Selective Services System web site @ http://www4.sss.gov/default.htm
"Only Sons" and the draft
Contrary to popular belief, "only sons," "the last son to carry the family name," and "sole surviving sons" must register and they can be drafted. However, they may be entitled to a peacetime deferment if there is a military death in the immediate family.
Provisions regarding the survivors of veterans were written into Selective Service law after World War II. Details have varied over the years, but the basic premise remains the same; where a family member has been lost as a result of military service, the remaining family members should be protected insofar as possible.
It is important to keep in mind that the provisions are directly related to service-connected deaths. The mere fact that a man is the only child or only son does not qualify him for consideration - he must be the survivor of one who died as a result of military service.
The present law provides a peacetime exemption for anyone whose parent or sibling was killed in action, died in line of duty, or died later as a result of disease or injury incurred in line of duty while serving in the armed forces of the United States. Also included are those whose parent or sibling is in a captured or missing status as a result of service in the armed forces during any period of time. This is known as the "surviving son or brother" provision. A man does not have to be the only surviving son in order to qualify; if there are four sons in a family and one dies in the line of duty, the remaining three would qualify for surviving son or brother status under the present law.
The surviving son or brother provision is applicable only in peacetime. It does not apply in time of war or national emergency declared by the Congress.
The original law, passed in 1948, exempted the sole surviving son of a family where one or more sons or daughters died as a result of military service. No restriction existed at that time to limit the exemption to peacetime. The provision was intended to protect families which had lost a member in World War II.
In 1964, recognizing that sons of World War II veterans were reaching draft age, Congress changed the law to include the sole surviving son of a family where the father, or one or more sons or daughters, died as a result of military service. At this time the peacetime-only restriction was also added to the law.
A further change was made in 1971, expanding the exemption to any son, not necessarily the sole surviving son, of a family where the father, brother or sister died as a result of military service. This provision was recently expanded to include mothers.
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
I watched my brother go over to the Gulf War and it was a very difficult time for him. He knew as an Army Reservist that there was the chance of getting called up. But nothing really prepares you for that call that says pack your bags now, tomorrow you will be a million miles away from home in the desert. War is a scary prospect and hopefully it won't happen at all. And if it does happen, let's hope that they do not need to draw from the draft.
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A good friend of mine while in the service tried the novel idea of attempting suicide days before we were to ship-out to the Gulf in an attempt to avoid going to war.
After polishing-off a good half bottle of Bacardi he jumped off the top of our three story barrack building not once, not twice but three times before someone noticed him flying past their window. Each time he landed safely, if not uncomfortably, in the thick hedges that surrounded the building. He got his wish ala "Corporal Klinger". He was an only son, yes, but personal anecdotes aside, this is a solution to a problem I wouldn't highly recommend.
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
I was in the Navy for six years, granted it was during peacetime, but honestly there is nothing to be scared of. I knew one person that lost his life, and it was because of his own actions (He got drunk, went snorkeling, and a speedboat ran him over).
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
I'm over 18 and if we ever go to war, i'd be happy serving my country. Although not so happy if i got killed....
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
were kind of on the same boat then. but im totally against killing, or even playing games about it. To me its not war its murder.
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
I wonder, would they allow you to declare "concientious objector" status? (did I even spell that right?)
That is, you are not refusing to serve, but you do refuse to kill, so they give you a desk job or something? I remember hearing a lot about it when I was a very small child. The Vietnam war was going on, and a lot of young men claimed to be pacifists/concientious objectors. There was also a big deal made over the boxer Cassius Clay (now known as Muhammad Ali). He did not feel it was right to kill, so they tried to stop him from boxing.
I admit I know next to nothing about military matters, and I have no close friends or relatives to ask. I'm depending on the knowledge of the people on this board to help me out.
For myself, the military will not take me for medical reasons. (I tried to enlist before I was married) But if there is a war, I would be willing to help in any way I could, as a desk clerk or whatever.
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
well im not the healthiest pig in pen either, ive got bum knees and ive had hip surgery. but yeah im definately against fighting ive been a total of 0 fist fights in my life, i feel i fight alot better with my mouth.
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
John, John, John...sigh
18 isn't bad. 19-20 is bad.
At 18 you could buy porn.
At 18 you could vote.
At 18 you no longer had to have your parents be the primary people on your car insurance (or so I'm told).
At 18 you could buy shotguns.
But now you're gonna have to wait until you turn 21 to drink and gamble ;)
I'll be 24 soon...sigh.
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
thanks rice
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
At 18 you can drink ;D
John, John, John...sigh
18 isn't bad. 19-20 is bad.
At 18 you could buy porn.
At 18 you could vote.
At 18 you no longer had to have your parents be the primary people on your car insurance (or so I'm told).
At 18 you could buy shotguns.
But now you're gonna have to wait until you turn 21 to drink and gamble ;)
I'll be 24 soon...sigh.
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Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
At 18 you can drink ;D
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In NZ maybe...and Louisiana perhaps...but not in most of the States ;) I think Canada's age is 19.
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
At 18 you can drink ;D
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Not in some countries you can't. The age might be 18 in UK but America it's 21 and also like some other countries. Not everyone on this board is actually from the UK or even Europe.
I Pity The Foo'!
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
At 18 you can drink ;DEnd Quote
You a naive Australian...? ??? No offence, mate, but not everywhere... in most places, you can't drink or smoke until you're 21.
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
in america : smoking-18 drinking 21.
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
I'm 25 this year.........thats a quarter of a century :(
I have a relative in the british navy, but i wouldn't fight this upcoming war against Iraq...........and i'd be more worried about Korea tbh
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
I'm 25 this year.........thats a quarter of a century :(
I have a relative in the british navy, but i wouldn't fight this upcoming war against Iraq...........and i'd be more worried about Korea tbh
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Me too. Sure, Iraq's government aren't necessarily "good guys". But North Korea has admitted to lying about building with nuclear materials, and they have expelled the United Nations observers. And they seem to be saying "neener neener neener, what are you going to do about it?"
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
Thats kinda crazy considering smoking is worse for u than drinking >:(
Ah well... thats the legal system for u :-/
I'm 25 this year.........thats a quarter of a century :(
I have a relative in the british navy, but i wouldn't fight this upcoming war against Iraq...........and i'd be more worried about Korea tbh
End Quote
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
Oops i replyed to the rong dude ;D
That was to Ghetto John 8)
Thats kinda crazy considering smoking is worse for u than drinking >:(
Ah well... thats the legal system for u :-/
End Quote
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
All you had to do was modify the first message...
you still can and delete the second message.
You got a bit of stick for the drink thing didn't you
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
i dont know i think its more responsibility based. maturity or something like that
Subject: Re: Terrified about approaching 18
Ok... didnt know that! (Im still quite new here) 8)
All you had to do was modify the first message...
you still can and delete the second message.
You got a bit of stick for the drink thing didn't you
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