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Subject: Have you ever won a competition ?
This was inspired by some entries in a thread in Board Games....
Have you ever won anything in a compettion, like a radio phone-in or similar ?
For me :
In about 1985, in a radio phone-in competition, I won a VHS videotape called "The Compleat Beatles" for knowing who the author of "I'm The Urban Spaceman" by the Bonzo Dog Doodah Band was, and his non-de-plume :
Paul McCartney wrote the song as : Apollo C. Vermouth
When I got the tape home the video quality was awful.... >:(
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
Some of the things I won off the radio:
Two albums, Kiss's "Destroyer" and Atlanta Rhythm Section's "A Rock & Roll Alternative"
Many pizzas (you won them by being the right caller and saying in an Italian accent, "(name of pizza place) makes the best pizza")
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
Does the $10 prize in the beauty competition in Monopoly count? ::) ;D
Seriously, I won an Artful Doger EP (for those of you born after the 70s, an EP is a 45 rpm record that contains more than 2 songs) from WCUE FM by being the nth caller. I also won Cockney Rebel's album "Timeless Flight" the same way. As I was too young to drive, may parents had to drive me out to the next town to pick them up. Twice. They then encouraged me not to win any more stuff... :-/
I also won a ceramic tea ball at a raffle at the Antelope Valley Kindig, but it fell in the Earthquake and broke... :'(
In 1981 there WMMS held a contest to win Stones tickets. You had to list every Stones song that was played on their station for the entire weekend, 24 hours a day, in order. Me and my friends Bev and Karla took turns listening (I worked nights so I did the late shift). We then used all our relatives' addresses and sent in 18 sets of answers, ending up with 36 tickets to the concert! We picked the best seats and then sold or gave away the rest to friends. :D
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
When I was 13, I won concert tickets off the local R&B/Hip Hop station. It was for a concert at Paramount's Great America (for those of you that don't know, Great America is an amusement park). They gave me tickets to get into the park, tickets for the concert, and backstage passes. Sadly, I didn't get to go because my friend decided to spend the night at someone's house and didn't get back in time. Thanks a lot! ::)
When I was 16, I managed to be the 107th caller and I won tickets to an oldies concert. I actually managed to go to that one. ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
When I was 16-17 I won a phone in contest, I won Keith Sweat tickets, his cd a tshirt etc. It was the first cd that I owned....and I didn't have a cd player :) :) :) :) :) I only had cassette tapes at the time.
For those of you that don't remember Keith Sweat he came out with a song called "Rub You the Right Way". At least...I think that is what it was called. ;)
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
ummmm no
no i have won
backstreet boy tickets (please no tomatoes thrown at me I was young)
tickets to hershey open (golf)
$104 for wink 104's b-day spin
cd's Mia, BSB (no tomatoes), N'SYNC
by now u should know if its a prize i call for it
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
When I was 19 I won the ugliest jacket for knowing who sang the song "Men Without Shame". It was the shiniest metalic silver you've ever seen, with bright red writing on it.http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/wuerg/wuerg007.gif
If I would have known what the prise was, I would have kept my mouth shut!
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
I once won a bottle of perfume!?!
My biggest win was third prize in a contest to design a piece of jewellery with a diamond in it.
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
I won a go-bot in a can of Quix hot chocolate mix.. though I was a bigger Transformers fan
I won my high school science fair, computer science division when I was a junior in high school.. does that count for anything?
and my girlfriend sent me an award today for best 80s site.. but I don't think that counts!
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
I won Europe's Final Countdown record (yes I said record) for being the 10th caller.
$100 on a payday contest.
$100 on a phone number contest
tickets to George Carlin
I think that's it.
Duh...I forgot the leather jacket I won a couple of years ago from Budweiser. It had the logo on the back...at least a $200 jacket. I ended up giving it to my sister last year for Christmas. It was her first Christmas after she left her husband and she was pretty down. She really liked the jacket so I let her have it.
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
I won something like the 70th prize at a raffle the nurses held at work three years ago. I won:
-A superball that made a siren sound and blinked red and green lights when you bounced it.
-A white plastic bag with the hospital name on it.
-Three pencils with the hospital name on it.
-A pad (non-postit) of paper with the hospital name on it.
Oh, yeah. The superball had the hospital name on it, too.
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
Greatest competition I won was getting Steve to actually agree with me! :o ;D
And thanks for the reply, It's a thought provoker that I have to work on a bit, been a very long weekend :)
I won something like the 70th prize at a raffle the nurses held at work three years ago. I won:
-A superball that made a siren sound and blinked red and green lights when you bounced it.
-A white plastic bag with the hospital name on it.
-Three pencils with the hospital name on it.
-A pad (non-postit) of paper with the hospital name on it.
Oh, yeah. The superball had the hospital name on it, too.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
In Bowling:
1st place Trophy
3rd place Trophy
In 2000,A certificate and an award.
these days,I can't bowl as good cause earlier this season,I sprained my hamstring which is making it hard for me to turn my body when I bowl.
howard :)
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
I've won six consecutive general knowledge quizzes distributed by the local library, winning £175 in the process. Other than that, I never have very good luck with these things.
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
I can't actually remember if I've won any competitions or not, but I was a contestant on 'Who Wants to be A Millionaire' once.
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
I coached my sons little league baseball team to a league championship! And I made all reigonal band in high school my junior and senior years (although I'm not sure if one would call that "winning a competition")
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
I can't actually remember if I've won any competitions or not, but I was a contestant on 'Who Wants to be A Millionaire' once.
End Quote
Did you win anything?
howard 8)
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
When I was 16-17 I won a phone in contest, I won Keith Sweat tickets, his cd a tshirt etc. It was the first cd that I owned....and I didn't have a cd player :) :) :) :) :) I only had cassette tapes at the time.
For those of you that don't remember Keith Sweat he came out with a song called "Rub You the Right Way". At least...I think that is what it was called. ;)
End Quote
Um, I think Johnny Gill did "Rub You The Right Way." Keith Sweat had hits like "Make You Sweat" and "I Want Her."
I won passes to Adventure Landing (miniature golf and go-kart racing) for golf and go-kart racing. ;D
I won tickets to a local concert for naming 3 (I actually named about five but the DJ was an idiot, to be nice about it) Howard Jones singles. I didn't go b/c it wasn't anyone I knew and I worked instead.
Mrs. M won tickets to Melissa Etheridge by calling in to the same station that gave me the Adventure Landing passes almost a month after I won - and we were concerned that they wouldn't give them to her (they have some 'one winner per household every 30 days' policy) but she got 'em. ;D
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
Other than school spelling or math bee's?
When I was 16 I won movie tickets by being the xth caller to a radio station's tv trivia contest. I ended up not going, partly because I would have had to pick up the tickets at the radio station, and partly because you were supposed to be 18 to win. I didn't listen to that part of the rules. :-before her fairy godmother came to see her. I won a packet of percent off coupons to local businesses, and a gift certificate to the grocery store.
Does winning a bid on EBay count as a competition? Most of the things I've bid on, I was the only person interested enough to bid, but one movie in particular I wanted, someone else wanted badly enough to keep outbidding me. I finally got smart after being outbid twice. I waited till there was only a few minutes to go, then placed my final bid. I won the movie, without going over my budget. ;)
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
I won "Best in School" and a gold certificate in a national 1st-2nd year high school maths challenge, putting me in the top 6% in the country at maths.
And in primary school I won the music cup and the story writing cup. Never won much outside school though, I'm still only 13.
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
Did you win anything?
howard 8)
End Quote
No. I knew the answers but I was too slow, darn it (by .2 of a second!).
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
No. I knew the answers but I was too slow, damn it (by .2 of a second!).
End Quote
Hey,Gore,You could've came home with a grand.
But,u blew it.maybe next time. ;)
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
From the radio I've won:
2 tix to see Def Leppard and Joan Jett for knowing what song the lyrics "Knew he must have been about 17" came from on Name That 80s Tune...(it was Joan Jett's "I Love Rock N Roll" for those that don't wanna look it up ;) )...turned out my flight home from Toronto that day was delayed by snow and I missed Joan Jett completely...DL ROCKED though!!
Free pizza for my office, The Guess Who's Greatest Hits CD and a Peter Frampton CD that I can't remember the title of for winning lunch-time Rock Trivia...
6 tix to a football game for knowing what song the lyrics "Am I just another word on your page yeah, yeah" came from on another installment of Name That 80s Tune...(it's Poison's "Unskinny Bop")...
I think that's it...at least in the last few years...
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
I (actually me and my dance partner) won a Disco Dancing contest, a la Saturday Night Fever, back in 1979.
I won a copy of Billy Joel's "An Innocent Man" record album ca.1983 in a radio call-in.
I won a pizza and a 2 liter bottle of Coke in 1988, also in a radio call-in.
I won $25 through a lottery ticket I was given on my birthday in 1989.
Of course, I haven't won anything since the 1980's ended. Go figure. :P
And it ain't for lack of trying. :-/
That's about it for me, I guess. ;D ;) :)
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
Oh yeah, I didn't win, but came in 2nd Place in a CD-DJ Spinoff put on by Mars Music & Pioneer - they had a seminar on their then-new CDJ-5000 "stealth" player, but the competition was using two CDJ-500s (their first model) and a DJM-600 mixer. Most of us had limited experience as CD-DJ's, myself included. I won a pair of Pioneer Headphones ($175 value) and Electrovoice Microphone ($150 value). Not too bad.
Another time in a drawing at Mars I won a set of vinyl to use for scratching/samples....nothing really great on them though.
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
I won a raffle prize this Christmas! The last thing I won before that was another raffle prize twenty years ago... and that one was the prize my mother donated. At university, I was undefeated at table football for a whole year, but didn't actually win anything (just got to the stage where nobody would play me :-( ). I am to winning things what the Pope is to Heavy Metal... somehow the two words just don't go together ;-)
My children, OTOH, seem to be starting in a different vein: for example, at last school sports day, when I asked my nş3 (aged 4) if he'd won anything, he replied "I didn't win everything" - I had to ask my wife what he meant. Apparently, after winning his first three races, he waited to let one of the others win the last one. My elder son has a different sort of luck: so far he's been to see Wycombe Wanderers play 11 or 12 times, and he's only seen them win so far. This season, for all their home games, when we've gone to see Wycombe play, they've won; when we haven't, they've either drawn or lost. This season, he also hasn't lost a match playing football, either. Another thing is that he always seems to come out on top in games of chance: I'm seriously considering letting him buy our lottery tickets ;-)
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
I won a painting competition in 'national smiles week' when I was about 8. I painted a picture of a football (soccer) match with everyone smiling.
I don't remember what the prize for that was but my teacher contacted the manager of the local football team (Brian Clough of Nottm Forest) and I was invited to 'The City ground' to meet him and the players!
Very exiting when you're 8 years old.
I got my picture in the local paper wearing ludicrously flared trousers ;) (well, it was the 70s)
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
(Brian Clough of Nottm Forest)
End Quote
...or "God" as he was known at the time?
Subject: Re: Have you ever won a competition ?
I've won mainly just money
I've won £40 for naming two streets in Magor. (Named them after the Patron Saint Of Bricklayers and Patron Saint of Housewives)
I've won about £10 in the local paper for spotting a mickey mouse picture.
I've also won a Sylvester and Tweetie t-shirt and Keyring from an old Megadrive (or Genesis as others know it by) Magazine. My mum is a big tweetie pie fan so i gave them to her.
I've also won a Mad Cats Steering Wheel for a Playstation 1 after writing in the "letter of the month" for a Playstation magazine. Although the Steering Wheel hasn't turned up to my door 4 years later.