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Subject: OUCH!
I woke up with double charley horses this morning. At 4 am I drifted into consciousness, lifted my right leg slightly, stretched by right foot and PINNNNNNNNGGGG!!!!!! yeeee-owwwww. Right after I gently brought my calf-throbbing right leg down I shifted by left leg and PINNNNNNGGGGGGG!!!! again! This time it was the left leg charley-ing out on me.
Nobody should start their day with double charley horses.
Subject: Re: OUCH!
I woke up with double charley horses this morning. At 4 am I drifted into consciousness, lifted my right leg slightly, stretched by right foot and PINNNNNNNNGGGG!!!!!! yeeee-owwwww. Right after I gently brought my calf-throbbing right leg down I shifted by left leg and PINNNNNNGGGGGGG!!!! again! This time it was the left leg charley-ing out on me.
Nobody should start their day with double charley horses.
Well I wake up every morning with a stiff muscle Steve!!
(Sorry, trust me to lower the tone)
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Subject: Re: OUCH!
What are ya? sum kinda horse???
Subject: Re: OUCH!
What are ya? sum kinda horse???
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Are you asking Steve or Gabble. :o
Subject: Re: OUCH!
I know what it's like. I yawn, and then I feel like I pulled a muscle in my leg, and it hurts all day long and it pains me to walk! It really sucks!
Subject: Re: OUCH!
Gabble Ratchet!!! You Bad Boy, You! >:(
Behave yourself.
Or else! ;)
Subject: Re: OUCH!
I hate it when I have to walk too much in only one day and the next morning I wake up feeling like an elephant is sitting on my calves.......yeah I think its about time I get in shape. I'm not fat (I only weigh like 132) but I definitely need to tone up some muscles..... so I can look sexy sexier ;D by senior trip. :o lol!
-Queen Ruth Lorraine AmenRa Burnt Noodles Shway Crayola Staples
Subject: Re: OUCH!
I know what it's like. I yawn, and then I feel like I pulled a muscle in my leg, and it hurts all day long and it pains me to walk! It really sucks!
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it's annoying is that. what about when you've been sleeping on your arm for a couple of hours and t goes completely numb :(
Subject: Re: OUCH!
Sometimes when I yawn too big, one of the muscles (this is hard to describe) that runs underneath the bottom jaw goes TWANG !
The pain is indescribable. And like with the leg cramps, the only way to rid yourself of it is to stretch further :'( :'( :'( :-[
Subject: Re: OUCH!
What's the most pain you've ever been in? I'd have to say mine was when I had my wisdom teeth out. I had to be awake while the dentist *DUG* all 4 of them out of my gums. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Oh and when I had to have an EEG that kinda hurt too. :-/
Subject: Re: OUCH!
What's the most pain you've ever been in? I'd have to say mine was when I had my wisdom teeth out. I had to be awake while the dentist *DUG* all 4 of them out of my gums. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Oh and when I had to have an EEG that kinda hurt too. :-/
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No, no. I can top that. (I've also had all 4 wisdom teeth out at the same time. They were impacted and hadn't even erupted out of the jawbone yet. Couldn't eat for two weeks. What I'm going to type below beats that.)
I fell while running up a flight of stairs (which is why you shouldn't run on the stairs) and bent three of my toes back to touch the instep. All three broke, and two were dislocated out of their sockets. I also sliced a good chunk off of my big toe. That HURT!!
To add insult to injury, the hospital mixed up my x-rays with someone else, telling me all I had was a small cut and a bruise, and sent me home. I endured 24 excruciating hours before they called me back and admitted they made a mistake, would I like to come back in to have them fix it?
Then they gave me some Niiiiiicccccceeeeee medicine to make it aaaalllllll better. ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: OUCH!
Then they gave me some Niiiiiicccccceeeeee medicine to make it aaaalllllll better. ;D ;D ;D
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Sure does make it so you don't care doesn't it? ;)
Subject: Re: OUCH!
The worst pain I've ever experienced was at a dentist. I was in for a fitting for a crown, lower molar on the right hand side. Got the shot of novacaine, or whatever it is they're using now, in the hinge of the jaws. Waited, what, 5-10 minutes. My lips went numb.
For some reason, the novacaine was working but the tooth was alive. No pain suppression in that particular tooth at all. When you're getting fitted for a crown the dentist they file off a short layer of your tooth to fit the crown onto. Without novacaine, everytime the dentist brought the drill to the tooth it felt like someone was jabbing a very sharp pointed stick directly into the heart of the tooth. Take the worst toothache you've ever had and increase it by a power of ten.
The dentist injected small ampules of novacaine directly onto the tooth's exposed nerves. That didn't work.
There was nothing to do but tell her to continue. The dentist had me raise my arm when the pain was too intense... which I did with every pass of the drill. And I have a high tolerance. Of course, everytime I raised my hand (which I assumed would cause the drill to stop instantly) the dentist made another, deeper pass. Rrrrrr...rnn...rnn. rrnnnNNN.
Subject: Re: OUCH!
...For some reason, the novacaine was working but the tooth was alive. No pain suppression in that particular tooth at all.... End Quote
Sounds like you had what my dentist calls a "hot nerve". I was getting a filling once, and when he tried to give me the novacaine, I literally saw stars. Yup, he hit the nerve. I'm told I also kicked the hygenist. :-
Subject: Re: OUCH!
Whenever I had my wisdom teeth out and the dentist was numbing me I accidentally/involuntarily hit him. Of course he got mad and started giving me a big long lecture saying not to hit him because he had sharp objects in his hand. Well NO ****!
I also really hate stupid people that work at the dentist. Last time I went they had a new hygienist that kept DIGGING INTO my gums and saying "Gee, there's an AWFUL lot of bleeding going on..." I was like STUPID B-YATCH! YA MIGHT AS WELL CHOP OFF A LIMB AND SAY "HEY, YOUR ARM'S MISSING!"
Subject: Re: OUCH!
i'm probably going to be pretty sore tomorrow morning since i ran a 5k race this morning - actually raced at came in at 20:39 - despite not having trained for a year