Welcome to the archived messages from In The 00s. This archive stretches back to 1998 in some instances, and contains a nearly complete record of all the messages posted to inthe00s.com. You will also find an archive of the messages from inthe70s.com, inthe80s.com, inthe90s.com and amiright.com before they were combined to form the inthe00s.com messageboard.
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Subject: How was your monday?
I was just wondering how everyones Monday went. I slept till 10, went to my second job (Don't have to go to my first job because of winter break), people bugged me, oh yeah, and then there were the customers.
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
Uneventful......but a good one!! Slept in...did some laundry...talked on the phone.....went to the store....got some lunch....got back on the phone.....decorated the tree.....and back on the phone!!
Hum......guess that will sound boring to most people... ::) ;D
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
My Monday sucked. It rained almost all day and there was water everywhere in the lab and stuff didn't work. I hate Mondays.
But had I met a beautiful woman today, I would've loved Mondays forever ;D
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
My Monday sucked. It rained almost all day and there was water everywhere in the lab and stuff didn't work. I hate Mondays.
But had I met a beautiful woman today, I would've loved Mondays forever ;D
End Quote
Is your lab outside? or just a leaky roof?
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
Probably some dumbo left the windows open ::) It's all good.
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
Did some Christmas shopping…
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
Mistrial....the day sucked >:(
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
Uneventful......but a good one!! Slept in...did some laundry...talked on the phone.....went to the store....got some lunch....got back on the phone.....decorated the tree.....and back on the phone!!
Hum......guess that will sound boring to most people... ::) ;D
End Quote
Not boring! :) I was on the phone a lot today, too! ;D
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
It was good! I got off from work, went home and went to bed. I got up at 4, ate supper and went back to work!!
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
I slept until 10...showered and went to the eye Dr. who put drops in my eyes that made my pupils HUGE which freaked out all the sales people while I did some Christmas shopping.....then I went to work and did a show and it was a great night.......so all in all it was a good day for the Jonman! ;D
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
Well... woke up at 12pm... got lunch, went on the computer a bit, went out and did some shopping, got home, watched tv, ordered T, then came on here, then watched tv sum more... then went to bed
Hows that for a day eh? ;D
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
I worked and then met up with my best friends for some dinner and a christmas pressie exchange ! We had a great time.Today is our works carol service.
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
Normal boring day at work. On the way home my truck started acting up. It was acting like it was when I spent $700 to get it fixed in August. >:( I am going to go to work now...they boys at the shop better hope it starts.
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
I had tons of work so I was really busy... ::)
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
A bird pooped in my hair. :(
It was a little bird, thus little poop. I had to go back in and wash my hair.
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
My Monday started off with a bang. Literally. Our company mini-van will never be the same. But by evening, it got better. When I got home from work I found the last Christmas gift I ordered waiting for me, so my shopping is finished. I also found e-mails from three people I really wanted to hear from waiting for me, and they were funny e-mails, so I had a good laugh!
So despite my attempt to wreck the company car, my Monday wasn't too bad.
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
So despite my attempt to wreck the company car, my Monday wasn't too bad.
End Quote
See? I Told you so ;)
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
I was just wondering how everyones Monday went. I slept till 10, went to my second job (Don't have to go to my first job because of winter break), people bugged me, oh yeah, and then there were the customers.
End Quote
Customers..oh yeah that could be a whole new thread lol.
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
Soggy! Very very soggy! ::)
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
My Monday started off with a bang. Literally. Our company mini-van will never be the same. But by evening, it got better. When I got home from work I found the last Christmas gift I ordered waiting for me, so my shopping is finished. I also found e-mails from three people I really wanted to hear from waiting for me, and they were funny e-mails, so I had a good laugh!
So despite my attempt to wreck the company car, my Monday wasn't too bad.
End Quote
Can't be as bad as the time I turned my Honda into a 'Onda ::)
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
I found out an old friend from high school is dating my last girlfriend. :D
I spent the rest of the day wincing at old memories, screaming in the car, and listening to "What It Takes" by Aerosmith.
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
A bird pooped in my hair. :(
It was a little bird, thus little poop. I had to go back in and wash my hair.
End Quote
I can only say one thing...man, that sucks!
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
Mondays suck as almost every day does.
Except Fridays.
howard :)
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
Well my monday was pretty normal, but today was a disaster. I Have this stray dog (a pit bull) that has been hanging around our house for a couple weeks. Anyway, him and my Puppy ganged up on my cat, and hurt him pretty bad. He was bleeding from the mouth, so I had to rush him to the animal Hospita. They gave him an I.V. and put hm in an oxogen tank. Tomorow we have to go back for a follow up. I guess if your Monday goes smooth tuesday will be worse.
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
Besides my phone bill coming in *groan* ::)......this day was better than yesterday!!!!! ;)
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
Oh, we are on Tuesday now? ::)
Tuesday was okay. Had to go to Target to Christmas shop for our friends and their 11 children. Took two hours... :P
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
Oh, we are on Tuesday now? ::)
Had to go to Target to Christmas shop for our friends and their 11 children. Took two hours... :P
End Quote
You shopped for 11 kids in only 2 hours? Wow, I'm impressed! :o
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
You shopped for 11 kids in only 2 hours? Wow, I'm impressed! :o
End Quote
Me too!!!!! I have 2 nephews and STILL am not done!!!!!!
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
Me too!!!!! I have 2 nephews and STILL am not done!!!!!!
End Quote
Well you better get done! We will be there in 5 days!!
Subject: Re: How was your monday?
Monday was fine, but today sucked the big one!! >:(