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Subject: 2814
That's right...this will be my 2814th post.
2814 is Earth's sector as designated by the Guardians of the Universe. I just thought it'd be cool to announce that I'd gone post crazy using this post ;)
Thanks for making me feel welcome enough for me to get so darn crazy ;)
Subject: Re: 2814
Congrats, Earl. You're a shoo-in for the Hall of Fame if you knees hold up and you make three thousand (I know, Kirby Puckett made it with fewer than the magic three triple oh, but he was on two World Series Championship teams)
Subject: Re: 2814
Subject: Re: 2814
Congratulations RC ;)
Subject: Re: 2814
Congrats on reaching your pesonal magic number, Rice!! ;D
I passed my own two magic numbers, 42 and 0813 some time ago.
Subject: Re: 2814
Who are the Guardians of the Universe and how can I get one of those positions? I'm looking for something in the Contol or Master of the Universe type fields. ;D
That's right...this will be my 2814th post.
2814 is Earth's sector as designated by the Guardians of the Universe. I just thought it'd be cool to announce that I'd gone post crazy using this post ;)
Thanks for making me feel welcome enough for me to get so darn crazy ;)
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Subject: Re: 2814
The Guardians Of The Universe are from the planet Oa. They created a giant power battery, and then formed the Green Lantern Corps as a sort of galactic police force to protect the innocent.
Each Green Lantern has a power ring and portable battery, which gets its power from the main battery on Oa. There are only two limitations: the ring's power does not work on anything colored yellow, and it is only as strong as it's wearer's willpower.
That's the ultra-simplified version. RiceCube can give you more.
Oh, yeah! Earth is in Space Sector 2814, hence the significance of the number.
Subject: Re: 2814
Ring- Got that
Aversian to yellow- Covered
Battery- Does recharbable AA's work?
Willpower- My wife says all the time I'm very strong headed.
Do I qualify for the job?
Thanks for the clarification with that, I'm good with the interviewing process, it's just any written stuff suffers from my spelling and Rice grades hard on spelling.
The Guardians Of The Universe are from the planet Oa. They created a giant power battery, and then formed the Green Lantern Corps as a sort of galactic police force to protect the innocent.
Each Green Lantern has a power ring and portable battery, which gets its power from the main battery on Oa. There are only two limitations: the ring's power does not work on anything colored yellow, and it is only as strong as it's wearer's willpower.
That's the ultra-simplified version. RiceCube can give you more.
Oh, yeah! Earth is in Space Sector 2814, hence the significance of the number.
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Subject: Re: 2814
There are only two limitations: the ring's power does not work on anything colored yellow, and it is only as strong as it's wearer's willpower.
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You know, it just occurred to me. DC Comics had a lot of rules about colors -- green kryptonite does this, red kryptonite does that, this doesn't work yellow. It would be really tough being a color-blind superhero.
Subject: Re: 2814
You know, it just occurred to me. DC Comics had a lot of rules about colors -- green kryptonite does this, red kryptonite does that, this doesn't work yellow. It would be really tough being a color-blind superhero.
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Good point, Steve! I guess I never thought of that.
I know some time back they had a mute superhero (as part of the Teen Titans). He could hear just fine, but due to a childhood injury, could not talk. It really slowed down the action when other characters would have to "translate" his sign language. I think they eventually killed him off.
For the record:
Green Kryptonite--kills Superman (and any other Kryptonians)
Red Kryptonite--causes bizzare transformations, lasting 48 hours
Blue Kryptonite--exactly like green, but works on Bizzaros only
White Kryptonite--kills all nearby plant life, no matter what planet it's from
Gold Kryptonite--removes Superman's powers PERMANENTLY, rendering him an ordinary human
Were there any other colors? I can't remember...
Subject: Re: 2814
Hmmm.... never heard of gold kryptonite.
By the way, has anyone seen this man?
Subject: Re: 2814
Ring- Got that
Aversian to yellow- Covered
Battery- Does recharbable AA's work?
Willpower- My wife says all the time I'm very strong headed.
Do I qualify for the job?
Thanks for the clarification with that, I'm good with the interviewing process, it's just any written stuff suffers from my spelling and Rice grades hard on spelling.
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Hey Race...you can actually get a power battery of your own, like this:
I have one. It's awesome :) It does come with a ring that will actually light up the battery, but my bulb blew so I have to replace it...for now I am without the source of all my powers :-/
You can also get a really cool ring, but they are hard to find nowadays. I got mine off of eBay.
An example:
Subject: Re: 2814
Kat, your knowledge of things Green impresses me ;)
Actually, the current GL no longer has a yellow weakness nor a 24-hour time limit. As far as I know the Guardians of the Universe are in a rebuilding process and John Stewart, Alan Scott and Kyle Rayner are the only GLs left for the planet Earth. Hal Jordan has since become the Spectre.
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I knew they were changing and updating things. I haven't had the cash or time to get in to my local comics shop (and I actually have four or five to choose from).
Back in the '80's they listed another GL for Earth, living in the 30th century. I'm totally spacing on his name,(and I don't have a comic handy) but he was a mega-brain-scientist who spent a lot of time hanging out with Brainiac 5 from the Legion of Super Heroes.
So, what happened to the guy that used to be the Spectre? I am sooo out of the loop, it's not funny anymore.
Gold Kryptonite hasn't been used since the late 60's/early 70's to my knowledge.
Subject: Re: 2814
So, what happened to the guy that used to be the Spectre? I am sooo out of the loop, it's not funny anymore.
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The original Spectre was Jim Corrigan. I believe at some point he decided not to be the Spectre anymore and his soul was put to rest in Heaven. Hal Jordan, as you might know, had gone nuts shortly after Superman returned from his "Death" (circa 1994) and destroyed the original GL Corps. Kyle Rayner and Green Arrow succeeded in defeating him. Then, in a final act of redemption, Hal Jordan (as Parallax) reignited the sun as it was being eaten alive by an alien entity and Earth was in peril...but he still went to Hell because of the atrocities he committed. However, when magical forces threatened to destroy the planet, Hal Jordan was chosen as the soul who would enter the empty shell of the Spectre...and so that's what's going on today. This happened late 1999/early 2000 in a huge storyline (right before I graduated from Cal). Then I lost track.
Hal Jordan also brought back Green Arrow (there was this whole thing with Oliver Queen blowing up and souls and DNA and stuff...weird). It's in Kevin Smith's "Quiver" storyline if you're interested, very cool story.
Subject: Re: 2814
Can we discuss watermelon pickles? http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/mittelgrosse/mittelgr124.gif
Subject: Re: 2814
Okay. ;D You start.
Subject: Re: 2814
You eat a watermelon at a picnic or something and someone's grandmother scarfs up the rinds and a week later you've got watermelon pickles.
Subject: Re: 2814
Yeah, let's not talk about watermelon pickles anymore ::)
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Then,we can discuss pickles. ;D
my favorite is sour. :-X
ward :D
Subject: Re: 2814
Imagine a big green boxing glove, made through sheer willpower ;) What WERE they thinking back in those days? It was fun though.
Subject: Re: 2814
You know, Earl, if you went out and got yourself a long haired cat we could write a Star Trek script together... ;D we could call it "Invasion of the Iddy Pooter Klingons" ;D
Subject: Re: 2814
You know, Earl, if you went out and got yourself a long haired cat we could write a Star Trek script together... ;D we could call it "Invasion of the Iddy Pooter Klingons" ;D
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That deserves a bat'leth to the kneecaps ;D
Subject: Re: 2814
What in the heck is a bat'leth? And how come, after another 500 years or whatever of progress, the blouses they wear on Star Trek always creep up when they sit down? I mean, watch for it sometime and it'll drive you nuts... everytime someone stands up on Star Trek they gotta tug the hem of their blouse down!!! Criminy...
Subject: Re: 2814
Perhaps it isn't cost effective to remove bodily static cling all the time ::) Or maybe it's bad for their physiology.
A bat'leth is a Klingon sword, basically...pretty nifty weapon.
Subject: Re: 2814
I thought they could do anything... How come Data's visibly aging? I thought he was always sposed to be young?
Subject: Re: 2814
I thought they could do anything... How come Data's visibly aging? I thought he was always sposed to be young?
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They could pull something out of their butts and say that his android programming gives the "illusion" of aging...but seriously, there's only so much make-up can do ;)
Subject: Re: 2814
... and, and... I ain't seen the new one but there ain't another sex scene in it, is there? Sex scene aint the right word, but I remember in In Search of ... Spock, when they landed in San Francisco, there was this backlit shot of Uhura and she must have been about 80 then but they were shooting her like a hot chick from Splashdance or whatever... you get my point. They don't have that in the new one, do they? http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/grinser/grinser021.gif
Subject: Re: 2814
You guarantee no backlit shots of Uhura?
Subject: Re: 2814
And No time travel? No good/bad Data? No extended Klingon culture scene? No kootchy-kootchy between the Captain and any of the regular cast members? No in-jokes I ain't gonna understand? No goofy period piece in the holideck? No 700-year-old Spock crawling out of a cave? No Klingon sub-titles (I hate subtitles)?
Subject: Re: 2814
Why can't you just go see the movie and vilify it later? :D
Subject: Re: 2814
Heeheehee... but it's so much funner to vilify something I don't know anything about. (There are Klingon sub-titles... I KNEW it)
Subject: Re: 2814
... Captain's probably kootchy-kootching with the Doctor, too ::)...
Subject: Re: 2814
"Let's make this a thread to discuss comics", he says.
Star Trek
kootchy-kootchy between the Captain and the Doctor (question: which Captain, and which Doctor? and there's only one answer I really wanna hear... :-X)
more Klingons
good Data/bad Data
Not much about comics here.... :-/
Subject: Re: 2814
"comics or plotlines or anything of that sort..." :D
Subject: Re: 2814
Any comics about... watermelon pickles? :D
Subject: Re: 2814
show me a comic page about watermelon pickles, then we can start ;) stop corrupting my comic thread, grrrr :P :D
Let's talk about Spider-Man or something.
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(and this from a fellow who's NEVER hijacked a thread...)
Subject: Re: 2814
(and this from a fellow who's NEVER hijacked a thread...)
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Yeah, yeah, yeah ::)
Subject: Re: 2814
;D Okay, Earl. Watermelon pickles are off limits. No more watermelon pickle talk... :D
Subject: Re: 2814
How about comics published by someone other than the "Big Two". That is, not Marvel or DC?
Any that you read, or used to read?
I used to like Grimjack, put out by First Comics, and a lot of the Eagle titles: Judge Dredd, Halo Jones, Slaine and others.
Desert Peach is my current favorite.
Anyone care to discuss?
Subject: Re: 2814
I think the Spawn movie was decent...and the Men In Black movies were more goofy than the comic probably intended...but the Judge Dredd movie was baaaaaaaaaaaad. Bad bad bad bad bad. Sly didn't do the dude justice.
Subject: Re: 2814
:-[... Can we still talk about Star Trek? :)
Subject: Re: 2814
:-[... Can we still talk about Star Trek? :)
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Yes, and Uhura was never naked. She was dancing all weird in Star Trek V though...but not in Star Trek III, which is what you were thinking about.
Subject: Re: 2814
Star Trek = good
Pickles = bad (unless we are talking about SuperPickle ;) )
The movie version of Judge Dredd was just plain wrong. Partly because of Stallone, partly because I swear the screenplay was written by someone who had never actually read the comic.
And has either one of you figured out which Captain/Doctor pairing is the least....Ewwww?
Subject: Re: 2814
Definitely Picard and Crusher. Crusher is pretty hot still, and Picard's got that old-bald-dude sex appeal.
Enterprise - Archer and Phlox. Aw hell no.
TOS - Kirk and McCoy...well, McCoy's dead and Kirk's into chicks, so y'know...
DS9 - Bashir would've been Sisko's b!tch for sure.
Voyager - Janeway and the Doctor...well, being a hologram could make things more interesting, especially if he can adjust his, um, holomatrix.
Subject: Re: 2814
How about comics published by someone other than the "Big Two". That is, not Marvel or DC?
Any that you read, or used to read?
Anyone care to discuss?
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I was a Grimjack reader too!! In fact, for a while there in the 80s I read most of the indy's. Some favorites were Starslayer, Nexus, Cerebus, Poison Elves, Concrete, The Rocketeer and many more!!
Subject: Re: 2814
How about comics published by someone other than the "Big Two". That is, not Marvel or DC?
Any that you read, or used to read?
I used to like Grimjack, put out by First Comics, and a lot of the Eagle titles: Judge Dredd, Halo Jones, Slaine and others.
Desert Peach is my current favorite.
Anyone care to discuss?
End Quote
I used to read Tank Girl :P I also read parts of The Brat Pack as well as various Heavy Metal one-shot stories (the artwork is so off-the-wall!). The Five Star Stories goes along the same lines when it comes to good artwork and forgettable plot... (the creator, Mamoru Nagano, was a fashion designer!).
Desert Peach by Donna something ??? Isn't that about a WWII homosexual soldier? A lot a female comic readers like that one. The artwork is cool, but I've never read it myself.
Currently, I'm reading a series that is still running called, Parasyte. There must be like 9 volumes in graphic novels and still going strong in the storyline. Silent Moebius was okay and so was Video Girl Ai; the latter being more of a high-school-teenage-boy-fantasy, but it has its good moments.
Subject: Re: 2814
Yes, and Uhura was never naked. She was dancing all weird in Star Trek V though...but not in Star Trek III, which is what you were thinking about.
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C'mon, Earl. I apologized and promised to play nice :-[
I was wondering it you could tell me what a "bat'leth" is? Is a Klingon word? Do you know the Klingon words for "war" and "peace"?
Subject: Re: 2814
C'mon, Earl. I apologized and promised to play nice :-[
I was wondering it you could tell me what a "bat'leth" is? Is a Klingon word? Do you know the Klingon words for "war" and "peace"?
End Quote
I was just correcting your misconception ;)
You can check out the Klingon online dictionary at www.startrek.com ...you may have to dig around to find it though.
The "bat'leth" is the curved sword that Klingon warriors use.
Subject: Re: 2814
I'm getting an error message on the link, Earl...
Subject: Re: 2814
Desert Peach by Donna something ???
End Quote
Donna Barr! Her name is Donna Barr!! Right ???
Subject: Re: 2814
I was just correcting your misconception ;)
You can check out the Klingon online dictionary at www.startrek.com ...you may have to dig around to find it though.
The "bat'leth" is the curved sword that Klingon warriors use.
End Quote
Cool :D What's the Klingon words for "war" and "peace"?
Subject: Re: 2814
Cool :D What's the Klingon words for "war" and "peace"?
End Quote
*&%# if I know ??? You must be confusing me with the Über-Nerds ;)
Subject: Re: 2814
*&%# if I know ??? You must be confusing me with the Über-Nerds ;)
End Quote
You're confusing geek with nerd ;) A geek would definitely know!
Subject: Re: 2814
*&%# if I know ??? You must be confusing me with the Über-Nerds ;)
End Quote
Well, you know what a "bat'leth" is...
Subject: Re: 2814
You're confusing geek with nerd ;) A geek would definitely know!
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So true, so true...I was reading the Yahoo peer reviews for LOTR, and it's amazing to me how many geeks and nerds can't just sit back and appreciate a good movie, instead of b!tching and whining about how the director soured their precious fantasies :P
Subject: Re: 2814
Okay... I'll try the link one more time...
Subject: Re: 2814
Desert Peach by Donna something ??? Isn't that about a WWII homosexual soldier? A lot a female comic readers like that one. The artwork is cool, but I've never read it myself.
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OMG!!!!!! :o :o :o Someone actually knows what I'm talking about!! I usually get blank looks around here... ::)
Yeah, you were right in your second post, it's Donna Barr. The lead character is a homosexual man trying to hide from the SS, (since homosexuality was just as illegal as Judaism in that time and place), but it isn't the main theme of the book.
The other characters are just a bunch of ordinary people, none of whom agree with the "party line", and many of whom could be "disappeared" if their secrets were known. One of the supporting characters is really Jewish. Another is a woman. The stories are collected from the real-life experiences of people who lived during that time, tacked onto fictional characters.
If you get a chance to read one, please do! You won't be sorry.
Subject: Re: 2814
This sounds interesting. I'm sure Comic Book Guy would have something good to say about it :) Maybe I'll try it out after I've exhausted the Batman titles for this week.
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Don't be surpised if he doesn't have any currently in stock. The most recent Desert Peach, #30, was published in June. Since she's self-publishing, it takes a lot longer to put an issue out. And it's not her only title.
The good part is, each issue stands alone. Check out her website, too. Last time I was there she had a sample page up for reading. You can also buy direct from the author. :D