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Subject: Tattoos like or dislike?
I was wondering how everyone feels about tattoos. Do you like them or hate them?
Personally, I like them, I have one on my back, but I would never get one on my lower arm.
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
Not like......LOVE!!!!!! got two this year.....and think they are the best!!
They are NOT trashy....they are 'classy' as I have been told! ;) They are a part of me.....and speak something about what and who I am. I think they are a personal decision and not for everyone....but people should not judge just because others have them. I will proudly show mine off for the rest of my life....and I am gonna get one more before long!
They are who I am....and I am very proud of them! :) 8) :)
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
I have one on my leg. I am happy with it, but I don't intend to get any more. I think tattoos are fine if they mean something to you. I don't like to see people full of tattoos just for the sake of "getting another one". :-/
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
I have one on my leg. I am happy with it, but I don't intend to get any more. I think tattoos are fine if they mean something to you. I don't like to see people full of tattoos just for the sake of "getting another one". :-/
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I agree.......one of mine stands for where I am from....the south.....a Steel Magnolia...and then me and goldie got matching ones that stand for our close sisterhood.....the other one I want is private and I will put it some place that only I will know it is there....and it is just for me!
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
I'd love to get one on my bicep of the Green Lantern symbol...but first I have to bulk up a bit to justify my bad@$$itude ;)
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
I also have two tattoos. My first one was picked out by a very special person in my life and the second one southernspitfire and I picked out together to symbolize our sisterhood and very close friendship. I will probably get another one someday soon! Like ss, they are a part of who I am and I am proud of them.
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
They can be sexy or scary depending on the art involved and where they are displayed.
I saw one guy walking down a hall and when got close was surprised to see a spiderweb tatooed across his face, neck, and head. Committed, but a bit to the extreme.
If anyone wishes an evaluation of Goldies and SS's tattoo's we can start a fund raiser for airfare and I promise to evaluate as completely and fairly as I can withour being beaten to bad. ;D
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
If anyone wishes an evaluation of Goldies and SS's tattoo's we can start a fund raiser for airfare and I promise to evaluate as completely and fairly as I can withour being beaten to bad. ;D
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Now that is my Race Bannon!!!!!!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
Hey SS, I've missed you. Welcome back, I know you've been busy. Hope your holiay commitments are going good.
Now that is my Race Bannon!!!!!!!! ;D
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Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
I never liked tattoos.
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
I like tattoos , but I'm not sure if I'd ever be brave enough to get one myself
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
I love tattoos! I have yet to get one though because I have no extra money. :-/
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
Well, having one I guess the answer would be I like them! I got mine on a dare when I was 19, on my upper right arm. Person bet me $50 I wouldn't do it. AND they paid for it. I'm planning on another, and this ones fading out for some reason, so I have to get it redone.
HOWEVER, I'm not a fan of excessive tats. I don't like it when people have entire body parts covered with a tattoo, or entire BODIES for that matter. And like a good choice for a business.... location location location! The example of the guy having his face done in a spiderweb, that's a little off...
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
I don't really like them, so I probably will never get one. I don't mind them on other people if they are tasteful, but it can get excessive. Too many looks trashy.
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
I used to wear one of those washable tattoos where you use
to get one of em' from a Quarter machine.I can't wear tattoos.
My skin's too sensitive.
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
I think it depends upon the amount of tattoos and the reason for getting them. Tats can be really cool. But I have seen some that turned out really horrible. I want one but am too chicken to get one.... :o
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
I like them. And like most people who have responded already, a lot depends on how many, and where they are.
Tattoos do not belong anywhere on the face. At all. Ever. I once saw a very large woman on a bus with an eagle tattood on her forehead. I didn't know whether to laugh or be afraid.
I've been dying to get one, too. Only thing stopping me is the expense. Up until very recently, tattoo parlors were illegal in my state, so in addition to the actual cost of the tat, I'd need money to travel to Rhode Island or New Hampshire. I'd have to figure on staying over at least one night.
Last summer there was a lot in the papers about the tattoo ban being lifted here in Massachusetts, if the artist/studio followed proper health and sanitary procedures, but I want to wait until I have more than one place to choose from and also get some references from past customers. A friend of mine wasn't so careful, and not only did she get an infection, she didn't like the end result.
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
I have 2...one on each arm..at the top....one is a small eighth-note and one is my avatar (minus the red square)...I'm getting this one added to in 5 days...I'm having a star put behind it with the word "faith" in the points of the star....so I guess I'm trying to say that I like tattoo's...
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
I love tattoos! I have yet to get one though because I have no extra money. :-/
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well you would have extra money if you stopped calling long distance :P
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
I love tattoos....I have an uncle who is covered in them! but it doesn't look scary it looks cool he got them in prison.
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
I like them. I have two (well maybe 1 1/2). The first one I did myself when I was 17. On my hand. DK for The Dead Kennedys. Thank goodness I didn't do a very good job and most of it faded away. The second is an arch of plumeria blossoms on my lower back. My sister and I both got our tattoos in Maui about 2 months after our Dad died. Sort of to remember him and a "we could be dead tomorrow, so let's do it" thing.
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
I never wanted one. Mainly because I could think of anything that important to me. There's a biker woman at work who gets one every year on her birthday. She even has one on her neck, which had to hurt like the dickens.
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
Prison tats are great if your goal is to avoid employment.
I hire many people and probabley interview 500 a year, when I see prison tats I check there name off the hiring list.
I love tattoos....I have an uncle who is covered in them! but it doesn't look scary it looks cool he got them in prison.
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Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
Prison tats are great if your goal is to avoid employment.
I hire many people and probabley interview 500 a year, when I see prison tats I check there name off the hiring list.
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A beautiful gym pal of mine came in one day with flowers tattooed in a necklace across her upper chest. I didn't say I thought they looked ugly and tacky, but yuck... I haven't seen her for years, but it can't be easy applying for jobs in a professional setting with cartoon flowers stenciled on your chest.
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
Oh my gawd! I remembered a couple of years ago I went to folk life festival here in Seattle and they had a tattoo contest, there was some oddities there. I saw the ugliest person (just happened to be a woman) if my life. She was born ugly but did her best to embelish the effect. She had shaven tatooed head, knee length catholic skirt, half shirt that displayed ample tatooed belly, combat boots, and every lobe, flap, wrinkle, extra skin hanging area that was visible pierced and multi-pierced. I won't even allow my imagination to wander to what was not visible. :P
I had to wonder, what does she do for a living ???
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
I like them, as long as they're not excessive. I don't have any, and to be honest, I probably won't ever get one.
My sister got a dragon tattooed on/above her left breast when she was 19. It looks cool, but that tail's gonna be pretty long when gravity kicks in...
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
hi I"m new
It's how I got my nickname
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
Prison tats are great if your goal is to avoid employment.
I hire many people and probabley interview 500 a year, when I see prison tats I check there name off the hiring list.
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Just a question: Do you check them off your list because they have the tats or because they were in prison?
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
My sister just got a tattoo. She got an ankle bracelet. She says that now she can never lose that darn bracelt again. I think it looks cool, but wouldn't get one. Tattoos are not for me.
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
Well Jessica, that depends. I have hired people that have spent time in prison and if they are honest and straight forward ubout it they have a as good a chance as others. If they don't come clean on the info or try to pull some BS story than there's no chance.
Just a question: Do you check them off your list because they have the tats or because they were in prison?
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Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
Not that I'll automatically reject anyone who has them - unless they're on the lower arm, for sure (or too big/many?). I don't like looking at them all the time. Esp. if they're evil-type things. Overall, turn-off.
Don't hide your lovely body at its barest! ;-)
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
Not that I'll automatically reject anyone who has them - unless they're on the lower arm, for sure (or too big/many?). I don't like looking at them all the time. Esp. if they're evil-type things. Overall, turn-off.
Don't hide your lovely body at its barest! ;-)
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But yet you have a pic over your sig with a person who has lots of them :P ::)
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
...one is my avatar (minus the red square)...I'm getting this one added to in 5 days...I'm having a star put behind it with the word "faith" in the points of the star...End Quote
Just a few more hours!! Wooooooooo Hooooooo!! Yep, I'm excited!
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
But yet you have a pic over your sig with a person who has lots of them :P ::)
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a) I'm not sure those are tatoos, and in any case they're fake
b) I like Cyndi Lauper for her songs
c) Doesn't matter either way cuz we're talking romantic involvement here as I see it. I don't mind if my friends have tattoos, but I don't want my man to have any (and not myself, either). I prefer a clean slate. For me it's a turn-off.
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
I had a conversation a few months ago with somebody about tattoos and got into some flack for it by a person who was overhearing me.
I held the opinion that 'tattoos look daft on older people (say 60/70 year olds) because skin wrinkles and tattoos distort'.
My other mates at work agreed with me just as a basis of biological fact. I don't feel too strongly about the matter it was just the way the conversation turned.
Too many tattoos can be disastrous.
I have no tattoos because it hurts too much.
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
I have no tattoos because it hurts too much.
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Oh no...they dont hurt...they tingle, and get addictive if you dont watch it!!!
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
Hmm! Addictive eh?
I'd better not start or else I'll end up looking like The Illustrated man.
I don't like the permanent quality of tattoos.
I had a transfer once and it killed just getting rid of it. Like having a wax it is. :)
Subject: Re: Tattoos like or dislike?
:D love em I have 3 and im gettin a fouth the 3 i have now are.. celsetral sun ( left leg) moon with star and flower wrapped around it ( rite leg) and the chineese symbol for " mother" on my left shoulder blade all my tats a very colorful and gurly like... tee hee