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Subject: Your first kiss...
Thought it was time for a bit of reminiscing.
Do you remember your first kiss? How old were you? Was it what you expected it to be? Did you initiate the kiss? Was that the only time you kissed that person?
:-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Haven't had it yet.
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
I remember my first kiss. I was in second grade. The guy came up behind me, kissed me on my neck (he almost kissed my cheek), and I turned around and smacked him in the face! :o Needless to say, I got in trouble for that, but he also got in trouble for kissing me. ;D
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Well...you know me...I've got to be complicated. I count my second kiss as my first one, 'cause the first one was really REALLY not a kiss at all, but rather an extended licking...but thats another story.
My first kiss was during the movie 'Broken Arrow.' I had taken my then-girlfriend, now-wife to that movie, and I laid my head in her lap. We had both never been in a relationship before, and this was our first movie together. I laid my head in her lap as we watched the movie, and then she leaned over and kissed me, just as natural as sunshine in the springtime. I swear, I fell in love with her right then...and 4 years later, I married her. We were meant to be
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
That's a great story, Sync. :)
My first kiss ever was in first grade - kissed my best friend's sister who was in kindergarten. She was a cute one...'course I'm a sucker for big brown eyes. ;D I guess at the time it was what I expected it to be. And yes, I kissed her more than once. 8)
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
I was thirteen years old, in seventh grade.
His name was Bobby, and he was the second guy I had a crush on. He was one year older than me.
We would take turns spending Saturday afternoons at each other's house. First at his, to listen to records, then go out to McDonald's (he paid); the second week my house. We played board games, and he ate cookies that I made special for him.
As he was leaving to go home he told me to close my eyes. I thought he was going to play a trick on me, but he kissed me sweetly on the lips.
He only kissed me one more time, the following Saturday. After that we "broke up".
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
I'm sorry...sounded like true love
I had experiences like that though...those silly little childhood pecks count as first kisses?
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Only if they land on the lips on purpose, and only if your arms are around the girl.
This kiss qualifies on both counts.
Now as to my first "French Kiss..." :-X :-X :-X Mum's the word. ;)
Hairspray would boot me out! :o
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Eeww...then that wasn't my first kiss, if I go by those rules. EEWW...no no...I like my rules better...a mutual MATURE kiss where you know what the kiss signifies
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
I'll take a mulligan and say that my next kiss will be my first kiss ;) The other ones weren't meaningful enough to matter.
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Rice, you do realize that kissing your microscope doesn't count, right?
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Rice, you do realize that kissing your microscope doesn't count, right?
End Quote
Hey, f**k you man ;D Just kidding.
And yes, I know what women are ::)
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
I don't count my first kiss because it was just with a neighborhood kid basically on a dare.
My first "real" kiss was when I was 15. I was dating this guy who was 23. We went to see the movie Grease at a drive-in with my sister. My sister went to the snackbar and he leaned over and gave me my first kiss. I guess I wasn't expecting his tongue and kind of paniced. I didn't know what to do. I was so nieve. I did tell him the truth that I never kissed like that before and he was very understanding. Looking back at that guy, I really think that I broke his heart. He once told me that he loved me and I said to him, "No, you don't." He also wanted "something else" from which I never gave him. The poor guy.
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Hey, f**k you man ;D Just kidding.
And yes, I know what women are ::)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Well, gosh, my first kiss was when I was four, and it was with the little four year old boy who lived upstairs, but it wasn't much. My first "make-out" session was when I was 7 and my then "boyfriend" and I were kissing in a closet in his basement and his younger brother kept opening the door.
Gee, thanks, now I'm disturbed. I just did a rough estimate on how many men I've kissed and it's way too high. But I will say I've only kissed one man (many times) in the past 7 years.
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
You know, I just need to change my name to Party Killer. Am I the only person who consistently has horrible "first time" stories? My first kiss, and yes, I mean wet, sloppy, somethin's-goin-on kiss was when I was in third grade and at my friend's birthday party. Her brother was terribly cute and in the sixth (!) grade and asked me to go get him a soda. When I brought it back he asked if I wanted to sit down and make out. I was clueless, so he just said, "Sit down." Twenty minutes later, I stood back up. My friend was furious. Ooops. Bad party etiquette, I guess.
The guy never talked to me again.
I don't remember any other "first kisses" until the first of the man I finally found and intend to keep. In a car. He was dropping me off, both of us fully expecting to never see the other again, and it was like angel's wings. I get tears in my eyes thinking of it. Nice to know my "firsts" have come full circle.
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Well...here's a good kiss from a tall, dark and handsome man. He's married though, so don't tell his wife...
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
And before RICE gets a hold of this...it was a PLATONIC KISS between FRIENDS, NOTHING MORE
And F**K You too! :D Just kidding, bro! You know you my dawg
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
And before RICE gets a hold of this...it was a PLATONIC KISS between FRIENDS, NOTHING MORE
And F**K You too! :D Just kidding, bro! You know you my dawg
End Quote
Platonic ::)
Hehehehe...if you weren't 8 times bigger than I was I'd beat the hell out of you for that ;D
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Only if they land on the lips on purpose, and only if your arms are around the girl.
This kiss qualifies on both counts.
Now as to my first "French Kiss..." :-X :-X :-X Mum's the word. ;)
Hairspray would boot me out! :o
End Quote
Actually, my first kiss would also be my first "French kiss"...and that was actually sort of recently. But I'd rather not go into detail right now.
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Watch Kat closely, Queen ;) She's a naughty girl
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Watch Kat closely, Queen ;) She's a naughty girl
End Quote
And I'm not? :o lol! j/k How it happened...I probably shouldn't discuss on the board either...but I kinda feel bad about it now :-/ for other reasons :-X But its not what u think...if yor thinking what i think yor thinking ;) lol
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
I'm sure there was a first time y'all have kissed anyone, but I guess the principle for a "first kiss" is different for me. I think a "first kiss" should be comparable to a supernova and make your heart stop for half a second before it starts beating again. And I guess it should transcend lust...I dunno, just the hopeless romantic in me ranting :)
Don't say anything, Sync ;D
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
I was 15 and he was 16. He started it...really. ;) We were in his room talking and he took off his glasses and mine and kissed me. Not bad for a first kiss.
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
I remember my first kiss.It started out slow with mouth,then inserting it fast with the tongue motion.I was just in that mood.A deep,wet,slobbering kiss.I just couldn't stop. ;D
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
I was 15 and he was 16. He started it...really. ;) We were in his room talking and he took off his glasses and mine and kissed me. Not bad for a first kiss.
End Quote
You gotta keep the glasses ON! The fogging effect is AWESOME!
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Well, I was told by my mom, that it was in kindergarten with a little boy named Kevin in the "Book Nook". Of course I don't remember that one though, so I guess my first kiss that I can remember was in the ninth grade, but I didn't think much of it. Wasn't expecting the whole tongue thing..:P..he almost lost it! *chomp*
It got a bit better with the future kisses I had from others, though..... :)
But, just like MissInformation was saying--now I've been kissing only one, the same man for almost 11 years, and that's fine by me!! :-*
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
I can't remember off-hand where and when it was... though I have a feeling it was during one of my ex-girlfriend's subsequently frequent bikeshed moments. I'm going to have to think on this some more.
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Yeah - at the time it was the biggest thing in my life ::)
It was in my mid to late teens, and with an 'older woman' (not that much older)
As is my nature, I thought it meant more than it did (which BTW was nothing as it turned out) and ended up making a fool of myself in a big way. But hey ! They say consistency is important..... :-[
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
It was a warm summer night under the light of a full moon. It just seemed so natural with her and I there listening to the crickets chirping and the gentle breeze flowing through the un cut hay.
I began at her long neck, starting at the base and working towards her full lips, she seemed to welcome in anticipation what was to come.
Then the majical moment, the stars shown brigter and asteroids flug themselves across the night sky, I pressed my lips to hers, and Elsie began to moo in pleasure, yes, the cud was akward at first, but soon she and I were swapping it playfully back and forth. Ahh, young love... ;)
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
You gotta keep the glasses ON! The fogging effect is AWESOME!
End Quote
Remember, he took my glasses off too. Wasn't my choice. Besides, I think they would have gotten in the way. ;)
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
My first 'proper' kiss happened at the school's Xmas disco when I was in year 7. I had just turned 12.
I heard off a friend that one of the really 'popular' guys in our school 'liked the look of me' and he asked her to ask me for a dance. Basically, about 1/2 hr later he went in for the kill - and for a first 'French kiss' it wasn't too bad!! The next day he asked me out but then dumped me after a few days! It's the only time that I haven't been the dumper! It was for the stupidest reason though - he wanted me to kiss him properly in front of the whole of the class staring at us - and I was not prepared to be looked upon as if it was some freak show or something!!!
We nearly went out again 4 years later - and we were reminiscing (sp?) about that night. He's grown up a bit by then, but it just didn't work out beacuse I started dating someone else :)
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
I was 15 and he was 16. He started it...really. ;) We were in his room talking and he took off his glasses and mine and kissed me. Not bad for a first kiss.
End Quote
Sorry to be a wee bit personal but were both of you's undressed when this happened? ;D
JO ;)
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
What a way to ask, Howard. Thinking about Dagny naked again? ;)
Sorry to be a wee bit personal but were both of you's undressed when this happened? ;D
JO ;)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
What a way to ask, Howard. Thinking about Dagny naked again? ;)
End Quote
No.Why would I? ;)
howard ;)
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
>giggles< no reason. Hehe!
No.Why would I? ;)
howard ;)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
>giggles< no reason. Hehe!
End Quote
ok. ;D
howard :)
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Now that I have your attention. Reread my post...I said we were talking. Fully clothed. get your minds out of the gutter.
Ok, back to the thread.
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
I just thought this song was appropriate for this thread :)
My friends wonder why I call you all of the time
What can I say
I don't feel the need to give such secrets away
You think maybe I need help, no, I know that I'm right
I'm just better off not listening to friends' advice
When they insist on knowing my bliss
I tell them this
When they want to know what the reason is
I only smile when I lie, then I tell them why
(Because your kiss) your kiss is on my list
(Because your kiss) your kiss is on my list
Because your kiss is on my list of the best things in life
(Because your kiss) your kiss is on my list
(Because your kiss) your kiss I can't resist
Because your kiss is on my list when I turn out the light
I go crazy wondering what there is to really see
Did the night just take up your time, 'cause it means more to me
Sometimes I forget what I'm doing, I don't forget what I want
Regret what I've done, regret you? I couldn't go on
And if you insist on knowing my bliss
I'll tell you this
If you want to know what the reason is
I'll only smile when I lie, then I'll tell you this
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
We were both 6. She was a neighbour. It was under the back stairs of her house. She reminded me of it at our last school reunion so at least it was memorable!!
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
That was Howard's fault, not mine!
Now that I have your attention. Reread my post...I said we were talking. Fully clothed. get your minds out of the gutter.
Ok, back to the thread.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
That was Howard's fault, not mine!
End Quote
Hey,don't put the blame on me. ;D
Why is everything my fault? ;)
howard :D
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Well, Bobo...Howard
You are both grounded. I don't care who started it, you both continued it.
(do I sound like a mom? ;))
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
"The Perfect Kiss is The Kiss... Of Death"
End Quote
Hmmm.... let's see what's interesting on the board... Um... looky here in PPP -- T.B. posted in "your first kiss" -- lets' go take a peek.... Oooops! Should've seen that one coming... ::) ;D
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
QueenAmenRa said:
Quoting:Actually, my first kiss would also be my first "French kiss"...and that was actually sort of recently. But I'd rather not go into detail right nowEnd Quote
The only reason I didn't want to go into further detail on my first "french kiss" is because it led into something that became a disaster.
Race Bannon said:
Quoting:Then the majical moment, the stars shown brigter and asteroids flug themselves across the night sky, I pressed my lips to hers, and Elsie began to moo in pleasure, yes, the cud was akward at first, but soon she and I were swapping it playfully back and forth. Ahh, young love... End Quote
Race, you're sick! ;)
RiceCube said:
Quoting:Watch Kat closely, Queen ;) She's a naughty girl. End Quote
Rice, you're right! ;) ;)
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
My first kiss was with a boy in the 7th grade. I went to the first dance with my girlfriends...and we met up with a group of our guy schoolmates. We would leave our groups and dance with each other and, of course, then run back to our groups and giggle (girls) or punch each other (boys). Anyway, Aaron (I still remember his name) and I decided to walk in the hall for a bit. I don't know who was more scared or awkward, Aaron or me, but we kind of hurried up, closed our eyes and zoomed in hoping to hit each others lips. We did, and then, we both decided to hurry up back to our groups. Years later Aaron and I met up and had a laugh about it. It was really sweet, and I haven't forgotten it. Oh the nostalgia...lol.
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
It was a warm summer night under the light of a full moon. It just seemed so natural with her and I there listening to the crickets chirping and the gentle breeze flowing through the un cut hay.
I began at her long neck, starting at the base and working towards her full lips, she seemed to welcome in anticipation what was to come.
Then the majical moment, the stars shown brigter and asteroids flug themselves across the night sky, I pressed my lips to hers, and Elsie began to moo in pleasure, yes, the cud was akward at first, but soon she and I were swapping it playfully back and forth. Ahh, young love... ;)
End Quote
The farmer must've had a cow when he saw that ;D
*cue groaning*
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Well, Bobo...Howard
You are both grounded. I don't care who started it, you both continued it.
(do I sound like a mom? ;))
End Quote
Hey,I'm 30 years old.You can't ground me!
I'm getting my own apartment.Say goodbye to dad
for me. ;D
howard :)
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Hey,I'm 30 years old.You can't ground me!
I'm getting my own apartment.Say goodbye to dad
for me. ;D
howard :)
End Quote
As long as you live under my roof you will follow my rules. ;)
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
when:November 2, 2002
where:John Mcleeses House
who: Lauren Gray
why: duh!
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
As long as you live under my roof you will follow my rules. ;)
End Quote
Oh yeah,I'm living with Uncle David. :D
howard :D
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Oh yeah,I'm living with Uncle David. :D
howard :D
End Quote
Fine then, be that way. I am changing the locks. ;D
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Fine then, be that way. I am changing the locks. ;D
End Quote
good.I'm gonna live in a supportive apartment by myself.
Wait a minute,I can't afford a supportive apartment.Can I come back,mommy? ;D
howard :)
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
good.I'm gonna live in a supportive apartment by myself.
Wait a minute,I can't afford a supportive apartment.Can I come back,mommy? ;D
howard :)
End Quote
Only if you follow my rules! ;D
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Kissing is my favourite thing in the whole world! This is how it all began......1980.....17 years old.....Youth Camp.....He had been giving me the glad eye all weekend but being a dipstick I wasn't sure why.....It was the sunday night talent quest and he was up on stage strumming and singing "Bad Moon Rising" very true to John Fogarty's sound. Unfortunately it had been an exhausting weekend and I had to go outside mid performance to get some fresh air. 10 minutes later as I was sitting on the gate of this remote retreat in the moonlight with the crickets serenading me, he comes striding down the road to find out what was wrong with me. I apologised to him for walking out during his performance and explained that I'd been feeling off from tiredness. He then proceeded with the whole movie thing and cupped my face in his hands kissed my forehead. I suddenly felt a whole lot better! ;) and you know.....with the moonlight and crickets and everything....well it was a fabulous first kiss.
He had to go home to a town 4 hours away after youth camp and that was the end of that but I'll never forget it.
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Kissing is my favourite thing in the whole world! This is how it all began......1980.....17 years old.....Youth Camp.....He had been giving me the glad eye all weekend but being a dipstick I wasn't sure why.....It was the sunday night talent quest and he was up on stage strumming and singing "Bad Moon Rising" very true to John Fogarty's sound. Unfortunately it had been an exhausting weekend and I had to go outside mid performance to get some fresh air. 10 minutes later as I was sitting on the gate of this remote retreat in the moonlight with the crickets serenading me, he comes striding down the road to find out what was wrong with me. I apologised to him for walking out during his performance and explained that I'd been feeling off from tiredness. He then proceeded with the whole movie thing and cupped my face in his hands kissed my forehead. I suddenly felt a whole lot better! ;) and you know.....with the moonlight and crickets and everything....well it was a fabulous first kiss.
He had to go home to a town 4 hours away after youth camp and that was the end of that but I'll never forget it.
End Quote
That's cute :) Even though it wasn't full-on-the-lips, it still sounds like a really magical moment.
If I ever have a "first kiss" again, I want a 21-gun salute, fireworks and a marching band playing "You Can Call Me Al" :D
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
Only if you follow my rules! ;D
End Quote
Ok,I promise.Tell dad I'm back.(hee,hee) ;D
howard :)
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
i was 10 and it was end of 5th grade we were on the play ground (me a tomboy) playing w\ the boys and this one boy came up and kissed me. I was really cauhgt off guard. My on egirl friend pulkle dme away and i was like pulle dinto the girl group cuz none of them had been kissed. I was in a daze.
Subject: Re: Your first kiss...
I remember another kiss.It was at my Young Adult Trip up to the Mountains in the Summer of 1999 where everyone stayed in a dude ranch for the weekend and it was nightime on a Saturday night and Her and I wanted to have a sexually charged intimate moment with each other.I got in bed with her and she was in her bra and panties and I in my underwear and both of us were kissing and carressing one another.That's basically all we ever did with each other.I never went far with her after that.She was afraid of concieving a baby.I was afraid as well.
howard :)