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Subject: Dangerous things you do anyway
Another thread inspired this. Now, not like smoking or driving drunk, but things around the house that you know you shouldn't do but you do anyway. For instance:
I use the phone while in the bathtub. Not bright.
I put stuff in the blender when it's still going.
I run with scissors. (No, I don't really.)
I cook bacon naked. (That I really do.)
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Another thread inspired this.
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Dare I ask which one? ::)
My dangerous thing: Donuts in the car. With snow or without ;)
I got more, but I don't want to make you think I'm INSANE.
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
I used to balance the radio (plugged into the wall socket) on the edge of the bath when I was younger. ::)
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Going to Magic Mountain with potential psycho killers? (or at least with one self-admitted stalker... ) ::)
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Going to Magic Mountain with potential psycho killers? (or at least with one self-admitted stalker... ) ::)
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Awww, c'mon baby, just 'cause I'm gonna know where you live.
Oh, and it was the electric items I still use thread. Recognizing the stupidity of still using the same space heater in my bedroom when I go home that my grandmother used in her house. (Ah, the smell of burning dust. Reminds me of Christmas.)
And hey, donuts in the car are not crazy, they're vital! Krispy Kreme is worse than crack!
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
And hey, donuts in the car are not crazy, they're vital! Krispy Kreme is worse than crack!
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I meant the kind where you're kinda going in circles at 60-80 mph ;)
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
LOL!!!!!!! Shows ya how my mind works! ;D
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Well a friend of mine ran over a sidewalk, a pole and a parked Volkswagon one day while eating a donut in the car and trying to change the radio station.... ::)
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
My friend and I bought a shotgun today ;D We're so going to die, it's funny.
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
I like to drink Whiskey while cleaning my handguns. Don't know why, it's just the common excuse when someone shoots themselves or family member "accidently". Keep your eyes for a Dateline Seattle story in your local newspaper Monday, I'm going to the shooting range tomorrow and that's always followed by a "cleaning". ;)
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
When I don't have my daughter with me, I will cross the street against the lights, with cars coming at me at a billion miles an hour. Even at the really dangerous intersections. After all, everyone else is doing it, I figure the odds are one of the other people will get hit first, giving me time to dodge.
I will occasionally stick my hand into the garbage disposal to fetch out a spoon. I figure, I haven't turned it on, what are the chances it will shred my flesh?
Sometimes I go to bed forgetting I left a scented candle burning somewhere. It's a wonder I haven't burned the place down.
And leftovers. All the experts say to throw them away after a day, two at the most. But if they've been in the back of my fridge forming ice crystals, and do not contain any pork, (which I will not fool with) I've been known to keep and actually eat them on day six or seven. I figure if I cook the beejeezuz out of it, to the point where I almost set the kitchen on fire, I've killed any food poisoning germs that might be lurking in there, right?
I don't do as many "dangerous" things now as I did before my daughter was born. I'm trying to set a "good example". :-/
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Distracted Driving
This happened a while back, but...
I was working the third shift and volunteered to make a White Castle run at about three in the morning. It was very cold, about 15 below. When it's that cold you get 'black ice' on the road -- super slick patches of ice, usually found at intersections.
I get the food. Driving back to work. Stick my hand in a bag of fries and momentarily have my eyes off the road. Immediately go into a quadtruple axel. The next thing I know the car is perched on an old, tall, compacted snowbank directly in front of the state capital.
The weirdest thing. I get out of the car and all four tires are hanging free. The car is held up on the undercarriage. Damnedest thing.
So, I go banging on the Capital door and a security guard lets me in, understands I'm not a drunk yahoo and lets me use the phone. Cost $150 to move the car about four feet.
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
I think that driving while eating or drinking is the worst. I am very careful when my daughter is in the car with me, but if she isn't...hello Maria Andretti. ;D
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Going to Magic Mountain with potential psycho killers? (or at least with one self-admitted stalker... ) ::)
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How about just going to Magic Mountain at our "advanced" ages? Except for our token child. ;) Which one of us is going to be injured first? ::)
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
I run up and down the stairs like a mad animal.
My Mother tells me to slow down. ::)
howard :D
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
I walk around barefoot-even when glass was broken. I even go out in the snow barefoot sometimes-just to check mail or get the paper.
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
CatWoman and XenaKat:
Me too! Me too! Me too! On all of the above!
Hmmmm... perhaps I have a subconscious deathwish? Nah, I'm going with not too good at "thinking ahead".
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
When I don't have my daughter with me, I will cross the street against the lights, with cars coming at me at a billion miles an hour. Even at the really dangerous intersections. After all, everyone else is doing it, I figure the odds are one of the other people will get hit first, giving me time to dodge.
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You should come to Berkeley ;) The bums here are freakin' colorblind.
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
I stand at the front at rock concerts even though I know my weak little body will get moshed into oblivion (lost my glasses at Alice Cooper gig a while back!)
I also continue to flirt with the married lead singer of a blues band even though I just know this will end in tears if I carry on :'(
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Travel in an automobile. Sure, it's something we all do everyday without thinking much about it, but it's actually an incredibly dangerous thing to do.
And stage diving. I do that too. ;D
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
1. Drive
2. Eat White Castle's
3. Trust my kids with glue and glitter unsupervised
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
2. Eat White Castle's
3. Trust my kids with glue and glitter unsupervised
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It's a toss up as to which one of these is more dangerous. ;) Hey, next time you go to White Castle have a belly bomber for me. Thanks
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
I play guitar really loud, and thats through headphones, so lets just say i can hardly hear anything in my left ear
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
I turn the volume up way loud on my walkman so that way I can tune out the people.
howard :)
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
It's a toss up as to which one of these is more dangerous. ;) Hey, next time you go to White Castle have a belly bomber for me. Thanks
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Want me to mail you some frozen? PM me if you do.
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
I eat WAY too many gummi bears and then my sugar spikes WAY up, and then it crashes...
That...and I practice with my nunchakus in the house...I'm good, but my wife hates it...hence the danger
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
I push buttons. I'm very good at it, I know just what to say to set people off, and too many times, I am unable to resist doing it.
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
I doubt I have many buttons you can push, but you're welcome to try...
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Want me to mail you some frozen? PM me if you do.
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you can actually mail White Castles?
won't they spoil? ???
howard ;)
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
you can actually mail White Castles?
won't they spoil? ???
howard ;)
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If sent Overnight mail and packed with them ice packets, they'd be fine. ;) :)
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
If sent Overnight mail and packed with them ice packets, they'd be fine. ;) :)
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Please !
Aussie Help time again !
What's white castle ?
Over here it is a laundry detergent :-/
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Please !
Aussie Help time again !
What's white castle ?
Over here it is a laundry detergent :-/
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Sure!!! :D
White Castles are small, square burgers which were all the rage in the 1980's and are still around. :)
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Sure!!! :D
White Castles are small, square burgers which were all the rage in the 1980's and are still around. :)
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Thanks HS !
Armed with that information, a dangerous thing to do would be :
Eat an Australian White Castle burger... :-/
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Does voyuerism count?? :P
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Only if caught :P ;)
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
How about all those people who use that botox stuff? Sticking bacterial toxins into your eyelids doesn't sound at all smart.
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Ride with a 15 y.o. male with a learners permit. Beat that one! ;D
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
3. Trust my kids with glue and glitter unsupervised
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LOL! I can sympathize with that! Though the worst I ever did was let my then 4 year old son use his new "Blo-Pens" at my kitchen table...or should I say on my kitchen table...I can still see those darned speckles..... ::)
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Well, besides driving and the occasional experience with firearms, not much!! I am boring!! ;D
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
What I used to do (but don't do anymore) was be a substitue teacher.
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Hmmm...dangerous things? Aha! beat this guys!
Actually answering the question: "Do I look fat?"
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Hmmm...dangerous things? Aha! beat this guys!
Actually answering the question: "Do I look fat?"
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WOW! You are brave!
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Hey, I like danger...
Another one: Do you think she's pretty?
Certain death of horrors will follow a "yes" answer to this question
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
There's also (for those who aren't too "attached"):
"Do you love me?"
"Will you call me?"
"Let's move in together..."
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Now you know why I always say "Um..."
It'll save your life, young Jedi
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Taking scissors when I'm angry or depressed and scratch my arms up and bruise them too
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Taking scissors when I'm angry or depressed and scratch my arms up and bruise them tooEnd Quote
There's a name for that:
What is self mutilation?
Self-injury is defined as someone who intentionally injures or mutilates him or herself when under emotional stress. The injuries that are often inflicted are cuts, bites and other things that are severe enough to cause tissue damage. There are different degrees of self-mutilation and injury. Some are mild where are some are so severe that the person will amputate limbs from themselves or have it surgically done at their request. Self-injury/mutilation is not the same as a suicide attempt even though others may view it to be.
There are 3 different types of self-mutilation/injury. The most common is superficial self-injury. This type usually consists of the people cutting, burning, or hitting themselves, pulling out their own hair, and breaking bones. The second type is stereotypical self-mutilation. This consists of the person banging their head, pushing in on their eyeballs and biting themselves when under emotional stress or anger. The third and most extreme type is major self-mutilation. This is very rare but the person affected may amputate limbs or will castrate himself, or do other things that permanently disfigure themselves.
Definitely Check This Out:
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Hmmm...dangerous things? Aha! beat this guys!
Actually answering the question: "Do I look fat?"
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And you lived to tell about it? Wow, I'm impressed.
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Sure!!! :D
White Castles are small, square burgers which were all the rage in the 1980's and are still around. :)
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and so delicious I can eat 10 of those burgers in one gulp.
howard :D]
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
There's a name for that:
What is self mutilation?
Self-injury is defined as someone who intentionally injures or mutilates him or herself when under emotional stress. The injuries that are often inflicted are cuts, bites and other things that are severe enough to cause tissue damage. There are different degrees of self-mutilation and injury. Some are mild where are some are so severe that the person will amputate limbs from themselves or have it surgically done at their request. Self-injury/mutilation is not the same as a suicide attempt even though others may view it to be.
There are 3 different types of self-mutilation/injury. The most common is superficial self-injury. This type usually consists of the people cutting, burning, or hitting themselves, pulling out their own hair, and breaking bones. The second type is stereotypical self-mutilation. This consists of the person banging their head, pushing in on their eyeballs and biting themselves when under emotional stress or anger. The third and most extreme type is major self-mutilation. This is very rare but the person affected may amputate limbs or will castrate himself, or do other things that permanently disfigure themselves.
Definitely Check This Out:
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I've been plucking my eyebrows with my finger as a part of nervousness and anxiousness for a couple of years now.I used to take medication as a part of my OCD and I think plucking was one of those.
howard :D
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
Taking scissors when I'm angry or depressed and scratch my arms up and bruise them too
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That is actually a dangerous form of self-expression indeed. I used to do it as well. I know this isn't the forum to start in on this, but PM me if you want to talk about it. You know how much of me I see in you...
Subject: Re: Dangerous things you do anyway
I eat too fast when I'm chewing that I bite my lip and it bleeds.