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Subject: What's Your Jedi Name?
I'm not even that big a fan of the movies. But it does make for a good MB sig! A co-worker sent me this e-mail a long time ago that explained how George Lucas "created" the names for Star Wars characters:
Take the first 3 letters of your last name.
Then take the first 2 letters of your first name.
Now take the first 2 letters of your mothers' maiden name.
Finally take the first 2 letters of the town you were born in.
The last line allows an option of leaving or adding one more letter in order to avoid something (get this) really strange.
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
That's funny! :D Is it genuine?
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Well, if it is true then my Jedi name would be Robdahesa. That is hilarious. ;D
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Coslusobr !
May the farce be with you :D
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Uns Jabodo ;D
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Wilmibain! ;D
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Hawhemure ::)
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Robth Malo
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
the above link will generate it for you
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Howbaybararr! :D
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Kirk Adobo?
Kir Kado Bo?
Kirka Dobo?
And what was that about being "too weird"? ;D
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Thanks, Chucky, that was fun.
Here's my list according to amiright.com.
Stage Name: Jean willow
Stripper/Pimp Name: Buffy Herndon
WASP Name: Dallas Snow
Random Name: Muag Byph
Warez Kiddie: Dagny R0b3rtz
Pokemon Name: Deguni
Star Wars Character Name: Rtsda Hersal
BackStreet Boys Name: Kevin's Cutelips
Pop Star Name: Jessica Boston
Evil Professor's New Name Assignment: Gidget Gizzardfanny
Adventuring Name: Gentlemen Samurai
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
I am sharing the funny ones from the name generator ;D
Star Wars Character Name: Ooksh Manfor
BackStreet Boys Name: Kaos' Applebrown betty
Pop Star Name: Rose Limp
Evil Professor's New Name Assignment: Snotty Gigglebutt
Adventuring Name: Shrieking Mercenary
I especially like the Snotty Gigglebutt, wonder why my parents didn't think of that one, it kills a cow!! ;D ;D
Thanks for the link, and the laugh!
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Wow I'm so impressed
Stage Name: Anne Stafford
Stripper/Pimp Name: Felix Jude
WASP Name: Robin Fisher
Random Name: Nuasa Nux
Warez Kiddie: Kay13igh 0th3n
Pokemon Name: Kaireigufu
Star Wars Character Name: Henka Judbri
BackStreet Boys Name: B-rok's Biglady
Pop Star Name: Kevin Knight
Evil Professor's New Name Assignment: Flunky Burgerchunks
Adventuring Name: Profound Samurai
I like all those..... not sure about the pop star name.... not sure I really look like a Kevin... :-/
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
I am an evil jedi named: Squchrish
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
This aint my jedi thing this is that www.amiright.com thing
Stage Name: Andrew Southcourt
Stripper/Pimp Name: Rusty Richards
WASP Name: Pat Parent
Random Name: Muiye Clooko
Warez Kiddie: Christ0ph3r Squir3
Pokemon Name: Chiisutofupuru
Star Wars Character Name: Irech Ricsho
BackStreet Boys Name: Nick's Loverbaby
Pop Star Name: Mandy Bukson
Evil Professor's New Name Assignment: Buttercup Pizzatush
Adventuring Name: Gentlemen Pupil
He he he
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Stage Name:...............Arthur Mayhew Crescent
Stripper/Pimp Name:.......Mimsy Kulakowski
WASP Name:................Jan Clark
Random Name:..............Paec Mer
Warez Kiddie:.............Phi1 A13xand3r
Pokemon Name:.............Fupuru
Star Wars Character Name:.Derph Kulnew
BackStreet Boys Name:.....Nicky's Cutefreak
Pop Star Name:............Moon Agulera
Evil Professor's New Name Assignment: Doofus Diaperbuns
Adventuring Name:.........Respected Magician
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
lol.... might wanna add spaces between words and ":" 's though phil.
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
lol.... might wanna add spaces between words and ":" 's though phil.
End Quote
...happy now?
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Stage Name: Jason Longbeach
Stripper/Pimp Name: Sam Lellman
WASP Name: Adrian Lynch
Random Name: Tas Phlayz
Pokemon Name: Patsurikuku
Star Wars Character Name: Ierpa Lelaur
BackStreet Boys Name: Nicky's Cutefreak :P
Pop Star Name: Moon Boston
Evil Professor's New Name Assignment: Doofus Gizzardbuns
Adventuring Name: Smiling Enchanter ;D
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Wil Miho Fo...
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Jedi name: Milcacolo
Stage Name: sue thistlewood
Stripper/Pimp Name: bb cox
WASP Name: Dallas Cain
Random Name: Viewa Fluech
Warez Kiddie: Cathy Mi113r
Pokemon Name: Kafu
Star Wars Character Name: Lerca Coxlou
BackStreet Boys Name: Nick's Cherryfreak
Pop Star Name: Mandy McLenight
Evil Professor's New Name Assignment: Buttercup Bananabuns
Adventuring Name: Thunderous Destroyer
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Stage Name: Erin Sunrise
Stripper/Pimp Name: Kitty Wolfe
WASP Name: Madison Leo
Random Name: Doawo Kriory
Pokemon Name: Jisushika
Star Wars Character Name: Ockje Wolkok
BackStreet Boys Name: Bone Daddy's Cherrybrown betty
Pop Star Name: Nick McLenight
Evil Professor's New Name Assignment: Poopsie Bananabutt
Adventuring Name: Master Beggar
Poopsie Bananabutt? I'm sure that strikes fear into the hearts of all...
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Penjaknva :D
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Stage Name: Jane Meadowview
Stripper/Pimp Name: Ginger Reay
WASP Name: Dana Gary
Random Name: Ned Dese
Warez Kiddie: 3mi1y W3ir
Pokemon Name: Emiri
Star Wars Character Name: Eirem Reaper
BackStreet Boys Name: Brian's Poopsiefreak
Pop Star Name: Ashley Cidels
Evil Professor's New Name Assignment: Crusty Chucklebuns
Adventuring Name: Profound Professional
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Jedi Name: Blashwany
Stripper/Pimp Name: Ginger Washington
WASP Name: Judith Barclaith'd
Random Name: ShaquillaOneillaBulletproofvesta
(actual nickname)
Pokemon Name: ShaQonimon
Pop Star Name: Britney Popson
Adventure Name: Georgia Swashinbuckle
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Stage Name: Donald Coudray
Stripper/Pimp Name: Laddie Robinson
WASP Name: Sam Rice
Random Name: Stul Jaisc
Pokemon Name: Gurahamu
Star Wars Character Name: Coxgr Robsou
BackStreet Boys Name: Nicolas Appledork
Pop Star Name: A.J. Limp
Evil Professor's New Name Assignment: Fluffy Gigglehumperdinck
Adventuring Name: Jolly Worlock
I quite like the idea of being an old ham called Donald Coudray but I'm not sure "the kids" would really buy into a popstar called A.J. Limp.
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
my WASP name was "jesse jackson"... :o ;D
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
For those that don't remember or are new:
Stage Name: Ulysses East Hampton Drive
Stripper/Pimp Name: Clarence Im
WASP Name: Taylor Lynch
Random Name: Cyzu Puiw
Warez Kiddie: J0nathan Ca1dw311
Pokemon Name: Jonafun
Star Wars Character Name: Elljo Imfre
BackStreet Boys Name: Bone Daddy's Applewriter
Pop Star Name: Nick Limp
Evil Professor's New Name Assignment: Poopsie Gigglebrain
Adventuring Name: Mad Lover
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Stage Name: Hazel Willow
Stripper Name: Fluffy Tongue :-X
WASP Name: Adrian Power
Random Name: Scuowa Zuema
Warez Kiddie: Kar3n B3dw311
Pokemon Name: Karensu
Star Wars Character Name: Ellka Tonlou
BackStreet Boys Name: B-rok's Peachwriter
Pop Star Name: Kevin Spers
Evil Professor's New Name Assignment: Flunky Toiletbrain ;D
Adventuring Name: Arrogant Prophet
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
End Quote
I actually like that one! I'm Watshmibr ::)
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Just a few:
Stage name: Marie Bohan
Pokemon: Debona (The sad thing is, some little kids call me this because they can't pronounce my name.)
Star Wars: Leyde Dodsom
Evil Professor: Gidget Pottybrains
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
I actually like that one! I'm Watshmibr ::)
End Quote
Thanks Watshmibr! :)
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Ormelbyol - LOL! That's me! Ormelbyol!
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
My 'name generator' names are wikd, look! -
Stage Name: Ann Marie Brookfields Road
Stripper/Pimp Name: Killer Byatt
WASP Name: Robin Kelly
Random Name: Flog Laiz
Warez Kiddie: 31izab3th 0rmst0n
Pokemon Name: Erizabefu
Star Wars Character Name: Tonel Byaold
BackStreet Boys Name: Brian's Biglady
Pop Star Name: Ashley Knight
Evil Professor's New Name Assignment: Crusty Burgerchunks
Adventuring Name: Visual Warrior
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Here's mine:
Stage Name: Ramona Mimosa
Stripper/Pimp Name: Kitty Boy Tijerina
WASP Name: Sam Matthews
Random Name: Mosa Brem
Warez Kiddie: Jani3 Arm3ndar3z
Pokemon Name: Janiesu
Star Wars Character Name: Rezja Tijwea
BackStreet Boys Name: Bone Daddy's Cutemelon
Pop Star Name: Nick Agulera
Evil Professor's New Name Assignment: Poopsie Diaperjuice
Adventuring Name: Gentlemen Ambassador
This is funny. I would have never thought of those.
The other way I am Armja Tiwe--Jedi
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Hi Armja! Armja Tiwe...lol. Call me Ormelbyol!
Subject: Re: What's Your Jedi Name?
Stage Name: Henry Pennsylvania Avenue
Stripper/Pimp Name: Woody Stankard
WASP Name: Dallas Jones
Random Name: Xoyse Foyzy
Warez Kiddie: Char1i3 Mu11igan
Pokemon Name: Chirurie
Star Wars Character Name: Ganch Stasyo
BackStreet Boys Name: Nick's Cherrylady
Pop Star Name: Mandy McLenight
Evil Professor's New Name Assignment: Buttercup Bananachunks
Adventuring Name: Ungrateful Samurai