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Subject: The Worst Moment Of Your Life!!!
We have all had horrible things happen in our lives, and sometimes it is hard to talk about them. But i have learned that through hard times, comes a miraculous feeling of inspiration. Trials arent always a bad thing, for they teach us a valuable lesson. So if yours was a loss of someone close to you, or a relation thing, if you dont care i would like to hear from all of you.
The worst thing that ever happened to me, would have to be the day my close personal friend J.J. died. She was a paralyzed from the neck down, but was a true example of living in spite of hardships. But she had a heart attack and her lung collapsed, at 1 am in on a sunday morning. She went into a coma, and stayed like that for a week, then i remember it was on a thursday and we were all at our little private school, and they told us, that they had pulled the plug. I had never seen so much, pain, crying, and all around sadness, i myself held back the tears, so i could be strong for others, but when i went to my Grandmother, then the lunch lady, i couldnt do it anymore and i broke into tears, it was a hard week, and i knew the next would be even harder. It was a beautiful funeral from what i can remember, but the rest is a blur. I still remember the last night i seen J.J. and it was at our churches coffee house, we were singing karoke(i think thats how you spell it) and finally it came time for her to go, it was 11 pm, she went into a coma 2 hours later.
So there you have it the worst moment of my life.
Subject: Re: The Worst Moment Of Your Life!!!
Man, that is a tough moment. **HUGS**
I guess mine would be when I gave my first baby up for adoption. I know it was for the best, but when her new parents came into my hospital room and I handed her to her new mom, a piece of my heart went with her....Heck, it's been 12 years and I am still teary.
Subject: Re: The Worst Moment Of Your Life!!!
My step mom had to give 2 of hers away and she still hurts cuz of it, so yeah i cant say i know what it feels like, but i know what it feels like to see some one go through it.
Subject: Re: The Worst Moment Of Your Life!!!
My step mom had to give 2 of hers away and she still hurts cuz of it, so yeah i cant say i know what it feels like, but i know what it feels like to see some one go through it.
End Quote
It is not an experience I want to go through again, but I feel better knowing that she is in a good home.
Subject: Re: The Worst Moment Of Your Life!!!
yeah you feel good for her, but it still hurts, yeah i can understand that, and any one who doesnt should know that "there is no love like a mothers love."
Subject: Re: The Worst Moment Of Your Life!!!
Being molested...that's my worst moment.
Subject: Re: The Worst Moment Of Your Life!!!
that is horrible, i mean, ... well lets just say i know what your talking about.
Subject: Re: The Worst Moment Of Your Life!!!
Finding out that just 6 minutes after I said "I Love You, Blaine" my son was shot and killed at work..... :'( www.lanset.com/azazella/petta.jpg
Subject: Re: The Worst Moment Of Your Life!!!
Watching both of my parents die from lung cancer.
Subject: Re: The Worst Moment Of Your Life!!!
Watching both of my parents die from lung cancer.
End Quote
I'm very sorry to hear that :'(
Subject: Re: The Worst Moment Of Your Life!!!
Too many to choose from, but one of the worse was when my mother's boyfriend got mad at me because I wanted him to cut an orange for me and he deliberately shoved the steak knife an inch and a half into my hand (between my pointer finger and my middle finger) when I was four years old.
Subject: Re: The Worst Moment Of Your Life!!!
Well, I'm not sure I'm qualified to post in this thread, since nothing seriously bad has ever happened to me :-/
I've never lost anyone I've loved, and I think the only person I've ever directly hurt is myself, through my own macho stupidity. So I'll just say that the worst moments of my life were when I almost died from stupidity.
Subject: Re: The Worst Moment Of Your Life!!!
I get a bit worried about this, as I am in my 40's and have never had anyone close to me die.
I worry that it is all going to start happening at once, and I am not going to cope with it.
When I say to the people above me who have experienced that loss, "I can only imagine how you feel", that's exactly what I mean....
I will be reasonably unspecific for mine, therefore.
The worst moment for me is a bit of a constant moment, and that is not knowing whether I can end up doing in life the things I would like to.... :-/
I realise that on the face of it that may not seem to qualify as 'worst' but.....
Subject: Re: The Worst Moment Of Your Life!!!
Fuss, I hate to have to say it this way but Don't worry, be happy. You relize that your very lucky not to have that happen yet, enjoy the living and don't mourn until it's time. One thing that I've learned that most time death is the right thing, occasionally there is the death that makes no sense.
Rock-N-Roll fan, -That is a good looking boy and I'm failing to keep keep my eyes dry.
Jessica & Miss In.- Send me some names and last known address and I'll go rough them up for you, my guess is both have suffered already.
GJ- Losing a good friend is hard, but now you've been through the worst and you still living and loving.
I got to call my wife and tell her I love her now. :)
I get a bit worried about this, as I am in my 40's and have never had anyone close to me die.
I worry that it is all going to start happening at once, and I am not going to cope with it.
When I say to the people above me who have experienced that loss, "I can only imagine how you feel", that's exactly what I mean....
I will be reasonably unspecific for mine, therefore.
The worst moment for me is a bit of a constant moment, and that is not knowing whether I can end up doing in life the things I would like to.... :-/
I realise that on the face of it that may not seem to qualify as 'worst' but.....
End Quote
Subject: Re: The Worst Moment Of Your Life!!!
Every time something bad happens, I always think "this is the worst possible thing that could have happened to me." But now that things have been relatively ok for me for a number of years, I can put things in perspective. Some things that I thought were bad, were not. Like suffering total embarrasment at a school dance. :-Whe I was 12 my dad died suddenly of a heart attack. No one knew he had a heart condition, not even him. We had been caring for and praying for my uncle, his brother who did have a heart condition and had suffered two heart attacks by then. Uncle Paul lived for another 15 years...
When I was 13 a boy I had a serious crush on, and his friend died in a car crash that involved drugs and alcohol. The worst thing was that I dreamed of their deaths in vivid detail BEFORE it happened, by about 2 1/2 hours.
A few years ago, the man I loved and trusted flipped his lid and attacked me and our daughter. He put me in the hospital, and caused my daughter all sorts of emotional trauma. And now I'm finding out she may have any number of inherited illnesses from his side of the family that he blatantly lied to me about...
As bad as these events were, I survived them all, and I'm stronger for them.
Subject: Re: The Worst Moment Of Your Life!!!
Being molested...that's my worst moment.
End Quote
Wow, that's tough. You seem to have gotten past it, though. I just have to say **hugs**.
Subject: Re: The Worst Moment Of Your Life!!!
whoa...but...i have to tell you that i have officially fallin in love with this site...I cant believe how we can say something, and imediately someone will try to comfort you. This message board is like a family, we dont agree on everything, but its like in some way we care for each other, but i have to be honest, this topic is making me cry, and its like wow, so those are all horrible things to go through, and yes we have to live for today not in the past, and im learning that slowly and its hard, but, sharing my hurt with you guys, and reading about yours, has helped me gain alot more closure, and i just want to say thank you. ;)
" Ive givin myself , enough expsosure,
into my life, yeah its time for closure,
all the things, that everyone has done,
yeah i think its time, for closure to come."
Subject: Re: The Worst Moment Of Your Life!!!
Watching both of my parents die from lung cancer.
End Quote
Hey,Mom,I can relate.seeing my brother die in his sleep from a diabetic coma.He passed away in 1995.My Mother tried to revive him but his lips were blue and his face was pale.sympathy goes out to you. :-* ;D
howard :D
Subject: Re: The Worst Moment Of Your Life!!!
Im sorry to hear about your son, i cant even start to imagine what you have gone through. Your in my prayers.
Subject: Re: The Worst Moment Of Your Life!!!
Well, it would have to be a couple of days before Christmas 1995, when my mom died of colon cancer. I miss my mother. :'(
And I feel sorry for Jessica!