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Subject: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you!!
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
The greaest moment of your life, kind of the opposite of my other topic entitled " the most embarrassing moment of your life" or somin' like that , but yeah whats your greatest moment
Mine is ofcourse meeting the love of my life Lauren. I know im way to mushy huh? Mine is ofcourse meeting the love of my life Lauren. I know im way to mushy huh?
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Ain't nothing wrong with being mushy ;)
the greatest thing hasn't happened yet...I'm waiting for world peace.
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
the greatest thing hasn't happened yet...I'm waiting for world peace.
End Quote
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
well i was looking for more life related responses but i have to agree that would be great!
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
The day I accepted Jesus into my life as my Lord and saviour.
Following a very close second would be the birth of my daughter.
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
getting 1st and 3rd places in my Bowling League.
yay! ;D
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
How about the greatest four things of my life, since I really can't decide---meeting my husband, and the births of my three kids. :)
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
That would be my choice to Dagwood.
My second would have to be receiving my cat from my sister for Christmas.
The day I accepted Jesus into my life as my Lord and saviour.
Following a very close second would be the birth of my daughter.
End Quote
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Well, if you MUST know... ::)
I'd say the greatest times of my life have been during the annual "Stupid Days" that my friends and I have every year (of course) to do stupid things :) But we'll see how life goes.
Naturally I'd like to be rich and famous, and I often wonder what would have happened if I did things differently, but now that I think about it, everything that happened to me has shaped who I am...so I wouldn't change a darned thing :)
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Like most people, I would say the day my honey entered my life-25 May 1995 (our first date). Life with him just gets better and better.
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
getting awards for perfect attendance. ;D
howard :D
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
A girl I knew once mentioned that her favorite love song was "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel. Later, we started dating and I took her to prom. Since neither of us were much of dancers, we sat and talked with friends mostly. There was a piano in the lobby of the building, so we went out there, and I started playing. Most none of my classmates knew I could play (even the girl herself had only heard me play once or twice). I started to attract a real crowd. But the single moment that I'm describing here is when I, unannounced, started playing "In Your Eyes," and the girl just looked stunned when she recognized it and she had this look in her face when she was listening that I will never ever forget.
For three minutes, I was a god among men.
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Meeting the love of my life and moving to Norway!
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
I'm not sure really, but one of the greatest things was the first time I found out a real literary magazine (not a school based magazine) was publishing one of my poems.
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
wow those are all some great moments, and i guess i should add, that the moment i accepted Jesus Christ as my savior is Number one, and meeting Lauren was # 2 sorry bout that guys but i was tired when i posted this so , please do forgive me
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
I'm not sure really, but one of the greatest things was the first time I found out a real literary magazine (not a school based magazine) was publishing one of my poems.
End Quote
Congratulations, MissInformation! When and where?
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Congratulations, MissInformation! When and where?
End Quote
It was during my second year in college, the magazine was called "Lite" and was a Baltimore based literary magazine (I don't think it's published anymore). I've had other poetry published, but nothing beats that first time! The poem is called Winter's Kiss.
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Being loved unconditionally for the first time in 43 years.... :)
Now ask me what the worst thing is... :-/
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Being loved unconditionally for the first time in 43 years.... :)
End Quote
I consider myself fortunate. I've been loved unconditionally all my life... It's my only validation, my only sign of life, and my only proof of existence.
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
being loved is a great feeling, but the feeling you get from loving is just as good.
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
I consider myself fortunate. I've been loved unconditionally all my life... It's my only validation, my only sign of life, and my only proof of existence.
End Quote
You are very fortunate. You apparently had parents who allowed you to just be who you were, instead of expecting you to be who they wanted you to be...
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Finding my one true love. :D
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Love is apparently a very great thing ;)
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Finding my one true love. :D
End Quote
That's exactly what I say :-*
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
aww i love love so much. i really do. and i really love hearing about it , cuz then i know that people are happy, and man i sound like a brady so im gonna shut up, i really hate being sick, cuz i have to take so much medicine, and i get no sleep thus i get really weird.
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Giving birth to three healthy happy babies ;D
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
I have two "greatest things".
The first happened in the early '90's. I wrote a "fan letter" to a member of a local band that had just been given a recording contract and were on the way to stardom. I put my phone number in the letter, and a few days later, I got the suprise of my life when the fella called me. We chatted for almost an hour, and a few days later I got to meet the whole band in person.
If this band hadn't broken up soon after, there would have been some music worth listening to in the '90's.
The second thing was the birth of my daughter.
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
November 11, 2001, My nuptials to my wife Autumn.< :-*
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Well,another greatest thing that ever happened was having a girlfriend for 5 years then 5 years later she broke up with me.It turned out to be the worst thing. >:(
howard :)
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
well we do have a topic for both of those.
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
The best thing that ever happened was discovering that Dan loved me.
The second best thing was getting out of a religion that was stifling and judging me and finding my personal spiritual path.
The third best was getting a round of applause for my singing from Brian May and Roger Taylor! (No lie!)
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Well, I'm still only young but its gotta be getting my article published on the BBC's website. That was such an acheievement for me and I know a lot of you guys from this board helped me to write it, and also enjoyed reading it :)
I guess the second thing would be meeting my current boyfriend. I've never been in a good relationship before - this is my first 'proper' one. Who knows, it could even resort in the 'L' word! :-/ . I've never been in love before, always been really scared of that word, but I'm so happy for once :)
(Edited due to spelling errors!)
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
BBC , ive got some parodies of a song called BBC, in fact i have quite a few. And imagine it would be quite cool to have something posted on a site. And let me ask you......
Whats Love Got To Do With It Got To Do With It
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
keeping a job for 1 year in 1993. ;D
howard 8)
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
The End Of This Year!!!
Well, it will be. ;D
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
And let me ask you......
Whats Love Got To Do With It Got To Do With It
End Quote
Well, at the moment nothing really ;D. I'm not in love yet - guess it would be quite nice if it ended up being love tho :)
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
The End Of This Year!!!
Well, it will be. ;D
End Quote
Yeah,Spray'.This has been one sucky year.I'm looking forward for a brand new one. :D
howard :)
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
I almost can not get myself to type this.
My greatest "thing" to happen to me was meeting this woman 5 years ago who has slowly become my best friend. We used to do everything together and we always made each other laugh. Unfortunatly, one week ago I told her I loved her and now she will not return my phone calls. :'( :'( :'(
If I could only take back those words...
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
The greatest thing for me was meeting some of the most amazing, kind, welcoming people, at a time in my life when my friends weren't really interested in hanging out with me anymore.
They're wonderful ;)
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
I almost can not get myself to type this.
My greatest "thing" to happen to me was meeting this woman 5 years ago who has slowly become my best friend. We used to do everything together and we always made each other laugh. Unfortunatly, one week ago I told her I loved her and now she will not return my phone calls. :'( :'( :'(
If I could only take back those words...
End Quote
Maybe she's not interested in you...... ???
howard :D
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Maybe she is just afraid of losing the friendship you guys have gained. or maybe she doesnt love you the same way that you love her, but other then that i dont know, i mean what do i know im only 17 right?
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Maybe she is just afraid of losing the friendship you guys have gained. or maybe she doesnt love you the same way that you love her, but other then that i dont know, i mean what do i know im only 17 right?
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Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Employee Of The Month.(whoo-hoo!) ;D
howard :D
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
ive never had a job, but that must be cool
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
ive never had a job, but that must be cool
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It sure is.
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
my post looks silly,,, "only muscular dystrophy" sounds uncaring but believe me....it isn't fatal (the kind he has) and not nearly as devestating (spelling?) as MS.
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I'm glad :) They're working hard on multiple sclerosis though :) I hope your hubby gets better.
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Give it a few weeks John and "run" into her in a public setting, keep the conversation light, bring up only "safe" subjects. Let her relise she misses your friendship and ask if you can give her a call sometime. Never bring up the "L" word again unless she presents it first.
Good luck,
I almost can not get myself to type this.
My greatest "thing" to happen to me was meeting this woman 5 years ago who has slowly become my best friend. We used to do everything together and we always made each other laugh. Unfortunatly, one week ago I told her I loved her and now she will not return my phone calls. :'( :'( :'(
If I could only take back those words...
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Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Thank you RC! My Hubbin keeps his chin up. He isn't in a wheelchair yet, but he does have to wear full leg braces. We were in Wal-Mart the other day and a man came up and asked us "Are his legs real?" I was ready to be offended but My Hubbin just said " Would you like me to pull one off?" The guy took off really fast...lol. This could pull a person down but he just keeps on going (like the energizer bunny haha)...anyway thanks again! :)
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The best weapon is humor :) And the best cure too...I hope he stays humorous for a long long time :)
If he does have to get that wheelchair, I hope you paint racing flames on it and give him a nitro booster...I don't know how y'all are about racing, but it cheers many a man up :)
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Well, the greatest thing short of world peace, methinks, would have to be when I can be financially independent and support myself...and maybe a family too :)
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
having independence.
howard :D
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
new outlook yall, great things happen every day, we just dont realize it. ;)
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
The greatest thing that's happened to me? Probably my first ever double espresso. ;D
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
wise choice
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
Is still happening.....
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
whats still happening?
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
howard :D
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
i see we have some fellow seniors in here , Im finally free, in 2003! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
seniors??? What chu' talkin bout' Willis?
I graduated 10 years ago,SILLY! ;D
howard :)
Subject: Re: The Greatest Thing That's Ever Happened to you
i knew that :-[