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Subject: Your Weirdest Dreams
If you dare!
I started this, so i'll be the sacrificial lamb.
Godzilla is chasing me. He appears on the horizon of an island i'm flying over way out to sea. I'm stuck in a landing pattern but must land here. Most of the island gets evacuated by the time i land and he's already only a couple of miles away. Me and (someone) begin to run (there are convieniently no cars) inland with the rest of the crowd as the Big G makes landfall. As expected, he destroys most buildings in his path as we zig-zag our way away from him; we do this pattern because we figure he's bent on running a straight course. After running this way and not being successful, we learn he's after us for some reason. This gets carried to a further extreme after we try seperating and he stays on me. So he wants me for something. At this point most of the rest of the island stops running since they know i'm the target, save for the few who are in his way. I start receiving reports and routes from a two-way i'm carrying. Although a stupid idea, i run into a five story hotel already partially crumbled by G. As i make a break down a long hallway, i realize that the footfalls have tapered off. What the.....? He apparently can shrink down to human size at will to follow smaller targets through areas of his choosing. Once again idiotic, i run back outdoors with a plan. As i climb up the largest tree i can find, he reverts to normal size. Don't know why, but he seems confused. I then jump on his back between his spines (yeah, this was a great plan). He begins to thrash to get me off but i hold. Now what? This is where i usually wake up.
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
I can't remeber all my wierd dreams, so here ois one I had recently:
I am at a school, and somehow cut my arm. It is a deep cut, but instead of seing by bone and muscle, when I look at it all I see is Blood. Then former georgia state senator Charles Walker shows up, and he says "We have to get you to the hospital." We walk out of the school into these woods. However, the only vehicle in the woods is an old 1920's style paddy wagon. It has a sign that says something to the effect of "Public drunkards" or something like that. Anyways he tries to start it, and I try to crank it, but it won't start. Then I woke up.
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
I onced dreamed that I was being attacked by a giant lobster. At the time, I kept a journal and wrote down all my dreams. When I read that entry several months later I had forgotten about it but I did laugh. The funny things about dreams, whenever anyone I know has a dream that they don't understand, they come to me. I usually do pretty good at interpreting them. What does the giant lobster mean? I think it was something I ate that night. lol
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
Like I've said before, I have nightmares, not much else. One of my weirdest had me in a room looking for water because I was carrying a bag with two goldfish and their water was slowly evaporating and the fish were starting to look more and more like they were freeze-dried fish... and strapped to the ceiling in this room were hundreds of babies and people were standing around and poking them with forks.
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
Weird dreams? Well...there's one that springs to mind...well, two, bu I'll save the other for later
Me and a friend of mine are riding through a town in the Scooby Doo Mystery Machine. We stop at a pawn shop to buy a stove...and the guy tells us about this house. I don't know why, but we go there. I creep upstairs, and I see all these kids jumping up and down. They were like maybe four or five, right? Their parents are standing their beating them with sticks and bamboo fishing poles...and the kids LIKE it. THey're jumping up and down as if someone gave them a truckload of cookies. Then...they see me...
Out of their mouths comes a swirling swarm of bees that is glowing and changing colors...it chases me down the stairs, and I get into the Mystery Machine...
THen, I wake up.
THis was one of those dreams hat isn't a nightmare, but it makes you wake up and go, "What the hell!?"
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
Interesting question...I haven't had an interesting dream in a while :-/
I do remember I used to dream that I was a secret agent...but I wasn't a very good one :) Maybe something to do with a subconscious lack of self-confidence? I have to learn to harness my "dreamship" better.
If I have a fun dream tonight, I'll let you know ;) My dreams are usually quite colorful...and they feel real too, I'm like a virtual reality helmet :D
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
OMG! Y'all do NOT know weird dreams like I do.
My childhood dreams were the craziest. One time I dreamed my mom went down the twisty slide and school and my dad was waiting for her at the bottom and she kicked his legs off. So he was walking at a normal height, only there were no legs underneath him.
Then one time I dreamed I went to school and there were a bunch of people's heads everywhere because Steve Urkel had buried them in the sand.
And another funny one was where a "bad man" was chasing me and when I finally got in the house my dad told me to go wash my hands because I was going to get a spankin.
But my favorite "weird" dream is a much more recent one. OK, I was a female version of Jonah sent back in time to change history. I had to go to Ninnevah to bring some sick person some medicine. But while I was sailing over there, I had a vision of the people in Ninnevah and they were very violent. So I grab a club to protect myself, but everyone else on the boat thinks I'm trying to kill them, so they throw me overboard. "NO!!!!!!! THIS ISN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!!!!!!!" I screamed. So I'm swimming and then see a giant fish coming towards me. All of a sudden I'm at home and my dad and my little sister are watching Jay Leno and Tantric's on singing "Mourning." Then dad turns the TV off and starts playing that on his guitar and says "We're gonna play this at the 'Pickin' Parlor'"
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
Most of my dreams seem to be some sort of warning, but I never figure them out till after the fact.
When I was 10 years old I was always dreaming about slipping on a patch of ice, into the ocean and (almost) drowning. I always woke up just before I died in the dream (because everybody knows that "if you die in your dreams, you die for real"--Nightmare on Elm Street). At that time of my life, I was being monitored for a hereditary condition that wasn't getting better--I ended up having major spinal surgury. We were also in the process of selling my childhood home and moving. I've looked into dream interpretations and dreams of drowning usually mean your life is in turmoil. It certainly was when I was 10. :-/
Another weird one I had was about six years ago, when my daughter was just a baby. I was running around in an empty supermarket. My daughter was in the child's seat, and my (now ex-) husband was chasing us, trying to kill us. I didn't know why back then, but when my daughter was three years old, it almost came true. We weren't in the supermarket though, we were at home.
As for more recent weird dreams, I've posted one of them on the other dream thread. (Its' on this board, a page back). There are two different ones, and they involve someone who died early this year, coming back and trying to get a message to me. There is a lot of odd, surreal stuff going on at the same time, so I can't really tell what it is he is trying to tell me.
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
...And now for a more light-hearted one.
My daughter and I are walking through the center of town. My ex-husband and a lot of other people show up and start throwing bagels at us. If they hit, the bagels cut us, but when we throw them back, they don't hurt anyone. This goes on for several minutes, while a Halloween costume parade is going on in the background.
Suddenly I look down, and see a box of plastic butter knives and packets of cream cheese. I start throwing these at the other people, and when they hit, they turn into clowns!!! ???
When I was still pregnant with my daughter, I had a lot of 'nightmares' about giant man-eating asparagus monsters chasing me. They wanted to eat me. They had faces. I always woke up before they caught me, but to this day, I can't bring myself to eat asparagus. :P
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
I had a short and creepy little dream a while back. Dreamt my long-haired cat's head was constructed out of balsa wood (like popsicle sticks), her soft fur and sticky, rotten sausage. I scratched her head and my fingers became gooey and the balsa construction started to fall in on itself.
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
My dreams are not weird,they're all smut.I can't even remember my last dream. ::) -howard-
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
i had a dream where i murdered my best frined
my weirdest is this partyon my roof and were all dancing to that annoying Kylie Manogue song "Can't get you out of my head (LA LA LA)" And for some reason, we astart bumpin ppl I dont like off the roof and of course they die and me + 2 of my friends laugh hysterically.
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
Okay, I had this terrible nightmare last night about one of our board memebers (I am spending waaaay too much time here ::) ) This member was supposed to join my DAR group (which is funny, considering it's male) and then I heard from one of the other DAR people that he had become a hermit and starved himself to death.. I cried for a long time in the dream, and woke up depressed. :'(
It was one of our younger board members incidentally, and I was glad when I got on the board this morning to see that he was alive and well and had posted a bit earlier! :)
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
My dreams are not weird,they're all smut.I can't even remember my last dream. ::) -howard-
End Quote
I'm with you, Howard… ;)
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
... then I heard from one of the other people that he had become a hermit and starved himself to death..
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DON'T read A Hunger Artist by Franz Kafka (which, btw, is one of my all-time favourite stories...).
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
DON'T read A Hunger Artist by Franz Kafka (which, btw, is one of my all-time favourite stories...).
End Quote
If you happen to be curious anyway:
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
Curious me. Kind of an 'uh' ending, though, don't you think? Maybe if the hunger artist had painted a leaf on the bar of his cage before the panther moved in...
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
My weirdest dream I can't post here, because it was a pornographic dream involving "The Brady Bunch". But I did dream of employer at McDonald's who came out of the kitchen and coughed-up some crumbs which formed a clean slice of bread. Like it never entered his mouth.
I also dreamt that my best friend at the time was choking me and yelling stuff on the supervisor's desk.
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
My weirdest dream I can't post here because it was a pornographic dream involving "The Brady Bunch".
End Quote
THAT'S not weird. EVERY guy familiar with the Brady Bunch has had that dream :) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
Yes, but not as graphic as mine. ;)
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
Yes, but not as graphic as mine. ;)
End Quote
As long as it doesn't involve Peter, Greg, or Mike (that's the dad's name right?) :) :D ;D
It's always Marcia Marcia Marcia :P See, this relates to the question I made on the other thread: What if she had been a step-sister? Hmmm... :) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
Better than Greg trying to nail Florence Henderson...
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
LMAO!!!!!! Too Funny!
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
Better than Greg trying to nail Florence Henderson...
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She was okay back in the day - imagine being in Greg's situation; having Marcia prancing around the house in a cheerleader outfit or a plaid mini-skirt; her hanging out in his room in the attic; sometimes coming in unnanounced. It's a miracle this dude didn't go hormonally insane... or Marcia ends up having like a million babies! Now, if it's a dream involving the "new"/old Florence then that constitutes as "weird." Veeeery weird...
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
Rumor has it the two "got it on", as we used to say, in real life.
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
Rumor has it the two "got it on", as we used to say, in real life.
End Quote
... so, would that constitute as a "dream come true" ??? :) :D ;D Okay, I get dibs on Kelly Bundy!! 8)
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
So, my strange French friend, are you saying that a young man being seduced by an older woman is harmless? Shouldn't we be shocked and outraged by Henderson's seduction?
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We should and it is taking advantage of someone who's naive by an authority figure (and what a figure!), but it has nothing to do with age and more with maturity; the state of being naive doesn't have a defined age (i.e. people of all ages can be taken advantage of by more cunning people). That being said, Greg was somewhat mature, level-headed, and very intelligent - maybe a bit naive, but nothing in where he could be taken advantage of without him knowing the consequences. He could be seduced, but it's nothing he would regret doing or feel taken advantage of... IMO. Bah! I'm just trying to rationalize a way to have an older woman seduce ME! Preferably one of those hot teachers with the glasses and hair in a bun, but who turn out to be pretty wild... Bwahaha :) :D ;D
Has anyone seen Son In Law? There's a little fat, red headed boy who wears this seedy shirt with the caption:
Seduce me. Please.
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
DON'T read A Hunger Artist by Franz Kafka (which, btw, is one of my all-time favourite stories...).
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Freaky.... my REM pattern must have been channeling your thoughts.... ::)
Subject: Re: Your Weirdest Dreams
I'm standing in Sun God robes on a pyramid with hundreds of women each throwing little pickles at me....oh wait....That's from the movie "Real Genius" :D