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Subject: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
And listen, this is for you guys out there as well!! For the first time ever, I was forced to sit through a showing of the film 'Ghost' the other night. OK, old film I know, but I've never had any cause to watch it because it's 'not my cup of tea' (Hey, I'm 6 ft tall and drink beer!!!)
However, imagine my embarrassment and downright outrage to find myself having to swallow hard and stem a tear at the end of it!! (christ, I'm almost off again just thinking about it!)
So, my question is ladies & gentlemen, which movies have a similar effect on you??
Looking forward oh so very much to your responses!!
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
for some reason My Girl is garunteed to make me cry, as is Armageddon. so thereya go.
And Ghost rules! seen it 19 times.
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
for some reason My Girl is garunteed to make me cry, as is Armageddon. so thereya go.
And Ghost rules! seen it 19 times.
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Hiya Kay,
I don't know what it was. I thought it was a really good film all the way through, until that bit at the end, where she is able to see him for the last time, and Unchained Melody is quietly playing in the background
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
Terms of Endearment. I cry EVERY single time. Then there's Stepmom (Julia Roberts, Susan Sarandon). I can't watch it because it upsets me so much.
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
Terms of Endearment. I cry EVERY single time. Then there's Stepmom (Julia Roberts, Susan Sarandon). I can't watch it because it upsets me so much.
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And here's the question I need to ask. Am I now qualifed to 'choke up' at every weepie kind of film, or does it depend???
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
Depends - Who are you watching the movie with?
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
Depends - Who are you watching the movie with?
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Truth? Myself! It has been lying gathering dust in my wardrobe for ages now, along with a load of other stuff I class as rubbish.
As Saturday night tv in the UK is pants', I thought I'd give it a look!!
After that I watched 'Footloose' which had me crying again. This time tears of laughter at the awfulness of it!!
Kevin Bacon, and someother guy who dances like an enraged gibbon!!
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
By yourself - cry your eyes out
With a girl like me - please resist the temptation to cry at every corner, I like the strong silent types. :-*
Of course, some girls like a weepy guy.
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
By yourself - cry your eyes out
With a girl like me - please resist the temptation to cry at every corner, I like the strong silent types. :-*
Of course, some girls like a weepy guy.
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Whoah there girl! I wasn't suggesting for one moment that I cry at the drop a hat!! I guess 'choked up' is the best way to describe the feeling!
And I absolutely resent the term 'weepy guy'. God, what have I started here!!!!!!
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
some movies have an effect on me,but they don't make me cry,sigh maybe,but mot cry.
howard :)
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
Whoah there girl! I wasn't suggesting for one moment that I cry at the drop a hat!! I guess 'choked up' is the best way to describe the feeling!
And I absolutely resent the term 'weepy guy'. God, what have I started here!!!!!!
End Quote
Oh! You big baby! ;)
I wasn't calling you a weepy guy, my dear. :-*
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
Geez, what doesn't make the hormonal mother of triplets cry. ;D This time of year is bad with those darned coffee commercials where the son comes back from college on Christmas morning. ::) :'(
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
Much to my disgrace, I cry easily with movies, mainly when the people in the movie cry. Some that I've cried for:
War of the Buttons, My Girl, Permanent Record, The War, La Bamba, Pay It Forward, Old Yeller, Fried Green Tomatoes, Billy Elliot, Shipping News, Used People... the list goes on and on... I blame Bengie for all this. When I was about 7 I saw a Bengie movie where Bengie's little "girlfriend" was kicked and it looked like she was dead (but she wasn't) and I just bawled and it seems like I've never stopped...
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
Most recently:
Monsters Inc.
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
I cry never. Very very few things have made me cry since I reached adolescence. But the one thing guaranteed to make me cry:
Forrest Gump.
That scene at the end where he's talking to Jenny's grave. Gets me every time.
That's the only thing. I can sustain my manliness at any other film, but Forrest Gump makes me weep like a little girl.
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
Too much stuff's made me cry lately. I'm just too sensitive.
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
I know when I was little "Where the Red Fern Grows" made me cry. So did "The Fox and the Hound"
But let's see there was "Forrest Gump" "Life is Beautiful" "A Beautiful Mind" uhh...I can't think of any others right now... but i CAN'T BELIEVE you cried when u saw "Ghost" ugh! that is so cheesy!
I think I should introduce my older sister to the boards and all you "softies" She tends to find it very amusing when guys cry. :D lol! But don't worry you can make fun of her too: ok NORMAL people get involved in soap operas......but SHE gets WAY TOO INVOLVED in STUPID OLYMPIC ICE SKATING
please donate to the "help Ze Queen's mentally demented sister" fund
-Queen Ruth Lorraine AmenRa Burnt Noodles Shway Crayola Staples
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
I cried at the end of Terminator 2 when Ah-nuld was about to self-terminate (with a little help from his friends, of course).
In my defense, I was 12.
I also teared up at the end of "The Rookie". That was a powerful movie and I hope it wins some big awards, it was so good.
I think I also cried at the end of "The Shawshank Redemption," from the moment they showed Andy's escape up until Red and Andy reunite in Mexico. That was one hell of a good movie.
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
My Best Friends Wedding
A Walk To Remember
Basically every Disney Movie
City Of Angels
What Dreams May Come
When Harry Met Sally
Monsters INC.
and i know i will regret this but TITANIC makes me BALL!!!
So there is my list of movies that just bring out the tears
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
I cry towards the end of Braveheart, as he's being tortured and when he's dying under torture and he can see his love coming through the crowd, coming to him. Not bawling out loud or anything, but tears definitely come.
In Glory...
And for some reason I can't explain, I get misty-eyed in Apollo 13, when the rocket is leaving the launchpad. The combination of pride mixed with the powerful soundtrack and images, I guess...
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
I don't cry at movies. But I do remember this one time (no, it wasn't at band camp!) when I was watching a movie called "Awakenings" with Robin Williams and Robert De Niro and there must have been dust in the house b/c I was coughing a little and my eyes were watering a bit....
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
I cry every time I see the movie "Ghost", and I do belive in them so I suppose I'll post that in the other thread! As for crying in general, at movies, it just depends on my mood but I would say that I cry quite often.
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
I cry every time I see the movie "Ghost", and I do belive in them so I suppose I'll post that in the other thread! As for crying in general, at movies, it just depends on my mood but I would say that I cry quite often.
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Sorry Superfreak, accidentally deleted your reply earlier!
When I asked where you were, it was just a general question!
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
In Glory...
End Quote
Uh.....ok....I didn't cry when I saw Glory but I nearly vomited.
And I think GhettoJohn is WAY too sensitive. I mean really, Titanic??? PUKE!!!!!!!!! ;) lol just playin with y'all
-Queen Ruth Lorraine AmenRa Burnt Noodles Shway Crayola Staples
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
i am incredibly sensitive, but TITANIC does make me cry, but only in one scene, and that is when the old lady dies. And there is nothing wrong with me being intouch with my emotions
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
"Titanic" was overrated In my opinion. But I do have to admit to chocking-up intensely and actually letting a tear escape when they began to show the dead people in the water, especially the babies/children. http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/traurig/traurig003.gif
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
well the music didnt help either
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
I misted up during "Glory" and "Apollo 13", too.
The scene in "Glory" that got to me was when they were preparing to attack the fort at the end of the movie. Colonel Shaw letting his horse run off, the men who knew they were likely to die while spearheading the assault. It was a masterful translation of courage and sacrifice. Courage under fire is a gift when it comes upon us all of a sudden; pre-meditated courage is something transcendent.
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
I cry at least once every time I watch a movie. Doesn't matter what it is, I will cry. I cried when Otter got his butt kicked in "Animal House." I cried when I thought Rafael got hurt in the first "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". My kids were so embarrased. they left me. I cry at the Hallmark and AT&T commercials. The "Forever Young" Pampers commercial gets me every time. Help me!!!!!!!!! I am such the dork!!!!!
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
I cry towards the end of Braveheart, as he's being tortured and when he's dying under torture and he can see his love coming through the crowd, coming to him. Not bawling out loud or anything, but tears definitely come.
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I cried during that part of the movie also. :'( I tend to cry quite easily during sad parts of movies. The latest movie I cried to was Life As A House when the father passed away.
Subject: Re: 'Gabble, you old softie you'
Quoting: I cry at the Hallmark and AT&T commercials. The "Forever Young" Pampers commercial gets me every time. Help me!!!!!!!!! I am such the dork!!!!!
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EXACTLY! I'm a complete crying dork too. How about "A Baby Story" on TLC. ::)
I think the first movie I ever cried at was "Born Free".