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Subject: Ghosts, What do you think?
What are peoples opinions of ghosts, do you believe there are spirits wondering about? Have you sighted one yourself? Is there any reason to fear them?
Me personally, hadn't thought much about them since my pre-teen years but last summer my wife and I were driving out to her folks place in farming country and I noticed from the front windsheild a farmer in typical farming dress, flannel shirt, coveralls, etc working on a fence post. When we were to be passing him I looked out the side window and he wasn't there. We would have been no more than 8 feet from him so he couldn't have ducked or moved out of vision. This was in the wheat fields and at harvest time, it was later evening. It wasn't spooky, nothing unusual, and I'm not a big follower of occult or other strange phenomenom. Kinda cool though.
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
I have a ghost in my house. I've never seen it. But I know it's here. When I moved in it was Dec. 1st...that year I put up my Christmas tree...I have an ornament that is oblong and kinda square-cornered...not an ornament that would roll well..especially on carpet...so anyway, I come home from work one night and that ornament is on the floor about 5 ft. from the tree...the loop is not broken, nor the branch it was hanging on...so I put it back on the tree on a branch that points UPWARD right next to the TRUNK....the next night I came home and the ornament was in the middle of the living room at least 12 ft from the tree....THEN one morning I woke up to the sounds of someone coming up my back steps and walking along my patio....I ran to the backdoor and there was...NO ONE....I'm tellin' ya it freaked me green...it was like the ghost was sayin' "Hey, I know you're here but I was here first"....we live in harmony now. I hear it occasionally but never again have I had a problem with my ornaments....
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
Cool story Jonman and I love that expression "t freaked me green". Good to hear your living well with each other, I think if there are ghosts than there could be more of them then there are us living folks. Good thing we can get along.
I have a ghost in my house. I've never seen it. But I know it's here. When I moved in it was Dec. 1st...that year I put up my Christmas tree...I have an ornament that is oblong and kinda square-cornered...not an ornament that would roll well..especially on carpet...so anyway, I come home from work one night and that ornament is on the floor about 5 ft. from the tree...the loop is not broken, nor the branch it was hanging on...so I put it back on the tree on a branch that points UPWARD right next to the TRUNK....the next night I came home and the ornament was in the middle of the living room at least 12 ft from the tree....THEN one morning I woke up to the sounds of someone coming up my back steps and walking along my patio....I ran to the backdoor and there was...NO ONE....I'm tellin' ya it freaked me green...it was like the ghost was sayin' "Hey, I know you're here but I was here first"....we live in harmony now. I hear it occasionally but never again have I had a problem with my ornaments....
End Quote
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
I'm tellin' ya it freaked me green
End Quote
At the risk of repeating Race, I love this saying. I have never heard it before, but it seems to fit. :D
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
Absolutely! I escorted my dear old gran once to a stately home, which supposedly had it's own ghost.
It was a really dark and gloomy that particular day, and there weren't that many visitors to the house.
To cut to the chase, as the tour guide opened one of the bedroom doors to show us around, there floating towards us was an apparition dressed in a long flowing dress. What I do recall, was the temperature plummeting in that vicinity and a really strange feeling.
Cut to a screaming man, hurtling down the stairs, dragging his
80 yeard old grandmother behind him!!
You try and tell yourself you must have been seeing things. However, what convinced it for me was the look, and the colour on the tour guides face, who also hot footed it with us.
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
Well,after my brother passed away 7 years ago,I thought I felt his spirit close to me,but it wasn't a ghost.
howard :)
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
I believe in ghosts. Our house is haunted. My sister has seen one, and I had that weird incident on November 1, which is also All Soul's Day. :o
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
Do I believe in ghosts? Well, I don't disbelieve in them. I came close to majoring in Paranormal Sciences in college, so I have an interest in it. I may have even taken a course or two in it...
According to family legend, every female on my mother's side of the family (including me) has lived in a haunted house at some time. My grandparents house was supposed to be haunted. Here's one of the interesting stories about it:
When my sister was two months old, she was left home with my Uncle (who was 12) babysitting her. She sleeping in his bedroom. He heard her crying and went to go get her but found he could not open the door. He had to go to the neighbor's for help. They had to break open the window (it was locked from the inside) and when they got in, they found that a wardrobe had been pushed in front of the bedroom door. It took two grown men to move it out of the way of the door, and the only other way into the house was through the window which could only be locked from the inside.
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
About a month ago I was walking home. As I approached the corner just 1 block from my house....I saw a Black Chevy truck that looked just like my late son Blaines....I was in a great mood so as I waited for the truck to pass by, I waved....as the truck went past me, the person driver leaned out the window and gave me a thumbs up...and a beautiful smile...It was Blaine....I had no doubt then and have none now.....I stood in the middle of the street and watched until it was gone, with no desire to chase it down and no thought of "Oh wow, that person looked just like Blaine". I had the most incredibly comforting feeling....there have been many time I have gone through experiences with this over the years, so my answer, obviously is Yes I believe in ghosts ;)
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
Yes I do. Or at least, very open to the possibility.
I can't verify that anything that's happened to me had anything to do w/spiritual activity, as it was never obvious and clear-cut.
Nonetheless, I believe there may be several "variants" of "ghost" activity. There may be genuine spirits, there may be psychic phenomena going on (e.g., deep unconscious brain power), there may be mere "recordings" of the past, there may be all of these things. I think all explanations are plausible depending on the case - I think all exist. We just categorize them all under the title of "ghost" or "haunt".
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
I believe(opinion) that ghost are Demons simply trying to pull out your inner fears and expose them to your daily life, but as far as people being ghost, no , just demons of SATAN!! ;)
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
I believe(opinion) that ghost are Demons simply trying to pull out your inner fears and expose them to your daily life, but as far as people being ghost, no , just demons of SATAN!! ;)
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That's what Dana Carvey's "Church Lady" would say ;D
I like the idea of friendly spirits that could maybe summon a dolphin to help you if you were drowning, or maybe imaginary friends that some children seem to have. It never hurts to have a little faith, and the "unknown" may become known and surprise you someday ;)
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
Ghosts...hmmm...I do believe that they exist, but not as we think of them. Truthfully, I'm not sure how they exist.
See...I think once we get to heaven, or once God finally pulls the plug on the Universe and we all get to go home (or the Bucs win the Superbowl, whichever comes first), there'll be this big 'Oh' session. Picture this...
God is finishing up a lecture
"...and that is why women like to have so many shoes."
And the crowd will say, "Oh!"
ALL the weird things we always wonder about will be explained then, including ghosts.
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
Yes! I do believe in ghosts. I've had quite a few experiences. None of them ever really scared me though.
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
Ghosts...hmmm...I do believe that they exist, but not as we think of them. Truthfully, I'm not sure how they exist.
See...I think once we get to heaven, or once God finally pulls the plug on the Universe and we all get to go home (or the Bucs win the Superbowl, whichever comes first), there'll be this big 'Oh' session. Picture this...
God is finishing up a lecture
"...and that is why women like to have so many shoes."
And the crowd will say, "Oh!"
ALL the weird things we always wonder about will be explained then, including ghosts.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
God is finishing up a lecture
"...and that is why women like to have so many shoes."
And the crowd will say, "Oh!"
End Quote
LMAO! Now THAT freaks me green!
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
Yes,I too believe in ghosts.I have seen one and heard one .The hearing was the freakiest.I was at afriend's house for the night ,it was abig old house with a main and back staircase.The kitchen was off the corridor that the back staircase lead down to.I was in the kitchen making a drink as I had got up earlier than my friend and heard footsteps walk across the landing above and start to come down the stairs.My friend's brothers rooms where up there so I just assumed it was one of them getting up so i stuck my head out of the kitchen door and said 'tea or coffee?' but there was noone there and the footsteps carried on down the stairs infront of me and along the hall !?! As you can imagine I was out of that kitchen like greased lightning!!
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
I believe in them, although i haven't had an experience or anything like that. I just feel that they exist.
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
God is finishing up a lecture
"...and that is why women like to have so many shoes."
And the crowd will say, "Oh!"
ALL the weird things we always wonder about will be explained then, including ghosts.
End Quote
I certainly hope it's more of a pep rally than a lecture...no matter what, I ALWAYS sleep through lectures. Doesn't matter if it's at 8 AM or 8 PM. Snooze time.
If I do fall asleep though, do ask this God why hot dogs still come in packs of 10 but buns come in packs of 8...and sometimes the other way around. I think it's a grocery store conspiracy.
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
I do believe in ghosts, and I have seen one, and heard another.
I believe that people who do believe in them are MUCH more likely to experience seeing or hearing one. Most people I know who have said they don't believe, have never had any "unexplainable" experiences.
The spookiest encounter I had was when I was living in an apartment building that dated back to the late 1800's. Every night,at about 2am, I would hear footsteps outside my door, and someone would rattle my doorknob. Then I would hear this person walk away, and go into the 'service' staircase, used only as an indoor fire excape.
One night I was determined to find out who was rattling my doorknob, and report them to the landlord or police. I spent the the time looking out my security peephole, and freaked out completely when I realized that there was NOBODY there, buy my doorknob was still wiggling!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o
I told a neighbor about it, who happened to be an ametur historian. He told me that I had encounted the ghost of a security guard who had died while on duty. It was during WWI, my building was a fancy hotel then and there was a shortage of able-bodied men for civilian jobs, they were all off fighting in the war.
The guard would check all the rooms, to make sure the guests were safe, and that no one was staying there unauthorized. After checking my room, he would go into the stairwell and take a nap. His boss had caught him more than once, and told him if he did it again he would be fired. The very next night, he sat down in the stairwell, not to take a nap, but because he had a fatal heart attack.
According to most ghost folklore, people who die with unfinished business are doomed to walk the earth trying to complete their last task.
After hearing that I would get wigged out if my doorknob didn't wiggle at 2am...I felt safer knowing the guard was watching out for me. :)
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
Yeah i believe in ghosts and the powers (demons, fallen angels). I've seen and heard them. I babysit for a lot of ppl. This one family had a ghost and they knew it and they didn't tell me. And it didn't like me. I think it was part poltergeist cuz. We made a house of blocks (the 2 little boys and I ) and it was like someone had kicked it. We got juice. It spilled on the floor, by itself. I opened the cabinet and it slammed on my hands. I lock the front door it slams open. Thje cat gets out. we go to get back in and the door is locked. The little boy opens the door and the cat is inside. TV pops on and off. You COuldnt PAY ME ENOUGH 2 GO BACK THERE.
My other experience was a lot nicer though. My grandfatheres house in Quakertown, PA dates back to the 1300's its really old. While i was ther one summer I kept catching a glimpse of a woman crying. She'd look at me cry and disappear. My grandfather refuses to believe that there are ghosts and when we went to town I went to the library(I love the library) to see if i could find out stuff about the house. Its a long story but the woman lost her baby and it was buried behind our house by her husband. We didnt know. So i went searching and digging I was only 11 years old. And I found the babys skull and it freaked me green sorry had 2 say that. I ran to tell my grandpa and they got it properly buried an dthe last time i saw the woman she smiled and then disappeared
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
Well, the simple answer would be, there has been too much felt and seen, and witnessed by humanity for there not to be something out there. Like a friend of mine putit during one of our b. s. sessions.... "We only know what we know. Think about how much there is that we don't know." LOL just read that over and doesn't make a whole lot of sense when written but struck me as strangely apt. As for personal experience...I have sensed on occasion that there was a presence in my home, and so has my daughter. Our home we live in now had partially burned in the 50's, killing the man and woman who had lived there. I sometimes get the wiggans when I am alone in the house..who knows? :o
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
I do believe that there are ghosts. I have seen one but my mom said it was my "dad".
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
I have never "seen" a ghost but I have felt presences many times. I always seem to know when there is someone who has passed over is around.
"I do believe in spooks. I do, I do, I do, believe in spooks." lol
Subject: Re: Ghosts, What do you think?
To quote Ray Parker Jr.: "I ain't afraid of no ghost!" ;)
Some people have different beliefs about ghosts than others. I realy don't know i I believe in them or not; I sometimes refuse to believe, but sometimes watch documentaries on ghosthunting and exorcism.