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Subject: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...Vegas style!
My friends often tell me that I overthink things ::)
My question to you, dear board members, is about the comic Calvin and Hobbes.
As you know, Calvin is a kid with loads of potential who always gets into trouble. Hobbes is his stuffed tiger/imaginary friend. Naturally, only Calvin is able to see Hobbes as more than a stuffed tiger, while everyone else sees Hobbes as nothing more than a toy.
I'll get into this more after I read your replies...but what do you think Hobbes represents in Calvin's life? (...or otherwise?)
I await your responses with anticipation :)
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...
he is probally his imaginary friend who offers him company even when he is trouble , someone who is always there for him
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...
Hobbes the one that keeps him grounded by reminding him of reality. Hobbes is also his concious, the one that presents ethical ramifications for his actions.
Intersting that the wholly imaginary friend is the one that keeps his real world perspective, which he can still and did ignore.
The two greatest comic strips were Bloom County and then Calvin and Hobbes.
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...
Who's Calvin and Hobbes? ???
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...
I think Hobbes also represents Calvin's need for an age-mate/friend with similar likes, dislikes, and taste.
A lot of kids who have imaginary friends (at least that I'm aware of) do not relate to other kids their own age, by either being developmentally ahead or behind.
I had imaginary friends myself, because all the other little girls my age were only interested in boys, fashion and makeup. (Yuck!!). I was into science-fiction, slapstick humor (like The Three Stooges) and history, not very popular. ::) When adolescence came knocking, I found myself with a lot of platonic friends among the boys, further alienating me from the girls, though I had abandoned the imaginary friends, for the real ones. Now that I'm an adult, I have plenty of friends of both genders (though I still can't be bothered with a lot of makeup, it feels like cheating).
I think that Calvin is either too hyper for the other little boys in his world, or his interests are so radically diffferent they cannot relate to him. He seems to have a sharp mind, despite his marks in school, so I think he may be just a little bit ahead of his peers, intellectually. The teachers have not yet caught on to this, and therefore have not figured out how to catch and keep his attention in class.
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...
Who's Calvin and Hobbes? ???
End Quote
A comic by Bill Watterson, discontinued circa 1996 when Bill decided to retire...a la Gary Larson. Calvin was named after philosopher John Calvin, of the Calvinist religion. Hobbes was named after philosopher Thomas Hobbes.
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...
..... man, I miss Gary Larson's cartoons a lot... :(
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...
for those of you who are curious:
this should link you to a cartoon archive :)
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...
I love Calvin and Hobbes! That being said, I think Hobbes is Calvin's conscience and the naive and innocent part of him that is what keeps him from totally going postal.
Or maybe the kid is insane! ;D
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...
Methinks I will use this as a running diary ;) Since I'm not a super-spy and I don't have any deep dark secrets, y'all get to see what I'm up to when I do something completely stupid and worthy enough to be posted :D
Darn...broken glass :-/ Thus beginneth another stupid day. Methinks I'll write a parody.
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Now this will be an interesting thread to visit! :)
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...
Maybe because Passport is not a state issued ID? Laws reguarding firearm puchases very from State to State.
I wish I could find a link to a story but a woman files suit cause she was having some pictures developed that contained photos of her young daughter shirtless. The store called in police and she was taken back and questioned for over an hour. No charges were filed, it was clear to the prosecuter that the pictures were not sexual or exploitive in anyway.
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...
Maybe because Passport is not a state issued ID? Laws reguarding firearm puchases very from State to State.
I wish I could find a link to a story but a woman files suit cause she was having some pictures developed that contained photos of her young daughter shirtless. The store called in police and she was taken back and questioned for over an hour. No charges were filed, it was clear to the prosecuter that the pictures were not sexual or exploitive in anyway. End Quote
I know the story you are talking about, Race. The three yr old had been swimming with her father in the pool, that was one of the pictures, and another was of her laying on the carpet with her bare rear showing. But whether she wins her case or not, I hope this will not stop people from reporting real child abuse cases. It is unfortunate that a Walmart Employee took this so far, since it was obvious to the prosecutor that this person did not exploit or abuse their child.
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...
Thanks for the clearer info Shazaaah, :)
So Rice, don't be naked getting "metaphysical" with that shotgun while your friend is snapping pictures, you'll have big problems getting that film developed unless of course he has proper state ID. ::)
(Sorry, don't know where that came from, just beleive me when I say it's been a very busy weekend)
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...
Is that true?
Oh yeah, we can't buy ammo on the same day as buying the gun, and we can't buy a baseball bat on the same day we buy baseballs.
Guess which one I'm actually kidding about.
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Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...
Flippin' wierd. I don't like California and I don't know how you can stand it there either. So freakin' liberal it's amazing that people can still afford to live there. I'm in HR and it blows my mind how much Calif govt. is willing to sacrifice it's business world to laweres and insurance companies.
Apparently in Union City, CA, yes. Maybe in other cities too.
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Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...
Flippin' wierd. I don't like California and I don't know how you can stand it there either. So freakin' liberal it's amazing that people can still afford to live there. I'm in HR and it blows my mind how much Calif govt. is willing to sacrifice it's business world to laweres and insurance companies.
End Quote
You said it man. I think I want to move to Canada...not much better in terms of economy, but the people are so much nicer there :)
Present company excepted, naturally :D
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...
1) I surf the internet so much that I even surf it in my dreams.
End Quote
Take a one day break from the computer. Go for a walk, play catch, read a book, or anything. If you surf the web in your dreams, that tells me you need a break. I once dreamed I was at work doing my usual work, and man was i ticked when I woke up and realized I had to go to work. That is the day I quit work and went to a tavern.
P.S. if anyone has any job leads for a java programmer, please contact me.
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...
So today my friend and I went to pick up his shotgun.
This is an interesting story, naturally. He had submitted paperwork for a background check about two and a half weeks ago. This was at Wal-Mart. He actually had gone in yesterday to pick it up, but for some reason, they wouldn't accept his PASSPORT as I.D., even though the passport is like the ultimate, sacred, official stamp of your right to citizenship in the US of A. They wanted his driver's license instead, which, as you probably know, is sh*t-@$$ easy to forge. So he didn't have the license, so he dragged me in today for moral support, and this time he did have the license. But we had to wait for an HOUR while they scratched their balls, tried to dig the gun out of the back, wrote as SLOWLY as humanly possible to complete the forms, and hunted down a manager to walk the gun out of the store. Retarded.
I think the surest form of gun control in this country is inept Wal-Mart employees.
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Could it just have been a case of "we-always-do-it-this-way-and-I-don't-want-to-risk-trying-to-think-for-myself" ?
I used to work in a bank, and like most banks, we would cash checks drawn on us for non-customers if they showed a driver's license to prove they were the person named on the "pay to the order of" line. Standard procedure dictated that we copy the license number and DOB, check the signature of the person writing the check, then get a supervisor to initial the check.
One day, an off-duty police officer came to my window, and instead of his driver's license, he presented his Federal Identification card (the permit to carry a gun). For those of you who don't know, an FID card contains all the info on a driver's license, your hair and eye color, a fingerprint, your weight, your mother's maiden name, your shoe size, that embarrasing thing you did in third grade, and what you had for breakfast this morning. Like any ID, it can be faked, but it is Wayyyy harder for the casual forger to do.
I did my bit, and brought the whole shebang to the supervisor for an initial. He refused to sign it. Why? I asked. He told me if anything happened (that is, if the check was bad) he would have to say that no, he did not see a driver's licence. And it (gasp) might cost him his job! ::)
The cop laughed the whole thing off when I explained the supervisor wanted an actual driver's license, he said supervisors are usually the same in all fields. I was mortified, being the only person in the whole place with half a brain.
All this time and aggrivation for $20. >:(
Stupid people.....
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...
So, I have returned...and now I present:
Rice Cube's VEGAS Vacation!!!
:D ;D
This is gonna take a few posts...
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...
Day 1:
Having destroyed his transmission by hopping a rather large speed bump at 45 miles per hour, my friend did not feel comfortable using his truck to take us to Vegas...soooooooo, we had to find an alternative source of transportation.
Sooooooooooo...after buying some shotgun ammo and various items to use as targets (propane tanks, six-packs of nasty-cola, etc) we went to a nearby Avis. Of course, none of us being 25, we couldn't rent a car without paying some stupid fee because apparently nobody trusts people under the age of 25 :P
But lo! The Avis girl was awesome and started "hacking" the system to find some loopholes for us to rent a car without said adult fee, and we snagged an awesome Buick LeSabre AND unlimited mileage for a week. Unfortunately it was governed at 110 mph, we were kinda disappointed about that.
One more note about Avis girl: turns out she used to be a cheerleader at my high school. My friend is going to hit on her when we return the car ;D
That night, driving along sh*t-cloud covered I-5, we stopped at Harris Ranch, a snazzy steakhouse which is, literally, surrounded by cow, to eat dinner. Took an hour and a half to finally find a table, and I downed about five gallons of Barq's Root Beer (I always have this thing where I want to drink as much as possible to earn back all the money I put into a bottomless drink) and drove until the Nevada state line before I screeched to a halt when my sugar-high was done.
We stayed at Harrah's. My first stop was at the roulette tables, and I should have backed down because Instant Karma told me that the roulette croupier, "Larry", was not happy about his late-night situation...I dropped $20 on that table, but that wasn't what cheesed me off. I was about to drop my last $10 in chips on double-zero, but I thought it would be wiser to bet on red instead. BAH! Landed smack on double-zero. Never have I had to expend so much effort to suppress the flurry of epithets I could have unleashed upon the evil roulette gods.
I quit for the night, by the way :P
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...
Day 2:
This was a good day. I probably shouldn't have gone to Vegas because, honestly, I couldn't really afford it. But I guess I was there more as a good luck charm. One of my friends and his girlfriend went to do their own thing, while my friend Paul and I went to try to scam complimentary drinks from every casino we could.
At Harrah's, Paul had dropped a fat wad on the slots, video poker and roulette tables, so we figured it would be a good time to do something else. So, being Raiders fans, we bet on the Raiders. In retrospect, we should have bet on the line and the over/under as well, but winning $18 in addition to our original $20 bet wasn't bad. Paul later put $15 on the Warriors to beat the LA Clippers, and that happened by the skin of their balls. Woefully inconsistent teams, grrr. He made back $55. We also got really hammered and the waitress was mad that we didn't tip her once. But I couldn't taste the spittle or arsenic in the Sam Adams, so I didn't care :D
That night we went to the GameWorks arcade, which also had a Coke and M&M museum nearby. When we were prancing around the M&M museum, Paul found one of those stands with the beads on strings that spell a name...and we happened upon the "TRANNIF". Who the hell names their kid "Trannif"? We could not find another one on the stand, so we asked the M&M folk if we could take it for free since there was no possible way they could ever EVER sell it. They said no, but we took it anyway. Every time we bet, we invoked the power of the "Trannif"...usually with good results.
We gambled until about 4 in the morning...actually, we pretended to gamble in the hopes of scoring free drinks. And that was that for the day.
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...Vegas style
Day 3:
We decided to escape Vegas on this day to go to Arizona and visit the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon. Of course, we sorta forgot that it was a five hour drive, and we also didn't wake up until about 11:30...which meant by the time we got there, it would have been dark.
Hey, I DID get to see a white Xmas after all! :D It snowed in Arizona as we got near the canyon, it was great :) We didn't really get to see the grandness of the canyon, and we still had to pay $20 to get into the national park (we tried to bribe the ranger, but it didn't work)...but it was fun to run around in the snow and the lodges and hit on the hot girls. All we saw of the canyon was a big gaping black hole (since it was dark) but the trip was a blast.
When we got back to Vegas, we checked into the Stratosphere at the waaaaaaay north end of the Strip. It was a cool hotel. We scammed some more free drinks, and played on the slots until 4 AM again.
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...Vegas style
Day 4:
Like the color choice? Today we just kinda pranced around in the desert. It is NOT advisable to off-road in a Buick LeSabre! But she handled it well, all things considered :)
So remember those propane canisters? Yeah, we shot at them. Have videos and photos too. We were kind of disappointed that they didn't blow up, but it was still cool to watch the shells and slugs rip through them in super-slow motion :) We had to lay low every time a dirt bike came around or the helicopters flew overhead, but no bad happened. The shotgun was awesome, and eventually we just started shooting from the hip or shooting into the air. We even threw cans of Shasta into the air like clay pigeons, I think I barely nicked one :) We had a grand time in the desert, oh YEAH.
That night, we dressed up in suits and cruised the strip in our sand-covered Buick LeSabre ;D It was goofy! Here we are, all dressed nice and prim, and we're in a car that looks like it had been sneezed on by a herd of elephants. We also ate at Quizno's, YUM :D
Paul and my friend Watt won mega money on roulette that night. The Trannif has blessed us. ;D
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...Vegas style
Day 5:
Ah, New Year's Eve...we didn't get up until 1 PM...Watt yelled at me all day for not waking him up at 10 AM so we could go to GameWorks again, but whatever, there was absolutely NO WAY in hell anyone was going to get up before we did :D
So we did more walking, some shopping, more scamming free drinks in the sports book. Paul lost $10 betting on Air Force to beat Virginia Tech, but the game was sooooooo close to being tied....kinda like Super Bowl--uh, the number whenever the Titans barely got into the end zone but was stopped as time expired and the Rams won. Very sad moment. The Trannif had failed us. But our waitress was hot. And I got drunk. So all was good.
That night we trammed all over the place to find a primo spot to watch the fireworks. We ended up getting smashed up against a bunch of drunken fat guys and some Japanese tourists on the bridge between MGM Grand and New York-New York. The fireworks were spectacular, I copped a few cheap feels, the Japanese girls took a New Year's photo with my friend the token white guy, and we went to bed early to get up in time to check out the next day. No more free drinks that night though :-/ We didn't get to rent a car either.
A sports car, that is. Ah...that Cobra looked really sweet.
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...Vegas style
Day 6:
Going home time! We stopped at Red Rock Canyon, it was beautiful. I love nature.
We also had to drive through a massive sh*t-cloud on the way up California. I swear, the farmers were burning 8000 tons of rancid cow sh*t for at least 20 miles. Foul foul foul.
And now I'm home :)
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...Vegas style
I'm glad that you're back and that you had a great time! I'm even more glad that Vegas survived you and your friends...;D
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...Vegas style
Oh dude! I almost forgot about the Carrot Top incident!
You see, Carrot Top was booked at the MGM Grand from January 2-8. We have no idea how or why, his agent must be a god or a mafia don or something. Anyway, it sorta happened like this...
Me: *walking along the slot machine*
Paul: *suddenly grabs me, whips me around, and in a really excited voice* "Dude, Kin, look! It's CARROT TOP!"
Me: "Oh my gawd, it IS Carrot Top!"
Paul: "We have to get out of here, I can't be within a hundred feet of him."
And so, we had a brush with Carrot Top. The assassination attempt never happened, though. :P
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...Vegas style
I thought you were my hero! :'( :'( (j/k ;) )
Glad you had a good time in Vegas. When you recover, check out the three New Year's party threads. You won't be suprised at the state of my reputation, I'll bet. ;)
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...Vegas style
I thought you were my hero! :'( :'( (j/k ;) )End Quote
Our shotgun was in the car and the bouncers were about 8 times my size...sowwy :-/
Glad you had a good time in Vegas. When you recover, check out the three New Year's party threads. You won't be suprised at the state of my reputation, I'll bet. ;)
End Quote
Ah...you crazy kids ::)
Subject: Re: When Rice Cube gets metaphysical...Vegas style
Glad you had fun RC, you guys should have asked Carrot Top if he really dials 1-800 c-a-l-l-a-t-t! ::)