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Subject: Your favorite movie quote!
Now, if you read my posts you'll know I have a library of quotes from my favorite movies...so I'd like to know some of yours :)
I'll start off with the signature SpaceBalls quote: "I bet she gives GREAT helmet" ;)
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
"I'ts a cage, with golden bars" &
"another round for all my friends!"
Both from Barfly, the only good Micky Rourke movie.
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
"Life is pain, Your Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something."
Cary Elwes (Westley), THE PRINCESS BRIDE, 1987
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
Good call, that is one of the greats.
How about "Inconceivable!"
"Life is pain, Your Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something."
Cary Elwes (Westley), THE PRINCESS BRIDE, 1987
End Quote
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
Ted Striker (Robert Hays): Surely you can't be serious.
Dr. Rumack (Leslie Nielsen): I am serious. And don't call me Shirley!
"Airplane!", 1980.
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
There are several that we repeat to one another at any given time around our house..but instantly coming to mind is:
"Oh now see....that wasn't a nice thing to say. That wasn't designed to make me feel good" from Grosse Point Blank
That and about half the quotes from Clue (note the sig under my avatar.. ;)) or So I Married an Ax Murderer
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
From 16 Candles
Donger: What's ahappening..hawt stuff.
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
From The Graduate with Dustin Hoffman :
Benjamin Braddock : "I'm going up to Berkeley and I'm going to marry Elaine"
Mr Braddock : "I don't know Ben, this whole idea sounds pretty half-baked to me...."
Benjamin Braddock : "Oh no....It's completely baked"
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
From Blade:
Blade gets shot in the chest by two police officers, but the bullets are stopped by his armor. He looks at them and says:
"Mutha..., are you outta your damn mind?!"
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
"You'll get nothing and like it!" Caddyshack
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
I get a feeling of deja vu, here...
Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die
Black Knight: Have at you!
Arthur: You are indeed brave, sir knight, but the fight is mine.
Black Knight: Oh, had enough eh?
Arthur: Look, you stupid bastard. You've got no arms left!
Black Knight: Yes I have.
Arthur: Look!
Black Knight: Just a flesh wound!
OK, so she's a dog
...but only the last one has a parody written about it ;-)
PS I was wrong - quote nş2 is covered in "Crazy Knights" http://www.amiright.com/parody/80s/kiss1.shtml
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
"Take me to bed or lose me forever", Meg Ryan from Top Gun.
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
It's odd how when you *try* to remember something like this, you can't...
The only ones that comes immediately to mind are from Harry Callahan of the "Dirty Harry" series, or Arnold Schwarzenegger form the "Terminator" series...
Ooh, ooh - I know: "No ma'am, we're musicians" - Dan Ackroyd (or was it John Belushi?) from "The Blues Brothers"
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
Also from "Clue"...
Mr. Green: If you want to know who killed Mr. Boddy, I did. In the hall, with the revolver. Take 'em away, chief. I'm going home to sleep with my wife.
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
"Do you like apples? Well I got her number! How do you like them apples?" from Good Will Hunting...
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
Quoting:Ooh, ooh - I know: "No ma'am, we're musicians" - Dan Ackroyd (or was it John Belushi?) from "The Blues Brothers"
End Quote
A Classic, GazPacho !
It was Ackroyd ;)
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
Here's another classic:
"You got knocked the f out, man!"
Smokey, Friday
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
Dr Evil)Talk to the hand cuz the face isn't listening.
President)Talk to what hand? Talk to YOUR hand?
Dr Evil)You ain't all that and a bag of potato chips.
Dr Evil)Don't go there, girlfriend. Mmm hmm!
Scott Evil)You're an idiot.
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
YOu had me at hello...tear? Nothing...OK
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
"-you will never grow old, and you will never die, but you must feed..." -the Lost Boys-
"-I feel the need, the need for speed!" -Top Gun-
"-doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning's winning" -The Fast and the furious- (i know, I know...)
"- you want to get out of here, you come to me..." -Mad Max, The road warrior-
" -anything to declare? -yes, don't go to England!" -Snatch-
"- if you build it, they will come..." -Field of Dreams-
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
"Do you like apples? Well I got her number! How do you like them apples?" from Good Will Hunting...
End Quote
That whole bar scene is one of the best movie scenes I have seen. Great flick!
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
My favorite movie quote.I was watching this last night and I laughed out loud:
"do not go in there...whoooo"!
ACE VENTURA. -howard-
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
Colin Clive: "It's ALIVE!!!
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
"Cut witha words, as sharp as a knife. Doomed isa your soul and damned isa your life." - Lord John Worfin
"Please don't shoot at the thermonuclear weapons." - Maj. Vic Deacons
"My mind is going.....i can feel it." - HAL 9000
"He's hangin' out back there." - Harry Callahan
"Things in here don't react too well to bullets." - Capt. Marko Ramius
"Want to touch the heinie..." - Billy Madison
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
Just for fun, from When Harry Met Sally:
Harry to Sally: I love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out. I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love that you get a little crinkle in your nose when you're looking at me like I'm nuts. I love that after I spend day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it's not because I'm lonely, and it's not because it's New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
hehehe...almost forgot Sally's response:
You see? That is just like you, Harry. You say things like that, and you make it impossible for me to hate you!
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
" looky looky i got hooky " from Hook
which remains my alltime fav.
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
"Do you like apples? Well I got her number! How do you like them apples?" from Good Will Hunting...
End Quote
Ooh..good one! ;D
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
"I'm a donkey on the edge!"
"I'm siiiiingin' in the rain (KICK)"
-A Clockwork Orange
"Shut your f&*@ing face, uncle f#@%er!"
"Blame Canada!"
-South Park Bigger and Uncut
"You should not eat talking trees"
-Land Before Time
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
I couldn't think of one, until I read Langdon's second entry, and then I remembered....
Alex to the girl in the record store with the drooping ice cream cone:
"What happened to yours?"
;D ;D
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
"Come back here, I'll bite your kneecaps off!" (or something very much like that)--Monty Python and the Holy Grail
"Why can't you people keep your feet on the ground?"--Ardeth Bay in The Mummy Returns
"Patience is a virtue." "Not now it isn't!!!!!!" Evylyn Carnahan, then Rick O'Connell in The Mummy (in the museum as the Bad Guys are crashing in to get them, and cutting off the main escape route).
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
"It doesn't matter if you win by an inch
or a mile.
Winning is winning."
Fast and the Furious
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
Well, since a have about a million favorite quotes, I'll only post a few.
How about my favorite quote from each of my favorite movies?
Amadeus: Leopold- "You won't have to do anything for me ever again. I'M LEAVING!" Mozart- "NO PAPA!" (actually I find that whole scene quite amusing)
Beautiful Mind: Nash (aka RUSSELL CROWE!)- "I'm terrified, horrified, petrified, stupefied...by YOU!"
Monty Python & the Holy Grail: (Father and son dispute) "But mother!" "*Father, I'm father...*" "But I don't WANT to get married!" "Listen! Alice!" "HERBERT!" "herbert..."
UHF: Weird Al as Uncle Nutsy: "Uh-oh! Bobo's been eating...YAPPIE'S DOG TREATS!" *Bobo the clown gags and runs out* "That's right! Your dog will love that real liver and tuna taste..." *Vomiting heard in the background* "...with JUST A HINT OF CHEESE!"
Princess Bride: Vessini: "No more rhymes now, I mean it!" Fessik: "Anybody want a peanut?"
Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy:The book- "'I refuse to proof I exist,' says God. 'For proof denies faith, and without faith, I am nothing.' 'But the babelfish is a dead giveaway isn't it?' says man. 'It proves you exist, so therefore you don't. QED.' 'Oh dear,' says God. 'I hadn't thought of that.' He promptly vanishes into a cloud of logic. 'Oh,' says man. 'That was easy!' He then goes on to prove that black is white and gets killed at the next zebra crossing."
Aren't those just lovely? ;D
-Queen Ruth Lorraine AmenRa Burnt Noodles Shway Crayola Staples
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
"I'm your Huckelberry"
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
UHF: Weird Al as Uncle Nutsy: "Uh-oh! Bobo's been eating...YAPPIE'S DOG TREATS!" *Bobo the clown gags and runs out* "That's right! Your dog will love that real liver and tuna taste..." *Vomiting heard in the background* "...with JUST A HINT OF CHEESE!"
End Quote
I prefer the whole "Wheel of Fish" scene with Kuni...actually, all of Kuni's scenes were awesome ;D
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
Beano in Still Crazy, playing a game involving thinking of bands with body parts in their name:
'Cockney Rebel! Cock and knee! Two points for that one!'
Nigel Tufnel in Spinal Tap, on their new album:
'It's like, how much more black could it be? And the answer is none. None...more black.'
Having just gambled away all of his boss's money:
'I wonder if I'll be held responsible for this.'
On being asked 'what's with you today?':
'What's with today today?'
'I do not regret the things I have done, but those I did not do.'
'Darn the man!!!!'
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
Louis: I am shock, shock to find gambling in this establishment.
Cashier: Here's your winnings.
Louis: Thank you.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
"Lord, what fools these mortals be." (or as my honey says it, "Lord, what foods these morsels be.")
"Rest in the arms of the dragon."
There are others but that is just a few.
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
There are so so many.. but I love the line in Harry met Sally:
Sally "You tried to hit on me."
Harry "No I didn't"
Sally "Yes you did!"
Harry "No I didn't!"
Sally "Yes..you did!"
Harry "Ok, ok, so I hit on you. I take it back."
Sally " You can't take it back!"
Harry " Why not?"
Sally "Because it's already out there!"
Harry "Oh my God, someone call the police it's already out there!"
Ok, it's more than one line but I still love that movie.
Subject: Re: Your favorite movie quote!
Just about the entire script of "Casablanca", but I'll limit myself to a couple.
"What a fool I am. Here am I talking to a beautiful woman about another man" Capt. Louis Renault (Claude Raines) from Casablanca
After Rick sends Yvonne home in a cab: "How extravagent you are, throwing away women like that. One day they might be scarce" Louis Renault again.
"I have a plan ... Mein Fuhrer, I can walk!!" Dr Strangelove (Peter Sellers) from Dr Strangelove.
"You don't have to say anything and you don't have to do anything. Or, maybe just whistle. You do know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow" Marie (Lauren Bacall) from To Have and Have Not