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Subject: What country do your ancestors come from ?
I thought this might be interesting to know what background people have...
Go as far back as you know about !
My father is English in origin (although has lived in Aus for 77 years now...)
My mother's parents were Danish
My children have some German ancestry in them as their mother's mother's mother lived somewhere near the Germany/Poland border....
So - England / Denmark / Germany / Poland / Australia
What about yours ?
FB :)
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
Well, I consider myself English as my last name is a phonetic spelling of the British pronunciation of the occupation from where it is derived.
I consider myself part Scottish as my mother's maiden name is the Scottish word for church.
I consider myself part German as I believe there is someone named Holstein in my family tree. That's German.
And I believe there may be some native American in me somewhere.
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
Well most recently my ancestors are Swedish and Irish. I am also a direct descendent of Pocahontas and John Rolf. My paternal grandmother's maiden name was French...I guess you would say I am Heinz57 ;)
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
On my dad's side of the family, his maternal grandparent's were Greek (my great-grandfather) and Mexican. His paternal grandparent's were both Mexican. I don't really know much about my mother's side of the family. I think there is some English and Dutch blood, but no one really knows for sure.
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
100% purebred Chinese riceburner ;D
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
Well, this is a hard one. My Dad was adopted so zip there. My maternal grandmother's parents are a mystery. Something about one of two brothers and the French maid. ::) My maternal grandfather is Irish. One of his parents was from Inneskillen and one was from some where in County Cork. But, considering the color (or lack of) of my skin and hair and my quick temper, I think there's a lot more Irish than I know about. ;D And there's the drinking thing. :P ;D
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
I am also a direct descendent of Pocahontas and John Rolf. End Quote
That's interesting. Please elaborate. I love History. :)
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
I have European Ancestry. :)
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
Oooh! This thread is taylor-made for me, since I have been doing genealogy since 1974 -- long before a lot of you were born! (it's the only thing in the whole world I'm actually good at.. ::) )
My paternal grandparents were born here (Missouri and Ohio) but both their lines are pure German (Saxony and Bavaria).
On my mother's side we took 275 years to get out of Pennsylvania.... ::)
Mostly German and Swiss (Mennonite, Amish and Lutherans); one English Quaker branch from Staffordshire (Tricky Dick Nixon was my 8th cousin, twice removed :P ); one Dutch branch and one Scots-Irish branch (both untraced so far); and my extensive Cornish line which eventually wends it's way thru the Cornish and Devonshire gentry back to English royalty via Sir Fulke Grevill's daughter... :)
And, on an added note: after 20 years of being stuck at a dead end, I finally (last week) found my one 3rd great grandfather's previously unidentified parents! :D
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
That's interesting. Please elaborate. I love History. :)
End Quote
I wish I could, all I remeber is being told that she was my great great great (I am not sure how many greats) grandma. I used to feel bad that she was taken from America to England by John Rolf, then I found this out and decided that even though it wasn't nice, I wouldn't have been here if it hadn't of happened.
My grandma was really into geneaology. I wasn't that interested and it is kind of tough to ask her questions. She died 4 yrs ago. I think I will ask my cousin about it, she might know.
The moral of this story kiddos is to pay attention to the elderly, you can learn alot from them.
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
How do you do a pie-graph on one of these jobbies?
In decending order, I think...
Scotch Irish
Last names include: O'Boyle, DeShazer, Gridley, Whitcomb...
Most of them were either war heroes or sheisters. Go figure. (Actually had a relative who sold honest-to-goodness snake oil from a travelling tent as he spread the gospel hellfire and brimstone style.)
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
Hmm, well this is pretty easy for me:
I've always lived in England but both my parents emigrated from Cyprus when they were young with their parents. My grandparents are Greek, so were my Great-grandparents and so on really :)
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
Let's see, my paternal grandfather's family came over from Ireland during the Potato Famine.
My paternal great-grandmother was full blooded Native American, from the Shawnee tribe.
My maternal grandfather was from Italy, while my maternal grandmother was of German descent.
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
I'm a total mutt.
Some of my mom's family was Irish, some was Pennsylvania Dutch, and some was actually American Indian.
Dad's family, as I recall, consisted of German, English, and French.
I have no idea what the biggest part of my heritage is--I only remember that my mom always used to say that my grandma was half Irish, so that's what I mostly "claim". :D
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
This is a really cool question, FB! :)
On my mom's side, everyone has an Irish background. My grandpa was born in Ireland, and came to the USA just before the turn of the last century. My nana was born here, but just barely. :o
On dad's side, the grandparents were all born here in the USA, but their parents (my great-grandparents), were from Ireland. Their grandparents (my great-great-great-grandparents) were from Scotland with ties to Clan Douglas.
So, I usually describe myself as an American with Irish-Scots ancestors.
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
My mother's side is Korean, and my father's side is British, I think.
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
German & Russian, I believe...
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
Cool thread, Fuss! ;D
My paternal grandfather was born and raised in Norway.
My paternal grandmother was Scottish.
My maternal grandfather was English.
My maternal grandmother was Canadian.
So I would say Canada/Norway/England/Scotland.
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
I have English, Scottish, Irish, Spanish, Polish, American Indian, and German, and I haven't yet traced my father's father's side. One of my ancestors was a Jack the Ripper suspect :o
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
I like Zella's tree so much I think that is what I will be ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
I like Zella's tree so much I think that is what I will be ;D ;D ;D
End Quote
Let's see.... 28 years of research at $10 an hour -- okay just gimme $100,000. and you can have it.... ;)
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
My father's parents came from Sweden, My mom's father came from Germany and her mother from what was then Czechoslovakia...My grandfather on my dad's side was too young to emigrate to Canada so he was adopted by a family from his hometown in Sweden that he had travelled with so I basically have NO real relatives here with my last name and all my relatives in Sweden have a different last name...
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
I am also a mutt! My Dad's grandmother on his fathers side was Welsh but the rest of his fathers ancestors were Irish hence the Irish surname!
My Dads mother was fostered from a few months old though from what we have managed to trace her parents families were both from Kent so English there.
My mother's mother was German and her father was Dutch.
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
German & Russian, I believe...
End Quote
Me, too: at least, my maternal grandmother was German, my paternal grandmother was Russian (surnames Senner and Kulakowski respectively), my paternal grandfather was Polish - though my maternal grandfather is as English as English gets.
The funny side is that when my great-grandfather came over from Poland, the immigration people took one look at his surname (which had more 'z's in than vowels), and wrote "Alexander" as a surname on the immigration papers, because he though it sounded Polish :-)
My wife, OTOH, can trace her ancestry back to Fletcher Christian (the Mutiny on the Bounty chap), and to this woman:
...who was named "Nonie" by Victoria (before she became Queen, evidently because she had trouble saying "Rosamund"), and since then the eldest girl in any generation has been named Nonie (or had Nonie as a middle name) - hence my eldest daughter's name.
It's fun, this genealogy stuff, isn't it?
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
Father's side - Latvia
Mother's side - English and Cherokee Indian.
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
Where do you go to map out family trees and such?
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
Where do you go to map out family trees and such?
End Quote
You start with yourself and then go on to your parents and grandparents, writing down all the names, dates and places you know. Then talk to all the older living relatives that you can find. Then go to your local LDS Family History Center and start ordering census records on film. And be prepared to spend a lifetime doing this -- it's like playing chess by mail! :)
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
I am told (and I have always wondered how reliable this information is) that my English ancestors of my current surname had some major role in the killing of some scottish dude named McDuff.
Not one to be paranoid ::) when I went to Britain in 1982 and witnessed the ongoing rivalry between England and Scotland first hand ...
"...We don't accept that stuff here you know..."
as I tried to pay a Scottish Fish and Chip shop owner with an English banknote (which are legal tender throughout Britain), I decided to keep mum on my surname.
Old wounds run deep, I had no desire for them to suddenly run deep through me !
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
Fussy, you were in Britian in '82! That's when I was there. From February to July. Funny!
I am equal quantities Irish and English. Irish free settlers and boatloads of convict scum of which we're tremendously proud. Family legend has it that we descend from Sir Thomas More.
My husband is of Italian/Austrian/French descent so our cubs are basically mongrels......but we luv em! ;D
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
that my English ancestors of my current surname had some major role in the killing of some scottish dude named McDuff.
End Quote
...could be worse: you could try ordering Campbell's soup in a Macdonalds ;-)
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
Fussy, you were in Britian in '82! That's when I was there. From February to July. Funny!End Quote
Eeee ! I was there in April and May ! Wasn't the Falklands War a hoot ::) That aside I had a great time :D
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
We actually sat on Plymouth Dock watching the Navy paint all markings off the frigates in preparation. It was pretty exciting. Not for my parents as I was to discover on returning home.!
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
We actually sat on Plymouth Dock watching the Navy paint all markings off the frigates in preparation. It was pretty exciting. Not for my parents as I was to discover on returning home.!
End Quote
I feel like I'm in the one word thread... Why ?
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
Well I'm just getting into genealogy (have put it on hold since I've been too busy the last year or so), but even so I have some knowledge about this. Please forgive for my abbreviations of grandparents!
I'd say I'm "mostly German". My Dad is all German blood, his parents' families were Germans who migrated to WI. Gramma's family was here somewhat early, I think mid-1800s; my Grampa was born about a year after his parents came, ~1890. They are mostly Prussian/north German types as far as I know. Mecklenburg is a prominent recurrence in the family Bible.
My mom's a bit more mixed. Her dad is all German, I know 1 pair of his grandparents were here in MD around mid-1800s at least and his mother's family I think was some kind of barony that must have come here around late-1800s. (My mother remembers her great grandma - called her a "great lady w/class" but much disliked the daughter and always wondered how such a "cold witch" could come from a real lady.)
Mom's mom is a bit more of a mystery ethnicity-wise. Part of it is so-called "Alsace-Lorraine" and the family often tagged as "French", but in truth they were Germans of the Bavarian type just stuck in the area where Germany and France always trade off. Those people came here in MD around 1820. I know the names of my own ascendent's mother and grandfather, but don't know their ancestry although I assume it's English (could be German - both the name and the US location at that time could be clues). Just that they obviously were here at least around the RevWar. Other parts that came into that line are English for sure, who'd been around in Colonial times. Mom's maternal grandma is likely English in part, but must have a strain of Scots or Irish - I've seen info on the name but I haven't found her mother's parents at all so I can't figure where she came from. (I have photos of both my gramma's grammas.) There was word there is some Dutch in there but I think this is mistaken assumption about the Alsace-Lorraine name.
In a nutshell, it appears I'm mostly German w/a good mix of English (mostly early American). Big surprise!
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
Oooh! This thread is taylor-made for me, since I have been doing genealogy since 1974 -- long before a lot of you were born! (it's the only thing in the whole world I'm actually good at.. ::) )
End Quote
Zella, I just peeked at your website the other day! Didn't know before that that you got into this! I see you even got awards for your site? That's totally awesome, chicky babe! (Trying to keep up the Inthe80s tone there. 8)) I'll have to stick you on my faves and use your insights - when I have the time again! ::)
Subject: Re: What country do your ancestors come from ?
Zella, I just peeked at your website the other day! Didn't know before that that you got into this! I see you even got awards for your site? That's totally awesome, chicky babe! (Trying to keep up the Inthe80s tone there. 8)) I'll have to stick you on my faves and use your insights - when I have the time again! ::)
End Quote
Thanks! It's been a lot of hard work ('specially in the pre-computer days!) but loads of fun!