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Subject: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Please)
Hey adults, I'm sitting here finishing off my second Vodka Martini and I have to say that last olive sure tastes dang good! I've been real good about not imbibing in the spirits this past year but Mrs. Bannon came home with a bottle of Sky Vodka and some Chinese food so I'm sitting here typing on cloud 11 (two steps above cloud 9.) :D
I can say that alcohol is an effective drug and like all drugs different types effect differently. Here's my take.
Beer- Love it but only a socializing drink or to relax a bit. Don't drink it for the buzz cause get to dang full on it. Prefer the lager types over the heavy darks.
Vodka- Life is beautiful and only gets better with Vodka, puts me in a mellow mood and I can easily sleep after a couple of rounds.
Rum- Party alcohol, tastes good when mixed with sweet stuff. Like it but only drink when availble thru others. Good for the beginner. Does not apply to 151 proof (see below)
Whiskey, Scotch, Bourbon- Now the Pary starts! I can drink it and go, and go, and go. The body works much longer at it than the mind. I can function, perform, recite, seduce, orate, and french kiss a camel, all to it's fullest and not remeber a thing. The best (aka- the worst) part is hearing all about it the next day.
Tequila- I like Margaritas but never drank much of it to know-heard too many stories.
151 Rum- Here comes the dark side :o!- Said things to innocent people that can't be repeated here. Should have been beaten to a pulp. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME, better to do it at someone else's. ;)
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I tried something called a "Vulcan Mind Probe" once. It was half 151, half ouzo. Darn near knocked me out, and that was just the first shot. I'm glad my friend was driving, even though he had one too :)
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Just relaxing - Rolling Rock, my beer of choice
Partying - Rolling Rock, or Andes Candies (Peppermint Schnapps mixed with Chocolate milk). Also, Root Beer Schnapps mixed with root beer, and Apple Schnapps mixed with Apple Juice. Both of those, when mixed properly, do NOT taste alcoholic, and will flatten you in NO time. The occasional Marguerita. Other than those, I do not touch hard liquor at all anymore.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
My favorites:
Icehouse/Smirnof Ice/Mikes Hard Lemonade - My starting drinks, usually I'll have one or two just to kick off the night.
Rum and Coke - I consider this the "vanilla" of mixed drinks. Usually I will switch to this after about my second or third drink.
Alabama Slammer - A shot or a mixed drink depending on where you live. I am ussually pretty buzzed by the time I start on this. but I am not totally gone yet.
Goldshlogger/151/any other shot that sounds good - by this time I am highly wasted and am starting to black things out. fortunately, it has been over a year since I was this far gone.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I have to state that this was practiced only 3 times in 15 years and it had been at least 8 since I have experianced my last "dark side" A lesson learned, just took me three seperate times to learn it!
Someday I may confess the statements made, or at least statements that I was told I made. ;)
151 Rum- Here comes the dark side :o!- Said things to innocent people that can't be repeated here. Should have been beaten to a pulp. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME, better to do it at someone else's. ;)
End Quote
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
OH! You gave me a hangover just with the written description of your drinking :P
Just relaxing - Rolling Rock, my beer of choice
Partying - Rolling Rock, or Andes Candies (Peppermint Schnapps mixed with Chocolate milk). Also, Root Beer Schnapps mixed with root beer, and Apple Schnapps mixed with Apple Juice. Both of those, when mixed properly, do NOT taste alcoholic, and will flatten you in NO time. The occasional Marguerita. Other than those, I do not touch hard liquor at all anymore.
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Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Mikes Hard Lemonade is definitely a good starter for me. For social occasions, I enjoy cocktails the best. I think most are great, just nothing with mint please. :P
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Hey adults, I'm sitting here finishing off my second Vodka Martini and I have to say that last olive sure tastes dang good! End Quote
Vodka Martini's....that is how I ended up with my second tattoo ::)
But most times I stick to beer.....Miller Lite
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
...Andes Candies (Peppermint Schnapps mixed with Chocolate milk). End Quote
Goldie and I tried this.....talk about a drink!!! And a nite! :o
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I enjoy any of the following:
What's weird is that I absolutely hate beer, even though I will drink all that other stuff and the Tequiza, which is a mixture of beer and tequila. Go figure. ::)
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Goldie and I tried this.....talk about a drink!!! And a nite! :o
End Quote
I love those things.... Might not like my head the next day, but I love those drinks...
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
drink of choice:
White Zinfandel or blush wines
other likes:
Vodka Collins
on occasion:
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I'm not really much of a beer drinker, I don't care for the taste of most of them. I have found that I like some of the local micro-brews. Not the Sam Adams regular, which Boston is known for, but the really obscure, brewed-on-the-premises-with-what-we-find-in-the-kitchen stuff.
I recently had some Pumpkin Pie Spice (can't remember if it was a lager or an ale), and a Blueberry Ale at one of the local brew pubs.
Otherwise I tend to stick to the sweeter mixed drinks, rum & Coke, Kahluha & Cream, or White Russians.
If it's a sophisticated sort of event, I prefer the sweeter, "desert" wines.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I enjoy rum & coke, while she prefers vodka!
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I like Jack Daniels and Pepsi or Coke. If I plan on only having one then I will have a Long Island Iced Tea...ya know the equalizer?
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I don't drink.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I have many fond memories of Long Island Ice-Teas, but I guess what I like best is Hard Cider (WoodPecker being my favorite brand).
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
At home, lounging around, it's usually hard cider. When I'm out at a club, either beer or cocktails...I don't drink much wine.
The other night at my free dinner, I tried one of the cocktail specials called a Sayonara - it had light rum, apricot brandy, dark rum, orange & pineapple juices topped with 151 (Oh yeah, did I mention the rum?)...If I had drank more than a few of those I would've sayonara'd to sleep right there at the table...
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Favorite mixed drink: Tequilla Sunrise
Favorite Beers: St. Pauli Girl Dark and the new Michelob Ultra
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Draft beer is good, not that dark stuff though.
My favorite inexpensive chardonnay is J. Lohr.
I also like Irish whiskey.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I like good ol Jack Daniels
Irish wiskey
Magaritas-with salt (frozen)
Orange Stoli Cosmopolitans
Amsel light
miller light
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
For brands I go with with:
Beer- Kokanee and Molson Lagers for the home fridge. Those Canadians do it well.
Beer- Draft I go with Mac-N-Jack and Red Hook ESB (Extra Special Bitter) So many good microbrews out there. :D
Vodka- As mentioned before Sky is the one of choice but realy only need good (pricy) Vodka if going the Martini route. If going to mix then go with Smirnov or something cheaper.
Rum- Captain Jacks spice rum is tasty and strong. Throw it in some orange juice or coke and easy going down.
Whiskey/Bourbon- The good stuff should be sipped straight on the rocks or with a little water to take the edge off. My favorite is Makers Mark Kentucky Bourbon. Smooth and spicey. Don't ruin the flavor by putting anything with it.
Whskey/Liqueur- Yukon Jack. I'ts the lets go Crazy :o of straight shot whiskey, sweet and 100 proof can get a party started. Careful though, I learned the hard way no more than 4 shots within a 4 hour period.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Rum Coke is my favorite.drink it on occasions. -howard-
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Hey, its not just 21s! In England its 18 to drink - so I'm legal! I'm a bacardi and coke girl really, but I do like the occasional cocktail :)
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I'm not much of a drinker. I don't like beer or wine, so mostly if I am going to drink, I drink stuff like wine coolers, fuzzy navels, bartenders rootbeers..I don't like much of any alcohol if it tastes like alcohol.
Heck, after 2 wine coolers I'm feeling quite ditzy..what can I say? I'm a lightweight! :)
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Also Guava, Peach or Ice Vodka Cruisers.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Rum or whiskey and cola, Mike's Hard Lemonade, Mike Hard Iced Tea, Tequila Sunrise.
If I do buy alcoholic drinks at the store, I can't buy them on Sunday. Plus if the cashier is under 21, she has to have someone over 21 to scan the code. I mean, it's not like she's going to drink it at the store or something. I hate these Blue Laws. >:(
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
If I do buy alcoholic drinks at the store, I can't buy them on Sunday. Plus if the cashier is under 21, she has to have someone over 21 to scan the code. I mean, it's not like she's going to drink it at the store or something. I hate these Blue Laws. >:(
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We can't buy alcohol until Noon on Sundays...and we have to buy liquor at State regulated liquor stores. That took some getting used to after being able to buy liquor in a grocery store in other places I've lived.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
my favourite is wipe out. Wipe out is the aussie version of malibu and i love it with milk. My other favourites are guava, watermelon vodka cruisers
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
It's amazing when you travel around the differance in states on where, when, and how much the cost is for alcohol.
Here in WA state Beer and Wine in grocery stores until 2:00am and then again in the morn. State controlled Liquor strores for the harder stuff and they mostly close at 7:00pm, a few are open until 10, but very few. We are huge on vice tax here too so the stuff costs big $. If you go to California booze is everywhere and cheeper. New Mexico has the drive in liqor strores and costs abour a third to get toasted there as it does in my home state. Just dont try to hard in Utah, they make it real tough there, I waked around the airport for an hour before I found the one lone lounge. I ordered a shot and beer and they could only put one drink in front of me a time and the shot was a mechanically measured 3/4 of an ounce, no more.
We can't buy alcohol until Noon on Sundays...and we have to buy liquor at State regulated liquor stores. That took some getting used to after being able to buy liquor in a grocery store in other places I've lived.
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Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Beer has never been good to me. Never liked it. Rum and coke, or vodka mixed with soda or juice usually does it for me.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I drink just about everything, except the hard stuff (although I will have a shot every now and then if everyone else is doing it). In college, I used to love this beer called "Red Wolf". I do not think it is made anymore. As for the question of what do i drink now, it depends what I am eating. I love Sapporo beer any time I get good Japanese or Chinese food. I normally get some hot saki too. If I am eating a burger or mexican food, then it is MGD lite. I also like wine, red ones the best (except for Zinfendels; they are too peppery). Maybe I like drinking a bit too much ;D
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I drink beer, Wild Turkey and Bundaberg Rum. My other half prefers Johnny Walker or Chivas Regal.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Goldie and I tried this.....talk about a drink!!! And a nite! :o
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Yes it was a good night!! We never did try the apple juice and apple schnapps. I guess we can try that on this trip!
I don't like beer at all. I do like Smirnoff Ice and something new that I tried called Glacier Bay. It's a mix of fruit juices and vodka. I found that it doesn't take much of it to get a good buzz!
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I drink beer, Wild Turkey and Bundaberg Rum. My other half prefers Johnny Walker or Chivas Regal.
End Quote
I can't drink Bundy rum anymore.....I had a very bad experience on it....twice! It should be outlawed!!
I drink beer (MGD, Heineken and Sleeman's Cream Ale my faves) and JD straight up or with Coke...
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Just dont try to hard in Utah, they make it real tough there, I waked around the airport for an hour before I found the one lone lounge. I ordered a shot and beer and they could only put one drink in front of me a time and the shot was a mechanically measured 3/4 of an ounce, no more.
End Quote
Yeah, our liquor laws suck. You can only buy beer at stores. Anything else you have to go to a state run liquor store. There are alot of counties that you can't buy beer at all on Sunday. You can't go into a normal bar and get anything but beer. If you want a real drink you have to belong to a private club. You can't get a decent Long Island Iced Tea in this state.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
It is always a comfort to know that there are states more screwed up than mine. ;)
If I was a serious drinker I would have to make Vegas my home, it did well for the Nicholas Cage character in the movie.
Yeah, our liquor laws suck. You can only buy beer at stores. Anything else you have to go to a state run liquor store. There are alot of counties that you can't buy beer at all on Sunday. You can't go into a normal bar and get anything but beer. If you want a real drink you have to belong to a private club. You can't get a decent Long Island Iced Tea in this state.
End Quote
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Sparkling wine,white or Rose wine,Newcastle brown ale,bitter or the occassional alcopop.I never drink spirits after a dreadful time on vodka!
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Has anyone drank a Long Island Iced Tea? Man,that is steeeerong stuff!I had a headache after drinking.and this was after when I was off my medication for good. -howard-
And this was how I felt after drinking it :o :P
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I like Citronas. For beer-Sam Adams, Sierra Nevada, Bass and Harp. Bloody Mary for a mixed drink. And during Winter-hot chocolate with Peppermint Schnapps or a Hot Apple Pie (hot apple cider, a shot of Tuaca, whipped cream and caramel drizzled on top).
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I can't drink Bundy rum anymore.....I had a very bad experience on it....twice! It should be outlawed!!
End Quote
Don't you go picking on Bundy Rum - it's one of the best drinks around. You can't beat a Bundy and Coke.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Has anyone drank a Long Island Iced Tea? Man,that is steeeerong stuff!I had a headache after drinking.and this was after when I was off my medication for good. -howard-
And this was how I felt after drinking it :o :P
End Quote
I have had two different versions. In college we had one which was 90% hard alcohol with a splash of coke or some dark colored drink. Then there is the one in the bars in my home town where they give you one shot and the rest is a mix. And the one in college was cheaper.
The mixed drink I LOVE is bloody mary. It is nutritious will all the tomato juice, tastey with the tobasco and hot sauce, and crunchy with the pickly. I do not think it can be beat for a good breakfast.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I love Bloody Marys too. I once went on a quest for the best bloody marys in Queen Anne area of Seattle (walking distance)
found it too at the Mecca Cafe at the bottom of the hill. Stay away from Sorry Charlies accross the street, that place is scary. :P
Long Island Ice Tea should be strong with mostly booze and a splash of color, best one here is at Larry's down in Pioneer Square on 1st Ave.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Don't you go picking on Bundy Rum - it's one of the best drinks around. You can't beat a Bundy and Coke.
End Quote
LOL...well if you'd hurled as much I did...in my bosses shower (don't ask) then you would feel like I do...oh gawd that's a horrid memory...thankfully she found it hysterically funny...especially the part when I told her how I could dance circles around another cast member if given the chance! Hooooooooo boy........and the second time was also at her house....it wasn't as embarassing but I almost got a waitress sacked because of it....
Personally I'd drink Jack and Coke over pretty much anything and Coke...
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
What is Bundy rum, is it only sold in Canada? I've never seen it and as you can probaly tell from my other posts I've done a fair share of research on the subject. ;)
LOL...well if you'd hurled as much I did...in my bosses shower (don't ask) then you would feel like I do...oh gawd that's a horrid memory...thankfully she found it hysterically funny...especially the part when I told her how I could dance circles around another cast member if given the chance! Hooooooooo boy........and the second time was also at her house....it wasn't as embarassing but I almost got a waitress sacked because of it....
Personally I'd drink Jack and Coke over pretty much anything and Coke...
End Quote
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Bundy Rum is short for Bunderberg Rum - an Aussie product, not Canadian. And don't listen to Jonman (although his story does sound very interesting!) it is a very nice drop.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Thanks, I haven't seen it in my area but I'll keep my eyes open.
Bundy Rum is short for Bunderberg Rum - an Aussie product, not Canadian. And don't listen to Jonman (although his story does sound very interesting!) it is a very nice drop.
End Quote
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Bundy Rum is short for Bunderberg Rum - an Aussie product, not Canadian. And don't listen to Jonman (although his story does sound very interesting!) it is a very nice drop.
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Okay, I will agree that is a nice drink...in moderation...but beware of it's potency...it's VERY strong and will sneak up on you....one minute sober, the next chundering in the boss's shower...
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Sounds like a very interesting story to me Jonman :)
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Bundaberg Rum is made in Bundaberg (d'oh!) in Queensland, Australia. Even the underproof version is like rocket fuel. It's awesome, but it gets you VERY drunk.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I have had two different versions. In college we had one which was 90% hard alcohol with a splash of coke or some dark colored drink. Then there is the one in the bars in my home town where they give you one shot and the rest is a mix. And the one in college was cheaper.
The mixed drink I LOVE is bloody mary. It is nutritious will all the tomato juice, tastey with the tobasco and hot sauce, and crunchy with the pickly. I do not think it can be beat for a good breakfast.
End Quote
John,You have bloody marys for breakfast? You must be joking me.... :D Do you get drunk by any chance? -howard-
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I love Bloody Marys too.
End Quote
Oooooh! Yummy! Gosh, I haven't had one of those in I don't know how long! :(
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Bloody Marys are the worlds best Sunday morning Breakfast if you've had a few to much the night before. It is amazing how good it feels going down, it litterally pumps life and energy into the body. They can taste so good, especailly if they use something good to embellish like pickled asparagas or fresh celery.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Whatever I can get my hands on! Seriously though, Fat Tire or Guiness. Margaritas are good too.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Has anyone drank a Long Island Iced Tea? Man,that is steeeerong stuff!I had a headache after drinking.and this was after when I was off my medication for good. -howard-
And this was how I felt after drinking it :o :P
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Read my first post...those are my favorites. :)
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Im into a bit of bourbon mixed with coke/pepsi. Beer is always good... but as you say, only really good for socialising. Vodka or Rum is good for those serious nites! Yeah, im more of a spirits man myself ;D
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I mix everything with Pepsi to make it taste slightly less bad.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Waitaminutwaitaminut...you ain't 21, Bobo ;)
Of course the drinking age in UK is probably different too.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
We dont have a drinking age here in New Zealand!!! ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Well maybe we do, but its NEVER obeyed! ;D
New Zealand has the 2nd highest rate of underaged drinking in the world
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Funny you should ask. I believe by law that in Britain you're allowed to buy cider at 18, most other alcohol at 16, but you're allowed to drink at 14.
Waitaminutwaitaminut...you ain't 21, Bobo ;)
Of course the drinking age in UK is probably different too.
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Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Sometimes,I drink a Kahula and Cream.That stuff's good.
howard ;)
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I had a former girlfriend that made some home made kahlua, my god that stuff was so good. I would add some milk to it and it was like an adults only milk shake. It was a bit stronger than the commercial stuff. I do make up white russians too, vodka, kahlua and cream, very tasty and mellow buzz.
Sometimes,I drink a Kahula and Cream.That stuff's good.
howard ;)
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Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I had a former girlfriend that made some home made kahlua, my god that stuff was so good. I would add some milk to it and it was like an adults only milk shake. It was a bit stronger than the commercial stuff. I do make up white russians too, vodka, kahlua and cream, very tasty and mellow buzz.
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Homemade Kahlua? :o
How? Is it easy to do? Expensive, cheap, what?
Now you've got me interested.... ;D
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Sometimes,I drink a Kahula and Cream.That stuff's good.
howard ;)
End Quote
In some bars, said drink is known as a bl****b :D
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Funny you should ask. I believe by law that in Britain you're allowed to buy cider at 18, most other alcohol at 16, but you're allowed to drink at 14.
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Well in Australia there's actually no law against drinking or being in possession of alcohol underage. You have to be 18 to buy booze, or to be supplied with it, but you can drink it. The people who supply alcohol to underagers get the fine/prison, but you can't actually be charged with "underage drinking" - there's no such offence.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
Although I don't drink often, I love Kamikaze shots (triple sec, vodka and Rose's lime juice), and Fuzzy Navels(peach schnapps and orange juice) w/an everclear kicker for mixed drinks, and beer it is Busch Lite bottle only.
I used to drink Dr Peppers From Hell but that was more novelty, they really (to me) did not taste like Dr. Pepper. I think ppl drink Sex on the Beach just for the novelty of being able to stroll up to a bartender and say "Yes, I would like sex on the beach please". Maybe I am wrong about that but I never did like the taste of those drinks. ;)
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
I drank something called a "Vulcan Mind Probe" once...it was 151 and ouzo...knocked me down, it was so strong, I thought my head was going to explode.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
In some bars, said drink is known as a bl****b :D
End Quote
What's a bl****b ???
howard :)
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
It didn't seem to be to difficult, it has to age some time. You have to buy the bottles it goes into and the real vanilla was the pretty pricey. It was basically strong alcohol (the kind that's 180 proof or more that we have to buy at Indain Res's in this state) coffee, vanilla and the rest is a guess but could probably be found on the net.
And Hint for Howard - From a quote spoken by Marilyn Monroe "put your lips together and blow" Be sure to do a good "job" ;)
Homemade Kahlua? :o
How? Is it easy to do? Expensive, cheap, what?
Now you've got me interested.... ;D
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Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
My faves:
Spirit: Bacardi on the Rocks (we have a very intimate r/ship Ron and me!) *hic*
Shooters: C**k-sucking cowboys - Butterscotch schnapps and baileys...mmmmmmmm.
Beer: Crown / Corona / Neitchichko Pivo (Serb beer)
Wine: A fruity Chenin. The less dry the better.
Subject: Re: What drink do you inbibe in? (Over 21 Only Ple
It didn't seem to be to difficult, it has to age some time. You have to buy the bottles it goes into and the real vanilla was the pretty pricey. It was basically strong alcohol (the kind that's 180 proof or more that we have to buy at Indain Res's in this state) coffee, vanilla and the rest is a guess but could probably be found on the net.
And Hint for Howard - From a quote spoken by Marilyn Monroe "put your lips together and blow" Be sure to do a good "job" ;)
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Ok,Race,I got ya! don't have to explain.I had done to me once but that's another story. ;)
howard :)