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Subject: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opinion?
We have all gotten to know a little bit about these fairy-tale princesses.
Please choose one with most of your preferred features, characteristics, hair color, attitude, personality, looks, etc. :)
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
Personally, Mulan is my favorite. She had the nerve to go off to war. Yeah, she did it because otherwise her elderly father would have to go, and at his age it was unlikely he would survive. But how many other girls, raised without any knowledge of "men's work" would have the cojones to do it anyway? She loved her father enough to be willing to die for him. (Luckily, she didn't have to.)
And the best part is, I understand she was based on an actual historical person, instead of a fairy tale like the others. (Although, I may be wrong..)
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
A toss-up between Belle and Jasmine in terms of sheer hotness ;)
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
Personally, I was really into http://www.daydreamings.com/disney/small_ariel.gif. ;)
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
From the photos posted, Jasmine looks rather attractive. I can not believe I am raiting how hot a cartoon character is.
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
From the photos posted, Jasmine looks rather attractive. I can not believe I am raiting how hot a cartoon character is.
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Nuts, Isn't it! :D ;D ;) :)
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
Well, my favorite princesses are a tossup between Belle and Jasmine. I just like their independence and the fact that they speak their minds and don't play into that whole "oh, I'm just a gorgeous, helpless, little princess" like the earlier princesses (Cinderella and Snow White come to mind) and I probably like their appearance the best too (if only I could have their hair...but I digress! :-/) Ariel is pretty too.
Ever notice though, that when people talk about the "Disney Princesses", they include Esmeralda, Jane, Meg, and Mulan? Sure, they're big female characters--but I don't think any of them are actually princesses.. ::)
Okay...maybe Megara is kind of a princess..I mean, a God's sun did love her..although he became a human..a strong one, but just a man, not a prince, per say..
Gosh...I have too much time to think about Disney Princesses.... ::)
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
This is a good thread to talk about, but the pic links are all red X's! :o
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
I prefer Princess Barbie over Disney Princesses. At least Barbie is hip she has better clothes & get's to drive around in a pink JEEP with hottie Ken! :D
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
I prefer Princess Barbie over Disney Princesses. At least Barbie is hip she has better clothes & get's to drive around in a pink JEEP with hottie Ken! :D
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I thought Ken was gay?
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
"Belle" only because....(No Comment) :-X
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
I thought Ken was gay?
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Only if you pair him up with G.I. Joe ;)
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
My Ken doll was neutered. And he was always going after my sisters Michael Jackson doll. But, my brothers Mr T doll used to beat them both up.
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
All I see are red X's :(
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
My favorite is Belle. She was strong and independent. ALso, she fell for the nice guy and got the whole jackpot.
On a simlar note, I had a college professor that was obsessed with Disney and McDonald's. He said that they were evil and the women in Disney cartoons were just like the women of the era. His examples were Snow White. She was the house keeping woman of the 50's looking after her little men. Ariel was a valley girl, Belle was the snob woman feminest. Her first song in the movie is about how provential the people are and how she is better then that. He had some good points but I think he took it too far. Also, does anyone know if there was in any truth to the rumors about the graphics in "The Little Mermaid"?
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
I am a highschool student. As a highschool student, one hears rumors. One of those rumors is that Disney sticks certains sexual things in their cartoons. Someone told me that you could see people having sex in one of the clouds in Peter Pan. I thought it was total BS until I decided to find out for myself.
In the balcony scene in Aladin, if you turn up the volume all the way while Aladin is trying to impress Jasmin, you can hear Robin Williams say "Take off her shirt!" I checked it out and sure enough, he said "Take off her shirt".
Kinda ruins the all too cute world of Disney, don't it?
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
I'm gonna get yelled at for that one. :-[
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
In the balcony scene in Aladin, if you turn up the volume all the way while Aladin is trying to impress Jasmin, you can hear Robin Williams say "Take off her shirt!" I checked it out and sure enough, he said "Take off her shirt".
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Here's the story in detail:
Claim: In the film Aladdin, the hero whispers, "Good teenagers, take off your clothes."
Status: False.
Origins: This quip occurs during a scene in which Aladdin, in the guise of Prince Ali, flies up to Jasmine's balcony on his magic carpet to convince her that he is not just another self-absorbed, empty-headed prince. When Aladdin steps onto the balcony, Jasmine's tiger Rajah threatens him and backs him up against the railing. As Rajah growls, Aladdin tries to shoo him away with his turban and then supposedly whispers, "Good teenagers, take off your clothes."
What is actually going on with the soundtrack at this point in the film is difficult to determine. Disney claims that the script calls for Aladdin to say, "C'mon . . . good kitty. Take off and go," while the closed captioning has him uttering, "Good kitty. Take off." However, neither one of these phrases seems to match what is heard on the soundtrack. A close listening to the audio track reveals Aladdin speaking the words "C'mon . . . good kitty," and just as Aladdin says the word "kitty," a second voice begins to whisper, "Pssst . . . take off your clo . . ." Who this second voice is, and exactly what he says, is a mystery. There is no other character in the scene who could conceivably be speaking: the tiger doesn't talk, the voice is male (eliminating Jasmine), and both the genie and the rug are below the balcony and off-screen. Perhaps the overlapping voices are merely the product of bad editing, and some stray bit of chatter (or a piece of dialog that was supposed to have been clipped) was accidentally grafted onto the soundtrack. Whatever is being said, to the casual listener the resulting phrase can certainly sound like the "Good teenagers, take off your clothes," although the phrase is clearly the combination of two different voices speaking in two different tones. Once people have been told what they're "supposed" to be hearing, however, they find it difficult to maintain objectivity and therefore swear that Aladdin couldn't possibly be saying anything else.
The "take off your clothes" rumor started soon after Aladdin was released on home video in 1993. A garbled and whispered portion of dialogue that could barely be heard in the theater was being replayed over and over in millions of homes but was difficult to distinguish. Someone came up with a salacious phrase that sounded somewhat like the original portions of dialogue, and the power of suggestion took over. People began to hear what they were being told they should hear, much like Beatles fans eagerly sharing backwards-masked Paul is dead aural clues.
The Aladdin rumor spread by word of mouth during 1994 and was eventually printed in Movie Guide magazine, an Atlanta-based Christian entertainment review. Due in part to that article, the controversial phrase was brought to the attention of the American Life League, a religious organization which had been boycotting Disney films since the previous April as a protest over the movie Priest. The American Life League gave new prominence to the rumor in September 1995, when it claimed the phrase was yet another piece of evidence that Disney had been sneaking "sexual messages" into their animated films (the The Little Mermaid being the most notorious example) for the past several years.
For Additional Information And Soundbites, type "Take Off Your Clothes!" in their search at http://www.snopes.com/
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
All I see are red X's :(
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That is because this is one of the older topics and the site which so graciously allowed their pics to be linked closed. :-/
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
does anyone know if there was in any truth to the rumors about the graphics in "The Little Mermaid"?
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Claim: One of the castle spires on the cover of Disney's The Little Mermaid home video was deliberately drawn as a phallus by a disgruntled artist.
Status: False.
Origins: One of the castle spires in the background of the The Little Mermaid promotional artwork bears an unmistakable resemblance to a penis, so much so that many people are unwilling to dismiss the drawing as mere accident or coincidence. Rumors started circulating shortly after the release of the videocassette edition of The Little Mermaid that the phallic object had been deliberately drawn as a last act of defiance by a disgruntled Disney artist who was miffed at being notified that he would be laid off at the conclusion of the project. The plain truth is that the resemblance between the castle spire and a penis was purely accidental, and it was drawn by an artist who was neither disgruntled nor about to be dismissed.
First of all, the artist who created the video cover art did not work for Disney itself, thus he was neither "disgruntled with Disney" nor "about to be fired." We questioned the artist, who also drew artwork for Little Mermaid theatrical advertising, pop-ups, greeting cards, Happy Meal boxs, and CDs. The theatrical posters were done before the original release of the film, but the video cover art was not created until a few months before the home video version hit the market. Rushed to complete the video artwork (featuring towers that were rather phallic to begin with), the artist hurried through the background detail (at "about four in the morning") and inadvertently drew one spire that bore a rather close resemblance to a penis. The artist himself didn't notice the resemblance until a member of his youth church group heard about the controversy on talk radio and called him at his studio with the news. The later laserdisc release of the film was issued with a cover containing an altered version of the infamous spire. Contrary to common belief, the phallic-like spire did not make its first appearance with the cover to the home video version. The same background drawing of the castle, with the same spires, appeared in promotional material and posters that accompanied the film's original theatrical release. The video cover does differ slightly from the original version, but the castle shown in the background is the same in both versions. (Later versions of the laserdisc cover were altered to remove the offending spire.)
The alleged "phallic symbol" in The Little Mermaid's artwork went undetected by the general public for about a year while the film was in the theatrical release. Shortly after Entertainment Weekly ran a story about the offending artwork in mid-1990, the rumor became widespread when Michelle Couch of Mesa, Arizona, complained to Disney and a Phoenix supermarket chain (Bashas') about the phallus on the cover of The Little Mermaid. Bashas' pulled the videos from their shelves (but returned them less than 24 hours later), and the story of the "penis" cover was soon widely disseminated by the media.
For Additional Information And Pics type "The Palace with the Phallus" on their search at http://www.snopes.com
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
OMG I 've had this video for EVER and never saw this before. LOL I think it is funny. I would think, however, that as I was drawing that, four in the morning or not, I would have thought twice about it....just IMO ;)
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
What about the lion king one? That one's still questionable. Apparently when Simba flops down at the top of a cliff, a cloud of dust rises from the ground and forms the letters S-E-X.
They aren't sure about that one.
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
I must admit that I do love Disney films. I have many of them in my video library. I have watched them over and over again and NEVER ONCE did I see anything to suggest...well, you know. Sometimes I think that people have nothing better to do than look for things that aren't there. If it is obvious than that is one thing. But none of these things mentioned is obvious. I think it is just on people's mind and they see what they want to see.
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
I think it is just on people's mind and they see what they want to see.
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I'm sure that's it too. If you go out "cloud-gazing" hoping to see a cloud shaped like a cute little kitten, eventually you will see a cute little kitten.
One of my art teachers, when he was stumped for ideas, would have everyone grab a marker or crayon and make 20 or 30 dots on a piece of paper.
We would then trade papers, and we were supposed to study the dots and see what the arrangement suggested to us, then "fill in" the rest of the picture.
One girl liked unicorns so much she always "saw" a unicorn in the dot pattern. Even when one day, by consensus, everyone else in class purposely made our dots into a fish shape. Everone else obviously saw fish.
The unicorn girl wanted to see a unicorn, therefore, she made herself see one.
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
The Princess of "The Black Cauldron".
Subject: Re: Which Is The Top Disney Princess, In Your Opin
What about the lion king one? That one's still questionable. Apparently when Simba flops down at the top of a cliff, a cloud of dust rises from the ground and forms the letters S-E-X.
They aren't sure about that one.
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If you look very closely at this it actually forms the letters S F X for special effects. It's another Urban Legend dismissed on the Snopes page that Hairspray keeps posting about.