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Subject: Yo Mama's
And please feel free to add your own!!!!!!!!
Yo Mama's So Fat....when she dances she makes the band skip.
Yo Mama's So Fat....she puts mayonnaise on aspirin.
Yo Mama's So Fat....her cereal bowl came with a lifeguard.
Yo Mama's So Fat....when she goes to the zoo the elephants throw her peanuts.
Yo Mama's So Fat....her driver's license says" Picture continued on other side."
Yo Mama's So Fat....the back of her neck looks like a pack of hot dogs.
Yo Mama's So Fat....all the restaurants in town have signs that say "Maximum
occupancy: 240 Patrons OR Yo Mama".
Yo Mama's So Fat....when she ran away, they had to use all four sides of the milk carton.
Yo Mama's So Fat....when she gets in an elevator, it HAS to go down.
Yo Mama's So Fat....she was born with a silver shovel in her mouth.
Yo Mama's So Fat....she's got smaller fat women orbiting around her.
Yo Mama's So Fat....I had to take a train and two buses just to get on her good side.
Yo Mama's So Fat....her nickname is "DAAAMN!!"
Yo Mama's So Fat....she has to iron her pants on the driveway.
Yo Mama's So Fat....she's on BOTH sides of the family.
Yo Mama's So Fat....she could sell shade.
Yo Mama's So Fat....when she crosses the street, cars look out for her..
Yo Mama's So Fat....people jog around her for exercise.
Yo Mama's So Fat....her blood type is Ragu.
Yo Mama's So Fat....when she goes to a restaurant,she doesn't get a menu,she
gets an estimate.
Yo Mama's So Fat....if she got her shoes shined, she'd have to take his word for it!
Yo Mama's So Fat....she has to put her belt on with a boomerang.
Yo Mama's So Fat....when she turns around, people throw her a welcome back party.
Yo Mama's So Fat....she can't even jump to a conclusion.
Yo Mama's So Fat....she went to the movies and sat next to everyone.
Yo Mama's So Fat....her belly button doesn't have lint, it has sweaters.
Yo Mama's So Fat....she was walking down the street, I swerved to miss her, and ran out of petrol
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Too funny! Mean but funny. ;D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Too funny! Mean but funny. ;D
End Quote
Hi TripsMom,
I wasn't sure how well it would go down on the boards. It certainly isn't meant to be mean, although looking at it, I guess it is!! Still, I'm sure people will see the funny side!!!!!
Are you well??
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
I got some for ya, though...
Yo mama is so fat, she wore a Malcom X jacket with a big X on it, and a helicopter landed on her back!
Yo mama is so fat, when she went downtwon in her yellow dress, two men thought she was a cab and jumped in!
Yo mama is so fat, she uses a VCR for a beeper!
But hey...we have more than just fat...
Yo mama is so ugly, when she cries, the tears run down the back of her head 'cause they're scared to go down her face!
Yo mama is so old, she went to the antique store...and they kept her!
Yo mama is so old, when Moses split the red sea, she was on the other side fishing!
Yo mama is like a refrigerator, it's where everyone stores their meat!
Oh...I got a million of em!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
I got some for ya, though...
Yo mama is so fat, she wore a Malcom X jacket with a big X on it, and a helicopter landed on her back!
Yo mama is so fat, when she went downtwon in her yellow dress, two men thought she was a cab and jumped in!
Yo mama is so fat, she uses a VCR for a beeper!
But hey...we have more than just fat...
Yo mama is so ugly, when she cries, the tears run down the back of her head 'cause they're scared to go down her face!
Yo mama is so old, she went to the antique store...and they kept her!
Yo mama is so old, when Moses split the red sea, she was on the other side fishing!
Yo mama is like a refrigerator, it's where everyone stores their meat!
Oh...I got a million of em!
End Quote
Brilliant!! I can see the start of a lengthy thread here!!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
We could go scientific...
Yo mama is SOOOOO fat, smaller fat women orbit around her!
Yo mama is so fat and old, Columbus landed on her a** and claimed it for Spain. :) (or was it Portugal?)
Yo mama is so stupid she got locked in a grocery store and starved to death.
Yo mama is so stupid she got stabbed in a shootout.
I got more, but I think I've offended enough people ::)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
We could go scientific...
Yo mama is SOOOOO fat, smaller fat women orbit around her!
Yo mama is so fat and old, Columbus landed on her a** and claimed it for Spain. :) (or was it Portugal?)
Yo mama is so stupid she got locked in a grocery store and starved to death.
Yo mama is so stupid she got stabbed in a shootout.
I got more, but I think I've offended enough people ::)
End Quote
Hey RiceCube,
Enough people between the 3 of us already !!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Oh...it's on now
Yo mama is so nasty, she got fired from the sperm bank for drinking on the job!
Yo mama is so old, her breasts give powdered milk!
Yo mama is so fat, her high school yearbook photo is an aerial photo!
Yo mama is so stupid, she sat on the TV and watched the couch!
Yo mama is so ugly, her parents had to feed her with a slingshot!
Yo mama is so fat, her sex life is like an epiode of Star Trek!
The last man that tried it has boldy gone where no man has gone before- and we ain't seen him since!!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Oh...it's on now
Yo mama is so nasty, she got fired from the sperm bank for drinking on the job!
Yo mama is so old, her breasts give powdered milk!
Yo mama is so fat, if you wanna make love to her, you have to roll her in flour and look for the wet spot!
Yo mama is so fat, her high school yearbook photo is an aerial photo!
Yo mama is so stupid, she sat on the TV and watched the couch!
Yo mama is so dumb, I saw her in a phone booth with the reciever up her butt waiting on a bootie call!
Yo mama is so ugly, her parents had to feed her with a slingshot!
Yo mama is so fat, her sex life is like an epiode of Star Trek!
The last man that tried it has boldy gone where no man has gone before- and we ain't seen him since!!
End Quote
Oh, SNAP!!! oh NOOOOOOOOOO you din'nt!!! ;D
We would also have accepted "Yo mama is so fat, your pops has to slap her thigh and ride the wave in" ::)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Oh heck naw...you should'na done that...now I got's to get ya!
Yo mama is so stupid, it took her an hour to cook minute rice, and then it took her three hours to watch 60 minutes!
Yo mama is so dirty, the crabs and lice ride around on dune buggies!
Yo mama is so old, she owes Jesus a quarter!
Yo mama is such a ho, she is like Kwik-E-Mart off the Simpsons! Her legs are open 24/7, and she always says "Thank you! Come again!"
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
AW HAW HAW!!! bring it on ;D
um...man, I don't think I can allow myself to, actually...I'll just concede, my jokes are way too dirty for this board ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
AW HAW HAW!!! bring it on ;D
um...man, I don't think I can allow myself to, actually...I'll just concede, my jokes are way too damn dirty for this board ;)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
It's all your fault, you crazy Brit :) ;D
it's all good, I've had my fun
but when yo mama sits around the house, she sits AROUND the house ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
How you sound?!
Yo mama is so fat, her SHADOW weighs 142 pounds!
Bring it, RiceCube...if you scared, say you scared!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so hairy, she shaves with a weedwacker!
How you sound?!
Yo mama is so fat, her SHADOW weighs 142 pounds!
Bring it, RiceCube...if you scared, say you scared!
End Quote
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Oh hell naw!
Yo mama is so hairy, Robin Williams said DAMN!!!
Come on wit' it!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so hairy, she shaves with a weedwacker!
End Quote
This is fantastic!! More I say..More!!!!!!!!!1
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so hairy, she's the spokesperson for the Hair Club For Men (this might be too cerebral for a Yo Mama joke actually now that I think about it) :-/
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so fat, the doc had to perfom liposuction with a wet/dry vac- and the thing BROKE!
Yo mama is so fat, they built a McDonald's on her a**...why do you think they say "We're On It"?
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
aw no...AW no you din'nt! ;D
Yo mama so fat and hairy they use her bellybutton lint to insulate houses!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so fat, after sex, you father rolls over twice...and he's still on her!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Code red! Good taste integrity has been breached! :D
Yo mama so old and fat, she blocked out the sun and killed off all the dinosaurs!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
man, you sure know a lot about my mama ???
Yo mama so fat, she was floating around in the ocean and ten whales beached themselves on her :P
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Da-yum...I got to pull out the big guns now...
Yo mama is so dumb, she tried doggie style, but had to be admitted to the hospital after the dog bit her in the ass!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
and let's end my day with:
Yo mama is so fat, when she went to Japan, the natives ran away screaming, "HELP! GODZILLA!" :D
See you again on the battlefield ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
;D :o
That ain't right...you ain't right...
Let's get offa mamas 'cause, um...I just got offa yours...an it took me two days to do it, seeing as she's so FAT!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
AW, snap!!! ;D
See ya later man...assuming the moderators don't whup our butts ;)
;D :o
That ain't right...you ain't right...
Let's get offa mamas 'cause, um...I just got offa yours...an it took me two days to do it, seeing as she's so FAT!
End Quote
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Naw...they won't...we're just playin'. Yo mama is probably a really nice lady. ;D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so fat, her SHADOW weighs 142 pounds!
End Quote
Do I detect a touch of the Weird Al's here ;-)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Actually...Weird Al said only 42 lbs...and I believe there was a reference to heavy shadows made in 'Good Morning, Vietnam' in regards to Forrest Whittaker...take your pick.
But kudos to you for picking that up...not many would
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so fat, she sweats butter
Yo mama is so poor, she can't even pay attention
Yo mama is so stupid, she threw a rock at the ground and missed
Yo mama is so old, her birth certificate is in hieroglyphics
Yo mama so ugly, when she walks into a room the mice scream and jump on chairs
Yo mama's face so ugly, she could stop a sundial
Yo mama so old, I told her to act her age and she died
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Oh...what's this? A new challenger?!
Aight...it's on now...
Yo mama is so poor, she eats bbq on Monday and licks her fingers on Tuesday!
Yo mama is so fat, she stepped on a rainbow and made skittles!
Yo mama is like a stop sign, you can find her on the corner!
Yo mama is like a race car, she burns through four rubbers a day!
Yo mama is like a light switch, anybody can turn her on!
Come on, Kenny...let's see what you got!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
OK now. You guys have managed to work me to death modifying this one thread! >:( :o :P ::)
I'm being more than nice keeping it up.
No more "Bad Words".
Plllease, steer yourselves into the realms of better taste.
OK. I'm better now. :)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Aw, come on, Hairspray...we're just playin...I don't even know his mama...but I'm sure she's not all the things we said.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Aw, come on, Hairspray...we're just playin...I don't even know his mama...but I'm sure she's not all the things we said.
End Quote
I don't care about the jokes themselves for the most part. I'm not without a sense of humor. ;D It's the number of "vulgar" words I have to modify and the overly gross and disgusting. We don't want to make people sick. :P As far as anyone being offended.... No one yet, from what I can tell. ;) :)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
OK...we'll tone it down next time...but truly, have you ever heard a tasteful yo mama joke? That's like having low-fat Ben and Jerry's...it just doesn't work
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so fat she sweats Crisco <-- classic ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo Mama's So Fat....her blood type is Ragu.
End Quote
Prego, methinks, is more appropriate ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Darn it, Syncronos, I told you Hairspray was gonna get on us :) Thank goodness Hairspray has a good sense of humor! :D
I'll try to keep it real, werd!
With a twist: Yo mama so thin, she swallowed a pea and was nine months pregnant! ;D
OK...we'll tone it down next time...but truly, have you ever heard a tasteful yo mama joke? That's like having low-fat Ben and Jerry's...it just doesn't work
End Quote
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Oh...now you wanna start again? Aight...
Yo mama is so skinny, she can hoola hoop with a fruit loop
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo yo, Yo mama is SOOOOO fat, we're INSIDE HER right now ;D
For when Syncronos gets back: ;)
Yo mama is so fat, she did a cannonball and sunk twelve battleships ;D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Oh Hell naw... ;D :o ;D
Yo mama is so fat, her cholesterol level is higher than the national deficit
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so fat, her dress size is "Whale" :)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Actually...Weird Al said only 42 lbs...and I believe there was a reference to heavy shadows made in 'Good Morning, Vietnam' in regards to Forrest Whittaker...take your pick.
But kudos to you for picking that up...not many would
End Quote
Once I'd read "142 pounds", I wasn't sure whether Weird Al said "my shadow weighs one-forty-two pounds" - which actually scans better ;-)
I missed the GMV link... it was a long time ago last time I watched that one.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
You are very astute in your research, Philbo. Are you a college professor?
And Rice...bra...
Yo mama is so fat, that ain't the tide on the beach, it's yo mama sticking her foot in the water!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
oh ho HO, it's on now, bizaaaaaaaaaaaatch! ;D
Yo mama is so stupid, when she turns her head her one brain cell gets a concussion ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is sooo FAT, her butt takes up three different time zones!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so fat, each finger is in its own area code!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so fat, she uses 7-11 Big Gulps as shot glasses!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so fat, when she tried to swat at a fly, she leveled Kansas :)
with that...I take my leave of you for the moment...jolly good fun as always :)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
I await your return...and we'll keep mamas out of this, OK?
So your mother is out. When do you want me to bring the dog back?
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
I await your return...and we'll keep mamas out of this, OK?
So your mother is out. When do you want me to bring the dog back?
End Quote
It doesn't hurt...'tis but a flesh wound!
I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries! ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Turn thee, Benvolio, and look upon thy death...your mom was a foul ratcatcher of a Capulet
What the heck?! ???
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
'twas a Monty Python quote ;D
Do you bite your thumb at me?
Yo mama bites her thumb every time she needs to squirt some ketchup on her hot dog...oh excuse me, hot whale :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
I get it...never watched much Monty Python...in fact, I never watch TV because you mom's big BUTT blocks all the satellite reception in my area!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so stupid she sits on the TV and watches the couch :)
That might explain your bad reception ;D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so stupid, she sat on the TV and watched the couch!
End Quote
Ok, you lose points or something!!!
Yo mama is so nasty, she uses old socks for maxi pads, and had to be admitted to the hospital for toxic SOCK syndrome!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Damn!!! :D ;D ROFLMAO!!!
Yo...you got mad skillz
Yo mama is so fat, SHE is the reason the chinese and koreans put dogs and cats in the food! They can't grow the chickens fast enough to FEED her!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Gabble Ratchet, whathave you started!!?
Yo mama is so fat, I've gone ROYAL PENGUIN talking about her!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Congrats dude
Yo mama is so fat she uses a skyscraper as a scratching post...or somthing like that
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so old, when the Lord said let there be light, she hit the switch!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so fat she jumped into the air and got stuck! (Granted, I don't know how this one works...) ???
Yo mama so fat when her beeper goes off people think she's backing up!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so heavy, when she wears high heels, she strikes OIL!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo Mama shouldn't wear red...people would think she's the Kool Aid Man
Yo Mama is so ugly, she turned Medusa to stone! ;D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
People in the movie theater after your mom leaves: "I can see clearly now, yo' mama's gone"
Yo mama is so fat, she claims her thighs as dependants
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so fat, when she tap dances it registers a 9.3 on the Richter Scale :)
Yo mama so stupid, she goes to a gynecologist to fix her Volvo (also a redneck joke)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Ooooh...you ain't right...
Yo mama is so fat, she is down with OPP...Other People's Plates
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so nasty, her fleas have to wear hard hats
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so poor, when you ask her what's for dinner, she takes off her shoes and says CORN
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so nasty she uses her armpit hairs to floss
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
DA-YUM!!! That's GROSS!! So we goin' THERE now, are we?!
Yo mama is so nasty, she uses the double ply toilet paper twice before she throws it away!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Oh...you don't went there, ain't ya!? HAHAHA!!
Yo mama so fat, that's not the Grand Canyon, that's yo mama running down the ice cream truck across Arizona
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
^ made no sense :) but neither did < anyway ;D
Yo mama so thin, you can literally have her wrapped around your finger
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so nasty, she used secret, and it TOLD ON HER!
Oh...and the ice cream truck..see, it was driving really fast across Arizona, and yo mama was chasing it, but since she's so big, she wore out the earth with her footsteps, thus creating the Grand Canyon. You see? What would these be without exaggeration?
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so nasty, she used secret, and it TOLD ON HER!
Oh...and the ice cream truck..see, it was driving really fast across Arizona, and yo mama was chasing it, but since she's so big, she wore out the earth with her footsteps, thus creating the Grand Canyon. You see? What would these be without exaggeration?
End Quote
I dig :)
Yo mama so stupid she tripped over a cordless phone
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Hey...my mom actually did that once...almost crushed my sister...lol
Yo mama is so fat, her belt size is equator!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so fat, her pimples were classified as asteroids ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo' mama is so fat, her butt has chins
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
or to make it ethnic: yo mama so fat, she has more chins than a Hong Kong phone book
or to make it illicit: yo mama employs more hos than a Hong Kong phone book :)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama's like a woman with a gambling problem: put her on a table, and she'll play with your dice!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is like a casino then...liquor up front and poker in the back ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
These are gettin' dangerous...
Yo mama is like the national deficit: we can't figure out how she got so big, but we can't get rid of her either!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so fat she doesn't take AMTRAK, she takes FORKLIFT :)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is dyslexic...the sign says "All you Can Eat" she thought it said "You Can Eat All"
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
hehehe...you're going to hell for that one :)
Yo mama is so dumb she voted for Buchanan instead of Gore :)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Oh...the secret service is gonna kick your butt for that one
What do yo mama and President bush's crack stash have in common?
You know that it exists, but you can't find it for nothing!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so ugly even her tapeworm has to wear a blindfold :)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Oh...YOU going to hell for that one
Yo mama is so fat, when she sits in the ocean, it's like an Eminem song: "It would be so empty without me!"
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
When yo mama got into the ocean, ten thousand mountain goats instantly drowned ;)
(read: she is so fat she made the ocean levels rise up...)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so stupid when she tried to play tonsil hockey she choked on a puck :P
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so ugly, people say the ugly tree hit HER
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so ugly, when she was born, the doctor slapped your grandmama!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Just for kicks...
Yo mama so old and fat...and you wonder how the dodo became extinct ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so fat, I tried to give her a kiss on the cheek and got lost in her cleavage
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so fat, she uses SUVs for rollerskates!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama's lips are so big, Chapstick had to make a spray!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Victoria's Secret now comes in three sizes...small, large, and Yo Mama :D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Because of yo mama, hefty hefty cinch sack came out with a fashion line
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so fat, she uses a circus tent as a hairnet! ;D
gotta log on still
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so stupid, she thinks a quarterback is a refund
that should start us off anew
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so stupid, she keeps looking for deer every time Homer Simpson says 'D'oh!'
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so stupid, when you listen through her ears you hear the ocean
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Ha! Yo mama is such a ho, you know how she turns the light on after she has sex?
She opens the car door
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
That's a blonde joke and you know it ;)
Yo mama is so bald, small planes use her dome as a homing beacon :)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
So what?
Yo mama is so fat, they charge her an HOURLY RATE at the all you can eat buffet!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Well YO mama is so stupid she has to climb a chain link fence to see what's on the other side!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
That's aint nothin', 'cause YO mama is so stupid, she had to have a peephole installed in her screen door!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so nasty, her blood gave Dracula hives!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Uh uh...YO mama is so nasty, she made Dracula some hot tea using...a dirty (nah...that's TOO nasty, Hairspray will have me killed if I post that) as a tea bag!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so nasty, she uses her pantyhose to filter coffee!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Well, yo mama is so broke, she actually WEARS them afterwards!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so stupid she drowned in a shot glass!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Dude, where you at?
Yo mama so ugly, she went into a house of horrors and came out with a new job!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Don't even start...
Yo mama is so ugly, when you took her into the pet store, they made you pay to take her back out!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
oh ho ho, but YO mama was so ugly, they paid YOU to take her back out!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yeah...and your DADDY owned the pet shop, too!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yes, he labeled her "beached whale" :)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Oh heck naw...
Yo mama is so stupid, I saw her walking down the street one day with her breast hanging out of her shirt. I told her," Hey, your breast is hanging out of your shirt."
She said, "Oh sh*t! I left the baby on the bus!"
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so fat, Sir Mixalot had to swear off big butts forever ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so fat, Richard Simmons ran and hid in the closet- and he ain't come back out since!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so fat and old, when God said "Let there be light" he had to shove her big fat @$$ out of the way
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Oooh...you're gonna burn for that one!
Yo mama is so fat, her cholesterol level is higher that China's population! Ha ha HA!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
speaking of burning ;)
Yo mama is so fat, the Devil had to put up a second mortgage to expand hell ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Ooooh...you might as well set a reservation...they're making up your room in HELL right now for that one! lol
Yo mama is SO fat, she loses stuff in the folds of her FAT like people lose stuff in their couch!! If we shake her out, we'll find old cheetos, loose change, the remote control...even the COUCH!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so stupid, she owes the bank IQ points :)
and with that I take my leave of you for a bit...
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Hey Gabble Ratchet! You like what you see?!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Hey Gabble Ratchet! You like what you see?!
End Quote
I'm gonna have to start pulling these out of my butt soon, all the good ones have been used
Alright, here we go...
Yo mama so fat, they invented diabetes II, III and IV just for her! (courtesy of Watt Daddy) ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
I've been pulling these outta my butt since two days ago...
Yo mama is so stupid, I told her it was chilly outside, she went and got a spoon!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
as long as we're dealing with food and "sex" ;)
Yo mama so fat, after the deed she smokes a turkey ;D (also courtesy of Watt Daddy)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so fat, it don't say 'Wide Load' on her butt, it says 'Get the hell outa the way before you get SQUASHED!' - and then it says WIDE LOAD on the OTHER cheek!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so fat, it don't say 'Wide Load' on her butt, it says 'Get the hell outa the way before you get SQUASHED!' - and then it says WIDE LOAD on the OTHER cheek!
End Quote
Dude, yo mama has asymmetric buttcheeks? ???
Just playing
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
>:( Them's fightin' words!
Just playin'!
I'm runnin' out...how about you?
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
>:( Them's fightin' words!
Just playin'!
I'm runnin' out...how about you?
End Quote
I'm pretty much done...I remember once when Watt and I haikued on AIM for like 3 days straight :)
speaking of which, my last one:
yo mama is so nasty she made Sure quite confused, SpeedStick slow down, and her Right Guard turned left (courtesy of Watt Daddy)
I'm done, they can lock this thread up now ;) unless you got more
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
I got just one...
Yo mama got Bubba GUmp fat: her cheeks fat, her neck's fat, her face is fat, she's got fat arms, fat legs, fat thighs...
Dang...we went around for a few days. You got mad skills...but who won?
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Dang...we went around for a few days. You got mad skills...but who won?
End Quote
I don't think it matters :) Nobody else seemed to care much about this thread anyway
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
I don't think that's true. THis thread's been read almost 600 times...and it ALL wasn't just us...
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Posted at the request of Rice Cube:
Yo mama's armpits are so hairy, it looks like she has Don King in a headlock!
Yo mama's so fat that when she sat on a dollar, she squeezed boogers out of George Washington's nose!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Posted at the request of Rice Cube:
Yo mama's armpits are so hairy, it looks like she has Don King in a headlock!
Yo mama's so fat that when she sat on a dollar, she squeezed boogers out of George Washington's nose!
End Quote
OOOOH, snap! Oh-HOO-HOO-HOO snap! ;D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Quoting:squeezed boogers out of George Washington's nose!End Quote
Grrrrooooossss.... :P
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama's so fat, the cardiologist had to hire an archaeologist to help perform the quintuple bypass surgery :P
Yo mama's so fat, she needs a spelunking crew to provide dental care ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Oh...we starting it up again...
Yo mama is SO stank, all the flies in her house chipped in and bought her some Glade plug ins!
Watch your language. 8)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Oh...we starting it up again...
Yo mama is SO stank, all the flies in her house chipped in and bought her some Glade plug ins! End Quote
Now you know what Hairspray said about language ;)
I'm guessing yo mama was in CA this weekend, because we've been having a bout of miniquakes
Thanks, btw. :) P.S. How come you're not a member yet?
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
OK...Yo mama is so stank, when she farts, the people on the screen get dizzy! See? She just farted again! Look!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so gassy when she lit her farts Chicago burned down again ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama is so nasty, when she goes to get her food stamps, all the rats and roaches go with her!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Yo mama so stupid she thought the story of the Pied Piper was about some guy who got the munchies after toking it up ;)
nice gifs
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
What does this gif of Spiderman here and yo mama's head have in common?
They both never stop moving up and down
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
What does this gif of Spiderman here and yo mama's head have in common?
They both never stop moving up and down
End Quote
You just HAD to bring Spider-Man into this, didn't you?
Yo mama so fat she makes the Blob (Marvel, that is) look like a female gymnast ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Ha...what does yo mama and a jar of peanut butter have in common?
Anybody can take her top off, and she spreads for bread!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
AAAH!!! Acid rain! Brown hail!!!
Oh wait, that's just yo mama relieving herself
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Really? I thought it was yo mama's cooking
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
no, I think she's definitely relieving herself. See? there's corn in the chunks...WHOLE STALKS of corn
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Man, are you blind? All that CORN is growin' on YO MAMA'S FEET!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
No, I'm sure that's where your mama grows her mushrooms ;)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Mushrooms? Has she been hittin' them 'shrooms that grow in the backyard again?
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
I think it's because yo papa hasn't been taking his viagra lately (OOOOH SNAP!)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
I can't wait until this thread hit 20 pages. :P ::)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Only thing is, he thought it was NIAGRA, and the darn fool threw himself over a waterfall trying to get it up!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Well, yo papa watched it while sitting on his easy chair...or should I say, his strangely malleable butt in the shape of an easy chair, with matching cup holders ;D
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
OK...you lost me
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Why haven't I contributed to this thread?
Because I haven't found any…until now!
Yo momma breath so bad when she yawns her teeth duck.
Yo momma lips so big, Chap Stick had to invent a spray.
Yo momma teeth are so rotten, when she smiles they look like dice.
Yo momma mouth so big, she speaks in surround sound.
Yo momma hair so nappy she has to take Tylenol just to comb it.
Yo momma so clumsy she got tangled up in a cordless phone.
Yo momma so wrinkled, she has to screw her hat on.
Yo momma twice the man you are.
Yo momma cross-eyed and watches TV in stereo.
Yo momma is missing a finger and can't count past 9.
Yo momma arms are so short, she has to tilt her head to scratch her ear.
Yo momma middle name is Rambo.
Yo momma in a wheelchair and says, "You ain't gonna push me 'round no more."
Yo momma so grouchy, the McDonalds she works in doesn't even serve Happy Meals.
Yo momma is in a wheelchair screaming "I AIN'T STANDING FOR THIS"
Yo momma threw a frizbee three weeks ago that hasn't landed yet.
Yo momma so bald you can see what's on her mind
Yo momma so bald that she took a shower and got brain-washed.
Yo momma's glasses are so thick that when she looks on a map she can see people waving.
Yo momma's glasses are so thick she can see into the future.
Yo momma has one leg and a bicycle.
Yo momma has one hand and a Clapper.
Yo momma has a wooden afro with an "X" carved in the back.
Yo momma has green hair and thinks she's a tree.
Yo momma has one ear and has to take off her hat to hear what you're saying.
Yo momma has 10 fingers--all on the same hand.
Yo momma has a glass eye with a fish in it.
Yo momma has a short leg and walks in circles.
Yo momma has a short arm and can't applaude.
Yo momma has no ears.... I seen her trying on sunglasses...
Yo momma house so small she has to go outside to eat a large pizza.
Yo momma house so small you have to go outside to change your mind.
Yo momma house so dirty she has to wipe her feet before she goes outside.
Yo momma head so small she use a tea-bag as a pillow.
Yo momma head so small that she got her ear pierced and died.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
I didn't read every post in this thread so these might be repeats but I have a few too:
Yo mama's so nasty, she only changes her drawers once every 10000 miles.
Yo mama's so nasty, she pours salt water in her drawers to keep the crabs alive.
Yo mama's so nasty, she puts ice down her drawers to keep the crabs fresh.
Yo mama's so nasty, she went swimming and made the Dead Sea.
Yo mama's so nasty, she went to a hair salon and told the stylist to cut her hair, then she opened up her blouse!!
Yo mama's so nasty, she has more crabs then Red Lobster.
Yo mama's so nasty, she made Right Guard turn left.
Yo mama's so nasty, she made Speed Stick slow down.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
I can't wait until this thread hit 20 pages. :P ::)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Just for the record, I had nothing to do with this thread's revival...I actually hadn't planned on bringing it back until Mother's Day, but others had different plans 8)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Just for the record, I had nothing to do with this thread's revival...I actually hadn't planned on bringing it back until Mother's Day, but others had different plans 8)
End Quote
I have a sense of humor and all, but Mother's Day is a day to thank, respect and love all mommy's out there, even the Yo Mamas.
If this thread is still around or another made during that day, I will lock it up faster than you can say the word "padlock". ;D
Of course, I'll un-lock it the day after and you can "You Mama" all you want as long as it's not too, too gross and falls within the Forum Guidelines. ;)
I hope it doesn't get any worse than it already is. I want to laugh, not puke. :P
Carry on then. :)
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Actually, I revived it, because I wanted to contribute to it, but couldn't find anything until now. I have a favorite humor site I go to and I finally found some on that site.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
OK, just to even out the score howz about some YO! Daddy jokes?
Yo father's so ugly, he couldn't get laid in a monkey whore house with a bag of bannanas.
Yo father's so ugly, his own hand turns him down.
Yo father's so ugly, that's not a receding hair line, that's his hair running away from his face.
Yo father's so stupid, he brought his fishing rod to Sea World.
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
I have a heart of gold for my mom, but since this is sooo funny - - - I couldnt resist.
Yo Mama's so fat, she thought that the sun was a football!
Yo mama's so fat, her mama had to have a crane to pull Yo mama out!
Yo mama's so stupid, she sat on her chinese dinner and ate her couch!
Yo mama's so fat, yo father had to buy a crane to move her out of the road and the crane fork broke!!
Subject: Re: Yo Mama's
Rice - you wanted me to find this....so here it is ::)