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Subject: Odd figures of speech
I was reading through some older threads earlier and I came across a figure of speech that I used to use all the time.
"She/he dropped her teeth". It means the person was really, really suprised. Another one on the same idea is "knocked my socks off".
What are some figures of speech you used to use, that seem bizzare these days? And what do they mean? :D
Subject: Re: Odd figures of speech
Mum used to say "Keep your eyes peeled" when she wanted us to look for something...
As a young boy I always had these visions of someone slicing at my eyeballs with the Potato Peeler..... >:(
Subject: Re: Odd figures of speech
"Love the hair! Hope you win!"
I always say that when either I'm leaving or someone else is leaving....I have no idea what it means....I got it from a friend who's boss used to say it everyday when they left the office...for some reason I picked up on it and use it all the time still!!
Subject: Re: Odd figures of speech
I like to use "took off like a cut cat"
I think my dad used it once and it stuck with me, easy to figure out the origin, what moves faster than a startled cat?
Subject: Re: Odd figures of speech
"swept me off my feet"
"going round in circles"
"you eat like a pig"
"beat the clock"
"you talk like a parrot".
That's what some things my mother used to say to me.
Subject: Re: Odd figures of speech
I started saying "You lie like a throw rug" a few years back, and it stuck with me, so try not to fib around me ;)
Subject: Re: Odd figures of speech
"Like ducks on a june bug" got me.
"It's like the pot calling the kettle black", which would send me back to the mental ward in no time.
Subject: Re: Odd figures of speech
I have a group of sayings.....which people loving refer to as Christy-ism's......a couple being
A Pair and a Spare (loaned to Jonman)
Later Days
and a few more that I cannot say here!!! ;)
Subject: Re: Odd figures of speech
Of course my mother invented the following tribe:
banshee Indian
She also mentioned someone named Luke McGlook. As in, "You look like Luke McGlook."
Subject: Re: Odd figures of speech
My Mother used to say to me:
"You have dust bunnies under there".She was referring to just a lot of dust". ;D -howard-
Subject: Re: Odd figures of speech
I like all the ones refering to people who aren't so clever ie. 'one sandwich short of a picnic','the lights are on but noone is home' my favorite is 'he's not the brightest button in the tin'.
Subject: Re: Odd figures of speech
I like all the ones refering to people who aren't so clever ie. 'one sandwich short of a picnic','the lights are on but noone is home' my favorite is 'he's not the brightest button in the tin'.
End Quote
You mean, Gis, like :
Not the sharpest tool in the shed
A few wheat bags short of a silo
or a particular Aussie favourite of mine
"He's got a few Kangaroos loose in the top paddock"
Subject: Re: Odd figures of speech
I like all the ones refering to people who aren't so clever ie. 'one sandwich short of a picnic','the lights are on but noone is home' my favorite is 'he's not the brightest button in the tin'.
End Quote
There's a lot like that...
"Eight cents short of a dime"
"Not playing with a full deck"
--and my seasonal favorite--
"He's not the brightest bulb on the string"
You can also refer to someone who is really tired as "running on fumes" This refers to when the guage on the car tells you your gas tank is empty, but the car will still move (hopefully till you can get to that gas station on the corner.....)
Subject: Re: Odd figures of speech
My Mother used to say to me:
"You have dust bunnies under there".She was referring to just a lot of dust". ;D -howard-
End Quote
I guess cuz when they're big, they can look like cute fuzzy bunnies.
A co-worker in my previous job (which was in an old neglected building w/no rugs - vacuuming was a miracle) took 1 of these big dust balls, put a little wire-tie around 1 end, and put that end over an up-ended Coke cap. So on the floor between our desks we had a pet Dust Bunny. :D
Subject: Re: Odd figures of speech
Mine is from the Green Mile:
I think the cheese has slid off of his cracker
Subject: Re: Odd figures of speech
I guess cuz when they're big, they can look like cute fuzzy bunnies.
A co-worker in my previous job (which was in an old neglected building w/no rugs - vacuuming was a miracle) took 1 of these big dust balls, put a little wire-tie around 1 end, and put that end over an up-ended Coke cap. So on the floor between our desks we had a pet Dust Bunny. :D
End Quote
ewww... ;D you must be kiddin' Rebel? yuch! making bunnies out of dust.PU.-howard-
Subject: Re: Odd figures of speech
I just used one today(phrase not dust bunny that is.)"I haven't done that in donkeys years" Why donkeys years??
Subject: Re: Odd figures of speech
Or when my Mother says to me when I'm eating"Do I have to hear horse sounds when you chew your food"? :D -howard-